1932 - Oct 30 - Nov 29


Oct 30 - Nov 29

October, 1932.

[From "Psychic News" - October, 1932]

Seance Room with 14 Cameras - London England

1,000 Tests by one researcher

"The only theory that fits the whole of the facts is survival after death."

This is the considered opinion of Dr. T. Glen Hamilton, the Canadian psychic researcher, after a thousand sittings under rigid test conditions.

Dr. Hamilton has now returned to Winnipeg after spending six weeks in London, during which time he gave addresses and showed slides of the remarkable photographs he has taken of psychical phenomena.

He has been investigating for thirty years.  He was first interested by some trance writing done by a young non-professional medium.

After his early experiences, he came to the conclusion that what he saw was a form of hysteria - an unusual or abnormal mental condition.

He then started experimenting, and received some remarkable telepathy results, which caught his attention rather emphatically.

An Unexpected Medium

Then, unexpectedly, he and other experimenters found in their midst a woman in whose presence certain unusual and unexplainable table movements occurred.

At first, these movements were made while the sitters were in contact with the table, but later objects were moved without physical contact.  The levitations occurred many times, and have now been witnessed by hundreds of people.

There followed the development of non-contact raps and levitations, and light trance which gradually became deeper.  The trance was associated with gradually changing and more pronounced types of telekinetic phenomena and manifestations disclosing an intelligence behind the happenings.

Sacred Seance Room

Then other mediums in the circle developed, too.  They found that their phenomena, resulting from a combination of all the mediums, grew stronger still.

They began to get teleplasmic structures, which they saw and photographed.

Dr. Hamilton's circle naturally went through various changes, but eventually the sitters became regular and the Doctor fitted up a seance room which is used only for sittings.  For nine or ten years this room has been used for nothing else.  It is kept locked to all except the sitters and the mediums, and no daylight has entered the room for years.  In this way conditions are preserved and undoubtedly better phenomena results.

Ruby lights are used in the room.

The cabinet is a wooden structure with no curtain, and everything is done in full sight of the sitters and in the range of the cameras.  Ordinarily there is no top to the cabinet, which is six feet high.  There is room for two mediums.

Large numbers of cameras are used, sometimes fourteen pictures being taken of the same occurrence.  When it is time to take the pictures, Dr. Hamilton is given a pre-arranged message by the spirit people. It might be by the ringing of a bell; trance speech through one of the mediums present - not necessarily the one from whom the teleplasm is formed; or it might be by raps, the ...

[Here this article breaks off]

In 1932 he went on a lecture tour to Toronto, New York and Washington.  His talks in Toronto were before prominent clergymen and physicians.  He spoke at Dartmouth University and to a group of Columbia University professors in New York.  His address at Carnegie Hall attracted such interest that many people were turned away.

He is the first to admit that the entire subject of psychic phenomena was still in its infancy.  Reluctant to dogmatize on the subject, he made one definite belief on his part known to his friends.  That belief was that there was survival after death.

October, 1932 - December, 1932.

[This entire period was a time of confusion - as stated - which was eventually understood to be also a period of learning.]

Period of Various Phenomena.

Much confusion, apparently due to the presence, in the group, of Mr. and Mrs. Hayward, both very dominating personalities, full of "faith" but woefully lacking in critical judgment.

A lesson concerning the delicate psychological balance apparently necessary in work of this character.

[Dr. Hamilton had always ignored the requests of the controls to exclude certain people from the circle who only came out of curiosity or who were not compatible.  He had always maintained an 'open' circle.  The results had not been markedly negative in the past.

Now, the Haywards were brought into the circle; they brought this whole different understanding of how negative even the most well-meaning but undisciplined or incompatible sitters could affect a circle. Comment by W. D. Falk.]

1.        Preparation for the third KATIE (April 23, 1933.)

2.        Crookes' work with "Globes".

3.        Ewan control speaks on the origin of teleplasm.

November 1, 1932

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Mr. R. Sproull - Lincoln's Inn Fields - London]

"... We felt that the daily sketch series of articles surpassed our most sanguine expectations and the articles disclosing the John Myers photographic work seemed altogether too good to be true.  At any rate it proved that our suspicions based upon our experiences with Myers and the appearance of his photographs were well founded.  I imagine the feeling of chagrin and embarrassment that Swaffer and some others would have when they found themselves confronted with the ultimate disclosure in regard  to this picture business of Myers.  I am waiting anxiously to see just what sort of side stepping efforts they will make.  Your letter to Swaffer and his reply would rightly come in for more serious consideration by him if he is disposed to be fair.

"... Our trip home was without any incident worthy of comment except that, having left London at 9:40 on Saturday and Southampton at 1:00pm Saturday, we were in Toronto at 3:30am the following Friday.  Mrs. Hamilton was sick practically the whole way across the open ocean but is now in a frame of mind which would make her welcome another trip to England.  

"... The Haywards arrived about three weeks after and have taken up winter quarters at the Fort Garry.  Our work is going along slowly but we hope surely and we trust that in a matter of a few days another picture will be forthcoming.  We have taken none as yet since resuming the work.  A great many people here have received considerable added interest from the stimulus of the articles in the "Daily sketch" and other papers.  It is very interesting to note the active work which seems to be under way in and about London as disclosed in press reports you so kindly forwarded.

November 2, 1932

[Letter from C.M.A. - via Harvey Agnew - requesting to sit in with the Hamilton group.]

[Letter from Regina General Hospital - via J. A. Ganshorn M. D. - request for publications from Dr. Hamilton - after medical college he became interested in psychology.]

November 2, 1932.        

Ewan control states that the materialization is partially completed.

Mercedes remains in cataleptic trance for 15 minutes after the sitting is over, and all except T. G. H. and Bruce Chown have left the room.

When she awakens she is nauseated.   

November 6, 1932.        

