1931 - Jan 7 - Feb 22


Jan 7 - Feb 22

January 7, 1931

[Letter from A. S. P. R. - There is a report Dr. Hamilton has renounced the value of his work - Fred Bligh Bond requests reassurances from Dr. Hamilton that this is not so.]

January 12, 1931

Visions from beyond are common to investigators of psychic phenomena.

Many have bridged the gap, have spoken, and been photographed.

There is no absolute barrier between this state of existence and the next, claim investigators of psychic phenomena.  Visitations  from beyond are not unusual.  And so the report that her friend now dead had made herself visible to Mrs. Frank Dart twenty-four hours before Mrs. Dart was killed in an automobile accident last week, was not a startling thing to these investigators.

Mrs. Dart, as Grand Marshal of the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star, was performing the last official act of her term of office.  She was to place a wreath on the altar in memory of sister Edna Bachus, of Winnipeg. As Mrs. dart moved toward the altar, the vision of her friend appeared beside her.  "She was as I knew her in life," Mrs. Dart later told her friend.

Not Unusual

Almost exactly twenty-four hours later, Mrs. Dart was killed.

The Tribune went to Dr. T. Glenn Hamilton, whose reputation as an investigator of psychic phenomena extends far beyond this continent.  He said such apparitions as appeared to Mrs. Dart have been frequently observed by many reliable witnesses.  "Clairvoyant visions," is perhaps a better term.  The stage was set for the vision to come and Mrs. Dart had the faculty necessary to see it.  It might have been visible to other clairvoyants had any been present.

"The evidence is abundant," said Dr. Hamilton,  "and to many conservative, scientific minds who have had the opportunity and experience to enable them to judge the case, it is sufficient to establish a claim that there is no absolute barrier between this state of existence and the next."

Much Evidence

"This evidence, which is indisputable, includes the hand writing, the spoken word, the choice of vocabulary, mannerisms and a score of other habit features, to say nothing of photographic records of semblances of persons projected through from an unknown, an "X" state of existence.  This state of existence is separated from us by a great gulf; but a gulf, which is not impassible to a well-controlled form of energy, dominated and directed in accord with mysterious laws by unseen intelligence acutely alert to solve the problem they have set out to prove."

Investigators have come to the conclusion that back of these phenomena there are unknown psychic laws of some kind operating.  The investigators included such men as Flammarion, the noted French astronomer;  Professor  F. W. H. Myers, formerly of Cambridge; Professor  J. H. Hyslop, formerly of Columbia University.

Some more "Solid"

Visions have come in more "solid" form than that which appeared beside Mrs. Dart.  They can be felt; their voices have been heard.  Many hundreds of photographs have been taken of them. In many of us there is a latent ability to bring us face to face with someone no longer of this earth.  Given the proper conditions of clairvoyance and environment an apparition should not call forth the cries of "black magic".

"Naturally," said Dr. Hamilton, "the popular enquiry arises: 'was this particular incident of a premonitory nature?'  Investigators cannot say; here we are on unscientific ground.  We can, however, say this: in our own work, which includes extensive observation of clairvoyant phenomena, as well as photographic experiments, we have found a good many instances which emphatically indicate that the clairvoyance was based on actual fact.  Proof of this type, however, can only be obtained when one is working under scientifically constructed conditions and with mediums possessing an unusual faculty for clairvoyance and where the complicated factors making photographic records possible are all present."

Curtain Lifted

Many investigators are emphatic in their claims that results of research have lifted the edge of the curtain that hides from us another state or condition of existence - that they have talked with those beyond.

To these researchers after truth, such instances as that related of Mrs. Dart, is consistent with other incidents and the laws governing such phenomena.  In such instances, however, Dr. Hamilton said, one should have confirmatory evidence from several sources before taking them too seriously.

January 13, 1931

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Mr. F. Bligh Bond:]

"... In reply to your inquiry of recent date, let me assure you that I have not in any way renounced the value of our work in Psychical Research.  I have nothing to retract from any of the articles relative to this work that have appeared under my name nor has its importance from the standpoint of research become minimized in any way.  Indeed, the group here is as interested and enthusiastic as ever."

"... Furthermore, not only through extensive experiments with Elizabeth M. and Mary M. but also through numerous first-hand observations of the Margery phenomena and through contact with many other genuine mediums, I am absolutely convinced of the reality of cryptesthesia, telekinesis, teleplasms in their various forms including psychic faces, and associated phenomena.  I regard all these as definitely established ..."

January 14, 1931

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Mrs. J. Bennizer - Chester, Nova Scotia.]

"... I note your references to Spiritualism.  Personally, I am not a Spiritualist: that is to say, although I am greatly interested in the experimental work and results of Psychical Research, I am not disposed to accept it as the Spiritualists do.  It must be very carefully considered as a cold science and whatever facts we acquire may then be applied as other facts in science may be applied in bolstering up Christian Churches' teachings.  I have found very little interest in paid mediums and the fact that they are open to commercial features associated with their work greatly detract from their value."

"...The work we have been doing is almost altogether with private mediums whom we have trained and developed among friends and acquaintances.  To attempt to develop mediumship or automatic writing by yourself would, I think, be a very grave mistake.  Such work should be attempted only in association with others, and especially others who are disposed to go slowly.  One or two meetings a week is quite sufficient.  Too frequent meetings will be very detrimental and dangerous to some people."

January 25, 1931.                                        

Walter speaks, using direct voice, of tedium of the work; of John King's loud voice, of his ships and his adventures.

Katie appears to the clairvoyants.

