1930 - Sept 28 - Dec 20


Sept 28 - Dec 20

September 28, 1930.                        

T. G. H.; J. A. H.; Mrs. Poole; Mercedes; L. H.; Dawn; Anna; Mr. Reed; John MacDonald; Ada Turner; Ewan.

E.M. in trance.

10:05 p.m.   Mercedes on couch.  Katie speaks and says it has been a wonderful sitting.  Her medium is to rest more. 

Mercedes appeared to have been in a very deep trance state, as it was with some difficulty that she was brought back to normal.

October 2, 1930

[Letter from A. S. P. R. - thanking for a lecture on December 1, 1930 - a Mrs. Post is mentioned.]

October 2, 1930.                

A. Louisa Hill; Mrs. Pitblado; Reverend Lena Barnes Jefts; Ethel Post; L. H.; Isaac Pitblado; Victor; T. G. H.; H. J. Metcalfe; J. A. H.; Mr. Reed; Dr. Bruce Chown; Dr. Bruce Hill; J. E, Reist. 

October 5, 1930.                

E.M. while in trance states that she sees Stevenson, Livingstone, Spurgeon and Doyle.

Spurgeon speaks through Dawn: "The Rose of Sharon; we see Him in the glorious morning!  We shall see him face to face.  I am hoping very soon that I shall get the call to see him face to face.  I am preparing myself to be like Him.  You are also.  You are like the first Adam of the earth, earthly; I am like a second Adam, immortal."
Walter: "Everybody here?"  Now we can get right down to business.  Could we have some sittings, one, two, three in a row?  Spread out a little now; when the picture comes you can come closer.  I am going to give you Katie King as she is.  Put Mercedes on the couch; place her at ease.  We must build from the floor but I can't stretch - we must be closer to get the best results.  Place two or more chairs in the center; put something on them ; the body must recline ... Place her transversely across."

John: "When Katie is on the couch for five minutes I want the doctor to examine her."

Walter: "This is going to be something wonderful."

Katie: "Tell the mediums to think good thoughts during the next week.  I must have pure material.  My father will take the medium and lay her on the couch."

Mercedes on the couch at 10:00 p.m.  Dr. T. G. H. examines the medium, Mercedes, at the end of the five minute period. He speaks aloud his findings which are recorded verbatim by the note taker.

Medical Examination:

"Completely anesthetic.  Jaws rigidly fixed.  Eyeballs insensitive.  No twitching of the eyelids.  No sign of respiration.  Pulse about 78. Rigidity at knees and pelvis absolute.  Arms now more limp.  Chin set.  Very subdued respirations noticed.  Completely insensible."

Mercedes returns to ordinary trance state at 10:10 p.m. John says "She is well."

10:20 p.m.   All see "light" in the room.  Said to be Katie's garment.

Katie asks that her medium be not let out of the room until she is in a normal state.

[The trance state exhibited by Mercedes (on this occasion) is exhibited repeatedly by fakirs in India.]

Walter: "On no account let anyone (control) take Mercedes.  Her control is going away and you must watch her very closely. Tell Dawn that she must not have anything to eat after her noon-day meal.  Break!  So long!"

The Mizpah is repeated.

All: "May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from the other."

October 12, 1930.                

E.M. visions of Stevenson, Stead and Livingstone.

9:30 p.m.        Dawn in her normal state sees Walter standing at the foot of the "couch" - he has a cape on. 

Black Hawk also present.  She sees a fierce-looking man; he smiles - he is not fierce looking.  Katie and Lucy appear.

9:40 p.m.        Mercedes in trance is placed on the bed. Walter says the temperature of the room is too high.

9:41 p.m.        John asks  Dr. T. G. H. to examine Mercedes.

Medical Examination of Medium in Deep Trance

"Hands cold.  Stiffened at the elbows.  Lower limbs stiff at the knees and hips.  I put the arms in the air, they remain upright; waxy flexibility.  Mouth firm.  Eyelids and lips tightly closed.  Rigidity has developed to above the elbow.  Lower reflexes are strong.  Medium anaesthetic.  Pulse 80 to 84.  Raises the head - head and neck remained elevated.  The right elbow is now quite soft."

9:58 p.m.        Limp and raised to a sitting position.  Knees still rigid.  They are loosening up.

10:01 p.m.   Mercedes raised to her feet. 

Walter, through Dawn, is making passes over Mercedes.  Bed rolled up and placed in cabinet.

10:05 p.m.   Katie speaks through Mercedes; "You have examined my medium.  Are you satisfied that this is a control at work?  I wish to make this above suspicion."