Ewan talks on the production of teleplasm.
The group lined up downstairs and came upstairs quietly in the order indicated on November 2, 1932.

8:45 p.m.        Circle in.

8:47 p.m.        Mrs. Poole is whispering but cannot be made out above the song.

T. G. H. reports that she is in deep trance.

T. G. H.: "Who is it?"

Mrs. Poole: "Stead, Louis, and an uncle of Stevie's.  He is not lantern-faced as Stevie.  Stevie needs a good feed to fatten him up.  Where are you going to take me to?  To your own house?"

Dawn: "I want to tell you, lady, the door is going to open and he will go.  We will see it is well open for him.  He will go in by the New Year." (She is speaking to Queen (Lillian Hamilton) in the staccato voice of Black Hawk.)  Dawn gave no further indication as to whom she was speaking of or what was meant by the door opening.)

Dawn: "Tell him the key is in his hand.  In his work he will be all right."

Dawn continued to whisper and Mrs. Poole was also whispering.

Mrs. Poole: "No,  J. A. Hamilton is not here."  She refers then to Dr. Hamilton's father and mother and to John and Margaret being present, and asks  T. G. H. to shake hands with them  all.   She continues: "They are all here tonight.  No,  J. A. is not so good.  I wish you could talk to  T. G. H.  I can see you good.  I know you.  I never saw you here or your picture or anything."

9:00 p.m.        Circle number.  Ewan, Dawn, and Mercedes do not reply.

9:08 p.m.        Someone says: "Good evening" and a foot is heard rubbing on the floor.

Walter: "Sun Yen, I want you to let yourself go.  I will bring you up here if you don't."

Sun Yen: "I do not intentionally resist."

Walter (suddenly): "Hello, skipper."  There is no reply and he repeats it.

Mr. Hayward: "Do you mean me?"

Walter: "Yes, who else could I mean?"

Mr. Hayward: "I thought you meant Dr. Hamilton. He is the skipper here."

Dawn: "He is no skipper.  How do you like to be sitting there?  I hope your feelings are not hurt."

Mr. Hayward: "Well, they are absolutely lacerated."

Dawn: "I will bring you here after a time."

[Some further conversation which I did not get.]

Walter: "I want to tell you, Victor, something for your own good.  Why don't you do what I tell you?  Not what I tell you here, but you have been instructed away from here.  I need to knock some sense into you."

Dawn thereafter talks inconsequentially.

Ewan starts stamping violently, then gasping and coughing.  Dawn continues her chatter, and as she does Ewan stamps the harder, struggles, gasps, and then his feet go into a violent tattoo on the floor.  At the end of the tattoo Ewan is gasping like one who has run a long race.  Dawn is now talking in a low, sing-song voice and making up irrelevant doggerel rhymes.  Ewan continues gasping and a sort of sobbing and goes off into another tattoo.

Dawn: "Take it easy.  He is using too much of himself in this exertion.  You mustn't let him take so much out of himself.  He is working himself as well as his control.  Do you understand?  He is not aware of his condition, yet he is working as well as his control.  Do you understand?"

Ewan meanwhile is shuffling as though he were doing a dance.  He gasps and struggles.

Dawn: "Talk to him.  That will quieten him."

T. G. H.: "Good evening."

Ewan: "Good evening.  I want to tell you something that will surprise you.  I am working completely with your control Walter.  I can see that he is doing good work, and I am going to help get this through.  I have come often.  I have given you pictures.  I am a comparatively humble comer who came to see and to give messages."

T. G. H.: "What is your message?"

Ewan: "I gave you my message, comrades.  I gave you my photo twice.  I am keeping this boy under control.  You'll have greater faith in me than in all other controls, if you can understand that.  I am better than anyone else for him because he says 'I can believe in you.'  Do you grasp the curious way in which I am given this task of coming here to your circle as an onlooker and getting control of this lad whom no one else could control?  He is all right.  Don't get excited if he goes further down.  I am going ... (he breaks off).

T. G. H.: "You know when they are quite safe?"

Ewan: "Yes.  When Walter gave instructions he was not concerned with the condition of the medium.  He did not desire to expend physical energy when he required psychical."

T. G. H.: "Are they then allied?"

Ewan: "They are quite separate, and are not extended at the same time ..."

T. G. H.: "Do you mean contortions?"

Ewan: "No, I mean exactly what I said, convolutions."

T. G. H.: "Do you mean convolutions of the brain?"

Ewan: "No, no, no."

T. G. H.: "What cells, then, are the source?"

Ewan: "They are different cells according to what is required."

Dawn: "All cells are not required?"

Ewan: "We can supply energy for materialization from cells.  I was going to say from the mind cells, but it would express it better to you if I called it brain; but to me, mind cells, where the mind of all comes from."

T. G. H.: "Are not the mind cells in the brain?"

Ewan: "No.  When we speak to you we control the cells with our minds, and cut off control from the medium ..."

T. G. H.: "Is your mind then cut off from the brain in your state?"
Ewan: "Yes.  We control brain cells as you do.  For ectoplasmic phenomena we use different treatment.  There is a breaking down and a building up.  We accelerate and control, what shall I call it, the effluvia, which comes from that ... re-creating.  It is a matter of acceleration.  Time means nothing to us.  To us there is no time.  The process is a system  which seems to you to be an acceleration in your time.  But time means nothing to us.  We control and accelerate the normal and get control of the flow and reflow and get use of the high tide.  I would get further control and give you more discourses.  I am getting him ......."

[Sounds like Hyslop.]

T. G. H.: "How do you bring about this action?"

Ewan: "We get in control of the cells."

T. G. H.: "How do you close the circuit?"

Ewan: "We cut off the personality.  How do you move your hand?  You control the cells unconsciously, but we control these same cells consciously."

