June 1 - Sept 19
June 1, 1930.
Walter/Mary M.
The "ship" will be "an old hull". (The "ship" of June 4 collapsed when photographed.)
Walter/Mary M.
The "ship" not mechanically perfect. "An old hull". ("Ship" collapsed. See photograph under magnification.)
9:32 p.m. Mary M. (Dawn) sitting commences. Group numbered and sang Spurgeon's hymn. Bell rings several times. During "Solomon Levi" bell keeps time, imitates W. B. Cooper's long drawn out notes repeatedly; very ingenious and very amusing. Walter seems to be enjoying the fun. Very brilliant performance.
Walter: "There are so many people here that I must not ring anymore. Change your song, please."
9:51 p.m. Black Hawk: "Paleface has asked me to tell you that there are too many people around and he is afraid to give you his picture. Everything is ready and he would like another time soon again. It is not so good as it was before. (Before the last flash). Will you kindly order our good friend, Dawn, to refrain from taking the sweets or whatever it is she has taken from the box, as it is not good for us. Please will you ask her in a very nice manner? Please be very nice and tell her by herself. (Found later to have been purgative pills. L. H.). I do not know our good Captain. I am hoping to have conversation with him some time. He has not looked my way yet; we do not interfere unless we are called forward. I do not press the point. He (Raymond) is with his good lady mother doing a great work among the poor people on the material. I have not spoken with him for many moons. I am with my people unless I am summoned."
[Handwritten note: "Dawn gave signal - said to have been unduly influenced by "John" who thought everything was ready - Walter at once told us that there would be nothing on our plates - that the "ship", although visible to them, on their side, was not so to us. John, having had no experience in photography - made a mistake. The plates were all negative blanks. L. H.]
"There is no color; only when we visit the material. We are all as one."
T. G. H.: "How came you here?"
Black Hawk: "I was brought here by a good friend of our medium - another man like myself, a brave."
W. B. Cooper: "Moonstone?"
Black Hawk: "No, it was Great Heart."
Katie: "He is a good man. My medium knows him too. I thank Black Hawk for his help the other evening." (Saving a picture).
Black Hawk: "I am honored. I visit where I see an opportunity. I need no thanks, dear lady. I will come often. I will help the little papoose (Ewan).
Black Hawk gives his farewell call.
John: "That guard (Black Hawk) is a good guard. He is not a skillful workman, but he does very well."
T. G. H. asks John how he came to be present.
John: "I came because you wanted me. I came but fleetingly until this fellow here insisted that I help."
T. G. H.: "Have you controlled other persons?"
John: "On occasions."
W. B. Cooper: "You have made other efforts?"
John: "Yes. Lots that you have read of; lots that you have never, never heard of, in countries that you cannot hear about. It is time that mine should be done with my people. (Speaking of the Irish control through Dawn.) He is attached to me; he is just like a dog. I will tell him what he shall do."
Bantering talk with Walter.
John: "I want to say something. When are you going to be prepared for Katie? I want this man to be ready. There is no use putting off more of your time."
T. G. H.: "You want a couch? As soon as you are ready, I'll be ready."
John: "When the ship is taken."
Walter: "Hurry up with the old hull. Wait till you see what he calls a ship."
By-play over cabinet. John calls it a cupboard. Walter calls it the cabinet. Katie calls it a box. Walter leaves.
John: "I tell you if I could manage I would give you a real ship. I can get near - and yet so far. I will do my will. Katie says she is pleased with her medium. Says she is very sensitive but that she must have her soul and body before she can do her work. She will not hurt her; she has the power and she will make her believe."
Katie: "It may interest you to know that while his consciousness is not eliminated it is so disconnected that he does not recall afterwards."
John: "I am speaking to you now (to T. G. H.). There must be no misunderstanding. It is my purpose that this medium shall be at our next sitting when you receive a representation of the ship - that he shall have perfect knowledge of everything that is done in this room. I shall not, therefore, endeavor to terminate his own control beyond a certain limited point. You will therefore do nothing that would tend to loosen his control beyond the point I shall fix. I shall be obliged if you will have heed to my words. Goodnight. Goodnight, Katie."
Group repeat the Mizpah.
All: "May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from the other."
June 3, 1930.
Jack MacDonald; Lillian Hamilton.
Memories of California
R. L. Stevenson comes through, speaking in a broad Scotch accent. He speaks of the big trees, the deserted camps along the mountain stream - their rules of the quick hand and the loud voice. The boot a forceful argument. A case of necessity.
"Stevenson was a great lad ... wondered at ... the camp life was too much for him ... he put the plays aside ... he looked over them ... word came that we were wanted back ... they sent more than a word ... the two of us ... there were more than the two of us ..."
"A wee skinny Scot ... I knew him pretty well. The Sierra Nevada. Our door facing the ravine ... ladder steps." (Seems to refer to Silverado Squatters.)