Unknown control through Mercedes: "I just wished to glance over your boxes.  I wish you to have your machines in proper focus.  I work with John King and Walter.  I am very anxious to get explicit instructions; John and Walter can arrange things between them .  But it is part of my work to see that all is right.  I want to be with you all.  Don't tell my medium who I am. (Some of the clairvoyants saw an elderly man with a beard, suggesting he looked like William Crookes.)  No two  mediums are alike.  This medium is not a psychically a strong one, but is an open channel.  It is easy to establish contact with her.  I am an assistant.  Each has a part to play.  Good work is going on.  Goodbye."

Walter, through Dawn, says that the second camera in the corner is a little too high.  The middle one is 1/2" down.

John wants the "boy" (Ewan) to give himself more, so that they may take more power from him.

January 27, 1931

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. Ernest Ward:]

        Mentions photos to be sent to Dr. Ward.

"... We are still earnestly engaged in the work, but since meeting you have succeeded in getting only one more picture.  We expect another within a short time; but the long interval elapsing between experimental sessions seems to be responsible for partial deterioration of the substance.  Consequently, progress is very slow...

[Right hand side of page has a list of photos sent to Dr. Ward.]

[Letter from Professional and Business Women's Club of Winnipeg - requesting Dr. Hamilton to give a lecture on February 4, at 902 Boyd Building.]

February 2, 1931

[Letter from CMA requesting Dr. Hamilton to give a talk before the Academy of Medicine - via Harvey Agnew.]

February 4, 1931.                

[Comment:  This series of experiments, culminating in the photographing of the 'Shining Garment' produced supernormally, offers conclusive proof that surviving personalities are aware of, and experience OBJECTIVE realities, and are able to represent these realities in our earthly state.   L. H.]


Professional and Business Women Hear Dr. Hamilton 
on Psychic Phenomena.

Photographs revealing ectoplasmic faces emerging from individuals were shown by Dr. T. Glenn Hamilton in an address on psychic research before the professional and business women's club at their regular meeting Wednesday.

The faces produced by the ectoplasm were of various well-known world figures.  In some cases, the stages of development leading to the production of these pictures were shown in successive photographs thrown on a screen.

Dr. Hamilton dealt with some of the problems which psychic experiments have presented to science.  These include the trance conditions, psychic lights, super-normal knowledge, and the reinforcement of personality after death.  The speaker paid tribute to the researches in the field of psychic phenomena of such scientists as Sir William Crookes, Professor Charles Richet, Dr. Gustav Geley, and Sir William Barrett, president of Dublin University.

"The public is coming to recognize in psychic research  a new and dynamic force in the world.  In some quarters it is now felt that this research will ultimately prove useful in the treatment of mental cases."

February 5, 1931

[Letter from the Academy of Medicine requesting a talk on March 4 at 4:30pm - via  R. S. Pentecost.]

February 7, 1931

School Masters Club

February 8, 1931.
Usual E.M. scripts and visions for  R. L. Stevenson, Stead and Livingstone.

Walter gives orders: no one to enter the middle of the room.

John and Katie wish signal to be given.  Walter says "No!"


Walter/Mary M.        

Katie will lend Mercedes her hair. (Forecasts the Katie phenomenon) (See supernormal hair of February 25, (34)


Walter/Mary M. states that coming materialization will require lots of space; asks that cabinet be removed.  This is done.


Walter states that most of the cameras will catch a view of the phenomenon. (This was later verified.)  He states that no one is to enter the room between sittings.

February 10, 1931

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. Harvey Agnew:]
Expresses some surprise that the Academy of Medicine of Toronto is interested in hearing more of Dr. Hamilton's work.  Asks for appropriate topics to speak on.

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. R. S. Pentecost:]

"... I will be delighted to do so under the title. "Teleplasmic and Associated Psychical Phenomena".

"... Our work in this field has now extended over an experimental period of twelve years.

February 11, 1931

[Lecture at St. Paul's United Church - large attendance.]

[Letter requesting information for the A. S. P. R. - re: wax (paraffin) molds of fingerprints - to be published.]

February 12, 1931

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. Crandon:]

Mentions that have been expecting another photo, but have had none since the Katie King one of November 12.
"... on the Friday evening to a group of lecturers and professors of Columbia University, 75 or more in all, in Teachers' College; and on the Sunday evening to a group of medical men and friends in the private home of Paul B. Hoeber, the publisher at Flushing; on the following Tuesday at noon to a club in Fort Wayne and the same evening to another club of professional people in Fort Wayne.

"... It is very curious how people will insist upon making criticisms relative to the claims of Houdini and the Scientific American offer of $2500.  On three occasions in the above series your work in Boston was called in question as above.  Fortunately, I am in a position to speak from first-hand information and experience, and consequently the insinuations, insidious as they are, do not get very far."

"... Since returning to Winnipeg we have had about one meeting a week on the average and the interest is becoming stronger and criticism has practically vanished."

"... On March 4th I have accepted an invitation from the Academy of Medicine in Toronto.  This came as a great surprise but is definitely a result from those who were present at the British Medical last August.  It is an amazing step for such conservative elements."

"... Our next picture is almost due and is to be the most astounding of all, according to information forecasted.  We believe it is to be a group, somewhat after the last one obtained, and will include another of Katie with probably her father.  At any rate, it is very difficult of production."

"... Subsequent to this picture, Winnipeg Walter will be an occasional visitor only as he says he is busily engaged in some other work and the more constant work that we will be doing will be under the control of a new personality.  Pictures, however, will be repeated from time to time."

February 12, 1931.                                

Walter:        "Katie, would you lend me your hair?"

Katie:        "What?"

Walter:        "I want to put it on the medium to make her beautiful.

Katie:        "I might consider it."