Ewan: "It is not easy to be controlled because of perceptions.  I would like you to get an idea of the mechanism, to understand the machine.  Your actions are unconsciously controlling your brain.  Here we can't unconsciously provide ... with a brain not yours.  We must learn the mechanism.  There is no unconscious control of the medium.  When I control the brain I give a stimulant to the brain itself.  Give me your hand.  I am consciously grasping your hand, consciously setting in motion the cells controlling the nerves, setting in motion the muscles."

T. G. H.: "The source of energy then is your mind."

He says something about will.

Ewan: "Mind is will and is synonymous with personality.  I will explain later the mechanism of ectoplasm.  It has nothing to do with the control that speaks and talks.  There is no resemblance except that the will behind both is the same."

Recorder: "Is the energy used in ectoplasmic structure drawn from more than one person?"

Ewan: "I am told that it is from all.  But I don't know that.  Give me your hand."  He sits down.

9:42 p.m.        Dawn: "Sing a little."

During the above conversation, Dawn had broken in, sometimes echoing the remarks made by Ewan, and sometimes attempting to make jokes.

Ewan: "Sing something with a good swing to it."

Walter: "I could wring his neck.  I got all ready; I got all ready; I got all ready.  Get up and take this medium's hand.  Take Dawn's hand quickly.  Take Dawn's hand quickly."

Circle sing quietly.

Walter: "Have you any camera that could take Dawn?"

T. G. H.: "All of them ."

Walter: "But isn't there just one that would take Dawn?"

T. G. H.: "Yes, the wide angle anyway would take her."

Ewan: "... Nothing is going to happen.  You are all too tense.  You look like a lot of lovebirds.  Old  Ham gets all wrought up as though there were going to be an earthquake and he was going to clear that chasm whoever else followed him.  Give us a good rousing song."

Walter: "Do you want this medium to sit where she is?"

Katie: "I think so.  You must get every detail correct for photographic purposes."

Walter: "Can you raise her a little more?" (Then to T. G. H.). "How high do your cameras focus?"

T. G. H.: "Five feet, six inches; but some of them  take up to the ceiling."

Walter: "All right then, but will any of them  take the floor?"

T. G. H.: "Yes, one of them will take the floor."

Walter: "We will raise her about one and one-half feet from the floor.  I think that can be arranged all right."

Dawn control: "I like the way you came in.  Do the same again, please.  Come as quietly as possible, with no talking, and then each take his place quietly.  We will try and recompense you for the tedious time you have spent, but the work is well worthwhile.  Every time you sit, conditions get better.  And while it seems a long time yet, you will get your pictures more complete.  I only wish it were possible to have more sittings.  I quite realize your difficulties, but it really would be better for you if you would take the opportunities and have more sittings.  It will be all right for those who can come, to come, for it will help to develop others."

Time is called at this point.  

Dawn, continuing: "Are there any further instructions, Walter?  If so, please give them ."

Dawn, in a suddenly changed voice, calls out: "Good night, so long, cheerio."

10:16 p.m.   Circle closes.

November 13, 1932.                

Mercedes; H. Reed; Ewan; W. B. Cooper; Ada Turner; Gordon Chown; Mrs. Poole; Dawn; L. H.; Mr. and Mrs. Hayward; Dr. Bruce Chown, Secretary.

Mediums under strain.  

Signal given by Ewan.  

Nothing on the plates.  The second negative result, of which Walter is immediately aware. 

Mercedes is in cataleptic trance.  Walter hints that Victor will be used later to give the signal.

Third Katie Manifestation predicted.



(a)  Katie will again appear (See "Katie" phenomenon of January 9, 1933)

November 16, 1932.                

Mrs. Poole; H. Reed; L. H.; Mercedes; they Hayward; T. G. H.; Ewan; Gordon Chown; Dr. Bruce Chown, Secretary.

Usual preparatory work.  Doyle speaks through Mercedes in a very loud voice.

November 20, 1932.        

Mrs. Poole; T. G. H.; they Haywards; Dr. A.M. Campbell; Ewan; J. A. Hamilton; Mercedes; Ada Turner; W. B. Cooper; Dr. Bruce Chown, Secretary.

More preparatory work.

November 21, 1932

[Letter from Lady Conan Doyle to Mrs. Marshall:]

        "... Dear Mrs. Marshall,

"... Dr. and Mrs. Glen Hamilton were telling me about your fine mediumistic gifts, and how unselfishly you use them in order to prove to an unbelieving world, the existence of the Spirit people and of their powers.

        "... You are all doing splendid work.
"... I wish I could have a sitting with you all.  Perhaps I may be able to some day.

"... With all kind wishes to you in the fine and unselfish work which you are doing.

[Letter from Lady Conan Doyle to Mrs. Glen Hamilton:]

"... I was horrified when I suddenly realized three day ago, that I had not fulfilled my promise in writing to those three mediums who have done such splendid work with you.

"... I gave the paper with the addresses to my Secretary, and she put it away, and it quite escaped my memory under the very heavy pressure of work which I have had since I saw you last.

"... I published some articles almost immediately after your visit, and ever since they came out, I have been simply inundated with letters from enquirers, wanting to know about our wonderful subject.  Coming on top of all my other numerous duties, it has been rather overwhelming.  I always try to do better than my word, so I was distressed when I remembered I had not done as I promised in writing to the mediums.  I am sending each of them a book of my husband's.

"... I thought that the articles in the "Daily Sketch" by Dr. Glen Hamilton were admirable, and I am sure they have done a great deal of good.  It was well that he should be writing from the Scientific point of view, and then I from the human.

"... I am sending you a copy of my articles, and when you have read them, will you let your three mediums read them.

"... I do hope you had a good voyage home, and that you both feel all the better for your trip to England.

"... With kindest remembrances to you both, and hoping that, some day, we shall meet again in this world.

                                                Lady Conan Doyle

November 23, 1932.                