June 4, 1930.
Creightons as scrutineer and outer guard;
[Note: Mrs. Creighton acted as outside guard while the sitting was going on. She locked us in, and retained the key. L. H.]
The "ship" photographed;
Walter shows full result of the nature of the mass before plates are developed.
The "ship" photographed in the act of collapsing.
The ship comes into port but badly damaged.
[ Photo of 'wreck of the Hesperus ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
["Signal given by Mrs. Marshall's hand pounding the cabinet wall."]
[ Photo of bell-box - close-up - clearly showing two lids ]
9:26 p.m. Mary M. sitting commences. All number. Mary M. (Dawn) says "twelve", Ewan says "fourteen". Singing of Spurgeon's hymn.
9:27 p.m. Walter comes through.
Walter: "Good evening. How are you all tonight?" (Fine). "That's good. You won't be coarse if you are fine. They don't fall through the key-hole. Well, what do you want?"
T. G. H.: "Nothing."
Walter: "Good., Blessed are they that expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed."
More bantering talk.
T. G. H.: "When are you going to give us Katie's picture?"
Walter: "When are you going to get mine? I'm going to stand on the ship. Well, we are all here for nothing. That is about as good as being here for something. Well, let's have a little song."
Group sing "Solomon Levi."
Walter: "It's all ready."
T. G. H.: "Yes?"
Walter: "What are you waiting for?"
T. G. H.: "A flash."
Walter: "What are you going to get?"
T. G. H.: "I don't know."
Walter: "Neither do I. Well, supposing I step aside and see if it is all ready. Sing."
(Dawn moves out of cabinet - stands at the side.)
9:35 p.m. Flash is taken.
Walter: "Oh, my God! What has happened?"
T. G. H.: "I thought you gave five raps."
Walter: "It's fallen down. The ship's mast fell down because you didn't fire quickly enough. Too bad! Too bad! It had almost all gone. This is something that is going to kill me all over again!"
T. G. H.: "May I close the cameras?"
Walter: "Yes, throw them out! Have I ever giving you a signal before? You should have been ready on the fourth to go even if there was another one! You've got a queer looking animal for a ship; never let anybody see it or tell them it's mine! (very vehement). It's yours - it's ..."
It's yours! Well, friends, perhaps I am at fault. I was afraid to hit hard (hand on the cabinet). You've got the bottom and a bit of sail; it looks like a hell of a wreck. You can tell them that it is the wreck of the Hesperus."
John: "It's a damned shame!"
Walter: "It will have to be done all over again. We'll have to use a bell to hit him on the head with. Well, friends, never mind. It's one more failure for poor Walter - and I said I would not fail. The ribs are sticking out. It's a hell of a mess; it's a bitter disgrace; no rudder, no people. It's a failure for Walter - I've never failed before."
John: "He told you he would step aside - gave the signal - what more do you want? You must know when he is ready. Can't you get his methods?"
Walter: "It's no use; can't take another one now. Sing! Sing!"
9:47 p.m. The bell box is thrown violently to the floor.
Walter: "It's no good, no good. Throw it out with the ship. We have to start all over again. We have the bottom of it. It's terrible! An old derelict! People won't believe. He put in the ribs and I had to cover them with ectoplasm. All gone! I've got to try again. Sing! Sing!"
John: "I'm going to put that man (T. G. H.) where he can feel that ship in his chest. You shall feel that ship and know when it is built. It won't be made in an hour, but when it is made it will fill that cabinet. We will build it from the ground up and not from the top."
Katie comes through and says that she thinks it would be better to start from the very beginning and build it over again. She will leave it to her father to decide.
Walter: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."
Katie: "There was an extra rap on the cabinet; it was quite a simple mistake. My father is disappointed and so am I ... we all are."
Walter: "I'm not. I knew it wasn't going to be there. I knew it."
Katie: "Will you go to sea again?"
Walter: "No, I won't go, not the length of my little toe."
"I'll give somebody else. I'd give you one of our friends rather than a lot of old dead things. I'll put Lucy on the job again. She was always on time."
John and Kate talk. They decide to build again, hurrying the work as much as possible. John says he has made a start using such power as they have. Will have to return to former procedure - Ewan in the cabinet, Dawn at the bottom of the room.
John: "Let Katie sit as usual. She will come of her own accord to me. But she is of such a refinement that she is not of such assistance in this work as your friend or myself. You will be surprised to think that she is my daughter. I am not always with her; only when I come here. She can see many things which she may not speak of. I hope that you are correct when you anticipate that Katie will be visible to you; that is the thing I cannot vouch for; a thing only Katie can perform. It is a thing so beyond Walter that he does not understand it at all. He is of a grosser nature. She is refinement beyond refinement. Strange, is it not, that this child should be of such power. But she is of so elevated a character that I can only behold her when she stands above. You do not apprehend the nature of her control. She does not as yet descend to this medium but exercises control from a little distance."