Usual  E.M. trance and pictures of Stevenson's past, and others.

9:25 p.m.        Mercedes is brought forward and placed on the couch.
9:30 p.m.        Walter/Dawn tells sitters to place their feet on the floor.

9:55 p.m.        Walter's direct voice is heard faintly; only W. B. Cooper is able to make out the words.  He repeats them .  Walter teases Ewan, who is going through some sort of mediumistic contortions.  He also makes fun of John and his "dirty crew."  Some amusing repartee between John, Walter and One-eye.

10:13 p.m.   Katie: "Good evening, friends.  I want you to tell him 
(Walter) that my father has grown respectable."

Walter: "I sit rebuked!"

Katie: "He spent 260 years to get respectable ... Lucy is here.  I wish you would send your thoughts out to her once in a while; she can help you.  She is a wonderful influence on this plane ... I've never seen so many people as we have encountered in this sitting.  My father has spent time between sittings interceding for help."

Walter: "They are so thick they get in each other's way."

Katie: "Your Walter has beautiful hands.  They work around that machinery.  If  you could see it!  The friend who is helping my father has come in and put on his white gown.  I must not tell who he is.  My work is finished.  At least I think it is.  He will give you instructions about the couch."
Walter: "I want it right now."

10:30 p.m.   Mercedes is placed on couch.

Katie: "I want you to wait until Walter tells you to examine my medium.  You will take further instructions from Walter."

10:42 p.m.   Walter says Dr. T. G. H. may examine Mercedes.

T. G. H.: "Complete anesthesia.  Mouth and chin rigid.  Abdominal muscles soft.  Respirations subdued.  Hand is spastic.  Pulse about 82.  Knee reflexes pronounced ...."

Walter: "Just sing something with a rhythm in it, so I can bring her out. (Group sings).  Put a little pep into it!  You are just about as dead as she is.  Raise her now - gently - just pat her gently on the shoulder."

10:45 p.m.   "Katie!  Katie!  Mercedes regains normal consciousness and takes her place in the circle.

10:50 p.m.   Benediction.

Katie or Lucy:        "Your cigarette"

Walter: "I don't smoke. She's going to give you incense.  Take a good sniff. (circle sniffs).  She's having a right good time with you.  She says you're all sinners."

?:"Sinners or ashes?"
?"Was she ever a sinner?"

Katie: "My medium is very glad she doesn't have to use that bed any more."

T. G. H.: "Shall we sell that bed?

Katie: "No."

T. G. H.: "We want a picture of you on that bed with you in deep trance."

Walter: "Nobody is to go into the center when you leave this room and no one must enter this room till we all come in together.  Whatever you do here must be done before you leave.  No one is to walk across the center ... say within a circle  1 1/2 feet from the center, when leaving."

T. G. H.: "Shall we seal the door as we did the last time?"

Walter: "It doesn't matter about sealing.  You can't ... you can't put a double padlock on them .  You ... the door if you like.  No one must enter as I ... to leave all my material here."

T. G. H. inquires whether his red light will damage the material.

Walter replies that it will not, if kept three feet from ... of the floor and not shone directly on it.  Come in singly, never two standing except ... You come in occasionally."
T. G. H.: "Yes, to turn the heat on.  I will have to turn ... before the next sitting."

Walter: "All right.  Just have some person here with ... check up.  It doesn't matter among our ..."

Walter: "I'm not.  Can you see me?"

J. A. Hamilton: "No. I can't see you.  I'm not clairvoyant."

Walter: "Everyone can develop.  You have forced your eyes forward.  You must relax.  But we need someone to conduct the circle.  By one or two ... a song, a word, a thought  may bring someone to interfere; not intentionally to do harm, unaware  of the harm they do; possibly someone who has never been in a sitting like this before.  Many wander in the valley and have nowhere to go; they go up and down seeking friends; but they're turned to earth and have no thoughts higher.  Sometimes they wander, vengeful, spiteful ... and go down ... see the light, and don't turn towards dark (aides?)  anymore."

T. G. H.: "....."

Walter: "The universe is immense.  There are other worlds than this.  Some are higher; some inferior ones.  These I have never visited; but I have talked to those who have been in other worlds.  Someone will come and tell you of them ."

T. G. H.: "Walter, did we preexist?"   (No answer.)
T. G. H.: "Is this the beginning, or did we live before this?

Walter: "Everything has a beginning."

T. G. H.: "Did we have life previous to this?"

Walter: "Oh, no.  This is our starting, our beginning, - but not our end.  There are many spheres to travel.  I don't know anything about the celestial.  There never has been any one come from the celestial."

[There is a note here - handwritten - "No reincarnation."]

February 14, 1931

[Letter from Hospital Services - via Harvey Agnew - requesting permission to admit 'friends' to Dr. Hamilton's talk - these are non-medical people.]

February 15, 1931.                

(Dr. Bruce Chown, scrutineer and Secretary.)

"It just safeguards you.  You have a very difficult path to follow, much more difficult than in the past; for bullets are flying from all sides.  After the next picture you will get the greatest (heckling?); not from here, but from over the seas. ... wait till they come to the valley.  They'll be a long time in the valley."

T. G. H.: "Do you know Besterman?"

Walter: "No."

T. G. H.: "He wrote that last bash about your sister."

Walter: "I'm not worrying about what he wrote, or anyone else writes.  I sometimes read a little of your material world.  I know what he said.  I know what they did.  I do not wish to go into that.  It means punishment for me when I enter into anything not higher and happy.  I can create about myself an atmosphere of mystery; but I never do.  If your thoughts towards me are good and kind they help me.  Can you see me?"  (He replies that he cannot.)  The more you learn the less you know - I go to school here; we have teachers.  No lectures.  I'll be a great man yet ... ask old Ham."

