1932 - Aug 5 - Oct 30


Aug 5 - Oct 30

August 5, 1932

[There is a handwritten note at the bottom of the left sheet:  " We were invited to have lunch with Sir Oliver Lodge at his home at (Nomants Lakes?), but he fell ill and to our great disappointment the engagement could not be filled.  His letters mislaid.  

[Please N.B.: The sitting with Mrs. Singleton may have taken place on July 7, 1932; August 7, 1932 or September 7, 1932.  All three dates appear in various places. - W. D. F.]

August 7, 1932                

Sitting  with Mrs. Singleton - England.

Séance held at 102  Vineyardhill Road, Wimbledon.  London.

Commencement timed for 6:30 p.m., but took place at about 7:15 p.m..

Present: medium Mrs. Singleton, cooperator (manager) Mr. Kirby and Miss Ermin.
Sitters: Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. R. Sproull.
Machines: before the start were shown a communigraph and reflectograph.

While waiting on Mrs. Sproull arriving, I gave the medium and Miss E. a different account of the main incident at the Myers sitting compared to that which they had seen in the Psychic News, 

Both were much relieved and thereby more favorably disposed to Dr. T. G. H. as a result.  They had thought from the Myers article he was a hard skeptical scientist.  Having joined the others upstairs in the séance room after this chat, I heard Mrs. Singleton tell us, as the bracelets were fitted to her wrists, that when a séance was not held to time she was fidgety till it started.

Lighting:  Normal before séance; a brilliant white light, turned off at start, leaving a sub-normal red light on, but fixed at the inside of the left side of the fireplace, giving no direct light to the room, yet sufficient to decipher heavy writing in my notebook; after séance white light covered with red shade gave clear red light.

7:15 p.m.        Medium to cabinet.

7:25 p.m.        The white light was turned out leaving the dull red glow.

7:30 p.m.        T. G. H. leaned forward and mentioned he saw the red coming forward and changing in shape to broadening and bigger end from a stump an imperfectly formed hand.

From this point T. G. H.'s words were:

"You can see four fingers very nicely formed - now there is a thumb - it's a right hand ... 

7:33 p.m.        It went back into the cabinet to move the wrist - wrist movement - very good - it is dematerializing - drooping like a flower - leaving a stem ...

7:38 p.m.        (Kirkby says it has been photoed from a blob upwards) 

7:40 p.m.        A left hand now - (T. G. H. asks it to bend or curve) - there they are - very good, excellent - now building two hands - both hands are side-by-side ...

7:40.5  p.m.   Very perfect to the wrist - wrists and fingers abnormal movements ... 

7:41.5  p.m.   Salutes badge (which was on the outside of the front of the cabinet at the top) - hand goes below - a wonderful right hand ...

7:41.75  p.m.

7:42 p.m.        Kirkby starts noting that screen is being tried ... K notes each letter as called to him from the screen by Miss Ermin ... words:
7:46 p.m.        "ambitious"

7:50 p.m.        "absolutely" and "Batten is here"

7:55 p.m.        "Batten finished"

8:01 p.m. to 8:07 p.m. (another communicator)

(above notes by Sproull)

A red Indian, described by Caranuta, the medium's control, came to T. G. H. and referred to a symbolical forest through which none could yet see, but that he was clearing a path for  T. G. H. step-by-step, making the path firmer underneath, and treading it himself first for T. G. H. ... he claimed to be a guide to T. G. H. ... a guide in the things that  T. G. H. does ... he showed himself with arms raised to the great light ...   [Is this Black Hawk?]

Caranuta referred to another spirit there ... not too tall ... built ... face full of mischief ... he has got to give  T. G. H. a big surprise ... refers to a journey ... he may be the man called Walter.

Of another, Caranuta said ... she is a little lady, not too tall ... broader ... very close to you (I  think he meant Mrs. Hamilton) ... a big love for you ... comes to you when you are worried ... puts her fingers on your brow, and you feel them ... [T. G. H.'s mother.]

Now there is a tall big gentleman ... very big shoulders ... named John ... would like to give you a big handshake ... come to stay with you ... [John King]

Big band of very good spirits.

[Notes by Sproull - a London lawyer.]

[I also watched these lovely, snow white hands form and disappear and reappear at frequent intervals.  I bent forward and watched them  closely.  They moved with a curious flowing motion, unlike anything I have ever seen in normal hands.  Unquestionably supernormal. -  L. H.]

[Please N.B.: The sitting with Mrs. Singleton may have taken place on July 7, 1932; August 7, 1932 or September 7, 1932.  All three dates appear at various places.]

September 7, 1932.  (This probably goes with the above description of the sitting with Mrs. Singleton.)

Séance  with Mrs.  Singleton, London

Reference to Doyle teleplasm obtained in Winnipeg on June 27, 1932.

Present:  T. G. H.; L. H.; Mr. Sproull; members of Mrs. Singleton's group.
Medium in trance in the cabinet. Examined by T. G. H..  He found her in the trance and securely fastened by cords around her waist. 

Presently, in good red light, a white cloud formed in front of the medium.  This could readily be seen as the curtains were parted sufficiently for us to see the lower part of the medium's body quite clearly.  

To our amazement, out of this cloud came a hand; T. G. H. asked this hand to function - to move, to close his fingers, etc.  It obeyed his request.  It was pure white and had more or less cloudy outlines at times.  

It disappeared, and two hands came.  They also showed that they had joints and that they could perform all the movements of normal hands.  Then, with great swiftness, the left hand disappeared; and the right-hand, with a sort of peculiar flowing motion hard to describe, began to depress certain letters on the Reflectograph placed immediately in front of the opening in the cabinet.  

These keys indicated illuminated letters on a board directly in front of us on the wall.  The letters so indicated were recorded by both Mr. and Mrs. Sproull.  

