1932 - Apr 17 - July 28


Apr 17 - July 28

Ewan: "The signal will be given, not by me, but by Dawn."

10:09 p.m.   First flash.  Dawn gives the signal.

Ewan: "Can you change the cameras quickly? I will count 20." He does so slowly while T. G. H. changes the camera lenses.  At '20' T. G. H. sits down and waits - till, after a few seconds:

10:12 p.m.   Dawn: "Fire!"    Second flash taken.

Ewan (excitedly): "Again.  I can't wait so long.  I can't give you so long.  Hurry up."

10:13 p.m.   Ewan: (shouts excitedly) "Fire!  Fire! " Third flash taken. "That will do.  Could you see anything, lady? (to Mrs. Chown.)"

Mrs. Chown: "When Ewan's head was down I could see a greenish light but not when it was up."

Victor: "Lucy wants to close the circle as quickly as possible."

Ewan: "Listen, I am going to give some of these photos.  Please be ready next time to take them  as quickly as you can.  Allow Dawn to gradually come out as if she were asleep."

Mercedes: "The old gentleman wants you to sing, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul."

The group sing this.

Mercedes: "If everything is not as you expected, don't be too disappointed.  There was a little too much delay, but as you practice you will do it quicker.  Walter was building up a long time."

Ewan: "I think I can go now.  Lucy, would you please look after the medium, Dawn?  Please see that each of these mediums is treated with care.  Don't let them  be suddenly awakened."

Dawn: "Good night, friends."

Ewan: "You are too damn keen to see those photos.  Next time I will give you nothing at all.  Take Dawn out at once, please."

10:20 p.m.   Circle closes.

Doyle writes through Mercedes.  Usual controls manifest, and usual line of talk from them ; a mixture of the humorous and serious.  Sitting important because of the following script through Mercedes:

Doyle, through Dawn: "I am watching your progress.  Your methods are different from mine; but perhaps they are better.  I will put my picture through if your control will consent.  Splendid work; good mediums!  My life's work!  Carry on!  Keep the banner waving! Good night! Arthur Conan Doyle."( A. C. D.)

[Photo of Doyle:  Caption:  April 17, 1932, Doyle spoke to Mrs. Marshall: "I am watching your progress.  Your methods are different from mine; but perhaps they are better.  I will put my picture through if your control will consent.  Splendid work; good mediums!  My life's work!  Carry on!  Keep the banner waving!  Arthur Conan Doyle."( A. C. D.)]

[Photo of Doyle in life.  Medical doctor, author of many famous stories, creator of Sherlock Holmes.  Ardent and militant Spiritualist of highest principles, who carried on a staunch drive to preach the truth of Survival and Communication.]

April 18, 1932

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Mrs. J. M. Robinson - Kelowna:]

        Comment on sad bereavement.

"... your inquiry is but one of a great many that we receive from time to time and one would be glad indeed to give an emphatic answer.

"... May I be frank to say that in our psychical research work we are aiming at very careful recording of facts and a critical analysis of the same and in this naturally have kept wide of religion.  But the facts disclosed in fourteen years of work that lie behind us now very emphatically establish the theory of survival as outlined in Christianity.  To go into details in a brief letter is out of the question but if you should wish to read some of those details which we have published in the British Psychic Science Quarterly, I have a few copies at hand.  The full copy of the Quarterly for last January is 75 cents and the single article with illustrations in reprint form is 30 cents.

"... I think your best plan is to carry on the activities of your life with the fullest conviction that survival is an absolute fact and to live your life in accord with the Christian principles in view of that fact.

April 22, 1932.                

T. G. H.; L. H.; Ewan; Mrs. Poole.

Sitting with Ewan.  Full group next time.  Walter says Dawn not suitable for finger print work.

April 24, 1932.
T. G. H.; Ewan; Victor; J. A. Hamilton; Mr. Reed; L. H.; Mrs. Poole; Dawn; Gordon Chown; Ada Turner; Mercedes; Eva Cooper; Dr. Bruce Chown, Secretary.

Ewan in very deep trance.  

Walter says he wants the bell-box to be put back in place.  

Cool breezes felt by sitters near the cabinet.  Walter asked that the medium diet and rest the day of the next sitting.  

Apparently a mass is imminent. 

April 27, 1932.                                

J. A. Hamilton; Ewan; Eva and W. B. Cooper; Dawn; Mrs. Poole; L. H.; Ada Turner; Mercedes; T. G. H.; Dr. Bruce Chown, Secretary.  Two exposures - first, Emerging teleplasm; second hand simulacrum.  Mercedes gives signals.

Hand simulacrum. 

Telekinetic bell-ringing.  

Different mediums said to be used


First flash not {} good. Second flash records good picture of teleplasm.

(First flash shows small mass coming from Dawn's mouth.  Second flash shows large imitation hand.)

A disturbed opening.  Twenty minutes delay in preparation after group were assembled.  Ewan under strain.  

Dawn has an attack of hysterical laughter on entering the séance room.

Supernormal Cognizance.

9:12 p.m.        Group sings.

9:20 p.m.        Spurgeon manifests.

9:33 p.m.        Walter/Dawn: "Let the pop go!  Don't you know what that means?  You're a lot of dumb Doras!"

Control speaks through Mercedes and Ewan.  They asked us to sing.  We do so.

Walter/Dawn: "I want you to let yourself go.  I am speaking to Mercedes.  Please let yourself go!"

9:58 p.m.        Bell on cabinet rings one short ring.

Walter/Dawn: "Don't go to sleep!  Bell rings.  Walter indicates that it is with Lucy's power that the bell has just rung. Bell then gives three rings.

Walter/Dawn: "That is Ewan."

10:16 p.m.   Walter/Dawn: "I will tell you to be ready."

T. G. H.: "I am ready."

Ewan: "When Dawn gives you the signal you will know what to do."

T. G. H.: "All right."

Ewan: "Do not talk to her on any account."

T. G. H.: "Very well."

Ewan: "Can you control Dawn's hand, my friend?"

Victor: "Yes, I have her left hand."

Ewan: "The other hand to the lady (L. H.).  I have placed my hands on her head."

10:30 p.m.   Ewan heard rubbing.