T. G. H. admits that there is a great difference between this trance state and any previously witnessed.

Walter: "We will let you know two sittings ahead when to get your camera ready."

October 16, 1930

[Letter from Dr. Crandon - about a sitting held by the group in Boston - a Judge Charles Stanton Hill had died and later left a hot wax thumb print for the group.]

October 19, 1930.                

Full group.

E. M. in trance.  Mercedes on couch.

T. G. H.: "Waxy flexibility.  Respirations cannot be detected.  Pulse accelerated."

Many sitters controlled and in trance or semi-trance:  E.M.,  Dawn,  Mercedes, Anna, Victor,  Ewan, and One-Eye.

October 26, 1930.
T. G. H.; Ada Turner; Anna; Mrs. Poole; Dawn; J. A. H.; Ewan; Victor.


Walter/Mary M.        

Katie will appear in the center of the cabinet about 51/2 feet up.


Walter/Mary M.        

There will be no material body.  


Walter/Mary M.        

There will be very little ectoplasm.  (For all of the above see November.)

October 27, 1930

[Letter from A. S. P. R. - per Esta Mr. Barr - request for a visit from Dr. Hamilton.]

October 30, 1930

[Letter from Dr. Crandon welcoming Dr. Hamilton to 'Lime Street']

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Miss Esta M. Barr.]

Visit to Dartmouth College mentioned.  Suggested date - December 4.  Remuneration left to Miss Barr.

October 30, 1930

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Mrs. Bigelow - N.Y.]

Accepting invitation to dinner before his lecture.

Mentions a Mrs. Post.  Witnessed a performance and took some photographs.  She has canceled all engagements.  Mr. J. M. Bird recommended.  Not clear from this letter what that is about.

November 2, 1930.                        

E.M. trance and trance automatisms.

Walter speaks.

John speaks through Ewan and asks if we have seen Katie "come down."  She is about to take control of her medium.  John says she is exalted above men.

9:31 p.m.        Walter gives instructions to bring Mercedes (in trance) to her place.

9:45 p.m.        Walter says to raise her gently - no test tonight.

Black Hawk speaks - says he is on guard.  We will get what we are looking for.

Katie says she is ready.

John says  E.M. is indispensable. (E.M. leaving for Regina).  Katie remarks that all now depends on Walter.  Walter asks that we sit in reverence.  Twenty years from now it will be different - things will come easily.  

This is the beginning of a revival of these things.

November 7, 1930

[Brandon Lecture - usual address and slides.]

November 9, 1930.                

The first of the final sittings

Mercedes  medically  examined

Muscular activity marked - both mediums and sitters.

Walter says he is ready.

Katie: "Listen attentively.  When Walter tells you to take my medium to her place I want you to make the usual tests.  And I wish it to be known that before I can complete my work I must have the medium as far away as I can get her; otherwise you may be disappointed.  I will wait and Walter will give instructions.  I am ready.  My medium is in good condition."

Walter: "I have my shell to make over again.  If you could only give me one or two sittings in quick succession.  I do not wish for failure."

9:52 p.m.        Katie places her medium on the floor.  Walter asks us to sing a hymn.  Ewan appears to be in deep distress, breathing in gasps.

Ewan: "Be ready!  Be ready!"

John appears to be very excited.

10:02 p.m.   T. G. H. placed Mercedes on a chair-bed. A few minutes later he reports: "Legs rigid.  Arms very stiff.  Catatonia marked.  Pulse about 85.  Jaws firmly set.  Eyes closed.  Deck is not quite so rigid as it was on the other night.  Hand stays in the air when I put it there.  She is completely anaesthetic.  Respirations very subdued."

John: "Nobody must touch her."

10:09 p.m.   T. G. H. reports that Dawn has left her chair and seems to be looking at the cabinet.

Walter/Dawn: "That is not sufficiently visible.  You must place Dawn closer to the cabinet.  I can't control the form with her so far removed.  I think if we came back tomorrow we could do it.  She must take the other seat inside the cabinet.  Please keep contact - it must not be broken.  Please make it definite that she must come within 48 hours.  This is different from any we have had before.  I have to make a case so our friend can stand within and show herself.  If you could come again it would be better.  You will see Katie as she is in spirit.  You will see her robe - an etheric product.  I am trying to draw the cords a little closer.  No one must pass across there as she is lying.  It is very beautiful.  You will think so.  Two sittings in quick succession will be absolutely perfect.  You can tell your High Commissioner (Mr. Pitblado)  to give the command that she (Dawn) must come.  Tell her how very important it is. Go quickly and quietly from the room.  Everyone will see her and feel her presence.  We are getting very strong on this side."