Mrs. Poole; H. Reed; Dawn; they Haywards; L. H.; J. A. Hamilton; T. G. H.; Ada Turner; Mercedes; Dr. and Mrs. Chown, Secretary.

Walter/Dawn discusses with T. G. H. the focusing of the cameras; uses Mercedes (standing) as a model.  The distance from the nearest cameras is the question.

T. G. H.: "It is about seven to eight feet to the inside of the cabinet."
Walter/Dawn: "Stand right there, please. (To Mercedes).  No, a little lower down.  If you stand there you will be too high" (speaking to an invisible) (to T. G. H.) Can you take it six feet from the floor?"

T. G. H.: "No, that is too high.  That is as high as the top of the cabinet."

Walter/Dawn: "How would four feet do?"

T. G. H.: "Yes, four or four and a half feet."

Walter/Dawn: "Go back a little.  There, leave it there."

Mercedes: "Yes, that should get it."

Walter/Dawn: "That is after the box is in the center.  Your cabinet is four feet wide?"

T. G. H.: "Three and a half feet."

Walter/Dawn: "I want it in the center.  Would you like it to look straight to you, or sideways?"

T. G. H.: "Slightly to the side."

Walter/Dawn: "To the right or to the left?"

T. G. H.: "Have it look towards the entrance door."

Walter/Dawn: "All right.  I think we can manage.  We will leave the case standing.  Will it hold?  No one must enter the cabinet save the medium.  Move the chair a trifle to the side so it won't interfere.  There is no board across the top of the cabinet, is there?"

T. G. H.: "No."

Walter/Dawn: "We will just let her draperies hang to the floor.  Never mind her. (She gasps suddenly).  Sing a little, please, please, please!"  While the singing is going on, time is called.

Walter/Dawn: "Will you say good evening?"

Mrs. Hayward (in trance): "I am very glad to be here.  I am hoping that I will be able to help in the work that is going to be done in this circle.  I want to help all I possibly can."

Walter/Dawn: "You will get used in time.  Place the medium (Mercedes) on her seat, and please close.  Take good care of our friend.  Take great care of her."

10:33 p.m.   Circle closes.

November 25, 1932.


Walter/Mary M.        

The "form" will appear about 4 1/2 feet from the floor.  (See "Katie" phenomenon of January 9, 1933)


Walter/Mary M.        

The eyes will be looking not at the cameras but angle-wise toward the door.  (See "Katie" phenomenon of January 9, 1933)


Walter/Mary M.        

The form will have long draperies extending well to the floor.
(See "Katie" phenomenon of January 9, 1933)

November 27, 1932.                

T. G. H.; Mrs. Poole; they Haywards; L. H.; Dawn; Dr. Chown; Ewan; Dr. A.M. Campbell; Ada Turner; J. A. Hamilton; Mercedes; W. B. Cooper.


The "form" will not be teleplasmic. (See Katie phenomenon of April 23, 1933.)




Will be brilliantly white.  (See Katie phenomenon of April 23, 1933.)




(c)  Composed of very fine substance.  (See Katie phenomenon of April 23, 1933.)



The face will be like the first Katie face but larger(longer(?))         (See Katie phenomenon of April 23, 1933.)



The hair will be "shining whiteness".  (See Katie phenomenon of April 23, 1933.)



The veil will be wrapped about the head and face.  (See Katie phenomenon of April 23, 1933.)



It will be a "built-up" form.  (See Katie "shell"phenomenon of April 23, 1933.)



Walter/Mary M.        

A mechanical form will come.  (See Katie "Shell" of April)


The form is a mechanical affair. (See Katie "Shell" of April)



The form can be photographed.  (See Katie "Shell" of April)

More about the Katie structure.

8:45 p.m.        Circle number.  Victor, Ewan and Dawn do not respond..

Walter/Dawn: "I am sure the box is finished.  All it sides are straight and true.  All we need is Katie."

Ewan: "Katie is here.  Give her a chair."

Dawn: "There is the box all ready for you, Katie.  Will it be all right to put her in a box?"

T. G. H.: "Yes."

Dawn: "Do we put a door on Katie?  Do you think you can squeeze yourself in there?"

Katie/Mercedes: "I think so."

Ewan: "Come along.  Try."

Walter/Dawn: "She can't yet.  It has got to be set up."

Then all mediums suddenly become silent.

9:03 p.m.        Someone is breathing very heavily.  Ewan sobs and sighs.

9:11 p.m.        Dawn: "Keep on guard."

Voice through Dawn: "Ada, Ada dear, David wants you to know it is all right.  Just go on, and he will be very pleased."

Queen(Lillian): "Black Hawk is here."

Rhythmical stamping is heard as of an Indian dance.  Queen ( L. H.) reports that this is Dawn.  She is very heavy on her feet.  She stops the dance and talks gibberish.  Then Victor takes up the stamping for a minute; then all again is silent.

[Mrs. Mary Marshall very stout and heavy.]
Dawn: "At the next sitting you must be quiet.  Assemble outside the door quietly.  Take your seats quietly.  Please, please.  Place  Mercedes upon the couch.  Count twenty before you come into the room.  One only is to do the counting.  Please don't talk before or after entering the room.  Follow your usual order but sing very softly.  I am not making any promises.  I will have guards at every corner of the room as well as around your circle, so that we may guard against any disturbance."
T. G. H.: "Will there be one or two pictures?"

Dawn: "I can't promise any, if there is one you will be given the signal.  You will be told at the commencement or early in the sitting whether or not there will be a picture, whether there will be one or two or three together, but I'm not promising anything.  Please don't talk.

Talking attracts other forces which I don't wish at present. We have not placed Mercedes tonight in a reclining position, but next time she must be so placed as soon as she comes in.  See that she doesn't have many garments on.  It doesn't matter what you sing, except that it must not be of a military nature.  Your singing was very nice.  How long would it take to prepare the cameras for a second flash?"