10:45 p.m.:    Walter/Ewan: "Put Dawn's hand in Lucy's and keep (Victor's(?))  lightly on top of both. Good!  You don't know what it means to be the hand lever."
10:48 p.m.   Mercedes: "Are you ready? One, two, three, fire!  Sing!"

T. G. H. and Mr. Reed reload the cameras.

10:53 p.m.   T. G. H.: "All ready, Walter!"

10:57 p.m.   Mercedes: "One, two, three, fire!"

Mercedes: "I think Walter will speak through Dawn."

Something happens, and Walter shouts "You damn fool! (To invisibles.).  Close!  Close!"

11:06 p.m.   Circle breaks.        

Further  report  on  sitting of April 27.

Full group.  See register.  Walter appears through Dawn, Lucy through Mercedes;  Ewan also entranced from the first.

After usual nonsense-talk on the part of the controls a flash is called for, Mercedes giving the signal.  Two flashes are taken.  Walter calls for a third.  T. G. H. is not expecting a third, and is not prepared.  Walter is very angry.  Time between flashes noted by the official recorder, Dr. Bruce Chown.

Walter through Ewan tells T. G. H. (after the others have left the room) that the first plate "is not much good", but the second has a good picture of teleplasm.  When plates are developed this is found to be the case.
The first exposure shows teleplasm just beginning to emerge.  Second exposure reveals a large imitation hand falling from Mary Marshall's (Dawn's) mouth.

[Dr. Chown regards this emerging teleplasm (flash one) as of unusual scientific interest - one of the few exposures showing the substance in its preliminary state - that is, before being subjected to manipulation in a supernormal manner." L. H.]

[Photo of second flash  - 10:57pm - Hand simulacrum.]

[Stereo Photo: The Emerging Teleplasm.  Flash fired (Mercedes signaled) at 10:48pm.  Nine minutes later the hand simulacrum will appear.  (Appears to be compactly folded.)]

["Left to right: Dr. J. A. Hamilton, Dawn (with substance Emerging), Mercedes, W.B. Cooper, Mrs. Poole, T. G. H.. (Hand on push-button device.)  Ewan in trance, back to camera.]

[ Photo of emerging teleplasm ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo of second hand simulacrum ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

May 1, 1932.        

Ada Turner; H. Reed; Mercedes; J. A. Hamilton; Eva and W. B. Cooper; Ewan; Dawn; Mrs. Poole; L. H.; T. G. H.  All present except Dr. and Mrs. Chown.

Three exposures: 

First, nothing.  

Second, Doyle face.  

Third, receding teleplasm.

"The first Doyle face"

Lillian Hamilton twice sees a bright light, the first time before Ewan speaks, and says Katie is present.  L. H. also feels cool breezes immediately prior to Katie speaking through Mercedes.

Katie asks Walter to allow a man to write through her medium - "... someone who has not been long over, and who has not done much communicating."  She says that we must not ask his name nor the color of his eyes nor the state of his health.  

Walter pretends that he does not want him to write, finally (through Dawn) prepares the table; Mercedes sits down, in trance, and we hear her writing.

Following this there is the usual nonsense-talk between the controls.  About 10 o'clock Walter in a bantering tone suddenly says to T. G. H.: "Would you take a flash if I said 'fire'?"

T. G. H.: "Yes."

Walter/Mary M.: "Fire."

Katie/Mercedes makes bantering remarks to T. G. H. and Mr. Reed as they are exchanging camera plates.  She tells them  not to get excited but to be as quick as they can.  She says that Dawn will give the next signal for the flash with her foot - one, two, three, fire.  In a few moments Dawn does so, and the flash is released. (Second flash.)

Katie/Mercedes still continues to talk in a teasing tone while the two men close the cameras and prepare for a third flash.  She says that Dawn will give the same signal as before.  In about one minute after cameras are ready, Dawn's foot is heard (faintly) giving three taps on the floor.  The third flash is fired.  No information is given as to the nature of the phenomenon, if any, recorded.  Ewan is in trance on the floor when the photograph is taken.  

Victor sees (clairvoyantly) white masses on Dawn's face before one of the flashes was fired.

Katie's instructions.

At the next sitting place Sun Yen (Mr. Reed) in cabinet beside Dawn.  Walter wants to use him.

Place Mercedes in Sun Yen's place.  She, Katie, will change them  back again.

Do not speak to Mercedes until she, Katie, speaks.  Mercedes will be in a deeper trance than usual.  The controls are going to make one more attempt.

[Three photos: One stereo upper photo. One lower of "Doyle Face" and one of residue.]

T. G. H.  developed the plates immediately after the sitting was over, and found that the first exposure showed nothing except the control of the medium; the second face revealed a large teleplasmic mass and in it a face-form seen to be very like Arthur Conan Doyle.  

Third flash shows smaller residue.

Mercedes script.

"There is nothing mysterious about space; it is not empty space.  I found no difficulty in coming here.  In my books and plays I have always favored the mysterious; but there is nothing strange to me to coming here.

I am going to tell you facts about ...... I can explain a lot that may seem  to be hard to grasp.  I was firmly convinced before I passed on of life after death."

Ed. W., Mystery Writer. (Later found to be Ed. Wallis)
(Edgar W. Cayce (?) poor guess)

[Top photo: "First Teleplasmic Doyle Face.  Stereo Camera.  10:00pm."]

[Lower photo: "Doyle and Residue."  10:03pm.]

[ Right side:  Photo: Caption: "First Doyle Face. - Lower caption: "Mrs. Marshall in very deep trance.  This face said to be a likeness of Doyle as a young man. - Dr. Bruce Chown in charge of the experiment.]

Immediately following the closing of the circle Dr. T. G. Hamilton, accompanied by Dr. J. A. Hamilton and Mr. Reed, took one plate of the third flash and developed it.  While they were developing the picture, I interrogated the other members of the group; Barney and Ellen both stated that they had seen Walter, and Mrs. Cooper said she had seen a bright white light to the left of Dawn's shoulder at the time of the flash.  Jack stated that about one minutes prior to taking the third flash Dawn had lifted his left hand up to just under her chin and that he had there felt something cool, moist, and light, like whipped cream he said; and that when he took his hand away the skin felt moist.  He had also noted a peculiar odor about the medium which he had never noticed before.  It was suggested that it was the smell of ozone, but he did not think so.  Then it was suggested it was ...... again he did not think so.  It was then suggested that it was a cadaverous odor, and with this he half agreed, but was unable to be quite definite.