T. G. H.: "How large is the boat?"
Walter: "Perhaps fifteen or twenty inches."
T. G. H.: "Where is it placed? "
Walter: "About three inches from the back wall, not in the center - near the Captain, about one or two inches from the top."
John: "She has not yet attempted to enter the body. When she does so you will behold this medium as one who has died."
T. G. H.: "Why is Katie veiled?"
John: "She is veiled to me and Walter, so how could Walter reproduce her whom he does not ever behold? She is of dazzling brightness. She of all those who come here is the only one who is required to veil herself before us. It is a thing of greatest absurdity to speak of Lucy ..."
[Note here, handwritten: "Final page of notes lost. M. H. Bach]
[Seems to be a break here. W. D. F.]
Lucy is of the same nature as your friend Walter, of no higher nature. Katie is a being of a different world. Have you not get understood? She is passed beyond our knowledge. I don't know where she comes from when she comes to us here. It is one of the reasons that I have access to help you. Do not think, friend, that we are free of self."
John refers to the missed signal. Cannot understand our unawareness.
John: "I have lost touch a little with your conditions. I do not control this medium as your friend does the other. The little medium (Elizabeth M. ), who sits beside you, is in constant communication, and all her friends tonight were watching eagerly. They had with them a great band of stalwart spirits to protect you. Your conditions were fine. Your friend worked under the best conditions. I will not detain you longer. Think of me; assist me with this medium. Help me to extract from him that power I require. My daughter says she cannot stay. Goodnight."
Group repeat the Mizpah.
All: "May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from the other."
[Letter from Dr. Wm. Creighton re: 'Ship'.]
"To whom it may concern:
"During the months from April 30, 1930, to June 4, 1930, I attended nine sittings at the home of Dr. T. G. Hamilton. During which time I was in full charge of the séance room. Each evening: -
(a) I broke the seal and entered the room first.
(b) I inspected the room for any article which might have been used by the medium to produce false phenomena.
(c) I inspected all the clothing of the gentleman sitters and Mrs. Creighton inspected all the clothing of the lady sitters, to ascertain if they were carrying anything on their person to produce phenomena which occurred and were photographed.
(d) I held the medium's right hand and sat on her right side during the sitting and during the taking of the photographs. It was impossible for her to reach the object photographed.
(e) After each sitting and after the sitters had left the room, I again examined the room, double locked the door, and sealed it.
"I am satisfied that there was nothing taken into the room during that period which could have been used by the sitters or the medium to produce the phenomena which were photographed."
Yours truly,
William Creighton M.D.
[Two photographs. Top: Ship Mass of June 4, 1930. Wide Angle View.]
[Mrs. Marshall giving signal by pounding cabinet wall. Mercedes, Ewan (seen in deep trance) all entranced simultaneously.]
[Bottom photo: The "Ship" - recognizable as such - of teleplasm]
[Photo at bottom of page - "Note position as predicted. Note thread-like support - support also predicted.]
June 8, 1930
Intimates that Katie will come wearing a supernormal veil. (See Katie; veil of November 4, 1930 - also February 25, 1931 - also January 9, 1933 and April 23, 1933.)
Katie to begin new work after a second "ship." (See records)
John, Katie and Walter begin the second boat
E.M. trance. Conversation.
Walter: "Two lovers stand on a pirate ship ..."
John: "We have obtained the assistance of the beautiful one. (Katie) ... I would like you all to behold the one who stands by me ... She is stepping forward. Do you see? Do you behold what she has left about me?"
W. B. Cooper: "I see a very bright light only."
John: "She has drawn it around me; I am being helped; it is like a bath. Do you not see all of this before me? ... She has left some of her glory."
T. G. H.: "Did she come to help you, John?"
John: "She has for the first time left something - those which you would call veils. She has removed from herself their radiance for tonight. She has made the first attempt. She came beside me and in that cabinet of yours ... Do not forget that longer. Do not neglect that! All voices are stilled. All things are hushed. There is no need of song. There is no need of darkness. I am beholden. I shall behold her face."
Katie speaks through Mercedes. Says they have brought a friend to help them in the building of the second ship. Is anxious to finish this work so that they can commence something else. John and Katie pretend they are on a ship - "Heave Ho" and "My Hearties" repeated. Much "sailor" by-play with Walter chiming in. They are said to be "working" while this is going on.
John: "Did you see the ribs?" (In the boat of June 4, 1930)
T. G. H.: "Tell us, Walter, what the ribs are made of."
Walter: "That is not a joke ... the masts fell. It has to be done by something to hold it up when it is not attached to the medium."
T. G. H.: "Something attached to the cabinet wall?"
Walter: "Just a cord to send energy. There is no connection with the medium (Dawn) that you could possibly see. That cord is to draw energy from the wood. Ship held by deflected energy from the wood. Energy stored in the wood."