First, came greetings alleged to be from my mother; then messages from "Batten", which we took to be a nickname for Walter.  Finally the following extremely important communication signed, "Doyle."
"Well, friends, this is another experience to add to your book of memoirs!  There are so many steps still to climb before we reach the summit of our ambition.  Perseverance wins!  Doyle".

T. G. H.: "Shall we go ahead with the publication? ( Referring to the articles asked for by the DAILY SKETCH.)

Answer: "Decidedly!  Fine results will accrue.  Stalwarts are scarce.  Carry on!  A. C. D.".

T. G. H.: "Can you, in a few words, suggest a title for the photograph? (Referring to the second Doyle face in teleplasm, with the symbolic representation of Death and the attitude of humanity towards Death.)

Answer: "Light is dawning!"

Lecture at British College - 15 Queen's Gate - By invitation.  About 100 present - all experienced researchers - among them David Gow (a very able, cultured man) former Editor of  LIGHT, Stanley De Brath, Miss Estelle Stead, daughter of  W. T. Stead - Mr. Hereward McKenzie(?) - and other well-known leaders in the Spiritualist movement in England.

The second Doyle likeness shown for the first time.  When it flashed on the screen a gasp of joy went up from the audience who (several words missing) !  Doyle still carried (word missing)!   Mr. David Gow came to me afterward and wrung my hand, tears rolling down his cheeks; his chief still lived and had demonstrated his existence. 

T.G. and all in evening dress.  Reception afterwards.

August 10, 1932

[Letter from Lady Conan Doyle to Mrs. Glen Hamilton:

"... I would be so delighted if you and Dr. Glen Hamilton would come to lunch here on Thursday, 25th.

"... I do not know whether you are motoring down.  If so, you come via Basingstoke, Winchester and Romsey, and it is about 80 miles.

"... If you come by train, there is one which leaves Waterloo at 9:30 arriving at Southampton West 11:32 am where a car will meet.

"... That may be too early a start for you, so if you prefer it, it would be equally convenient for me if you came by the next train, which leaves Waterloo at 11:30am, arriving Southampton West at 1:20pm.

"... With kindness to you both, and hoping to have the pleasure of seeing you."

August 19, 1932

[Letter from Dr. Franz Haslinger - handwritten in English - having health problems - quite a long letter.]

August 19, 1932

[Taken from Two Worlds magazine]

Canadian doctor's experiences

The Winnipeg experiments

By Horace Leaf, F. R. G. S.

Dr. T. Glenn Hamilton, of Winnipeg, Canada, delivered an important lecture on the "Mary M. teleplasm's," before a select audience at the British College of psychic science, on July 30.  His remarks were illustrated by an engrossingly interesting series of lantern views, showing the progressive development of the doctor's experiments with various mediums in his own home.

The investigations have been carefully pursued for about fifteen years, the earlier years being devoted mainly to mental mediumship, the last six or seven chiefly to telekinesis and materializations.  The results of the latter must be ranked among the best work done in this field of research.

The lecture was made the occasion for welcoming  Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton to England for the first time. During their visit Dr. Hamilton will be engaged in important medical work, but part of this time will be devoted to lecturing upon his researches in mediumistic phenomena.

Mrs. Champion de Crespigny, president of the B. C .P. S., called upon Mrs. Barbara McKenzie, late honorable secretary of the College, to introduce  Dr. Hamilton, owing to her intimate acquaintance with his work.

Mrs. McKenzie pointed out that medical doctors made most excellent investigators of mediumship, mentioning among others,  Drs. Charles Richet, Richardson, Gustave Geley, and T. Glenn Hamilton's brother (who has assisted in the Winnipeg investigations).

She attributed the remarkable success of these experiments largely to the conditions under which they were carried out, the séances having been a perfect blending of the home circle and the scientific method.  To this must be added intelligent direction from the Other Side.

She considered that the results had taken the subject, scientifically and philosophically, decidedly forward.  Dr. Hamilton, she said, had formed important opinions regarding the nature of the unseen intelligences responsible for the phenomena.

Dr. Hamilton had lectured widely on his work in Canada and the United States, particularly among members of his own profession.  He was especially qualified for this undertaking, owing to the outstanding position he has attained as a medical man in his own country, as an educationalist of national importance, and his well-known political activities as a Member of Parliament for several years.

Dr. Hamilton remarked that owing to the severe blow scientists receive when confronted by the results of psychic research, allowance must be made for any tardiness they may show in accepting the facts.  He felt that the appeal must be made to the young who are not crystallized in their opinions, and are able to weld the discoveries of psychical researchers more readily into their lives.

Supernormal phenomenon, he said,  presented a confused and varied mass, greatly dependent upon the finding and proper training of mediums.  He was convinced that scientific experiments would be forwarded if investigators developed mediums in the congenial atmosphere of private homes.  

The objections of scientists have been gradually breaking down, many now being willing to give serious consideration to supernormal phenomena.  The research work should be done in scientific laboratories.  He had kept the religious question in the background.

The question of trance is one for the psychologist, and when it had been thoroughly explored he believed that it would contribute much to an understanding of abnormal psychology.  In addition to this aspect of the mind, there arose the question of energy and fatigue in relation to mediumistic trance and control.

He had discovered that the energy of levitation with his mediums was the physiological energy of the mediums.  But that it was not normally applied he showed by several photographs of levitated tables.  These pictures he considered were a conclusive answer to those who asserted that mediums kicked up the tables.  He had found that the energy extracted from his chief levitation medium seemed to be in some way associated with her waist, as she experienced a decided tightness in this part of her body during the manifestations.

Photographs were then shown of impressions of human fingers supernormally impressed on wax, and to ensure the impossibility of fraud being undetected, he showed a picture of an elaborate array of cameras - sometimes as many as fourteen being used simultaneously - all electrically controlled by himself.  These cameras were set at the beginning of the séances with open lenses, so that no mistakes could be caused by unnecessary delay.