T. G. H.: "To change five or six plates it would take a minute and a half or two minutes."

Walter/Dawn: "I just wondered if it would be possible to take the structure as it falls to pieces, but a minute or two would probably be too long.  You will get full instructions as to how and when to use your apparatus, or whatever you may call it.  I am not promising you that you will be able to photograph the structure, but I hope it is satisfactory.  It looks good to me."

T. G. H.: "it is quite a different structure from your previous ones, is it not?"

Dawn: "Yes, it is quite different.  But I cannot explain further than that it is encased in a box.  I can't be sure that your cameras will take it.  I did not wish to put ectoplasm about it, but I am afraid it will not stand unless I do.  There are others here who are able to see it and tell you of it.  Good night."

Mercedes: "Good evening.  This is Lucy.  The structure looks good to me.  Lucy is using Mercedes to speak through tonight to give Katie's instructions.  You must not get excited or tense.  You must not sing loudly lest it interfere with hearing the signal.  Give Mercedes the usual instructions.  You must all rest.  Also ask Mercedes to concentrate on Katie in the next few days and give herself to her.  If she doesn't have full control the work can't be successful.  This is no easy task.  It is more difficult than you think.  We will do our best.  You have been very patient.  Another one here says for you to keep the mediums free from unnecessary worries with regard to this work.  Eat lightly.  Mercedes must wear less clothing.  You must have sittings close together because everything is practically ready.  Walter will not come back."

Victor: "This is William (Crookes, allegedly.)  Keep relaxed and not expectant.  I am of the opinion that your cameras will photograph the object.  It is quite different from previous experiments, but I can't explain at present.  Make sure that this medium is properly washed, washes his hands and face.  Good night."

9:40 p.m.        Circle closes.

Important. Victor's  report  on  the  coming Katie  king  materialization  phenomena is based - he claims - on what he  has seen clairvoyantly at the sittings.]

[Reported to  T. G. H. and recorded by  T. G. H. as spoken on the afternoon of November 27, 1932.]

"This phenomenon is going to be totally different. It is not ectoplasmic; it is more like an etherealization - more like the photograph of her lying down; but of a still finer substance.  It is brilliantly white and looks to be alive.

"When Katie comes she steps into a box-like affair with a form built up inside.  The box is transparent.  Her form is in the box, but it is not she, till she enters.  She floats in and then takes on the form in the box.  It then looks solid.  It is herself.  It is brilliantly white and looks alive.  Her full form, dress and all, looks alive.

"She looks very like the photograph we got of her in November, 1930, but her face is not as oval, but looks longer.  Her hair appears as a glowing, shining, whiteness.  Her veil is the same as before but wrapped about her head and features.  She unveiled her features to let me see them .  When she did this all others about disappeared, obscured with her brightness.  They were blotted out from my sight.

"When she steps out, the box resumes its form.  I do not think that the photographs will review the box.

                                        signed: T. G. Hamilton]

[November 27, 1932.  T. G. H.'s birthday.  59 years old.  Born in 1873.]

[See mechanical form - the "shell" photographed April 23, 1933. Said to be in the "box" or scientific mechanism invented by Crookes to make Katie visible in our state.  Pre-vision here indicated.  L. H.]

Victor makes known his impressions as gained by his clairvoyant sight experienced at recent sittings:

(1)        The Katie mass will be more like an "etherialization" than a "materialization" - this will be constructed of flimsy, cloud-like material, probably akin to the Standing Lucy.

(2)        The form will be brilliantly white and appear to be alive.

(3)        The Katie face looks something like the Katie of November 12, 1930; but the face is longer, not so oval.

(4)        The hair will appear as a shining whiteness.

(5)        The veil will appear as before, but more wrapped about the
(6)        The photograph will not reveal the box-like structure into
        which she stepped to make herself visible in our world.

Fulfilment of predictions:

It is a curious fact that all of these pre-statements found fulfillment in not one formation, but two.  The alignments are as follows:

No. 1.          Fulfilled in the Katie on January 9, 1933.  Only the veil is shown - no form.  This face appear to be alive (2)

No. 2.          "The form will be brilliantly white."  This exactly describes         the so-called Katie "Shell" of April 23, 1933.

No. 3.          The Katie face of January 9 was longer than that of November 12, 1930.  Distinctly less oval.

4.                "The hair will appear as shining whiteness".  Exactly true of form of April 23.

5.                "The veil is to be more wrapped about the head."   Exactly true of April 23, 1923 formation.  Not true of November 12, 1930, nor of the materialization of February 25, 1931, attributed to Katie.

6.                "The photograph will not reveal the box-like structure into         which Katie stepped to make herself invisible to our world." True of form of January 9, 1933.  But mechanical form or lifeless shell see April 23.

(Inference: Victor apparently given glimpses of the two coming objective Katie forms - but to him they come as one.)

Victor gives signal for releasing flash January 9, 1933.

Victor not present when the brilliantly white shell appears  April 23, 1933.

Diversified phenomena.

1.        Victor's Visions.

2.        Ewan-Hyslop conversations.

3.        Preparations for more major materializations.

        a)        the Walter eyes, March 6, 1932
b)        Pre-statement of Intention regarding third Katie                     manifestation.
        c)        Mass, March 6, 1932.

November 29, 1932 

Lecture at Theological Society of United Colleges:

Our outlook on Nature.  Many types of Mind to deal with.

        Need for being open, discreet, sane.
The changing world, Materialistic, Modernistic, Scientific Advances, Practical.
        The demand today for practical ideas in life.
Refusal of men to accept the say so of anyone without the actual proof in a material way.

        Basis of your evidences:

                In History
                In Language
                In Philosophy

        Results and effects of religion.
Discovery of facts in nature has led to man's improvement of his position in the world


        Application of discovery
        Necessity for research lines.