November 11, 1930.                        

Mercedes examined and found to be in usual cataleptic state.
Walter issues final orders: no fussing.  Arrange all tonight.  

All to meet downstairs and compose ourselves, to come up the stairs and into the séance room in order of our sitting positions. 

Sing three hymns, then two Walter songs.  

John is disappointed.  

Katie is seen by Mercedes and Victor.

November 12, 1930.                        

13th sitting after the "Ship".

Katie King in 1882 as Crookes saw her.  (32a)

"Katie" face and veil photographed



(a)          Only part of Katy's face appears.

        (Full face appears)

(b)          Face midway up in cabinet. (True)
(c)          Face close to back wall of cabinet - three or 4 inches out. (True)

(d)         Veil withdrawn from the face.  (True. See veil at bottom edge.)

(e)          Veil torn and tenuous. (True. See veil at bottom edge.)

(f)          Face beautiful. (True. See veil at bottom edge.)

(g)          Ectoplasm near face.  (Several pieces of teleplasm seen falling away from face.  See veils of ...

According to instructions given at a previous sitting, the members of the group were prepared some twenty minutes before the séance was to commence, the men removing coats, vests, and shoes; the women their shoes.  

Mary M. was disrobed in the presence of Miss Ada Turner who sponged the upper part of her body and re-clothed her in a one-piece black sleeveless garment supplied by Mrs. Hamilton.  Mercedes removed her outer clothing and put on a sleeveless séance dress; and Mrs. Herling replaced her dress by a dressing gown.  Then all members of the circle assembled in the living room for a few moments' quiet talk.

9:00 p.m.        All filed silently into the séance room, in order of position in the circle: Mary M.; Dr. T. G. Hamilton; W. B. Cooper; H. Reed; Mrs. Herling; W. E.. Hobbes; Miss Ada Turner; H. Green; Mrs. T. G.. Hamilton; Dr. J. A. Hamilton; Margaret L. Hamilton (recorder), Mercedes.  Each member took his or her place quietly, the recorder sitting on the floor at the back of the room.  T. G. H. and Mr. Reed opened the cameras.

9:02 p.m.        The sitting commenced with the singing of "Unto the Hills", which was followed by "Lead, Kindly Light".  During the singing, Mercedes, who was seated on the center one of the three chairs immediately in front of the cabinet, became entranced, and gave automatic scripts purporting to be from the W. T. S group.  When these were concluded, T. G. H. and W. B. Cooper changed places, W. B. Cooper now being adjacent to the cabinet.  J. A. Hamilton on the right side of the cabinet, controlled both of Mary Marshall's (Dawn's) hands, according to instructions from the control.  The hands of all members of the circle were linked in chain formation throughout.

9:14 p.m.        "Nearer My God, to Thee" was sung.

9:15 p.m.        Singing stopped.  Almost at once, Mary Marshal, apparently under influence, said in a thick, guttural voice, "Keep singing, keep singing."  The circle responded with "There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood."

9:18 p.m.        The Walter-control manifested, saying in a peremptory manner, "Sing up!  Sing up!"

"Jingle Bells" was commenced, but showed little enthusiasm.  "Oh, sing, damn you, sing!" said Walter, "You're like a lot of fools! Put some life into it!  Put some life into it!"

9:20 p.m.        The whole circle, by this time, was undergoing profound muscular exertion, i.e, feet stamping, arms working up and down, puffing and blowing. (This is apparently a method for the generation of energy or 'power'.)

9:23 p.m.        The Walter-control, speaking through Dawn(Mary M.), said: "Good evening, friends.  It's a good job you're not getting a living by your singing.  You'd get a poor one.  How are you all?"

All: "Oh, fine, Walter."

Walter: "I don't think you're very good ... singers."

9:25 p.m.        Dawn was heard moaning; her breathing became very heavy and difficult.  "Jingle Bells" was again started, Ewan and Hobbes marking the rhythm with heavy stamps, and gradually accelerating the tempo until the singers were nearly breathless.

9:27 p.m.        Walter: "Hey, hey, hey, hey - jingle, jingle, single ..."

One-eye: "Bingle Jells"

Walter: "Jingo bingo, jongo, bingo, jingo, bingo ... (to T. G. H.) "I say, old fellow, what's the matter?  Why didn't you send the letter?  Why didn't you post it?  You hadn't time, you say?  Listen, friend, get that letter off tonight.  Yes, the one to the Doormat.  You've been rushed?  Well, hurry and get it off; I told them  it was coming; and if you're a liar, don't make a liar out of me.  Oh, you're not a liar, friend, but you just post it.  I don't know what's wrong with Katie."