Katie: "I don't like that."

Walter: "Take a bite of it.  You never did care for ham."

Katie: "Salted pork; stuff out of barrels."

Someone: "Ham's the choice part of a pig."

Walter: "I have a bite of ham.  Katie, would you lend us your hair?"

Katie: "What!"

Walter: "I want to put it on this medium."

Katie: "Who?!"

Walter: "I want to put it on this medium, to make her beautiful."

[The banter about ham here refers to Walter's name for Dr. Hamilton, (Ham).]

Katie: "I might consider it, but my father ..."

Walter: "We'll make it right with ..."

Katie: (sings)         

        "Oh, my father always told me
        When first I went to sea
        I should always answer 'No Sir'
        To what Walter said to me."

Walter: "Take no notice of him."

Katie:"All right."

Walter:"I'll pass it to Ham."

Katie: "I like that other doctor, too.  I liked the old ones, too.  It was two old ones saved me. Old One-eye.  He is preparing to walk the gangplank."

T. G. H.: "You said you have a message from your father."

Katie: "No. Oh.  The picture is good, but wait for another time.  I'm going to give a lot of myself to it.  Ask the medium to wear very loose clothing that night.  She won't move out of the seat.  Everything is all right.  Walter'll be in his best bib and tucker.  He'll have a clean shirt.  It's out in the breeze blowing."

T. G. H.: "You'll make certain of the signal."

Katie: "That's his monopoly.  None else count 1-2-3.

Walter: "Well now she'll give it yourself, and I'll have nothing to do with it."

(Walter and Katie argue but Walter "won't take it back.")

There is a sound of feet moving steadily and monotonously - a by-play takes place, something to the effect "Treadmill corn in the morning - sleep (or feet) in rum barrel to harden his corns - we're all fools."

[This appears to be a second report on the sitting:]

Usual procedure - then the following:

Katie: "I do not wish the cords to entangle.  I am nearer to you than others.  But not so just now for a special reason."

T. G. H.: "Walter, Katie wishes to know if you want the medium laid low tonight."

Walter: "Not tonight."

T. G. H.: (to Katie) "When you enter the body is it any special part?  Is it the brain?"

Katie: "Yes, the brain."

T. G. H.: "Any special part of the brain?"

Katie: "No ... I am watching at a distance."

T. G. H. introduces Katie to recorder (Dr. Creighton?).  She shakes hands with him and welcomes him.  Sits again.

Katie: "I'd like to ... him up and make a pirate of him."

Walter: "He doesn't hurt the body, he mends it."

Katie: "It took my father two hundred years to get respectable.  It will take him (Walter) two thousand.

Voice: "Two hundred thousand."

For the past few minutes there has been a tremendous pounding of feet on the floor.

Walter: "I hope this medium won't complain of sore feet tomorrow. These are bare feet.  Don't tell her.  Get her shoes on before she goes out."

Voice: "He said he'd make her dance. You're going to get ...."

Walter: "The floor's well waxed.  She's got a good polish on."

T. G. H.:(who has been speaking soto voice to Katie.) ... It isn't curious.  It's perfectly natural."

Katie: (to T. G. H.) "Do you see anything else in front of you?"... an old man with white hair ...?"

Walter: "Although I have been using your feet they will show nothing abnormal."

Barney C.: "Dawn's feet are quite cool."

Walter: "They may feel a little tight. If she had been doing it herself they would be hot and smaller ... better close the circle.  May sit usual ... Keep the medium from anyone else taking her.  I will place her feet in her shoes myself.  Tell Katie to go."

Katie: "I'll go when it suits me."

Walter: "You were told to go.  Go at once."
Katie: "Well ... Medium will suffer if I do not get that message through."

Walter: "Do not wake her.  Someone else will give the message.  Raise her to her feet.  Get Lucy."

Lucy: "Katie is very anxious medium to take rest during the coming week.  Why do not our mediums know?  Please tell them ...."

Walter: "Keep her on her feet. Bring her out."

Séance ends.

February 18, 1931.                

        Small group; Mercedes; Mrs. Poole; L. H.;        T. G. H.; Victor; Hobbes;

[Instructions written by Walter through dawn before the sitting producing the  shining garment]

Walter: "You will wash Dawn's shoulders and her armpits with cold water.  Give Mercedes a strong drink of coffee.  Victor will wash his hands."  

"Ewan must take more rest.  He is not in good nervous condition.  I cannot take from him what I require, because he would be too exhausted if I did.  I could, but I won't."
"Dawn must eat less.  Will you please come in quietly.  Dawn must be quiet.  She gets too restless before she comes in.  Let Faith speak to her gently before she comes in.  Give heed to all I have written.  Talk not.  Think not." (of the phenomena?)

"You will go through the usual ablutions."

February 21, 1931.                

Signal given through Mercedes by Katie.  Mass of teleplasm on face.  During early part of sitting Mercedes in cataleptic trance.

February 22, 1931.                                 

A very large mass - largest amorphous mass photographed since the Lucy mass of March 10, 1930.

[ Photo of amorphous head mass ]

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[ Photo ]

Mercedes give signal.


Walter/Mary M.        

(b)          will appear on couch

(c)          beside Mercedes
(d)          be no teleplasm

(e)          Mercedes clothes will be overcovered by shining Katie Garments.

(f)          Mercedes' arms will be visible hanging over the side of bed.

(g)          That the "Katie" head will be unimportant.

(For fulfillment see "shining garment" phenomenon, February 25.)


Walter/Mary M.  