        Research from the standpoint of 

The list would not be complete without reference to two other American medical doctors who made important contributions in this field.  I refer to Dr. Carl F. Wickland, who, first in Chicago, and later in California, (with his wife as medium, or sensitive, spent nearly thirty years in the first part of the present century in an intensive study of insanity.  He found that many cases appeared to be due to a form of psychic invasion by possessing entities.  His book "Thirty Years Among the Dead'  (to be re-issued in England in 1965) outlines how he successfully treated cases of obsession with a type of electric shock therapy which he originated.

To mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the British Society for Psychical Research, in 1932 "Two Worlds", a London magazine devoted to such matters, published an interview with two outstanding investigators.  One was Dr. Crandon, the other was the Reverend Charles Drayton Thomas, who had brought to his studies not only the trained mind of a clergyman, but also the critical abilities of a scientist.  Reverend Thomas was a member of the B.S.P.R. and contributed regularly to its Proceedings, and his papers had gained for him the reputation of being a cautious observer and a sound critic.

Five questions were put to these two gentlemen, and I supply their answers in full, as an indication of the point to which researchers in this field had arrived by the first third of the 20th century.


(1)          Do you consider that in fifty years, Psychic Research has justified it existence?"

Dr. Crandon:

Yes.  It has justified itself more than has been the case in any other branch of science, due to the profound influence that the results will have on human occupation and on human conduct.

Rev. Thomas:

Psychic Research is still in its infancy.  It has made its presence felt in several directions, and will be increasingly considered by thinkers in Science and Religion.  It is one of the most important investigations occupying the mind of man, and holds supreme possibilities.


(2)           What deep impressions have your studies in psychical research left upon you?
Dr. Crandon:

Supernormal physical phenomena, as well as subjective phenomena, carried on in the seance room under strictest fraud-proof conditions of control, are now well established in the world as facts.  These phenomena include excursions into what is apparently a fourth direction.  They have culminated in finer-print production, identical apparently with those of living persons, and also with a person long dead.  Some of these phenomena occur when the medium is far away.  The conclusion is forced upon us that there are discarnate intelligences about us who are independent personalities and who are able to produce these supernormal phenomena.

Rev. Thomas:

I am assured by personal experience that our departed are able to visit us frequently and to acquaint themselves with our doings; that they are easily in touch with our thoughts, and that in some instances they endeavor to impress their helpful suggestions upon us.  Further, I have realized, far more than previously, how supremely important is one's habitual reaction to good and evil.  The character built up by habits of mind dominates one beyond death, and becomes the deciding factor in raising us to realms of joy and freedom, or limiting us to surroundings of irksome discipline pending the soul's awakening to the higher realities of existence.                


(3)           Do you believe that the existence of a spiritual world is possible of proof, and if so, has it already been afforded?

Rev. Thomas:

Before entering upon a personal investigation, I had realized from reading, that the fact of intercourse with the next order of existence had been demonstrated.  During my fifteen years of investigation I have proved this for myself.  It is a fact that some types of mind demand more evidence than do others.

Dr. Crandon:

Yes, to both questions, if by 'proof' is meant demonstration in the only ways practicable to the human intellect.  Such proof has existed in abundance for the last seventy-five years, to any one capable of analyzing it.


(4)           What form of psychic phenomena do you consider the most impressive and most likely to provide important knowledge?
Dr. Crandon:

Physical phenomena guided by intelligence, as so amply demonstrated by many episodes recorded in the New Testament.

Rev. Thomas:

Both kinds - the physical and the mental - have their use.  Neither can be a substitute for the other.  Each has its wealth of information awaiting the patient and persistent effort of investigators who can make this knowledge available for mankind.  My own researches have chiefly centered on mental phenomena, and I am confident that in this department the information to be obtained about the life awaiting man immediately beyond death will have far-reaching effects upon religious thought and social conduct.


(5)           What is your attitude in regard to Spiritualism?

Dr. Crandon:

This involves a matter of definition.  Anyone who believes in the survival of human personality, as I do, is in a sense a Spiritualist.  Yet, it may be with him a matter of philosophy rather than religion.  In either event, the firm establishment of the facts will have a profound influence on mankind, The danger of Spiritualism as a religion is, in common with most other religions, that it may become too emotional.

Rev. Thomas:

If by Spiritualism one understands a belief in the reality of communication with the departed, then I regard it as essential to a balanced outlook and understanding of earthly life, and also as a crowning realization in Christian experience.

        If by Spiritualism one means a body of people more or less                 organized for religious worship, then I consider it to be a movement which, unfortunately, for the time being, has been forced by circumstances into the position of a religious sect.  Since intercourse with the departed is a fact in Nature, and not of itself either religious, or a religion, it is clear that no one sect or denomination can claim it as an exclusive privilege.  In time this knowledge will be absorbed by all religions, to their great advantage and to the enlightenment of humanity.  When that is achieved there will no longer be the necessity for Spiritualism to exist as a separate sect.  Rather, it will be regarded as an essential ingredient in the knowledge and experience of all religions.

Now a few words concerning mediums and mediumistic or psychic phenomena.

It seems that most humans possess psychic gifts to some degree, and that these manifest somewhat erratically.  But when a person is found to have fairly frequent psychic experiences in a more dependable fashion, we call him or her a potential  'medium'  or  'channel'.  This faculty of mediumship is a gift, and is not restricted to any one type of persons, as far as is known at present.  It is found in both men and women, without regard to character or intelligence.  The term  'medium'  means  'in the middle' - that is, some on who can act as a transmitter or relay station between the world of the senses and the realm of the mind or spirit - or - between the normal and the paranormal.  How this is done has yet to be explained, and the unusual things which occur in the presence of a genuine medium are far from being comprehended.