[Third flash].  Dr. Hamilton then reported that there was nothing on the first plate developed; and he then, in the presence of Mr. Green, and the recorder, developed two plates, one of the first flash, and one of the second.  On the first plate there was a large mass of ectoplasm extending down from the region of the medium's mouth over her chin, and, in the negative, suggesting a dog's face.  On the second plate there was a small mass of ectoplasm extruding from the medium's mouth, bicornuate, with a thin connecting isthmus.

[Note by  L. H.: After flashes were over, a control, through Mercedes, said that Doyle was present; and that we had got a photograph of the "Hound of the Baskervilles. - Dr. Chown apparently did not hear this - L. H.]

Katie asks Walker to allow a man to write through her medium (Mercedes).  Someone who has not been long over, and who has not done much communicating.  This was done.  Three exposures made: the first showed nothing except the control of the medium Dawn; the second, a large mass containing a face-form strongly resembling Doyle: the third showed a small teleplasmic residue on Dawn's lips.

Doyle/Mercedes Script: "Proof is coming at which the people cannot point the finger of ridicule.  My message is that proof is coming; let no cord slip."  (Signed  A. C. D.)

[ Photo of first flash - no teleplasm visible ]

[ Photo of first Doyle - second flash ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo of first Doyle residue ]

May 4, 1932.        

All present except Mercedes.  Sun Yen in cabinet.  Walter working in preparation for another picture.        
Arthur Conan Doyle speaks through Ewan, saying he was glad to be able to show his face.  

Asks  T. G. H. to send copies of it to his wife and his son Dennis. 

Says that he will speak later through Mercedes.

May 5, 1932.        

T. G. H.; J. A. Hamilton; L. H.; Dawn; Mrs. Poole; Gordon Chown; H. Reed; Ewan; W. B. Cooper; Dr. Bruce Chown, Secretary.  Note: Arthur Conan Doyle speaks through Ewan.        

(Excerpt from Dr. Chown's notes)

Walter/Dawn: "Do you like the photo?"

T. G. H.: "Yes!"

Doyle/Dawn: "It is a pity it wasn't complete ... He (Walter) says it is rotten.  It is of great value in promoting the truth ... It is necessary that you proclaim it.  He (Walter) is very anxious that my photograph be published; not because it is me, but because of what I stood for, and which wasn't believed  by many."

T. G. H.: "Have you any message for Lady Doyle?"
Doyle/Ewan: "She will be delighted.  I have prepared her for this."

Walter/Dawn: "He didn't sit for any photo ... the photo was just an ..."

Ewan: "Imitation.  Good!  That's a good explanation.  Have you understood?  It is possible for anyone who has the skill to reproduce the features of any living thing; but it is not permitted to tamper with the production of a group such as yours.  A face may be produced by one method or another; but when so marvelous a medium is present as the lady you are accustomed to sit with, there is great care taken with her powers, which are used for a proper end."

"It is only with the assistance of Walter that I am able to come through this meium.  The boy (Ewan) isn't much use to me.  I could talk more freely through the other.  She is more fitted to ... My message is of importance.  It is something the world should know.  It is not to be treated with levity.  It is not to be laughed at.  Don't misunderstand these things ... You are on the eve of great work.  Try and remain single in your hearts.  Keep faith and we will keep faith with you.  Do what Walter tells you, and much will be revealed to you shortly.  Things are being got ready, and the world will know in time.  Sometimes I grieve to see the methods  which don't seem  suitable; but I don't understand how Walter does these things."

T. G. H.: "You are looking younger."
Doyle: "I am looking as I am."

Walter/Dawn: "His cares and responsibilities are gone.  His heart was broken; but now he is coming back to speak to you.  I hope you are recording what he says."

Doyle: "I will communicate more next time, through the little medium."

Walter/Dawn: "He spent his boyhood hours with an unsympathetic ... Now he is coming to help.  You give the forces.  The channels are ... We are glad to have you and glad you like him.  We will perhaps be able to let you see him as he is visible to the eyes.  We must disperse now."

T. G. H.: "Thanks to all."

Walter/Dawn: "Where did you get those lanterns?  Why is the light so very sudden?"

T. G. H.: "Those are reflectors."

Walter/Dawn: "I wondered if you were working with globes.  Are they a kind of conductor?"

T. G. H.: "No, they are reflectors.  Does the shorter flash help you to hold the teleplasm?"

Walter/Dawn: "It isn't nearly so hard.  You will get better results if you are quicker."
Mercedes (entranced) sings the Spiritualist hymn 'The Summerland'.

A. C. D.(?)/Mercedes: "I wish to bring my gospel to you through song ... I wish to express my pleasure at being able to come to you here.  This is a poor instrument, but one that suits my present purposes ... I have contacted your controls and gained permission to use any of your channels ... you understand that it takes time to work around new channels; the method may be crude at first, but I hope to improve and to establish that it is the entity purporting to communicate."

T. G. H.: "Have you anything further to say before I leave for England?"

A. C. D./Mercedes: "I may at some future time give evidence that you can put alongside what you have."

Unknown voice through Dawn: "There is too much hilarity."

Walter/Ewan: "Get out your hankies and prepare to cry."

Walter/Dawn: "Will someone take the pulse of the medium (Dawn)?"

L. H. and T. G. H. do so.  They declare they find it weak but regular.

Sitting closes.        

[Lady Doyle told us, when we visited her in July, 1932, in New Forest, England, that her husband had grieved greatly over the many unfair demands made on this time and money by many of the lesser Spiritualists in England.  This made his burden very heavy.   L. H.]

[Two photo enlargements of the "Doyle Face"]

May 8, 1932.                

L. H.; T. G. H.; Mrs. Poole; J. A. Hamilton; Dawn; H. Reed; Mercedes; Ada Turner; absent: Mr. Green, the Coopers, the Chowns.