Many photographs were shown with teleplasm coming from the different parts of the medium's face, principally the eyes, ears and nostrils.  The teleplasm, a term preferred in America to ectoplasm, was of various shades, from pure white to dark gray or even black.  The mediums were always deeply entranced during the manifestations.  Two mediums were of outstanding ability, but occasionally several members of the group of experimenters were entranced and used as mediums, when the more striking results were obtained.

Dr. Hamilton referred to the intelligent manner in which the unseen operators worked, explaining that they often forestalled criticism, as in the case of tying a knot in a piece of teleplasm, resembling a handkerchief, on the medium's face.

In the photographs were shown two bell boxes placed well beyond the reach of the mediums, on the top of the cabinet.  These were frequently rung supernormally; on one occasion over a hundred times in a single séance.  They were also used by the invisible intelligences as a signal for certain things to be done by the experimenters.  Dr. Hamilton discovered that the bells were rung by means of two chords ascending from the medium to the bell boxes.  No clear explanation of exactly what the cords were had been forthcoming, although the chief control had explained that one of them was positive and the other negative.  They were not electrical, but transmitted a force "more like nerve force."

Among the phenomena was the direct voice, and the doctor had been able to obtain a photograph of the "machine" through which the voices were produced.  It resembled a tube coming from the medium's ear, which extended into a bulb with a trumpet-like extension.  This "machine" was composed of teleplasm. 

Photographs of materialized faces were shown on the screen.  These, Dr. Hamilton explained, where apparently formed in the shell-like piece of teleplasm, which would open something after the fashion of an egg shell, and reveal the face.  Most of the faces were very natural in appearance.  This seemed to be a method peculiar to this series of experiments.

Even words have been produced by the invisible operators and teleplasm, and one remarkable picture showed the name "Flammarion" high above the medium, attached to the curtain of the cabinet.  There was, said the lecturer, no doubt about the supernormality of this phenomenon.

Among the materialized faces were, W. E. Gladstone, Raymond Lodge, and Stead, and a most remarkable likeness of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

It is impossible to convey a true idea of the convincing nature of these and many other pictures that were shown to illustrate the lecture, which was loudly applauded by a delighted audience.

August 19, 1932.

[From Two Worlds magazine - August 19, 1932 - this given in handwritten notes at the top of the sheet]

Canadian Doctor's Experiences

The Winnipeg Experiments

By Horace Leaf, F.R.G.S.

[The notes on this page repeat what has already been said many times - they are a review of what Dr. Hamilton showed slides of and spoke on.]

[There is a sentence in the right hand column about 1/3 of the way down that states "The teleplasm, a term preferred in America to ectoplasm, was of various shades, from pure white to dark grey or even black."]

August 22, 1932.

[Sitting with Mrs. Grace Cook, London.  Her controls speak of the Crookes "tube" and state that Crookes is aiding us.  L. H.]

[T. G. H. spoke to about 100 of the main leaders of the Spiritistic work in London.  Many were deeply impressed, and moved, by the showing of the second Doyle teleplasmic face.  Our mediums were uninformed on this point.   L. H.]

August, 1932.                                London, England.

Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton in London for a holiday trip.  Had a sitting (incognito) with the famous medium, Mrs. Dean, at the Stead Bureau in London.  

Dr. Hamilton purchased a fresh package of plates, placed one in the camera.  Mrs. Dean placed her hands on it.  

Exposure was made.  Dr. Hamilton supervised developing.  

The "extra" face was recognized by Dr. Hamilton as a likeness of his sister Margaret, who had died near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, of typhoid fever, in 1885 or 1886.

[Photo showing Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton and a face appearing to be behind them  and above them .]

[Lower Photo: Caption: "Picture to left, also taken in London, England, 1932, shows 3 extra faces, recognized by  L. H. as her two dead brothers, and a dead aunt.]

[ Photo  of Lillian's two dead brothers and a dead aunt ]

[ Photo  of Dr. Hamilton and Lillian Hamilton with face appearing behind them in teleplasm ]

October 1, 1932                                        Saturday

[Part of the first page of 'Daily Sketch' - showing mainly a picture of Dr. Hamilton with the caption: "Dr. Glen Hamilton, the Canadian psychic investigator, who hopes to film a seance with the aid of the infra-red rays enabling pictures to be taken in the dark.  The first of a series of exclusive articles will appear in the Daily Sketch on Monday, with pictures.]

October 1, 1932                                        Saturday.

Camera proof of life after death.

Doctor's plan to film séances with aid of new rays.

Spirit faces appear in room of perpetual darkness.

"Voices" keep promises.

My means of infra-red rays and other methods,  Dr. Glen Hamilton, a distinguished Canadian psychic investigator, who was recently in this country, hopes to film a séance.

Already, Dr. Hamilton has conducted more than a thousand seances and has taken flash light photographs at most of them.  He has brought science to the seance-room.

For a long time he has been seeking a more satisfactory method of recording the mysterious happenings of the seance-room, as the crudeness of the flash light "tended adversely to affect the manifestations."

Astounding Results So Far.

Infra-red rays make it possible to take pictures in the dark.  Their discovery has provided Dr. Hamilton with the opportunity for which he has been waiting.  Having already probed psychic secrets with every known scientific apparatus, he is shortly to start a new phase of his investigations, which have extended over 15 years.

The work of Dr. Hamilton, a medical practitioner and lecturer at Winnipeg, where he is president of the Society for Psychical Research, is well known to students of the super-normal.

The son of a Scotsman who emigrated to Canada from Glasgow over 100 years ago, Dr. Hamilton and his wife, who is also of British descent, have been spending a holiday in England.

An alert-looking man with penetrating eyes, Dr. Hamilton talked to the Daily Sketch about his work in probing the mysteries of the unknown and his plans for the future.