The psychic faculty has been observed to operate at various levels of consciousness.

Normal Waking Condition.  Here, while the psychic appears to be quite aware of conditions around him, at the same time he is receiving information about people, places or things, bits of knowledge which flow into the mind directly, not through any of the five normal channels of sense-perception.  The knowledge so received may apply to a living person, or it may apply equally well to some one known to be dead.  Much of this knowledge may be verifiable.  This is called a Mental Output.

Partial Trance.  Here the medium is passing into a state of semi-consciousness, accompanied by mental confusion and uncertainty.  It can be likened to the confused state some people undergo when taking an anaesthetic.  Any so-called information given from this state is almost certain to be unreliable.

Deep Trance.  Here the medium passes into a profound sleep, which may last several minutes, or almost an hour or even much longer.  A genuine deep trance sleep is accompanied by certain physiological symptoms, such as: a change in rate of pulse and respiration; an appreciable drop in skin temperature; anesthesia of the skin; total amnesia in regard to events occurring in the experimental laboratory during the period of deep-trance sleep; in exceptionally deep trance sleep has been observed marked rigidity of the joints of the knees and arms known as Catatonic Rigidity.
During the deep trance sleep there may also occur a temporary dissociation of the medium's normal personality; in its place appears a type of psychic invasion by an extraneous intelligence labeled a 'trance-control'.  This trance-control directs the behavior of the medium's physical organism during the trance period: that is, may speak, using the medium's physical vocal apparatus; may write, using the medium's hand and arm, and in these ways convey information to the observers, or give instruction concerning experimental procedures. 

[Handwritten in top margin: May impress a 'vision' or a picture or a dream on a medium's mind, which she or he remembers and relates - when awake again] 

Several trance-controls may appear in succession, using one or other, or both, of these methods to communicate.

The use of the medium's vocal apparatus by a trance control is called a speech-automatism; the use of the hand and arm for writing is labeled a writing-automatism.  These result in (are also called) Mental Outputs, and show consistent differentiation for the various trance-controls who may manifest.  The 'picture' impressed on a dream is called a ( ....)'vision'.

As well as Mental Outputs, mediumistic activity shows Physical Outputs, which have two main classifications:

Telekinesis - the movement of inanimate objects due to the application of an unknown type of energy.  This field of telekinesis includes:
Levitation:   The raising of material objects briefly in the air, and their being suspended against the force of gravity, without any visible means of support.

Apports: The bringing into the experimental room, by some unknown type of energy, of physical objects, from some outside point.

Materialization or Teleplastic Forms.  Here a cloud-like or semi-solid substance may be seen emerging from the skin, eyes, mouth, nose, ear, of the body of the medium.  This vaporous substance, called Teleplasm or Ectoplasm, has been observed condensing and solidifying into human hands, arms, faces, or whole forms.  This materializing substance is said to have its origin in the physical body of the medium.  It is also claimed by the trance-controls that the people present in the experimental room in some way contribute to the sum total of the basic energy which is channeled through the medium's body and externalized.  The production of this substance appears to be connected in some way with the medium's nervous system.  The teleplasmic substance apparently is extremely delicate and sensitive, and may not be touched or handled except when permission to do so is given by the trance control.  Otherwise, the sudden, unexpected handling of a materialized form has proved extremely harmful to the medium's physical organism.  Cases are on record where the teleplasmic structure has been seized unexpectedly by a venturesome sitter with drastic results; the medium has become violently nauseated and has vomited blood, this indicating some form of severe nervous shock.

The teleplasmic form apparently is molded into a shape or form by the will of the trance-personality; how this is effected is not known.  Frequently the materialized form will develop on some part of the medium's body; sometimes it appears some distance away and completely detached from the medium.  Such materialized forms have been observed by many investigators in good red light, and in white light, and have been frequently photographed using either white or infra-red light sources.
Materialized forms usually occur when the medium, or mediums, are in a state of profound trance, more rarely when the medium is apparently normal.
Such forms take on a variety of shapes:

Amorphous - formless.

Imitative - or Simulacra.  Such as crudely formed hands.

Functional - such as long teleplasmic cords, presumably acting as transmitters of energy from the medium to a piece of experimental apparatus; or such as a 'voice-mechanism' - a crude lips and larynx - through which the trance-control has been heard to speak directly, not using the medium's own physical speech apparatus.

Biological - Fully materialized human forms; highly organized face-forms, revealing unmistakable likenesses of people known to be dead.  Fully formed hands, fingers.

All these various types of teleplastic forms have been observed, studied and photographed by investigators in England, France, Italy, Germany, U.S., Canada, Japan, South America.

During the course of any one single experiment, the total psychic output of any one medium may show a mingling and interlocking of both mental and physical manifestation.

The following types of phenomena have been well established under strictest of test conditions, on a basis of literally thousands of repeated observations and experiments:

Veridical Prophetic Visions
Writing in unknown tongues
Speaking in unknown tongues
Presence of unusual fragrances
Playing of closed and locked musical instruments
Telekinetic movements of tables, chairs, etc.
Direct Voice (teleplasmic voice box) obtained when the medium's mouth is full of water, or is tested by a voice-cut-out machine
Materialized hands, fingers
Fingerprints of supernormally produced fingers
Materialized and fully clothed human forms
Miniature human faces, in teleplasm, bearing likenesses of individuals knows to be dead
Supernormal lights
Cool breezed, causing room temperature of experimental lab to drop several degrees
Apports of fresh flowers, chunks of fresh earth, stones, metal objects, money
Many more types too numerous to mention
Dr. Hamilton graduated from Manitoba Medical College in 1903, and practiced medicine, surgery and obstetrics in Elmwood from 1904 - 1935, the year of his death.  He lectured in Medical Jurisprudence and Clinical Surgery at the Medical School, and was on the staff of the Winnipeg General Hospital.  For five years he was a member of the Provincial Legislative Assembly, during which time he assisted in putting through Votes for Women; Temperance reform, the Workmen's Compensation Act; the Mothers' Allowances Act; and he helped to pilot the Act making the Medical College a part of our University.  For ten years he was a member of the Winnipeg School Board, its Chairman for one year, and he assisted in bringing in compulsory free medical examinations for school children.  He was a life member of King Memorial Church, and an Elder of the congregation for twenty-eight years, and one of the three gentlemen who gave to the church its property.
Dr. Hamilton's untimely death at the age of 61 in 1935 interrupted but did not stop his work: his wife, Lillian Hamilton, continued with a smaller group, finally bringing the investigations to a close in 1944.  In addition, Mrs. Hamilton and the second son, Dr. James D. Hamilton, collected and edited all the papers and reports into book form, which is a highly scientific report of the main materialization phenomena, plus a discussion of purposive and intentional activity on the part of the trance-controls.  This was published by MacMillan's of Canada in 1942 with the title  "Intention and Survival".  It has had a steady, world-wide sale, and parts of it have been translated into French, German, Arabic, Japanese and Spanish.  Unfortunately, it has been out of print for several years.
When Dr. Hamilton died in April of 1935, the members of his family were deeply touched by the overwhelming number of personal expressions of sympathy and by the many tributes to his accomplishments which poured in not only from hundreds of goodly people in Winnipeg and in Manitoba, but from the Prime Minister of Canada, from eminent doctors in Canadian and American cities, from representatives of research societies in the U.S., in England, and in Europe, where his work was so well known and so highly regarded.  The funeral service, held in the church he had helped to build, was crowded.  In the address the minister, Rev. D. G. Paton said:
" ... Dr. Hamilton will be remembered always in this city and community as a beloved physician, true to the best traditions of his princely calling ... In connection with his international place as an investigator of the new science of metapsychics, among those who know him, his integrity was never in question; while among them who did not know him but who had examined his experiments critically, no suggestion of deceit or fraud had ever appeared ... Some years hence, when the area of man's knowledge will have enlarged to embrace more fully this new field, Dr. Hamilton's name will long be remembered as one of the pioneers who ventured much in order that humanity might more fully know ..."
"What shall I say of this man, this elder, this excellent physician?  From table rappings he passed from observations on the apparent animation of dead things to trance speech and writing,  to the photography of masses extruded from the bodies of mediums, later molded into the likenesses of known dead.  These phenomena were all genuine.  The yellow fog of doubt that hangs around all mediumistic doings was dispelled by the character of the man.  Day after day, week after week, year after year, when the ordinary day's work was done, he observed, recorded, analyzed.  I often wondered how he had the patient stubbornness to persist.  There lived in him a quality of mind rare in any age, even in the man who is the professing scientist ..."
                                Bruce Chown, M. D.
                                Winnipeg Children's Hospital.
" ... not only in America but all over the globe his name has become well known as that of an investigator of sterling character and singular ability ... He affords us the example, all too rare, of a member of one of the most conservative professions, the medical, with complete courage of his convictions, demonstrating the truth as to the reality of psychical phenomena, with entire disregard of any man since the days of Sir William Barrett ..."
P. Bligh Bond, in an editorial of the Journal of the A. S. P. R., May, 1935.
" ... Dr. Glen Hamilton and his group of Canadian experimenters are so very rigidly scientific in their procedures that their work merits the very closest attention from all persons who are anxious to penetrate the as yet unsolved mystery of the connection between mental and physical phenomena ... His work in psychic research will endure.  It was so thorough and scientific in its method that it must remain a standard work in the records ..."

Stanley de Brath,
Editor, British Psychic Science Quarterly.

What is a Seance or a Sitting? 
A meeting of people to study the psychic manifestations of a medium.  Such meetings may be held weekly, or daily, at a place and a time convenient to all.  In the case of the Winnipeg investigations, seances were held usually two evenings a week, from 9:00pm to 10:30pm., in a room in Dr. Hamilton's home, set aside exclusively for this purpose.  From the first, everything connected with the experiments was under Dr. Hamilton's strict personal control.  Associated with him was a small group of friends, united in their desire to get at the facts, and activated by a wholesome curiosity guided by the scientific approach of repeated observation and experiment under conditions of rigid control.  Vigilance and careful scrutiny were the policies, and sentimentalities were rigidly excluded.  The two mediums, Mrs. Poole and Mrs. Marshall, gave their time freely, and received no financial gain; in this sense they were strictly non-professional.  Precautionary techniques were as stringent as could be devised, and were modified from time to time, as more effective methods of medium and group control suggested themselves.

The seance room was in essence a scientific laboratory, and as such contained necessary basic equipment.  It was furnished with a number of plain wooden chairs, placed in a partial circle, and facing a plain three-sided wooden cabinet, in which the medium, or mediums, would sit.  A small wooden table stood in the center of the circle of chairs; placed on a shelf of the cabinet wall, and well above the reach of the seated medium, was a 'bell-box', constructed after the plan of the 'Scientific American' bell-box used in the 'Margery' experiments in Boston.  An electric gramophone supplied music if this was felt needful.  Fourteen different cameras, mounted on metal stands, were placed in a shallow semi-circle at the back of the room, and were focused to a central point, about three and one half feet above the floor, on the back wall of the cabinet.  These cameras were operated electrically by a pushbutton device held in Dr. Hamilton's left hand; they could be fired in relays, if necessary.  A rheostat-controlled ruby light hung from the ceiling, permitting moderately bright to very dim red light.  A small table and stool were placed at the back of the room for the use of the recording secretary, who took complete progress notes, and noted the time of the occurrence of various events by means of a watch having an illuminated dial. Chairs were placed outside the circle, for the use of visitors.