Katie: "Oh, I'm here awaiting instructions."

Walter: "I'm no boss.  There are many little children here tonight.  I love little children.  I love dogs too.  I had a dog once.  Did I ever tell you?  Oh, it was a big dog; it was made of little pieces.  I think they called it Patch or Itch.  You just ask my mother when you go.  You're going to get a big surprise when you get there.  Oh yes, I'm going to be there."

T. G. H.: "That will be fine, Walter."

Walter: "Oh yes, and something else.  I can do as I like down there; oh, I'll put you through your paces, all right."

T. G. H.: "Walter, did I tell you I had a letter from Hardwicke?  He wants some of our pictures."

Walter: "Oh, yes, that's fine.  Hardwicke's not a bad scout.  If you put you and Hardwicke together you'd make three.  Oh, he's not bad; he's just thick in the head: you can't tell him nothing."

T. G. H.: "Maybe you've taken too much out of his head."

Walter: "Ha ha!  Now you're talking.  Perhaps we better put something in it.  It's so empty it'll rattle.  He's got such a big head.  Say won't he make a great scarecrow when all the flesh is off him?  Oh no (sobering).  But we must be thinking about things here."

Katie: "Hurry up!  You're keeping me waiting.  I'll give you a knock on the head.  If you don't put that picture through my father will kill you all over again."

Walter: "Aren't they the awful singers, though? (Then, referring to the difficulties caused by Mary Marshall's indifference and her unwillingness to give more than one night a week).  My medium's not bad; but she's a funny customer.  You know, I was at the back of bringing her tonight."

Katie: "I tell you, friends, she's going to think she was lucky to ever produce these things through the mechanism of her body.  I only wish this poor little medium of mine had half the physique."

Walter: "Yes, we use her all right.  Just sing a little, the power is waning."

9:40 p.m.        The singing was resumed; and in a moment or two Walter called out that he had a message for "Ham".

T. G. H.: "Yes, what is it?"

Walter: "It's from the friend who came before.  He says you are to go on and he will see that everything will go good for you.  It's the big man. (Doyle?)  He says it's the greatest thing in life what you are doing.  He says to set everything aside and go right through.  He says it's the most important thing, and that someday he'll be able to speak to the world."

T. G. H.: "Give him our best regards, Walter."

Walter: "He says he ate with you once.  He says to write many miles from here.  He can bridge the miles; he needs no aeroplanes.  The parson (Spurgeon) says he wants to know what all of this is going to lead to.  The parson says you are not to forget the vital part."

T. G. H.: "You mean the linking up of psychics with religious teaching?"

Walter: "Yes, the religious side.  He is here right now.  There's twelve of them  here.  As a specific request he wants you to sing a little hymn for him."

9:45 p.m.        Spurgeon's hymn "There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood", was sung.  After the hymn was finished there was a silence, broken by Walter saying, "It is harder, friends, than I thought, very much harder.  Just place the medium (Mercedes) on her couch, please."

Katie: "I will place her there myself, because no one must come in front of her."
9:47 p.m.        Mercedes, under Katie's influence, was placed in a reclining position on a mattress in front of the cabinet.

Walter: "You know, friends, it would be better if we left it for another night.  Oh, dear! (apparently speaking to Katie).  Please, can you not come forward?  It is going to be very difficult for them  to photograph you if you won't come forward."

"Well, friends, shall we leave it for another night?" 

T. G. H.: "I'm afraid that's impossible.  Dawn says she won't come again this week."

Walter: "Why should it be impossible?  Nothing should be placed before this work!  If this goes through and it is not successful, I will not reproduce it!  There is so much other work that I'll not produce it again!  It would be so much better if we could get it another time.  It is too faint.  She (Katie) must have connection and must be closer to the chair. Well, Victor, what do you say?"

Victor: (seeing Katie clairvoyantly.)  She is very faint."

Walter: "Anna, what say you?"

Anna: (Mrs. Herling); "She is very faint."

Victor: "I think we'd better do our very best to get Dawn here."
Walter: "Katie, what say you?"

Katie: "I do not know.  I've done my best.  But you know best."

Walter: "Friends, have you ever seen a piece of half-molded clay?  Well, that is what I am about to produce tonight."

Katie: "I do not wish it if it is not perfect."

Walter: "If I could only get her (Katie) forward, it would be all right.  I wanted this to be quite separate from Dawn.  If I try to link her to Dawn it would mean altogether new work.  But I wished to give you one quite separate from the mediums.  Look again, please."