There will be no ectoplasm (visible, that is.) 

There will be no head unless there is a body and feet; the head is nothing. 

The shining garments of Katie will cover the outer form of Mercedes. 

You will see Mercedes' arms hanging over the bed.  Katie's garments are ready and folded in a box. (See folds in garment photograph.)

Walter also states that Mary M. will be in a light state of trance; Mercedes will be taken into deep sleep.  This will be Walter's last experiment for some time.

All is fulfilled in the mass of February 25, 1931. 

[ Photo of supernormal hair - robe - veil - shining garment of Katie King ]

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The supernormal "head" is practically nothing as Walter forecast, but that there is some rotundity under the veil, a close inspection of the veil contours would seem to suggest.

Next major mass is "Standing Lucy",  November 29, 1931.

(An abstract)

"The couch is to be in the center of the room with the head pushed well up between Barney and J. A. Hamilton; the medium (Mary Marshall) to sit behind and to the left of J. A. Hamilton.  Before Mercedes takes her place on the couch, Barney (Victor) is to have his right hand on the one edge of the couch and the medium her left-hand on the other edge; but once Mercedes takes her place no one is to touch the couch."

"Once everyone is in the room the cameras are to be opened and then there must be no moving about the room.  The size of the flash is to be left to T. G. H.; an increased flash would have no bad effect on Mercedes (Susan Marshall) or Mary Marshall (Dawn)."

"Both mediums are to rest, on a couch or bed in their homes for twelve hours before the séance.  They may have soup or milk or very thin pudding."

Cameras may be focused with red light before-hand.

"Dr. Chown is to sit between Ada Turner (Hope) and Ellen (Elizabeth Poole.).  Hope and One-eye having changed places.  Dr. Chown will sit within the circle.  Hope and Ellen holding hands behind him."

"Have the room cooler.  Unless it is very cold outside do not turn on any heat; but if some feel the cold let them  wear heavier clothes."

"Mrs. Poole need not sit at top of circle, but in her secondary place."

"Make no change in Mercedes' clothes; leave her arms bare.  She is to wear nothing of wool."

"Sing happy hymns, of flowers or little children."

[Lillian Hamilton's comments follow:]

"I wish to state that just prior to the flash I felt as if all the extra force of my being was being drained away from me; the center of this sensation seemed  to be in the solar plexus area.  I felt faint; I had to exert all my will to retain my consciousness.  For some time after this flash I felt weak and shaken; only once before in my experience in sittings had I felt anything of the same order and then not nearly so strongly; and that was in the early days of the Elizabeth mediumship with a table levitated violently - under our confirmed contact."

[P.S.        I may say that Ada Turner told me that she also felt a marked loss of energy at about the time of the flash.   L. H.]

9:05 p.m.        Sitters file in and take place.

9:10 p.m.        All set.  Sang "Come to the Hills."

9:14 p.m.        Whispering.  Song continues.

T. G. H.: "Tell me about it."

Mrs. Poole: "Talking to a lady."

T. G. H.: "Tell me about it.  Hawkins?  Who is Hawkins?"

Mrs. Poole: "Jim Hawkins."

T. G. H.: "I don't know about him."

Mrs. Poole: "He's your friend ..."

T. G. H.: "Jim and I are writing a book?"

Mrs. Poole: "You're helping him ..."
T. G. H.: "You're Robert Louis? I'm helping him?"  

Mrs. Poole: "You'll get the book when we get it finished."

T. G. H.: "I know Jim and Bill Hawkins?  Are they brothers?"

Mrs. Poole: "They are related but I don't know what.  They're helping me with my writing.  Under weather - something wrong with medium - I'll find her myself - I don't want to lose her - I am prepared to help you write.  We'll give you good help as far as I can be with you tonight."

"I am away in a beautiful park"

T. G. H.: "Deep trance."

Mrs. Poole: "I'm not going on that boat.  I'm not going on that boat with you, David, tonight.  You're not a big man.  I'm nearly as big as you.  I can keep a big man in his place.  Keep those animals in place.  Look out!  Don't hang on ... greenbacks.  One with a head like ... (partly obscured by fingers in photo)

"There's a little lamb."

T. G. H.: "Is it bleating?"

Mrs. Poole: "Yes, it's bleating."

T. G. H.: "What do you call the sheep ... I'm asking you, David, what you call those sheep."

Mrs. Poole: (spells).  C-H-E-V-I-O-T-S. That's the kind they are.  I'll come  back to you and bring you a sheep ... Copper."

T. G. H.: "Copper.  Get away Copper, get away.  Must stay away.  Nothing here for you."

Mrs. Poole: "Stead."

T. G. H.: "Come on, Stead, put him away."

Mrs. Poole: "I don't write here now."

T. G. H.: "Speak to me through her. You talk better than you write."

Mrs. Poole: "......"

T. G. H.: "But we can't read your writing."

Mrs. Poole: "I'm going back to school.  I have a school here.  I'm going in her room.  It's a library - books, books, books.  Good night."

T. G. H.: "Good night, Stead.  Are you coming home?"

Mrs. Poole: "Wait till I get this gate open."

T. G. H.: "Wait, I'll go with you."
Mrs. Poole: "No, I want Stead. 

(There is some moving about.) [Dawn sitting begins]

Mrs. Marshall/ (Walter?) "No one come in front of the medium."

(T. G. H. moves across and opens the shutter on a camera).

9:30 p.m.        Walter: "You were told to have all that done." (violent movements ensue.)  (Song).

9:35 p.m.        Evening. (Direct voice). (Song continues.)