Secrets Caught by Cameras

"From the beginning.", he said, "I have always insisted on applying the most rigid scientific methods to these experiments.  For example, the room in my house where all the séances are held is used for nothing else.  For six or seven years it has always been in complete darkness, except for the occasional use of a faint red light.  "I have aimed at photographing everything that happens during the sittings and for this purpose I used fifteen different cameras.  They are so arranged and operated that a photograph of the same incident is taken by all the cameras simultaneously.  In this way, I have achieved a remarkable collection of pictures.  

"More than once my cameras have caught a table floating in the air, upside down, or being flung from one part of the room to the other.

"Faces, some of which have apparently been identified, materialized forms, teleplasm, and other things have been caught by these cameras again and again.

"Although the results, photographically, are striking, we have missed some wonderful pictures owing to the force and crudeness of the flash exploded in the room.  Hence my determination to use the infra-red ray to obtain moving as well it still pictures.

Medium with an accent.

"But before I employ these rays I am going to try another possible method of obtaining a moving picture of the séance happenings.  That is the use of the Sasha system of sudden illumination from an electric bulb - a method which is replacing the old flash for newspaper work.

"My plan is to fire off a number of these bulbs in quick succession, while the film camera is working.

"I believe that some interesting results would be achieved by this method, which is far and away superior to the flash light.

"Altogether, about 300 people have taken part as sitters, in the séances conducted by me.  They include some of the most distinguished people in Canada and the United States.  But for my regular work of investigation, I use only the same group of people.  The circle includes four medical doctors, a lawyer, a civil engineer, and an electrical engineer.  My wife, who is an experienced nurse, also assists me.  There are three mediums - each of them non-professional - and they are searched before and after the séance.  They are known as 'Elizabeth M.', 'Mary M.'  And 'Mercedes',.  One of them is Scottish and speaks with an amusingly broad accent.

"I treat the mediums as though they were patients, and make careful observations and diagnoses of the state of trance into which they relapse, checking pulse, temperature, and other things at various stages.

"A remarkable fact is that, through constantly attending the séances, several of the sitters have developed what appears to be a kind of mediumship.  They, too, sometimes fall into a trance so that at one seance there are, sometimes several mediumistic sources."

"I bring to my investigations not only my experience as a medical man, but also my knowledge of photography and electricity, which I have carefully studied.

"With regard to the hundreds of photographs secured at the séances, I can vouch for their absolute genuineness.  The impressions made on the photographic plates come from sources external to the camera, not from inside the camera, as in the case of what are commonly called spirit photographs.
Super-normal Intelligence.

"How do I explain all these things - the faces, the materialized forms, the ringing of a bell inside a box, the voices, the floating of tables, the appearance from the mediums of teleplasm?

"I find it difficult, in view of my investigations, to find any other explanation that fits excepting that these things are caused by super-normal intelligences of some kind.  There is no doubt that the séance events which I have photographed are directed by an intelligence.  They occur on certain lines.

"Promises made by the voices concerning a manifestation to be given later are fulfilled.

"If there is another explanation, I shall be glad to hear it and to give it my deep attention.  I am, above all, a seeker after the truth."

October 2, 1932.                

Full group.  Dr. Chown, Secretary.

Walter speaks of the peculiar methods of work they are obliged to use, such as frivolous conversations; he hints that these are used to break down and remove certain psychological barriers between the two states.  

Dawn is to go on a long journey to give her knowledge which she could not obtain otherwise.  

In short, he will take her on an astral flight.  Walter hints William Crookes is present.

October 3, 1932

[From Daily Sketch - by Dr. T. Glen Hamilton]

Death Is Not The End

By Glen Hamilton
The Man of 1,000 Seances

Things Seen and Heard in Psychic Surgery

[In this, the first article of a remarkable series written exclusively for the "Daily Sketch," Dr. Glen Hamilton offers the intelligent inquirer into psychic manifestations his reasons and qualifications for undertaking his investigations.

He will, in the cold and detailed manner of the trained scientist, describe the precautions he and his colleagues took to satisfy themselves that no fraud or trickery was possible at any of their 1,000 seances.

Skeptic, believer and the open-minded alike will be put in full possession of every detail of Dr. Hamilton's astonishing "psychic surgery" before the Doctor proceeds to introduce mediums, controls, and famous figures of the past who appear in the records made in that room of strange happenings.

Quite unemotionally the Doctor musters his "evidence."

It is for the honest inquirer into the mysteries of the Great Beyond to weigh this evidence in the same spirit and reach his own conclusions.]

There are some things in life so important and fascinating in their results as to make it worth the while of a serious-minded man to investigate; and I am certain that one of these is the subject of psychic manifestation.

I have inquired into this subject for fifteen years, and in the course of a thousand or more seances have obtained and recorded, by means of a camera, results which, to say the least of them, may be described as remarkable.

I was in good company during these investigations, for I collected around me some of the shrewdest and most capable people in the great Dominion of Canada.

Surgeon at the Seance

I am first of all a medical man.  My brother, too, is a well-known physician, and my son is training for the profession of medicine.

For thirty years I have practiced as a doctor in Winnipeg; and from the beginning of my inquiries into psychic things, jealous of my reputation as a member of a scientific profession, I was determined to act in the seance room as I would in the surgery, and not to allow supposition, emotion, enthusiasm or sentiment to influence me.

I have handled every medium as though she were a patient whose alleged powers were to be diagnosed like a disease; each piece of so-called evidence has been scrutinized by me as though it had to be submitted to the Royal College of Surgeons.
Why We Started

Unceasingly I have watched for fraud, self-deception, hysteria, unconscious trickery and queer mistakes.  I did not fail to use any scientific test or instrument which might help in probing the mysteries which faced me.

As for the results, some of which I present here, it is for the thoughtful man and woman to judge.  I hope they will take the same care in arriving at their decisions as I myself have exercised, because this is a realm into which prejudice, ignorance and readiness to believe are eager to enter.

What was the attitude of mind of the group of researchers, including myself?  Why did we embark on these investigations?