Victor said he saw a little more clearly, while Anna said she saw the robes, not the face.  Walter said her face was there in ectoplasm, and that it could be photographed.  Then, after a moment or two of silence, as though he were nerving  himself to do it, he said: "You'd better take it!  Are you ready?  One!  Two!  Three!  Fire!"

10 of 2 p.m.   Flash was fired.

Walter: "You've got her face only partly. Oh, dear, dear, dear, dear!"

L. H.: "Never mind Walter, we'll try again."

Walter: "We must not be impatient.  We must build in a different way, more in the center of the room.  I feel that the cabinet is not satisfactory.  We require the room and the space.  I think for the work we are planning it would be better to have no cabinet.  It takes too much space.  You see, if you build from the ground, you build right around it.  It would be better to place a chair in the center of the room and let us build around that.  I think it would be much better if this cabinet were removed and a small box made on wheels that could be placed quickly.  This box has done its work.  It has been very detrimental to my work.  I have tried and failed.  I will build from the floor.  I'm sorry, for I thought I would be able to give the full form.  We have given you quite a large part of our friend; but we are learning and experimenting; we know nothing; we only think we know."

T. G. H.: "What is the height of the face in the picture this time?"

Walter: "It is midway.  She is very close to the back wall of the cabinet; possibly three or four inches out from it.  She is very beautiful, but you do not get her beauty.  She is not like me nor like the people we work and associate with.  That's why it is so difficult."

"I'm afraid to hold over for any length of time.  Sittings should be day after day.  A space of time is not so good: the ectoplasm goes off into different chemical elements.  A cold closet is the best; where heat is applied it is no good, and there is too much heat in this room.  For my work, cold is required.  We could make great progress in the morgue.  If you could reduce the temperature in this room very low while you are out of it, and then you might put on a little heat when you sit.  I will take care of my medium so that she will not feel cold.  You will find you will get much better results."

Walter then remarked that the spirit Katie had come out into the center of the room and that she could be seen but not photographed.  Several clairvoyant sitters said they saw her, notably Victor and Anna.  T. G. H. asked Walter if Katie's veil was withdrawn in the photograph.

Walter: "Yes, to the side."

Katie then spoke up and tried to console Walter for his great disappointment in not getting exactly what he had planned.

Katie: "This is not a failure.  Walter has done his best.  The conditions were very difficult and no blame is attached to anyone.  But if you are willing we will try again.  All is not lost.  I placed myself in the center of the room to make up for the disappointment."

Walter: "I'll bring Katie to see the doctor down there (Boston.)  That's a promise.  I'll take her and show her how I work.  Friends, this is the potter's clay.  I will speak of potter's clay when you (T. G. H.) get there (to Boston).  Will you bear that in mind?"

"I would like to give your friend a little chance.  I have taken much of your time; and there are others here who would like to come.  I will just put Black Hawk on the stand. (to T. G. H.).  I never knew that old son-of-a-gun who came here was once a man like you."

"T. G. H.: "But he's not as small a man as me."

Walter: "Oh, he'd make two of you.  But he's quite a bit smaller now.  You know, you don't take your flesh and bones over here.  You are like this medium of mine, all fat.  Well, he's a funny old guy, this Conan.  He's trying to teach us here.  He's wonderful but he's got to learn.  He started at the wrong end and he's got to unravel it all.  He's a powerful man, but a very weakling.  He hasn't got his sea-legs yet."

Katie: "I think you should take my medium now."

10:26 p.m.   All sang "There Is a Happy Land."

T. G. H.: "Did you see the flash, Katie, when it went off?"

Katie: "Of course."

Walter: "Oh, it's not good; it's terrible.  It's worse than terrible.  You'll see.  That little lady at the end of the room will tell you."

Anna: "Gentlemen, why did you not wait?  If you had been told it looked like hell you would have.  Oh, it was worse than that!  If you could know the lady herself you would not sit there so calm."

Katie: "We'll all have a little word. Come on, father."

John King: "Get these people out of here, or I'll cut their heads off!  I'm sick of looking at them !"

10:30 p.m.   Walter then said that some lady had a message to deliver. Mrs. Herling in trance got up and came forward, and though her, her mother purported to speak words of encouragement, both for the group and for her daughter, saying that all were disciples and all must keep faith.  When she was finished Katie asked that her medium be brought out of trance.  John King then spoke, obviously laboring under great excitement: "What is evidence for you dogs?  Is it not sufficiently that you get one tiny evidence?  How much more proof is there if you get the greatest accumulation?"

Katie: "Dear father, I wish you wouldn't be like that, please.  We can build again and get something more perfect.  Oh, Walter, tell him it was good."