9:36 p.m.        "Good evening.  Are you deaf? (Song continues "Clementine".)  You all ought to go with her (Clementine).  Take John with you; he likes the water."

T. G. H.: "It's a river, Walter; fresh water."

[The above is nonsense talk]

Walter: "Oh, he likes the salt.  It wouldn't ... him.  What do you see, John?"

John: "The Sea!  The Sea!  The Sea!" 

?:  Put him out. (confusion.)

Walter: "There are two down."
T. G. H.: "Three down." (Song "Clementine", softly.)

Victor: "Walter conversing, but I can't make out what they say."

Walter: "Has Katie arrived?"

Several: "Yes."

Walter: "She's got a great (responsibility?).  She sure has.  It's up to her.  It was left to her and her father."

?: ".... : She very good time."

T. G. H.: "Were you looking for us, Katie?"

Katie: "Yes, I was here before you were here."

[Nonsense talk done for psychological purposes.  Apparently gives mediums and sitters relaxation.]

John: "Walter was here, too."

Walter: "She's deaf and dumb."

John: " ......"

Katie: "I won't do anything till you're ready."

Walter: "You took the job out of my hands."
Katie said something to the effect that Walter took her up and forced the giving of the signal on her.

Walter: "You ask your father."

Katie: "Where you come in?"

Walter: "Oh, you'll find out (jeeringly), and you'd better not be too long."  (Song) - some confusion in Katie's corner.

Walter: "Don't let too many gather."

Katie/Mercedes: (rather dazedly) - "There's a crowd about me.  Are you ready? One - two- three - fire!"

(Song by circle)

T. G. H.: "How did it come out?"

Walter: "Ask her.  Ha, ha."

Katie: "It was alright."

Walter: (laughing and jeering). "What there was of it.  I just wanted to see what she would do. (Laughing).  I hope you won't be disappointed."

T. G. H.: "No. We have never been disappointed."

Walter: (still excited, laughing, jeering). "I know somebody it will be a disappointment to."

T. G. H.: "Disappointment to her?"

Walter: "No, him; not her either." ( Laughs)

Someone: "Walter's joking."

Katie: "I hope so, friend."

T. G. H.: "He's making fun.  Shall I close the cameras, Walter?"

Walter: "Oh, sure. Sure, Close 'em up.  Willie's dead, shut the shop. (Laughs, jeers.) Tell 'em, Katie, what they got. Tell 'em. Tell 'em."

Katie: "I'm dead.  I've been stabbed three times."

Walter laughs boisterously.

T. G. H.: "Give us your joke, Walter."

Walter: (off on fresh paroxysms of laughter.)  "You'll see it.  You'll see it."

John: "It's all right."

Walter: "All right, is it? There's something doing ..."

John: "Shut up."

T. G. H.: "Is it the frontispiece for that book?"

Walter: "No.  I only handle that myself. (Gleefully).  Oh, but somebody's going to be mad."

Katie: "He ..."

Walter: "Curiosity killed the cat!  Curiosity killed the cat!  Curiosity killed the cat!"

Katie: "Oh, yes."

Walter: "It's all right (laughs and jumps up and down).  Oh, dear.  Oh dear!.  And it's all right to ... till I see someone.  Wait here.  You see what old John will say."

T. G. H.: "Is there a face?"

Walter: "You won't have to cover up the face.  That face is covered up. (Laughs.) [This shows supernormal knowledge.]

Victor: "Sure."

T. G. H.: "Is it one, or two, or three?"

Walter: "It would make six." (still laughs)(The largest amorphous mass yet recorded.)(ordinary teleplasm)

Katie: "You'll get a surprise.  You'll be ... all the mediums."

T. G. H.: "Walter, I'll be away next Sunday ..."

Walter: "You can go.  You can go tomorrow.  Listen!  When you're away we're going to get the picture that's going to surprise the world." (Laughs).

Katie: "(We can) take it again."

John: "Look at Walter.  Take him now."

T. G. H.: "We could have a meeting this week if the medium can come."

Walter: (suddenly stops laughing - the serious Walter.) Make them  come!  Make them  come!  There is no if.  They must come."

T. G. H.: "Well, you know we have had some difficulty in getting Dawn ..."

Katie: "It's my medium you can't get this time.  She's going for a holiday.  She's going to take a notion to shut herself up for a week."

T. G. H.: "Walter, may I have Dr. Chown search the room after the sitting?"

Walter: (annoyed) "What?  Are you still at that!  What do you want it searched for?"

John and Katie break in.

John: "He'd better search you. (T. G. H.). (Walter laughs.)

T. G. H.: "It is for those outside.  I want Dr. Chown to search the room so that he can say just exactly how he found things."

Walter: "All right!  All right! - I told you I was blind and deaf and dumb.  Dr. (what's his name) - Dr. Chown.  Do you believe there was anyone here?"

Dr. Chown: "I didn't see anyone one when I looked up."

Walter: "Don't look up.  Look down, look down.  

        If you look up you'll see a pup
        If you look down you'll see a clown."

Didn't you see a picture?"

Dr. Chown: "No."

Walter: "....................."

Katie: "He's crazy."

[More nonsense talk]
John: "Crazy Walter."

Walter: "Ho, ho, ho.  You can only rule your hands and I can slap my feet.  Look at him.  What are you leaning over for?  He's got his head halfway to the floor." ( jeeringly).

John: "It's too late now."

Katie: " T-ss-t, T-ss-t.

Walter: " Cat! cat!  C-A -T ! C-A-T! C-A-T!

Walter: "A slip of the tongue is no slip of the brain."

John: (now on his feet.) "What I want to know is why you have not said "Thank you" to Walter?"

The circle: "Thank you."