We were not impelled by motives of sentiment or stimulated by religious beliefs derived from any sect or creed whatsoever.  The dominant impulse was one of intense and compelling curiosity to know the facts, if there were any, of psychical manifestations.

What We Believe

To this end, scientific methods were applied - rigorous control of the mediums and sitters, repeated observations and experiments, and accurate, full records, which included both verbatim notes of séances and photographs.
The fruits of our researches have been astonishing, and the members of our group - including four physicians, a distinguished ...

[there is a break and something continued from page 7.]

Photographs will show better than I can describe them  remarkable and apparently recognizable face-forms which this substance takes.

From time to time flash light photographs taken of the teleplasmic masses reveal emerging from them faces of famous people, such as Spurgeon,  R. L. Stevenson, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and Raymond, the son of Sir Oliver Lodge.
Why the Great Appear 

If the question is asked, as it undoubtedly will be, why should the faces of famous dead people figure so prominently in such manifestations, a reasonable answer would be that they became famous on earth because they were forceful, outstanding characters, and, after death, still possess similar qualities.

The photographs of these faces and forms were taken on certain occasions by as many as 10 cameras at the same moment as the flash was fired.  The simultaneous photography meant that each camera had a view of the manifestation from a different angle.

The Séance Room

Our experimental room is a small one, 9 feet 6 inches by 12 feet 6 inches, situated on the second floor of my home, and reserved for this purpose only.  Its two windows, which open to the outside, about 15 feet above the ground, are securely boarded over.  Its one door of entry opens into an outside hallway at the end opposite the windows.  The furniture consists of a deal table, wooden chairs and a wooden cabinet.

The lighting consists of a single ruby photographic lamp attached to an electric cord.  There is also one red ceiling light controlled by a switch attached to my chair.  The cabinet is a three-sided enclosure made of white wood panels  5/8 of an inch thick, glued together.  It is 6 feet high, 30 inches deep and 42 inches wide.  It is open at the top.  No curtains are used at the front.  The cabinet is firmly screwed to the floor.

October 4, 1932                                                Tuesday.

Death is Not the End

Mediums in touch with "Intelligences" of the Great 
Livingstone, Stead, Spurgeon, Stephenson, and Flammarion

The Control with Mischief and Humor

1,210 Trance Periods

Personalities, however, purported to manifest at every turn on the road.  They claimed to lie behind the raps,  the table movements, direct writing, wax impressions, the clairvoyance, and above all, to be directing and inspiring the trance automatisms.

In an analysis of 1210 trance periods it is found that there manifested various intelligences, who, according to the number of their appearances, may be classified as major and minor Elizabeth M.  controls.

The latter, 16 in number, were made up of those who claimed to be deceased relatives and others known locally, and a few who claimed to be persons of fame.

The former, a group of four, consisted entirely of those who purported to be persons more or less famous.

The first of the smaller group claimed to be Robert Louis Stevenson, the second David Livingstone, the third W.  T.  Stead, and the fourth Camille Flammarion.

October 5, 1932                                        Wednesday

[Clipping of an article by Dr. Glen Hamilton - in the Daily Sketch]

[Photo of "The face seen at the top of the "teleplasm" is believed by Dr. Hamilton to be that of Sir Oliver Lodge's son Raymond, who was killed in the war.  The lower face is thought to be that of another dead soldier.]

An attempt would be made to produce a life-like form independent of the body of the medium.

In view of the fact that only one detached mass, and that a very small one, had appeared up to this time, this prediction seemed to us very daring.  This being a task of unusual magnitude, it would, he said, probably require about twenty-one sittings before the phenomenon was ready for manifestation.

At the sitting following, the control made a third definite prediction, namely, that he was "building" on the medium's left.  He instructed us not to place hand or foot within this area; to see to it that no white light entered the seance room; to keep the same mediums and group; and, above all, to relax, be patient and non-expectant.

Eight sittings passed without objective phenomena of any kind.
At the eleventh sitting (January 5), however, a signal for a flash was unexpectedly given, the resultant photograph revealing a large teleplasmic mass shaped to represent a crude hand.

On January 11 the Walter control again stated that the materialization would appear to the left of the medium.  But this time he volunteered the further information that the form would be seated on a chair.

Final Instructions

Then came an interval of nine sittings, during which time the controls, Walter and "Lucy", the latter a new trance entity beginning to appear through a sitter-medium known as Mercedes, assured us that the work of preparing the "materialization" was going steadily forward.

Then, on March 2, the twenty-first sitting in the series, came the information that "they", the directing intelligences, were almost ready; and two sittings later, March 9, the final instructions for the long-awaited experiment were given:
"When you enter for the next sitting. Let all come in together.  The signal will be with the hand.  It will be like this: one (bangs the table), two (bangs again), three (bangs the third time), fire!  Perhaps it will not be as loud as that, but that will be the signal.

"I want all the gentlemen to remove their coats, collars and ties.  I want all the ladies and gentlemen to remove their shoes.  The person who comes here to witness does not remove his clothes.  He will be here to criticize and observe.

"Only one light must be on at a time. If you use the light in your hand, don't have the roof light on.  The medium must have an entire change of garments.

"Nothing that she brings with her from her home must she have on.  Nothing!  I would like someone not of this circle to be beside the medium when she takes her garments off and puts others on.

"You may hold her wrist if necessary, but don't let her hand out of yours at any time.  Sing for me.  Get right into it and don't think about the picture.  It may come in the beginning or in the morning.  

"I may chaff you.  I many scold you.   Keep your thoughts on me and amuse me if you can.

Every detail the control had demanded was scrupulously carried out.
At the close of the sitting of the 9th, the one door of the seance room was double locked and sealed.

The final sitting, as it proved to be, was held the following evening.

Immediately before the experiment began, the male participants were searched by Dr. William Creighton, a physician of standing, and by Mr. Isaac Pitblado, K.C., a man noted and respected throughout Canada for his integrity and great legal ability.