Words  of  encouragement.

Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Green, and the Chowns all absent.  Walter says Arthur Conan Doyle unable to speak through Mercedes because of lack of power.  Ewan and Victor necessary to bolster up Mercedes.

The "Wanderer" speaks through Dawn: Tells us not to be weary or discouraged.  We are not working alone.  We are surrounded by great forces. He speaks also of the great troubles in the world.  Man must turn his thoughts to things of the Spirit.  He will come again until a great door is opened.  We must pray for the world.

Walter promises that his medium will come next time.  Lucy says we are to pay no attention to what Dawn says when downstairs.  She is not fully responsible.  Says it would be a great calamity if we gave up the work - such wonderful material in our sitters, everyone.

Mercedes writes in trance automatically. (See Edgar Wallace script.)

Mercedes script of may 8, 1932.

"I cannot tell you how pleased I was to find that I could take off my earthly body and be free to roam through space; visit places that I have never been (to).  My first experience of fading possession of a body I shall always remember.  When I was on the earth plane I dealt in mystery themes; there is no mystery about death.

"The plane I am on now is not much different from your own, only there is a sensation of freedom that you do not possess on your plane.

"I want you not to be afraid of death.  As time goes on I will have better control of this girl and I will give you something worthwhile.  I am only practicing."

                                Yours,         Ed. Wall(is).

May 15, 1932.                

Eva and W. B. Cooper; Mrs. Poole; Ewan; Mr. Reed; Mercedes; L. H.; T. G. H.; J. A. Hamilton; Ada Turner; Dawn; Margaret L. Hamilton, Secretary.

(Two weeks after first Doyle).  "I may, at some future time, give evidence which you can put alongside."

[Doyle/Mercedes Script]

Two Preliminary Masses Appear

Doyle  speaks  -  more  proof  promised.

8:58 p.m.        Sitting opens.

Elizabeth controls.  Stevie talks of "Auld Reekie."

Control through Dawn starts to sing to the tune of "Ye Banks and Braes":

"Now I'm sure this box is finished,
All its sides are straight and true.
With saw and hammer, plane and chisel,
We're working away right merrily.
Did you ever such fine workmen see?"

(A boisterous personality.)

Mercedes in trance begins singing"The Summerland."

Conan Doyle speaks to Mercedes: "I wish to bring my gospel to you through song.  I was about to say that I wanted to express my pleasure at being able to come to you here.  This is a poor instrument, perhaps, but one that suits my present purpose.  It has been agreed that I can come without any interference.  I have come in contact with your controls and I have gained permission to use any of your channels.  Of course, you understand that it takes time to work around new channels; the method may be crude at first, but I hope to improve, and to establish that it is the entity purporting to communicate."

T. G. H.: "The "picture" was very good."

Doyle: "Yes, it was good.  You will use it to good purpose, I hope."

(Interruption here by Dawn and Ewan.)

Doyle remarks that it seems strange to him. T. G. H. asks if he has anything further to say before he, T. G. H., leaves for England.

Doyle: "If you send the evidence, there is nothing further needed.  But I may add some future time give evidence which you can put alongside."  He says that he has a song sung so that we may recognize his coming. The "Summerland" was one of his favorites.  He says that Mary Lodge (Lady Lodge) is beside him.  He will establish his identity.

Walter/Dawn: "Monotonous!  Every time it gets more monotonous!  But as long as you don't get too discouraged.  We are trying our utmost.  But you know it is hard to get milk out of a coconut if you have only a pin.  There is nothing more important than this work, but perhaps the time will come when you can give more time to it.  I'm sorry you sent away the little fellow we who was so merry about saws and planes - he was a good friend of mine, and you missed a good picture."

Mediums in deep trance with heads on the table.

Voice through Dawn: "There is too much hilarity."

Walter/Ewan: "Get out your hankies and prepare to cry."

Walter/Dawn: "Will someone take the pulse of the medium (Dawn)?"

T. G. H. and L. G.  do so.  They find it weak but regular.

Walter: "Thank you.  I do not want to sit very long.  I have done my work.  Try and come again as soon as possible.  Good night.  So long."

May 18, 1932.        .        

Dawn; Mercedes; Victor; Ellen; T. G. H.; Ms. Ada Turner; Mr. Reed; Mrs. Cooper; J. A. Hamilton; Lillian Hamilton; H. Green.



Says a "cone" of teleplasm has appeared.  (Teleplasm of May 18 might be described as cone-shaped.)

Teleplasmic "cone" hanging from Mary M.'s mouth.  Very thick, heavy, amorphous mass.  Black teleplasm seen at lips (Black teleplasm also reported by Dr. Gustav  Geley of Paris.)

9:20 p.m.        Meeting commenced.

Ellen goes into trance.  T. G. H. takes notes.

"Stand aside, Livie, and let Stevenson come.  He is first, though, as a boy, he had stand aside."

"Stevie said, "I was away with Cummie shopping in New Market Street.  I saw a parcel, and it was Abernathie Biscuits. You are no' going to get ahead of me.  You have a good skin, Stevie."

( Ellen comments often with Stevenson on his appearance, especially his health and his pronounced paleness.)

Livingstone now appears clairvoyantly.
Ellen: "Who is that?  Oh, your wife.  Give me the name of your children.  David and Jean.  They're very thin, but your wife is better than you.  I could tell you about the weeping willow trees.  Why do they hang so near the ground?  They look like a big pear.  I would love a piece of that tree.(to Livie).  Don't harm yourself.  I see you cannot break it.  We would be glad to let them  see how beautiful a tree it is.  That's where the children get in the shade.  His house is shaped like a corn stack."

Dawn here interrupts, when the group was singing "Draw Me Nearer".  

Spurgeon, the control, remarks "If I were to write that again it could be 'I would draw me to thy loving arms and there I would abide.  I would not write it 'to thy precious bleeding side.'"

On questioning,  Spurgeon remarked: "I have written some hymns but they are not published in your songs."

[Note in the margin: A Change in Spurgeon's Theology?]

Ewan: "Bless this woman (referring to Dawn).  Pray for her.  Blessed are they who just serve even if they do not know how great is their service."