Walter: "The face is ectoplasm and the spirit garments are there.  The face is beautiful; but in taking the veil from it, it has not shown as plain as it might.  The veil is torn and is not quite even.

You will see that this cabinet is removed;  you can build one that can be put up quickly.  All I want is a cabinet to hold the medium and a chair.  If we need two mediums we can put one on top of the other.  I wish you could attend oftener, but we must bow to the decree of the medium."

Katie: "I am going now.  Walter, don't forget your promise to take me there."

Walter: "I never break a promise; and our good friend will bring back the message."

Katie then arose, bade goodnight to her father and to the members of the group.  John and Walter took their departure and after Mercedes had been brought back to her normal state, the benediction was repeated at:

10:44 p.m.  and the sitting brought to a close.

[Another version of the above record:]

[Progress Report of Sitting of November 12, 1930.  (Slightly abridged)]

According to instructions given at a previous sitting, the members of the group were prepared some twenty minutes before the seance was to commence, the men removing coats, vests and shoes, the women their shoes.  Mary Marshall was disrobed in the presence of Miss Ada Turner who sponged the upper part of her body and re-clothed her in a one-piece black sleeveless garment supplied by Mrs. Hamilton.  Mercedes removed her outer clothing in the presence of Miss Turner and also put on a sleeveless seance dress.
At 9:00pm all filed silently into the seance room, in the order of position in the circle: Mary M., W. B. Cooper, Dr.  T. G. Hamilton,  H.  A.  Reed,  Mrs.  Herling,  W.  E.  Hobbes, Miss Ada Turner,  H.  A.  V. Green,  Mrs.  T.  G.  Hamilton,  Dr.  J.  A.  Hamilton and Mercedes.  T. G. Hamilton and Reed opened the cameras.

9:02pm the sitting commenced with the singing of two hymns.  During the singing, Mercedes, who was seated in the center of one of the three chairs immediately in front of the cabinet, became entranced and gave automatic scripts purporting to be from the W.  T. Stead group.   J.  A.  Hamilton was on the right side of the cabinet controlling both Mary M.'s hands.  The hands of all members of the circle were linked in chain formation.

9:18pm the Walter control manifested saying in a peremptory manner:

"Sing up!  Sing up!  You're like a lot of fools.  Put some life into it!  Put some life into it!"

9:25pm Dawn was heard moaning; her breathing became very heavy and difficult.  "Jingle Bells" was started, one of the sitter-mediums marking the rhythm with heavy stamps.

Walter: "I don't know what's wrong with Katie."

Katie: "Oh, I'm here awaiting instructions."

Walter: "I'm no boss ... My medium's not bad (referring to the difficulties caused by Mary M.'s unwillingness to give more than one night a week) but she's a funny customer.  You know, I was at the back of bringing her tonight."

Katie: "Tell our friends she's going to think she was lucky to ever produce these things through the mechanism of her body.  I only wish this poor little medium of mine had half the physique."

Walter: "Yes, we'll use her all right.  Just sing a little, the power is waning."

Walter: "The parson (Spurgeon) says he wants to know what all this is going to lead to.  The parson says you are not to forget the vital part."

T.  G.  Hamilton: "You mean the linking up of psychics with religious teachings?"

Walter: "Yes, the religious side.  He's here right now.  There's twelve of them here.  As a specific request he wants you to sing a little hymn for him."

9:45pm.  Spurgeon's hymn  "There is a fountain filled with Blood" was sung.  After the hymn was finished there was a silence broken by Walter saying, "It is harder, friends, than I thought, very much harder.  Just place the medium  (Mercedes) on her couch, please."

Katie: "I will place her there myself because no one must come in front of her."

9:47pm.  Mercedes, under Katie's influence, was placed in a reclining position on the mattress in front of the cabinet. 

Walter: "You know, friends, it would be better if we left it for another night.  Oh dear! (apparently speaking to Katie) Please, can you not come forward?  It is going to be very difficult for them to photograph you if you won't come forward.  Well, friends, shall we leave it for another night?"

T. G. H.: "I'm afraid that's impossible.  Dawn says she won't come again this week."

Walter: "Why should it be impossible?  Nothing should be placed before this work!  If this goes through and it is not successful I will not reproduce it!  There is so much other work that I'll not produce it again.  It will be so much better if we could get it another time.  It is too faint.  She (Katie) must have connection and must be closer to the chair.  Well, Victor, what do you say?"

Victor (clairvoyant sitter): "She is very faint."

Walter: "Katie, what say you?"

Katie: "I do not know.  I've done my best.  But you know best."

Walter: "Friends, have you ever seen a piece of half-molded clay?  Well, that is what I am about to produce tonight."