The women sitters were searched by Mrs. Creighton, who also took full charge of preparing the medium, Mary M., for the experiment, exactly as the control had indicated.  These three, Dr. and Mrs. Creighton and Mr. Pitblado, were not members of the regular group and were present on our invitation as official scrutineers and observers.

The two male verifiers, in the presence of the note-taker, a few moments before the sitting began, inspected the locks and seals of the door and found the seals intact and the door doubly locked.

The door was then opened and Mr. Pitblado entered and searched the seance room by means of a flashlight which he carried in his hand.  He found therein nothing but the ordinary seance furniture and equipment.        

This inspection being completed, sitters and mediums were allowed to enter the seance chamber under the direct observation of the two outside witnesses, Dr. Creighton observing without the room and Mr. Pitblado within.

The sitting then began, Dr. Creighton having once more locked and sealed the door on the outside.  In company with Mrs. Creighton, he remained as an outside guard for the duration of the experiment.

Within the seance room the Walter control carried through his projected programme of events exactly as planned.  Sixteen minutes after the sitting opened he called for the first flash through the sitter-medium X - the resulting photograph showing both

[Photograph of "The beautiful and shining face" of Lucy.  The photograph taken at the "materialization" seance described today.]

Elizabeth M. and Mary M. seated within the cabinet.

Forty-two minutes after this came the signal as arranged for on the 9th - three bangs on the table by Mary M.'s hand, accompanied by "one, two, three, fire!" spoken by the trance voice.

As in all other manifestations, all took place during total darkness.

And what was the nature of this long-awaited phenomenon?  Briefly, it was this: as the trance control had foretold five months previously, a "form", if such it can be called, of nearly life size and entirely separate from the medium, was seen to be resting on the chair placed to her left; this major emergence occurring at the twenty-fourth sitting, as you may have noted, came close to fulfilling his prediction: namely, that it would possibly take twenty-one sittings before the major phenomena appeared.

As in the case of many preceding masses, this of March 10 also revealed a face-form; this time, however, a female face approaching to the normal in size, and disclosing amazing beauty both in features and in expression.

Who is "Sister Lucy"?

As to the identity of this face, the facts are extremely interesting.  It was said to be the face of Mercedes' control "Lucy."  But here, unlike the identified miniature faces, we have been unable to verify this claim by comparing it with a face photographed in life.

"Lucy", as an incarnate, is entirely unknown to us or to any other living person so far as we have ascertained.

We have the controls' word for it, however, controls who have been shown on innumerable counts to be absolutely accurate and truth-telling witnesses so far as teleplasms are concerned.  They insisted that the supernormal face was indeed a representation of the face of the discarnate entity known as "Sister Lucy'"

"Beauty and Goodness"

On October 27, at the first sitting, you will recall, where his new plans were projected, he said; "I will try to give you a photograph of your little friend (referring to Lucy).  She will surely come forward and let you see her beautiful and shining face.  It shines with beauty and goodness."
No better words could be found to describe the face we were now about to look upon - words it must be remembered spoken five months before any human being had looked upon it.

It is interesting that Mr. Isaac Pitblado, K.C., made an independent report of this manifestation, concluding with these remarks.

"From the examination of the two films, which were developed in my presence, and from seeing the pictures that were developed from the plates or films in the other cameras, in my opinion, it was absolutely impossible for the plates or films to have been faked in any way.

"I am convinced that the phenomenon of a figure seated on the chair to the left of the medium was genuinely produced without the aid of any known physical or material means, process, or apparatus; and that there was no possibility of any fake or trickery."

October 9, 1932.        

W. B. Cooper; Ada Turner; Dawn; Mrs. Poole; L. H.; Mercedes; Ewan; T. G. H.

Controls will work again to give another materialization of Katie.  Ewan greatly distressed.

 October 11, 1932

Knox church young men's club

Reason for your presence.  Curiosity.  Man - Homo Sapiens.  A seeker after wisdom.  So he is differentiated from other species in this world.

His curiosity - often morbid, does not take him very far.  Too many, when they think they know a little about a subject become suddenly satisfied in the feeling that they know it all and their curiosity quickly wanes.  But such persons too often are ready and emphatic to express opinions without much in the way of a foundation in facts on which to base their assertions.

In the recent meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, an outstanding point in the Presidential Address was to the effect that Science today is much less cock-sure about things in its realm than ever before.  One could earnestly wish that the word at large would take such an attitude and reserve their opinions accordingly.

Many have a Utilitarian curiosity by which they seek to apply their knowledge of nature to the end of acquiring added comforts in life.  Applied Science has given us thousands of advantages and comforts in this work which no other generation enjoyed.  

Nor are we satisfied, however humble our station in this world, if we fail to take advantage to the full of these products of science.

Closely allied we have a religious curiosity from the discoveries of science and from other sources looked upon as authoritative; we build our creeds,  follow our sacramental usages and, to a degree, order our behavior and fashion our character in accord with our religion.

Man's setting is in an environment of the great unknown.  The farther he advances, the wider does this encircling horizon of the unknown expand till we come to realize that we are confronted with an infinity upon every hand.

October 12, 1932.

Dawn writes a short script in the total darkness of the séance room.  The hand follows the lines on the paper.  A control through Ewan states that darkness to us contains light rays invisible to those on Earth.

October 14, 1932

[From 'Two Worlds - October 14, 1932]

I had an interesting talk with Dr. T. Glen Hamilton just before he and his wife sailed for Canada.  Dr. Hamilton stands in the forefront of modern Psychical Researchers.  His famous experiments in the psychical phenomena of mediumship during recent years have aroused world-wide interest.

Dr. Hamilton's interest in supernormal phenomena, however, has not been restricted to one phase.  For several years previous to his researches with physical mediums he devoted careful and expert attention to mental forms of mediumship, having experimented with about fifty trance mediums of that order.  So as to understand fully the nature of trance mediumship, he and his experimental circle actually developed several trance mediums, studying their reactions from the commencement.