On inquiry through Ewan came the reply: "I am the Wanderer.  I have not been here for a long time.  I knew you require encouragement.  The way will be opened up.  You are not alone.  There are those who are watching.  There is great work to be done, to proclaim to the nations.  There is in this world great trouble and men should turn to the spirit before they can correct matters.  This is not profound teaching.  The world is in great trouble; great forces are being utilized; but it is a hard matter.  Everyone who will add their prayers for our success will help.  Do not be angered, - remember her ignorance.  She is doing her best and will be saved to you.  It is becoming too windy to stay.  The wind is blowing and see the trees, they are shaking.  I will come whenever your hearts are needing me.  I am sent to give you courage.  All power is given to you and kindness and help.  Bless this woman.  She is being guided even in this moment of silence.  There are those who will incline her to you.  You are also an instrument.  Keep your circle small.  Keep to those who will come with humble hearts.  Everywhere we see men whose hearts are not humble.  The only approach is the humble heart.  I have only to lead you to persevere in the knowledge that there are those working who will not see you fail.  I have never seen the cause of truth cast down.  I am speaking words that are words indeed and have meaning.  These things may seem  simple to you.  I use words that are intended to mean exactly what they say.  I will come again.  Good night.  You will see that the path will be opened to us."

9:50 p.m.        Pencil and paper is brought and Mercedes proceeds to write.

Dawn: "I will not talk, lest I interrupt this very learned gentleman.  I will look at him but I will not talk. He told me to shut up."

T. G. H. remarked that Walter must have his nerve to use such language.

Walter (through Dawn): "He has two nerves.  I don't want to be in your old circle.  He told me to get out.  He can come in if he likes, to see ... He's too hard-boiled."

[The above two paragraphs are crossed out in the original - no reason given.]

Doyle/Mercedes: "Good evening.  I am very glad to be here.  I want you to know that I have been watching your work.  I was very interested in this work before I made the change.  I have learned by watching your progress.  There is something yet, you see, is waiting - some proof that lies nearer home and that is forthcoming.  I want you to know that this proof is coming and people cannot point the finger of ridicule.  They do it.  This may seem  unfamiliar, but you must know I am using an instrument I never used before.  I know somebody else here, and if she was the same character as this, I could have manifested through before.  I was almost a minister, and I changed my mind - the down-trodden heel instead of the soles.  I have been here before.  My message is that proof is coming.  I wish you, no matter what interferes, let no cords slip - let them  wait, but don't lose contact.

Lucy: "You must pay no attention to anything that these three persons say when they go down to the room downstairs.  They don't know what they're saying and what they are doing.  I could have slapped my medium's ears, and as for Walter' medium, just laugh at her.  She will come here and come here.  Everything is not going to stop - ways and means will open up.  Material affairs may have to disband, but you are not going to lose connection.  You couldn't stop your work; you have wonderful sitters; more concentration will come; I know more than some controls.  I am often on your plane.  Things have to be worked out in the best way possible ...... come and go with a medium, circumstances are against them ......"

"I am here again with you.  It seems to be easy to contact with you; the cords you have drawn around you are very strong.  What scope for my pen!  What glorious opportunities to use the material I have gathered since passing on!  Through this humble instrument I would give you greater thrillers than I did on your physical plane.  I do not want to lose contact with this girl.  More later."

[Edgar Wallace]

[Signal given by Mercedes - "one, two, three, Fire!"   -   L. H.]

[Three photos of the so-called "Cone Teleplasm."]

[Note the black teleplasm at lips.  Black teleplasm seen with Eva C. under Dr. Geley in Paris previously.]

[ Photo  of cone teleplasm ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

May 22, 1932.                

As above.  Teleplasmic Cone - hand and face, tiny hand,  spinning.



(a)  That a face appeared.
(b)  That the eyes are partly closed.
(c)  The face will be recognized.
(d)  A hand will appear.

(A second "cone" of teleplasm issuing from the medium's mouth - in it a face partially defined, showing eyes partly closed - also a small hand.  Face resembles Oliver Lodge.)

Second "cone" appears hanging from mouth.  Embedded within a mask of face said to be of the living Oliver Lodge.  Face dimly outlined.  Identity unprovable.

A beautifully formed tiny hand is seen to be "mirrored" at the bottom of mass with fingers showing threads of the substance entwined.  That is, the hand would appear to be "molding" the mass in another state, and to be mirrored in the act within ours.

This hand (or some other supernormally created hand) touched Lillian Hamilton before the flash.  This reported to Walter who said, "Yes, that is Feda's hand and I am going to give you a picture of it in a very few minutes."

Usual  E. M. controls.  Mercedes entranced immediately the sitting begins.  Dawn and Ewan about two minutes after.

Ewan is placed in the center of the circle.  Dawn is now heard making whistling noises to her teeth.  Controls appear to be working - no talking.

Immediately after Ewan takes his place at the table, the recorder reports feeling cold strong breezes; at this point felt and heard a hand lightly and rapidly slapping Dawn's right-hand as it lay in my left hand palm downward.

Ewan, apparently under the influence of the Walter control, now begins to slap the table rhythmically and vigorously.  He keeps this up for approximately ten minutes.

Ewan: "Are you ready?"

T. G. H.: "Yes."

Walter then speaks through Dawn.  A voice also through Mercedes, the voice says he will describe the scene on "their side".  He wishes we could see the "cords" attached to each one of us.  There is much machinery being used in this experiment.  They are all, he claims, just as busily engaged as we would be working out some experiment on our side.  He sees present the "preacher" (Spurgeon), two girls (Lucy and Katie, presumably), a young man with blue eyes (Walter), and a very old gentleman standing to the right of the cabinet.  In reply to a question he says "It is not W. T.  Stead."

Ewan is put back in his regular seat to the right of Dawn.

Walter/Dawn calls for the flash: "One, two, three, four!

The flash is fired.

The controls now appeared to be preparing for a second flash.  Ewan is under much stress, panting, swallowing convulsively.  They appear to be withdrawing energy.  Mercedes is heard saying "Take it away; take it away, away."  A control through Dawn admonishes her and tells her not to touch her face.  The controls through their respective mediums are heard talking together.  They say that Mercedes is not prepared to show it - a teleplasmic mass, presumably.  T. G. H. and Mr. Reed, who have been preparing the cameras for the second flash, are asked to take their seats.  No flash, however, is called for.  Ewan says to try again, then says it cannot be done.  The second attempt ... has failed.