Katie: "I do not wish it if it is not perfect."

Walter: "If I could only get her (Katie) forward it would be all right.  I wanted this to be quite separate from Dawn.  If I tried to link her to Dawn it would mean altogether new work.  But I wished to give you one quite separate from the mediums.  Look again, please."

Victor said he saw it a little more clearly while Ann said she saw the robes, not the face.  Walter said her face was in ectoplasm, and that it could be photographed.  Then after a moment or two of silence, as though he were nerving himself to do it, he said: "You'd better take it!  Are you ready?  One! Two! Three! Fire!"

10:02pm. the flash was fired.

Walter: "You've got her face only partly.  Oh dear!  Oh dear!"

Sitter: "Never mind, Walter, we'll try again."

Walter: "We must build in a different way  ... I have tried and failed.  I will build from the floor.  I'm sorry, for I thought I would be able to give the full form.  We have given you a large part of our friend.  But we are learning and experimenting; we know nothing, we only think we know."
T. G. H.: "What is the height of the face in the picture this time?"

Walter: "It is midway.  She is very close to the back wall of the cabinet; possibly three or four inches out from it.  She is very beautiful but you do not get her beauty.  She is not like me nor like the people we work and associate with.  That's why it is so difficult."

Walter then remarked that Katie had come out into the center of the room and that she could be seen but not photographed.  Several clairvoyant sitters said they saw her, notably Victor and Anna.  T. G. Hamilton asked Walter if Katie's veil was withdrawn in the photograph.  Walter answered: "Yes, to the side."

Katie then spoke up and tried to console Walter for his great disappointment in not getting exactly what he had planned.  

Katie: "This is not a failure.  Walter has done his best.  The conditions were very difficult and no blame is attached to anyone.  But if you are willing we will try again.  All is not lost.  I placed myself in the center of the room to make up for the disappointment."

10:30pm. John then spoke, evidently laboring under great excitement: What is evidence for you dogs?  Is it not sufficient that you get one tiny evidence?  How much more proof is there if you get the greatest accumulation?"

Katie: "Dear father, I wish you would not be like that, please.  We can build again and get something more perfect.  Oh, Walter, tell him it was good."

Walter: "The face is ectoplasm and the spirit garments are there.  The face is beautiful but in taking the veil from it, it has not shown as plain as it might.  The veil is torn and is not quite even."

Katie then arose, bade good-night to her father and to the other members of the group.  John and Walter took their departure and after Mercedes had been brought back to her normal state the sitting was brought to a close.

Photos of Katie King:

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo of Katie King from Crookes - for comparison ]

[Caption for photograph: "In many ways the greatest phenomenon giving evidence for the reality of a spiritual world.  This photograph was obtained under the strictest possible scientific conditions."]

[Note  ... teleplasm falling due to gravitational force.  Note also "unfinished" hair in a matted state over the right eye.  This may be an indication of some unknown form of birth process.]

[ Letter from Dr. Crandon re first 'Katie' 

Congratulations - you have Geley and Schrenck-Notzing and Walter all beaten - left at the post - mention of customs having taken other photos because they might be 'too unsettling to the morals of this highly censored country.']

November 13, 1930

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. L. R. G. Crandon - Boston.]

Mentions meeting in Ottawa on 27th and will leave for Montreal and try to make the run to Boston.

"... Our meeting last night was very interesting and culminated in the picture purported to be Katie King which has been looked forward to for several months.  It is the most exquisite thing we have yet secured and I will be bringing copies when I come.  The Winnipeg  "Walter" was very insistent last night that I should write this letter to you as he said he had told you you were to receive a letter and that if I did not make good it would be making him out a liar ..."

November 14, 1930

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. McAlister:]

Mentions going east - leaving on 24th - be in Ottawa on 27th - will be going to Boston - stay in Boston for two days - then on to New York for a few days of hospital work - go west the following week - will be in Fort Wayne about the 9th or 10th.

A letter addressed to the Canadian Medical Association Executive meeting at the Chateau Laurier will reach Dr. Hamilton.

November 14, 1930

[Caledonian Lecture - Katie King shown for first time - at Fort Garry Hotel]

November 15, 1930

[ Photo of letter from Elizabeth Poole to Lillian ]

November 18, 1930

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Miss Isabelle M. Stewart - New York City.]

"... I arrive in New York on Monday, December 1st to speak that evening at the New York Section of the A. S. P. R..  Tuesday evening leave for to Dartmouth College - speak there on Wednesday evening and soon after return to New York - in New York for four or five days - leaving for west on about 8th or 9th - two other appointments before returning home to Winnipeg."