His conclusion is that the best work in mental forms of supernormal phenomena can e obtained only through deep trance.  The great amount of work at present before the public is the result of superficial trance; and this, he maintains, accounts for much of its unreliability.  "Where, however, the cryptesthetic faculty is pronounced," he said, "the products are more reliable, but not sufficiently reliable for scientific work."

The Doctor's point of view is, of course, greatly influenced by his scientific attitude, and the mediums who most attract him are those who can successfully stand the severe conditions science necessarily demands.  He is, therefore, much impressed with the necessity of training mediums for serious scientific work.  This training can, he believes, be best accomplished by qualified medical men, with an additional knowledge of psychology and an acquaintance with the peculiarities of mediumistic trance.  Of course, psychology as at presently taught, is decidedly lacking in a knowledge of the psychology of mediumship.  It is to the credit of Dr. Hamilton that he has long been trying to arouse the interest of the medical fraternity in this important question.

He holds, however, that orthodox psychology has not altogether failed to contribute something of value to the subject.  In his own words, "Psychology does offer in its analysis of animal states, behavioristic characteristics, and self-preservative and other instincts, valuable contributions to the equipment of the psychical researcher."

Until the medical man undertakes a close examination of mediumistic trance, the Doctor does not think there will be available a sufficient accumulation of facts, with regard to this state of mind, to claim the serious attention of the scientific world.

Dr. Hamilton is hopeful that in time scientists will act more reasonably: and, instead of discarding the whole subject, will analyze mediumistic products, and learn to distinguish those which originate in the medium's own mind from those which come from a supernormal source, "just as the miner eliminates slag and rubbish from coal and gold contained in the ore.  This would result in destroying much of the present strained relations which exist between mediums and scientists."

The Doctor had something interesting to say about the effect of successful mediums being lionized by devoted clients.  The readiness of some people to pay very high fees to mediums naturally inclines them to neglect science, which prefers to eliminate payment as far as possible.

From the Doctor's standpoint this is undoubtedly a serious question.  The attitude of the scientific world is peculiarly governed by the commercial aspect of mediumship.  Non-professionalism has been regarded as more or less a guarantee of genuineness, although the Doctor will excuse me if I point out that in my long career I have found that this is not altogether true.  One not infrequently meets cases where vanity, not the desire for money, is the source of trickery in mediumship.  The only true gauge of genuineness, from the strictly scientific point of view, is the successful passing of tests eliminating all chance of mal-observation and fraud.
Dr. Hamilton, however, is not unaware of the necessity of remunerating mediums fairly for any services they may render in scientific work, and publicly deplores the fact that generous benefactors often leave large sums for the prosecution of much less important branches of enquiry.

Realizing that the development of deep trance mediumship often requires very prolonged effort and great patience, Dr. Hamilton maintains that the person willing to undergo the process should be willing to dissociate himself from all but the scientific instructor to ensure the attainment of the highest degree of efficiency, so essential to scientific research.  This would mean an insistent refusal to respond to the requests of those who, for friendly or financial reason, would tempt him to use his powers in their behalf.

It would also be necessary to abstain from such associations as jealousy, as the Doctor's experience has shown the necessity of the medium's mind being kept free from emotions and harassments calculated to disturb the peaceful frame of mind which seems best to respond to supernormal operations.

As an example of the Doctor's careful study of different phases of mediumistic reaction, may be mentioned his conclusion as to the cause of muscular reactions so common in the development and exercise of "control" associated with various degrees of trance.

These vary from mild twitchings of the hands, feet, face or other parts of the body, to complete catalepsy or extreme catatonia.  These are caused, he finds, through the instinctive tendency to maintain one's own personality, and they are therefore related directly to the primal instinct of self-preservation.  The fact that the medium desires to be controlled is not sufficiently strong to overcome the inherent instinct which struggles naturally to maintain normal life.  The sudden collapse into the real trance or control marks the period when the instincts, having exhausted themselves, yield to the control.

Dr. T. Glen Hamilton and Mrs. Hamilton, who came to Europe on important medical work, returned to Canada on September 10th, accompanied by the good wishes of hundreds of Spiritualists and Psychic Researchers who benefitted by the unselfish services the Doctor rendered when he could find time.

October 16, 1932.        

Mrs. Poole; Gordon Chown; Ada Turner; Ewan; Dawn; Mr. Reed; J. A. Hamilton; Cecilia Hayward; EAS Hayward; L. H.; T. G. H.; W. B. Cooper; Mercedes; Dr. Bruce Chown, Secretary.

William Crookes is said to be present and to be experimenting with "globes of light."

Katie: "My work is to place my medium (Mercedes) in a state to produce materialization."

Mercedes soon passes into the cataleptic state on the couch.  She is examined medically by T. G. H.: "Arms rigid; feet rigid; knee jerks exaggerated; cannot detect respiration; pulse normal; jaws and neck rigid."

T. G. H. examines Ewan: "He is lying across two chairs; hands moist; he is  anesthetic; limbs very relaxed.  Knee jerks subdued; pulse rate is more rapid than Mercedes'.  Pulse is soft and small."

Katie/Mercedes states that a writer will appear at the next sitting.

October 19, 1932.                        

It is to be noted that Dawn could not have been writing for more than 18 minutes, at the most; and that during practically all of this time, she was carrying on rapid conversation on various subjects with different members of the circle.  Yet she could use a complete page of foolscap, closely written, and could follow accurately the printed lines on the paper."  Séance held in complete darkness.

Dawn script: 

"When I first awoke to spirit life, I was not conscious that I had passed away.  I found myself surrounded by all beautiful things.  Lovely forms were around me.  Song filled my ears, and all things were beautiful.  I was not capable of assimilating to my senses the full extent of all the lovely forms and things that come gradually, and belong to the training of the Spirit.  My perceptions were dull.  It all seemed to be a beautiful dream of fairyland - nothing else could I think of.