Walter now speaks through Dawn.

Walter: "Good evening."

T. G. H.: "Did you get a face through to us?"

Walter: "Yes, partly.  You will find the eyes partly closed; the person looks as if he were asleep.  The face will be recognized.  I intended to give you another picture, but the medium, Mercedes, destroyed it."

Walter speaks of those who wish to write and draw through our group. (Automatic writing)                                        

Katie speaks through Mercedes and says that she will presently be asking for the bed again.  There is some work which she has got to complete.  Says they produced teleplasm through Mercedes for the first time, but the latter destroyed it by her hand.  The "work" aids them  in their own advancement.  Katie says further that they have access to three spheres from which they can come; further than that they cannot come back except for some very special purpose and under very special conditions.

L. H. then said: "Walter, may I ask a question?"

Walter: "Yes."

L. H.: "Twice tonight I both felt and heard a hand slapping Dawn's hand as I held it; was that a supernormal hand?"

Walter: "Yes, it was a supernormal hand, and you will see it in the photograph when it is developed."

L. H.: "Was it your hand?"

Walter: "No, it was the hand of a little control who is here helping."

[Note: T. G. H. developed one plate shortly after the sitting was over; it showed the presence of a mass, a face and a hand, as Walter had said.  The identity of the face could not be seen from the negative.]

[The face likeness said to be a mask of Sir Oliver Lodge's face taken while he slept in London, England.]

[The hand said to be the hand of "Feda" - Mrs. Osbourne Leonard's control - All said to be in reverse - We see the supernormal realities, in some cases, as in a mirror.  -  L. H.]

[ Photo of teleplasmic "mask" and spinning hand ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

May 23, 1932.

Victor  phones  his  impressions.

11:00 a.m.        Victor( W. B. Cooper) phones Lillian Hamilton at her home at 185 Kelvin, to ask about the picture.  Lillian tells him what to plates reveal - a hand, a face, and teleplasm; the identity of the face is not yet known.  Victor then goes on to say that during the sitting of the previous evening he had the impression that the old gentleman said to be standing beside the cabinet with the white hair was Sir Oliver Lodge.  He himself saw him dimly.  He felt sure that this was so.  He says that he reported this after the sitting in the presence of  Dr. J. A. Hamilton and Mr. H. Green.  He heard the controls also say that the hand was the hand of Feda.  Lillian Hamilton now examines the print with the magnifying glass and sees for the first time that the face bears some resemblance to the face of Sir Oliver Lodge.

May 27, 1932.



(a)          He has given what was promised         - Doyle's face. (Teleplasm shows face of A.C.D.)

(b)          He has given the head and profile of a lady. ("Drawing of girl's head and face in teleplasm.)

May 30, 1932

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. L. R. G. Crandon - Boston:]

"... number of photos received since last I saw you.  Number 1 contains a pair of eyes looking upward and to the right and a very small face looking downward from beneath the black hair.  This photograph was obtained when I was returning from Washington early last March.  I would have been at Baltimore on the evening this flash was taken and the flash was fired on signal by Dr. Bruce Chown, who has been working with us some considerable time.  The upper eyes are supposed to be those of Walter himself.  The photograph was not much of a success, apart from the fact that it was secured while I was absent and therefore is one in which I could set up an alibi.

"... Number 2 is a photograph received shortly afterward.  The two views of this simulacrum of a hand are very interesting.  Number 3 shows two different views of a photograph taken on the evening of May 1st.  On the evening of April 17th, Arthur Conan Doyle, purporting to come through one of our auxiliary mediums, wrote automatically to the effect that if he could get the permission of the control, he hoped shortly to put his picture through.

"... This photograph, which is an exceptionally good one as far as the eyes and adjacent parts of the face, but which is very mechanical in regard to other features such as the hair margins and the moustache, is nevertheless probably the best photograph we have obtained so far.  It is interesting to note how the lurking teleplasmic clouds seem to cling about the eyebrows and moustache and hair and along the left cheek of  A. C. Doyle.  I am forwarding copies of these to lady Doyle by request.

"... Number 4 is a copy of the third exposure taken on the evening that Conan Doyle's picture came through.  Signal was made for the first flash after which, in about three minutes, the cameras being changed, a second flash was taken, and in about three minutes following that, a third flash was taken.  The first flash contained nothing except the bare face of the medium.  The second flash the Conan Doyle picture, the third flash the residue.

"... I am thinking very seriously of going overseas, leaving the first week of July.  It is the centennial of the British Medical Association and the occasion is the return visit of the Canadian Medical to the British Medical.  The Canadian Medical is going in a special boat leaving on July 2nd for Montreal and making a tour through Ireland, Scotland and England, arriving in London about the 20th of July ... This will put me in London on July 19th.  Once there, the Centennial Meeting, July 22 - 26 in London, would demand my attention... I would probably stay there  until September 10, to return with Dr. Allison at that time ... with London as a center, one could very profitably engage his time between hospitals and researchers.

"... I wish indeed that it were possible for you to have been over in London at this time as we might have accomplished together considerable which is so difficult to do successfully as individuals.

June 3, 1932

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Mr. Stanley De Brath - Surrey - England:]

"... I expect to be present at the British Medical Centenary meeting opening in London July 23rd.  I hope also to make London a center for some special work in hospitals until the second week of September.  During this period, including probably a few days in Paris, I am naturally looking forward to meeting yourself and others interested in psychic matters ... as I will take along a number of slides and will have great pleasure in meeting and discussing these mattes with others who have engaged in similar work.

'... On the evening of May 1st we were astounded to receive a very remarkable likeness of Conan Doyle.  This came as a great surprise to us all, though in looking over our notes there are recorded several intimations that such would be attempted.  The conditions were the usual of rigid scientific control.

"... I am forwarding copies to Lady Doyle and will have a full report on this and other matters when I come.

June 5, 1932.                

Full group.

Controls say they are preparing something new - something never tried before.  There will be another "picture" - that is, a face-bearing teleplasm.