T. G. H.: "Will this be fit to show in Toronto?"

Walter: "It depends.  It depends on what company you keep.  What about it, Queen? (Lillian Hamilton)  Do you know what company he keeps?"

Queen: "Oh, I can trust him anywhere."

Walter: "You can depend on any of them."

Queen: "I suppose while you're joshing us you're working hard."

Walter: "Isn't that just like a woman.  I've got you curious, but you can't find out."

T. G. H.: "That was subtle."

John: "Too deep for you. (To Katie).  Come on, get up!  Get up!"

Katie stands.  Song.

Walter: "How would you like to take Katie on the bed?  Not Mercedes, but Katie.  I wonder if I could prevail upon her."

T. G. H.: "We couldn't take it tonight."

Walter: "Did you ever go to school?  How long is it since you were in school?"

T. G. H.: "Well, it's quite a number of years."

Walter: "Yes - a hundred."

Katie: "You go ahead, Walter."

Walter: "Will you change places with your medium when you have been placed on the couch?  Do you agree to give yourself to these people?"

Katie: "Father, could we?"

Walter: "Is not up to you."

Katie: "I said when first I came here I would do anything in my power to assist in the work; and I still say it.  I know I have the cooperation of my medium.  She will go to any length to give to the world the truth.  With Walter's cooperation I give my consent."

[Handwritten note in margin: "Foreknowledge shown."]

Walter: "Ham. can you focus your cameras on the bed in the center of the room?"

T. G. H.: "Yes."

Walter: "Well, I'll try.  Remember this will not be ectoplasm but real Katie King from head to foot on the bed.  I want you to listen carefully to my instructions.  My medium is to rest for twelve hours before she comes here; and Katie's medium is to rest for the same period.  I mean rest in their homes on couches or beds.  They are to take a liquid diet, soup, or milk, or very light pudding.  If possible, I would do it as my last experiment for some time.  I will be with you and give you pictures when you least expect it.  I will come, if not through this medium, then through another; though it is only through the magnetism of this medium's body I have been able to do my work."

T. G. H.: "Do you want the focus on the head?"

Walter: "I will endeavor to give this at the next sitting. "Get the cameras focused on the bed.  Not the head; there will be no head unless there is a body and feet.  The head is nothing.  Oh, if I were able to do these things myself!"

T. G. H.: "May I suspend a camera above the couch?"

Walter: "Have the cameras centered from where the medium is sitting to opposite the face of her so as to take the body as it lies on the couch.  Place the head further up, nearer where the medium is.  It is not necessary for this medium to sit here.  You can sit at the side of the medium.  Keep the little medium where she is."

T. G. H.: "......."

Walter: "You'd better focus on the couch instead of further up.  The medium can be removed from the center of the cabinet.  Please sing, the power is waning." (circle sings.)

Walter: "I think I would not take any more power from Katie/Mercedes tonight.  I think she had better be brought to.  Let her father say.  What do you say, John?"

John: "Better do as Walter says.  It is good.  We have got a lot from her tonight."

T. G. H.: "I'll help her to her place."
John: "No! I will! (leads Katie to her chair.)

Katie: "Wait!  I want to see the sun setting over my fathers ship."

Walter: "I warn you, this picture will not be the same as you had of Lucy.  You will see Katie in all her beauty - the real Katie!"

"I would like the gentleman who is taking notes, Dr. Chown, in the circle.  He is to be here and sitting at the foot of the medium, so he will see her in her beauty."

"Well, that's all arranged.  Let me repeat.  She will be placed on the couch, which will be well to the top of the room.  Oh yes, have the warmth a little less.  If it is very cold out, you may turn on a little heat.  If it is not cold out, have no heat.  Those that feel cold could put on something very warm and that will help.  Put the bed in tonight, and arrange the chairs and all the paraphernalia.  No one is to travel out around the center of the floor unless it is myself, Mercedes, or Katie as she goes to the couch.  There will be no danger from walking on the floor, but no one is to touch the couch.  I'll look at your couch after you've placed it. I'm sorry, but I can't give you information.  Ellen will sit where she is. Neither medium needs sit at the top this time.  I don't want any communication or disturbance.  Once everyone is seated, no one is to move.  Open the cameras before you are all seated.  Mercedes and my medium must (rise?)  if necessary.  Mercedes on awakening - Will you now go over the instructions, please?"
T. G. H.: "First you want the mediums to take twelve hours rest.  They are to have the usual light diet.  The couch is to be placed at the end of the room with the mattress on it.  The cameras are all to be focused ahead of time."

Walter:? ...... ( inquires as to how he is to keep contact.)

Walter: "Victor is to place his hand on one side of the couch and ...... on the other.  But when Katie takes her place in Mercedes you will remove your hand.  No hand must touch her.  Remember it is not Mercedes you will photograph.  Her clothing will not be seen.  The shining garments of Katie will cover her outer form.  Make no change in Mercedes' clothing; and leave her arms bare.  You will probably see the arms of the medium hanging over the bed."

T. G. H.: "Is this to be something utterly new?"

Walter: "No.  It is for you; for me absolutely the only time I've done it.  I haven't done it yet; but I will if Mercedes and Dawn and Katie cooperate."

T. G. H.: "May I brighten up the flashlight?"

Walter: "I leave that are entirely to you.  My medium will be in a trance state, not in heavy control.  Katie will protect Mercedes, and no harm will come to her. Mercedes will be taken into deep trance."

(There is some questioning about this evening's picture.)
Walter: "Tonight's is not even as good as a cat."

Someone: "Not even ...."

Walter: "Your suspicions are all wet so forget it. ....."

(He inquires what each one saw.)