"Most of the human discoveries and signs of progress are taught and inspired into earthly minds.  It depends upon the sphere or society of spirits capable of opening some communication with the special of man or medium, what kind of knowledge is taught to man; he originates little or nothing of himself.  He may, by his own small spirit power, expand the germ of knowledge implanted in us from God, but nothing more.  As we spirits here are taught, so we in turn impart our teaching to the imprisoned spirits in the body; and thus does God in his goodness cause men to alleviate his own condition."

October 23, 1932.        

The "building process" appears to be in operation.  

Ewan: (stamping and rubbing his hands) "Don't, don't have any light coming now!"  Gasping and sobbing violently.  Gradually breathes more easily and deeply, almost 40 per minute.  Mercedes passes into deep epilepsy.  Examined by T. G. H. and Mrs. Hayward.  Speaking of coming Katie materialization, T. G. H. asks Walter: "Will we be able to look at the materialization before the flash?"

Walter: "I will endeavor to allow you to do so.  But to add brilliancy, so that you can see it clearly in red light, might require longer sittings; and you might not get as good a photograph.  Remember, I am not an expert.  I am an experimenter, even as you are."

They now talk about "purported to be", "alleged", and "presumably".  Walter letting it be understood that he (Walter) is controlling all three mediums at one and the same time.

10:21 p.m.   Walter/Dawn: "Don't go right to the back of the cabinet.  Keep in the center.  He doesn't want it in the back of the cabinet.  Bring it to the front of the couch.  It doesn't matter if he can't see Mercedes.  He wants to see Katie, not Mercedes.  Bring it to the front, not the back.  Is that right, friend?"

T. G. H.: "Yes."

Walter/Dawn: "We will build it from the ground up; from the floor up. No, no ... wouldn't want anyone but Katie ... no children... no, not in this."

10:25 p.m.   Time is called.

Walter/Dawn: "Are there any questions anyone wishes to ask?"

T. G. H.: "How high will it be?"

Walter/Dawn: "As tall as she is."

T. G. H.: "Five feet?"

Walter/Dawn: "Higher than that."

T. G. H.: "Five feet six?"

Walter/Dawn: "Not so high."

T. G. H.: "Five feet three?"

Walter/Dawn: "Yes."

10:29 p.m.   Circle closes.

Ewan: "Be careful not to get a light on the medium Katie uses."

All the mediums come out of trance, except Mercedes; she was still in a state of complete rigidity after all the others had left the room.  After she left the room she was quite nauseated.  The other mediums did not appear to be any more affected than usual.

In this sitting Walter purported to control three mediums at one time, and his control of Ewan appeared to be much more complete than of Dawn, Dawn's personality falling away from the full Walter personality fairly rapidly, and taking on a characteristic of rather sententious solemnity.  Walter appeared to control Mercedes for as long as he desired.  

October 26, 1932.        

Lecture at the Marlborough - October 28th, 1932

New discoveries in the field of Psychical Research in Europe and America.

Old difficulties still remaining:

        The lack of mediums
        Untrained mediums
        Indifference to this work by many scientists

Overcoming these difficulties:

        Oxford and Cambridge Clubs
        Meta-Psychique Institute of Paris
        British Institute of research
        American Institute
        Private Investigators
                Crandon   N.Y.  S.P.R.
                HOPE    Crewe
                Mrs.  DEANE   London

Projected lines as yet untouched

        Mental conditions

There is a certain percentage of so called Scientists who approach this subject in a superior and supercilious frame of mind.  They have their own definite attitude towards what they think must be the only evidential position in regard to this work.  Anything outside of this is therefore quite unreliable and unworthy of consideration by them.  It is plain to anyone that all science is under heavy handicap in whatever branch of research it may attempt.  The limitations of knowledge are so very apparent, the advancement of science is so very slow, as will appear to an even cursory review of it history.

Theological Society - United Colleges.


        Out of the night that covers me
        Black as the Pit from pole to pole
        I thank whatever gods may be
        For my unconquerable Soul.

        In the fell clutch of circumstance
        I have not winced nor cried aloud;
        Under the bludgeonings of chance,
        My head is bloody, but unbowed.

        Beyond this place of wrath and tears
        Looms but the horror of the shade.
        And yet, the menace of the years
        Finds, and shall find me, unafraid

        It matters not how straight the gate,
        How charged with punishment the scroll,
        I am the master of my fate;
        I am the captain of my Soul!

                        William E. Henley

        Though man a thinking being is defined
        Few use the grand prerogative of mind
        How few think justly; of the thinking few
        How many never think who think they do.

                                        Jane Taylor
                                        1783 - 1824

Interest in the foremost advances

Interest varies with the individual.
English interest, American, French
Majority of people are emotional rather than students of actual facts

This attitude gives rise to religious bearing on the subject

English interest is largely one of religion.  There is a longing on the part of the people to know more.  This is taken advantage of by many who are sales people of phenomena of the marvelous.  This is not so true of the English as of the Americans.

Study of Ethics - Morals

Limitations of Man's knowledge

Man as a going race in the world of time.

Nature provides the great source of knowledge for us.  Heaven is given to us but we must work out our own salvation.  The higher powers do not interfere with man in developing his personality.  Man can, however, become a contributor to the knowledge and benefits of his fellow man.

Attitude of the People to Psychical Research

        Unwilling to face facts
        Insistence upon faith
        Antagonistic sentiments and emotions.
        Disgusting Phenomena
        Religious bigotry - Anti-Christian attitude.
        Telepathy accounts for it all

        Unwillingness to change Life's Philosophy
The man in a groove.  A fixed habit, in thought

October 30, 1932.                

Mercedes cataleptic.  Crookes speaks of his "light globes."