Walter again states that the hand was the hand of Feda - the Leonard control so well known to Lodge in England.

[Note: T. G. H. now on the eve of departure for England to attend British Centenary Meeting.  At last moment L. H. decides to go along.]

June 6, 1932

[Letter from  D. A. Stewart - medical superintendent - to Sir Henry Gauvain: Lord Mayor's Hospital:]

[Letter informing Sir Gauvain that Dr. Hamilton will be in England and asking whether a meeting with slides and lecture could be arranged by Sir Henry.]

Address to Nurses  - June 7 , 1932

The position of the nurse relative to Science, the world, and life, is peculiar.

The position of the nurse relative to Science, to Humanity and to Life is broader than that of any other profession or calling.

Your position is one that maintains your mind open and plastic and therefore receptive to the unusual and not intolerant to the new.

        Staff Nurses of Winnipeg General Hospital:

        Psychic phenomena very varied.



        The Medium

                Faculties: Psychic
                Associated Conditions

        The Trance State

                A complex mental condition
                A complex physiological condition
                The onset of trance
                Development of trance
                Types of trance
                Types of control
                Types of mediums
                Types of phenomena
                The purpose of trance

June 8, 1932.        

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. Harvey Agnew - Toronto:]

"... I am completing arrangements to go overseas with Dr. Allison and his party, leaving Montreal on the Duchess of Bedford July 8th.  This will land us in Glasgow on the 14th and from there to London on the 19th.  At that time I will leave the party as they are going on to  Naples.  Leaving for home on September 10th. 

"... Since seeing you we have been successful in taking quite a few photographs.

June 12, 1932.        

Full group at sitting:        

[Note:  While in England they were guests of Lady Doyle in her summer home in New Forest.  Among other things she said the press had always been kind to her, but had misrepresented what she had said.  This unknown to us. This ... of the June 12, 1932 sitting.  - L. H.]

Doyle  speaks.  Prayer  for a  "Sign".

Full group present, except the Chowns.  Usual  E.M. trance.  She sees Stevenson, Livie, Walter and Raymond.

A voice speaks through Ewan; singularly impressive.  Speaks of the beauty of the flowers; we are much greater than the flowers.  No two roses are alike.  This is true also of human beings.  We must turn our faces to the sun of God's love, and like the flowers each grow in beauty in our own appointed way.

We think to much of the "machine."  All will be swept away and we will start again.  No matter what lies before the world we must have faith.   Each generation is better than the last; it is but the means to an end.  All will go forward.  We are spirit, and we must give our attention to things of the Spirit.  "I will come again; I will go where the wind of the Spirit bloweth me.  I am a messenger from those dwelling in the higher realms.  I am commanded to speak and tell you of these things."

Lucy speaks and says that a gentleman is standing by who wishes to speak and has asked her to prepare the way.

Doyle voice through Mercedes: "Greetings, friends.  I want to ask you (T. G. H.) that if your plans are accomplished that I want to be with you when you put your foot on  strange soil.  I wish you to make contact with my loved ones who are there.  Tell my beloved wife that I command her to be careful of her words to the press of the British Isles.  She must not hesitate to contradict mis-statements.  Tell her to be of good cheer.  My people will find a leader.  There is no dropping away from spirit return because Conan Doyle has made the change.  Someone will come forward to take up the cross.  Tell her there will be twisted interviews and wrong constructions of her words.  She must not hesitate to contradict them .  I'm sorry I cannot tell you of your plans.  I am not strong enough to see ahead yet."

Walter and Lucy speak; also Black Hawk.  Katie and John come.  They say they are trying to give a "sign".  Someone appears through Mercedes asking that a miracle be performed as in the olden days.  This prayer is beautiful and moving:

"Send unto Thy people a sign that they may know the way.  Open their eyes that they may see what Thou cans't do. Thou hast done it in the past; why not in the present day?  May we be permitted to try what we came for ...."

Voice through Mercedes: "I came, I know not where, but I will be going back to you and show to you the beauteous robes of the Summerland."

Dawn  refuses  to  come.
Walter predicts a second Doyle face.


Walter/Mary M.        

(a)  Predicts coming of second Doyle face. (at home of friend)
      (See phenomena of June 27, 1932)

Re First "Cone" and Face         

After the sitting of June 12 had closed, Dawn still remained in trance; Walter returned and begged  T. G. H. to have another sitting as soon as possible.  He was told that his medium positively refused to come again as she was tired and was going on her holidays.  He then asked for paper and pencil and by means of Dawn's hand wrote the following:

"Mary Marshall: I want you to come here Sunday, the 14th of June, as it is very important - as this picture will not hold any longer than a few hours.  I can help you in another way if you come to me. W. S. S."

Dawn, however, remained obdurate, and the sittings were, as we thought, closed for the summer.

A few days later, unknown to any other member of the group, the medium attended a sitting held at the home of a neighbor, a Mrs. Taylor; went into trance, Walter purported to speak; demanded that Hamilton group come together again, saying that they were going to put through another representation of Conan Doyle; as they, the controls, were not satisfied with the first attempt in this direction.  Curiously enough Dawn seemed to be very much impressed by this unexpected plea on the part of Walter.  She phoned Lillian Hamilton and made arrangements to "carry on."  As a result, three more sittings took place - one on June 19,1932, one on June 26,1932, and one on June 27, 1932.

June 26, 1932.                

Eva and W. B. Cooper; L. H.; Ada Turner; Dawn; Mrs. Poole; Ewan; J. A. Hamilton; Mr. Reed; Mercedes; T. G. H.

Full group, except Dr. and Mrs. Chown.

Doyle Teleplasm  (Mercedes)  L. H.

Second Doyle Photographed

NB.  Second Doyle face - Mass in three faces.

Walter talks of the spinning hand.

Dawn, Mercedes, Ewan, Elizabeth, entranced.

Trance manifestations of  E.M. - Livie, Stevenson, appear.  Walter speaks through Dawn.  Nonsense talk between Dawn and Ewan, the latter in fairly deep trance.  Walter appears to be controlling both.