Victor: "I saw you.  I didn't see any picture,  just a shape or form."

?: "Couldn't make out."

?: "Nothing."

Mercedes: "Nothing."

Sun Yan: "The medium."

Anna: "Nothing.  I was too busy with my family."

Walter: "Yes, they were all here.  I'll let them  come after Katie is through.  There will be no joking in this picture, no fun at that time.  This is going to be sacred.  When you get Katie in this stage to get her in a sacred moment.  What did you see?"

One-eye: "Nothing."

?: "Nothing."
John/Ewan:  "I saw a hell of a lot."

Queen/Lillian Hamilton: "I didn't see anything; but I have one instruction that it was your own sweet self."

Walter: "It was not my own sweet self."

J. A. Hamilton: "......"

Walter: "You are all pretty near right.  The only one right is Sun Yan - he saw the medium."

Ellen: "Did you see her face?"

Walter: "I'm talking to old Fagan.  Do you know old Fagan?  His first name?  You're all through.  What was Fagan's name? - the old Jew. - He won't say a word." (Addressed to John.)

T. G. H.: "May I ask another question.  May I put ..." (several lines lost here) ...

(Later, Walter, in reply to a question instructs the note taker to sit in the circle,  Hope and One-eye having changed places.)

J. A. Hamilton: "Are we to sing nothing but hymns till the picture is taken?"

Walter: "Yes.  But don't sing "Fountain filled with Blood."

T. G. H.: "I thought that was Spurgeon's favorite."

Walter: "Oh, yes, but change it.  Give me something about flowers and little children.  Yes, something about children.  I like children.  Let's see what song will ... Katie.  But be quiet ... for these good people."

John: "I wish you would instruct One-eye to behave himself."

Walter: "Take care of your own ..."

Walter: "Sing a little, and break the circle."

10:55 p.m.   Circle breaks.

Mrs. Poole: "And what are you doing with that light? There's a nice looking man.  There is something the matter with his leg."

T. G. H.: "What's his name?"

Mrs. Poole: "Bell.  He says he knows three here."

T. G. H.: "Where did he come from?  What's his first name?"

Mrs. Poole: "His name's Gordon."

T. G. H.: "Is there anything he wants to tell to the three he knows?"

Mrs. Poole: "He's preparing himself to talk to us.  He has an artificial or different leg ... fixing.  He's turning his ... round so he's lame a little.  He's gone."

T. G. H.: "Did you see him, Mercedes?"

Mercedes: "Yes, I saw him clairvoyantly."

T. G. H.: "Did you recognize his features?"

Mercedes: "I didn't know him personally, though I know who he was."

[Dawn circle begins.]

9:22 p.m.        Circle number off 'one' to 'eleven'.        

(Through most of the above a song has continued.)

Walter: "Good evening.  Have you obeyed my instructions?"

T. G. H.: "As far as we know."

Walter: "How far do you know?"

T. G. H.: "The cameras - the bed - don't you like the bed?"

Walter: "The bed's not smooth.  Why have you the pillow in the middle?"

T. G. H.: "Someone must have ruffled it.  Shall I have Victor adjust it?"

Walter: "Yes, Victor, you fix it.  Hallo, John."

John: "Hallo."

Walter: "Hallo, funny face.  Will you lend me your face?"

John: "I am going to loan it you now."

Walter: "Yes?  Fine!  Fine!  He'll even lend me funny face." 

John: "He's got ... where's Katie?"

Katie: "Good evening.  I have some instructions for you.  My medium has on a garment, which I shall remove myself.  I don't wish anyone to touch my medium during the process.  I want Walter to adjust my medium on the bed.  This is a dangerous thing: no, not dangerous.  I don't mean that; but different. (T. G. H., difficult.).  Yes, difficult.  Black Hawk, through Dawn, is too escort my medium to the couch and then he is to go and Walter return."

J. A. Hamilton: "Break contact."

Katie: "Ask Walter, friend."

(Katie is heard moving from her place.)

Walter or Black Hawk: "I do not know how soon I have to bring our good friend forward.  Will you (to one on one side of Mercedes)  please give me your hand. Thank you.  Now you (to one on the other side of Mercedes).  Thank you.  You both take hands there.  Is everything prepared?"

All: "Ready."

?:" Now, friends, I am asked to tell you not to get weary, or tense, and to sing just as if it did not matter.  Do not be in that sort of a ... sort of a ... as if something terrible was going to happen.  Just sing any little ditty. (Someone "Single Bells?")

"No, not that one, I think.  Now, if anyone in the room sees, I would like at this period that they should give that off.  Do not get in the a tense state I told you of. Withdraw all your thoughts.  Sing, a  hymn, a song, or say a few words.  There must be no interference.  If you speak, speak one at a time.  Just wait a little while Katie is all right.  Are you all prepared to stay all night? (Yes).  If there is anyone who is anxious, or who would think they may become weary, let them go now.  I don't say you will have to stay all night, or how long it will be.  I have no way of judging time.  It may be a considerable while, or it may not be long.  It depends on you; on your sympathy, your thoughts, your kindness of heart.  Laugh if you wish, or cry if you must; it's just as pleasant and will amuse someone else.  Sing simple things.  There are a number of friends here who are just as curious as you are."

(Circle sings.  Medium comes across room with someone else?)  "Thank you. (Takes Katie to couch.).  Softly. (Song fades).  I must manage (stroking his head).  The medium (Mercedes) is in good condition.  She has obeyed instructions and rested.  After the picture, if we get it, I can allow you to examine my medium.  We will give you the signal when to do so.  I think you had better put the medium down.  Place her on her cot.  Sing, please.  That's fine."