November 19, 1930

[Letter from Dr. Crandon to Dr. Hamilton:]

"... We shall look for you here Friday, November 28 or anytime thereafter.  Our congratulations on Katie King."

        A short news clip:

        "Dr. Hamilton leaves the city Monday morning ..."

November 21, 1930

[Lecture to Transcona Masons.]

December 4, 1930

[Dr. Hamilton to speaks at Dartmouth College.]

December 5, 1930
Small folder:

Letters from Professor Isabel Stewart of Columbia University regarding reactions to T. G. H.'s lecture at Teacher's College.  

[Isabel Stewart died in 1953.  Her text book on nursing was used for many years throughout the U.S.A.]  

Graduate of the Winnipeg General Hospital about 1902.

December 6, 1930

[Letter from C. V. Lynde to Isabel Stewart:]

        "... Dear Professor Stewart:

"... I wish to thank you for inviting me to Dr. Hamilton's lecture last night.  It was one of the most wonderful experiences I have ever had.  After hearing Dr. Hamilton's talk I feel sure that the wall between this world and the next has been breached and that it is only a question of time when we will know the next world as well as we can know any distant country until we visit it personally."

"... No one seeing and hearing Dr. Hamilton could doubt his intelligence and integrity.  He handled his material splendidly and he had very wonderful material to handle."

"... M's Lynde had to go to a family reunion last night.  She wishes to express to you her sorrow at not being able to attend the lecture."

" ...We hope that, if there is another, you will remember us again."

December 7, 1930.        

Written by Mercedes in trance in darkness:

"He who has a vision when on your earth plane has a joy in life that other mortals have not.  In my dreams I journeyed to many lands to which my weak body could not go.  Be kind to their memory."

        "I am with you, my friends.  Success."

R. L. Stevenson"

"The Song of the Cross and the Crown "Nearer to Thee"

        "Hold fast to that which is good."

                                        W. T. Stead"

"Space is not Empty ... stellar ... occupied.  I will tell you more. (Two stars drawn).

                        Professor Fla ...        Astronomer"

        "Keep Mary Marshall in your circle ... Your circle is good."


Group were singing "Nearer My God to Thee."

The shining garment.

[Handwritten notes in deep trance written by Mercedes.]

1.        "Space is not empty.  The space between the stellar bodies is occupied.  I will tell you more."

[ Photo  ]

Prof. Flammarion. (Two stars drawn.) 

[ Photo  ]

2.        "Keep Mary M. in your circle as I wish to use her.  Your circle is good."

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

Doyle.  Doyle died July 11, 1930.

Group sings "Nearer My God To Thee."

3.        "The song of the cross and the crown - Nearer to Thee - Hold fast to that which is right."

[ Photo  ]

W. T. Stead.

4.        "He who has vision when in your earth plane has a joy in life that other mortals have not.  In my dreams I have gone to many lands ( to which ) my weak body could not go.  Be kind to that memory.  I am with you my friends!  Success!"

[Flammarion - Doyle - WTS - R. L. Stevenson - four notes.]

[Automatic writing from Flammarion.]

         "Space is not empty - The space between the stellar bodies is occupied.  I will tell you more."

[ Photo  ]

[Automatic writing from Flammarion.]

         "Professor Astronomy"

[ Photo  ]

[Automatic writing from Doyle.]

        "Keep Mary M. in your circle as I wish ..."

[ Photo  ]

[Automatic writing from Doyle]

        "...to use her.  Your circle is good.  Doyle"

[ Photo  ]

[Automatic writing from W. T. Stead]

        "The song of the cross and crown.  Nearer to thee ..."

[ Photo  ]

[Automatic writing from W. T. Stead]

        "Hold fast to that which ... WTS ..." 

[ Photo  ]

[Automatic writing from Stevenson]

        "I am sure things should not ..."

[Note by L. H..  "Handwriting remarkably similar to Elizabeth - Stevenson handwriting of 1923 - 1927"]

[Automatic writing from Stevenson(?)]

        "... be as they are if only man would see the face of ..."

[ Photo  ]

[Automatic writing from Stevenson(?)]

" ... Father God and know that He does not want this war ..."

[ Photo  ]

[Automatic writing from Stevenson(?)]

        " ... some thing must be done ..."

December 16, 1930

[Letter of appreciation for Dr. Hamilton's lecture.]

December 20, 1930?

[Letter from Isabel M. Stewart - sort of a miserable scrawl - hard to read.]

December 20, 1930

[Letter from Joint Tuberculosis Council - Ernest H. Ward - asking for copies of teleplasm photos to be used in a lecture - (might be from England)]