A new voice speaks through Dawn.  Speaks of  T. G. H.'s coming visit to the Old Country: "I'm sorry you have not seen fit to take the good lady. (L. H. at this time was not going.)  No one will take her place.  She would have been a great help to you; without her you have lost part of your compass."

Lucy speaks to Mercedes and says it was Stead speaking.  Lucy says she will try and make herself known to T. G. H. in England.

Walter speaks of the "wax" impression of the "Lodge" face; said that he,  Lodge, had wrinkled up his nose; that we would find, if we looked closely, that one eye was shut and the other partly open.  He also said that Feda had put her hand "up through the teleplasm" and made a hole.  Also that she had accidentally pulled the teleplasm and made a second hole.  It had all happened so quickly; he was afraid to ask us to come again, and so gave it as it was.  He seemed pleased to have succeeded as far as he did.  He said that they were "laying the cords" between our center and those "across the water."

After this came a quiet interval without any talking on the part of the controls.

Walter, through Dawn, asks that someone examine the medium.  L. H. does so - head, neck, face, bust and under arms.  She states that there is nothing there.  In a few minutes the Katie voice is heard speaking quietly through Mercedes asking T. G. H. if everything is ready.  T. G. H. replies that they are.

Walter/Dawn: "Will someone examine the medium's face?"  L. H. does so, declares she finds nothing there.  

Just previous to the flash Ewan is in great distress, moaning and gasping.  The other mediums are quiet.

Katie/Mercedes gives the signal "1,2,3, fire."

T. G. H. makes the exposure.

Walter speaks after the flash: "I have given you a picture which will be shown to you in a locket, a lady, - I borrowed her head and side-face.  Walter."

Walter/Ewan: "I have given you what I promised."  (that is, The Doyle face.)

Allegory in teleplasm at bottom of mass: skull representing death; girl looking at death represented by skull - her eyes wide with astonishment; in between, a reproduction of a photograph of Spurgeon as the boy preacher - that is, religion, standing in between.  In England, through medium Mrs. Singleton, who was entranced and knew nothing of this mass, Doyle, communicating by means of teleplasmic hands that wrote on a specially devised typewriter, entitled this allegory:
"Light is dawning."

[Highly evidential reference.  Include  T. G. H.'s and  L. H.'s proof in London, England, in August, 1932, Mrs. Singleton.]

[Photo of "The Second Doyle Face."  An Allegory.]

[Caption for "Second Doyle Face".  "The young woman's profile represents Humanity looking in fear at Death, represented by the skull.  Through the intervention of the boy preacher (the youth's face in center was later found to be a copy of a photograph of Spurgeon as a boy evangelist) the fear of death will vanish, and man will triumph over death, shown by the smiling, assured Doyle countenance.]

Break - Dr. and Mrs. T. G. H. in England and Europe, July, 1932 - September, 1932.

[Note:  In July 1932,  T. G. H. and  L. H. were in England and briefly in France.  T. G. H. took a number of his lantern slides, and showed many of the teleplasms, including the two Doyle faces.  He spoke to the elite of the Spiritualist Movement, and was most warmly received.  He and  L. H. met and had lunch with Lady Doyle; were to have met Lodge, but Lodge was ill.]

Oliver Lodge

"...I am as absolutely convinced by the evidence as ever I was.
Lapse of time has no effect on my belief.  In fact, it has given opportunity for more and more evidence to be received.  And the evidence is cumulative.  To all I say in my published books, I adhere, and my faith in the reality of a spiritual world is stronger than ever."

[Sir Oliver Lodge in a letter to Mr. J. Arthur Hill, February, 1932.]

[ Photo of the second Doyle ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

July 2, 1932

[Letter from Dr. Franz Haslinger - Graz, Austria:]

Notes that a lengthy letter has been received and copied and sent on to Dr. Crandon at Boston.

"... There is evidently a great deal of cross-firing and trickery among many of the so-called leaders in psychical research and it is very regrettable that many of them are rather writers than actual experimenters and students; and as theorists, even if they are honest, they stray far from the point, and if they are dishonest their commercialism, which probably is the great motive behind their work, made to satisfy the public or the church rather than to present truth.

"... We were disappointed that Mrs. Krones has moved sometime since from Winnipeg to Toronto.  I have heard indirectly from her at that point but unfortunately was unable to see her when I was East about four months ago.

"... We have had some astounding results in our research work this last spring and of these I have pleasure in enclosing two of the photographs, the one which contains the face of Conan Doyle we received May 1st.  It is a marvelous piece of phenomena.  

"Thirteen days previous to its coming, that is on April 17th, he purported to tell us that he intended coming if he could get permission of the control.  We were astounded, however, when the photograph was developed, to see such a clear face of Conan Doyle. It is interesting to note how the clouds of teleplasm are lurking within the eyebrows and moustache and upon his left cheek as well as overcovering the adjacent parts surrounding the face.  

"Then, on Monday evening last, June 17th, we had a photograph which is entirely unique in that it presents a teleplasmic mass with two faces and two drawings contained therein.  The drawings consist of a girl on the observer's left looking with horror at a skull upon the right.  This, I take it, depicts the attitude of the world toward death.  Between them, a little further up, is the face which at once we found was the face of young Spurgeon whom we have already photographed four times previously during several years past.  The face on this occasion is practically an exact copy of a biographical photograph to be found in some biographies.  I take it that his position in the picture represents his attitude and position relative to the world and death.  

"The most striking feature of the photograph, however, is the face of Conan Doyle which in large size presents above, this in a sense expressing his triumph and happiness.  

"I have not had an opportunity of discussing these matters either with Conan Doyle or Spurgeon or any of the other controls as we have not had a sitting since.  The interpretation given is my own.  I will be glad to hear what your reactions are.  

"In closing, let me say that on July 6 Mrs. Hamilton and myself leave for England.  We take boat in Montreal on the morning of July 8, arriving in London by way of Glasgow and a five-day tour of the north country, on July 19.  While I am going ... last week of July ... opportunity to meet and discuss these very important topics."

July 28, 1932

[Letter from Lady Conan Doyle - expressing disappointment at missing Dr. Hamilton's lecture and slides - 90th birthday for her father - asks Dr. and Lillian Hamilton to stop in if possible at "Bignell Wood".]