Walter: "Do you know that Katie was pretty close to you tonight?"
John: "I am determined that this power shall be released in a more fluidic form. It has been with the utmost difficulty that my friend here (Walter) has drawn upon this medium (Ewan). You can see that this is a reservoir that would be of the utmost assistance, but I have not been able to get this medium into my control that I may make this available."
June 18, 1930
[Letter from Mr. Pitblado to Dr. Hamilton.]
Dr. T. Glen Hamilton,
Somerset Building,
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Dear Dr. Hamilton:
"I am going east today, and have not had time to revise the memorandum which I prepared. I am enclosing it to you herewith, and would be glad if you would look it over, make such changes in the language of it as you think advisable, and if you will have it typewritten, I will sign it for you when I return in about ten days' time. I'm sorry I am so rushed today that have not time to even look it over."
Yours sincerely,
I. Pitblado.
[Mr. Pitblado's status as a well-known and highly respected and brilliant international lawyer should be stressed. See scrapbook of 1934 - 1935. - (Unintelligible).]
[Memo re: Seance at Dr. T.G. Hamilton residence - March 10, 1930.]
"At Dr. Hamilton's request I attended at his home in Winnipeg on the evening of March 10, 1930. I was informed that "Walter" had asked that I should be present as official observer. I do not belong to the circle which meets regularly at Dr. Hamilton's, but I've had the privilege of being present occasionally."
Examination of the Male Participants
"Before going into the séance room, all the men (except myself), took off their coats and vests, collars and ties and shoes. They also rolled up their shirt sleeves to the elbow - I was told that this was pursuant to "Walter's" instructions given at a former meeting. I then searched all the men and found that none of them were taking anything into the séance room, either in their pockets or concealed on or about their persons, except that some of them had some money in their pockets; one had a small pocket lighter, and your official reporter, W. E. Hobbes had his watch and chain, one had the photographic in order to make a change of plate, if his camera were used. There was nothing of a physical character of any kind, on or about any of the men which could in any way be used to assist in bringing about the production of the phenomena which appeared at the séance.
"After having examined and searched the men, I went to the séance room and found it locked and sealed. It was locked with two locks - one, the ordinary lock of a common door, and the other a padlock. The hasps used for the padlock had been fastened with a string, and the string knotted and sealed with two stickers which bore the names, respectively, of
"Mr. H.A. Reed and Mr. Hobbes. These two gentlemen were present and stated that the seals (or stickers) were the ones put on by them the night before. The door, even though it were unlocked, could not have been opened while the seals and string where there, without breaking the seals or cutting or breaking the string, neither the seals nor string had been broken or cut when I examined the door.
"I then took the key of the main lock (which key I had obtained from Mr. Hobbes) and unlocked the main lock and unlocked the padlock with the padlock key, obtained from Mr. Reed. I then cut the string and removed the string and seals, after both Mr. Hobbes and Mr. Reed had identified their signatures. Dr. Creighton and I then both examined the string and saw that the only cut or break therein was that cut which I had just made. The string and seals had not been tampered with since the string had been tied and the seals put on.
"I then opened the door of the séance room and entered it with Dr. T. G. Hamilton at 9:00 p.m.. The room was in total darkness. I carried a pocket flashlight which had a red colored glass placed over the lighted end. I then examined the room, and ajoining closet, with the aid of the flashlight. The room and closet contained nothing except the usual furniture, cabinet, stands for cameras, flash light apparatus, cameras bellows, etc. There was a suit of dark clothes in the closet.
"There was nothing in the room which could in any way be used for the purpose of assisting in the production by physical means of the phenomenon which subsequently appeared.
"After I had examined the room, the other members of the circle and mediums were admitted to the room. I searched each male member when he came into the room and found each one exactly as when I searched him outside, except that Mr. Hobbes had brought with him his notebook and pencil for the purpose of making notes. Dr. T. G. Hamilton also had several lead pencils in his pocket for the purpose of enabling the medium, Elizabeth M., to write. He also had placed on the table the paper sheets (on the wooden board) on which Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Poole) subsequently wrote.
"Mr. Hobbes kept a record of the proceedings in the séance room.
"I need say nothing about that.
"After the séance I remained behind and examined the room again with my flashlight. Nothing in the room different from when I examined it at the beginning - nothing which could in any way be used to assist in the phenomena.
"Dr. Hamilton and I then removed from the cameras the holders for the films or plates, which had been exposed; and I carried them to the developing room in the house, where I saw Dr. Hamilton put in the usual developing solutions on two films.
"When these plates or films were developed, a figure was seen in each of them seated in the chair to the left of the medium.
Some time before the flash light photograph was taken, "Walter" asked me if I would like to hold the medium's hands. And on my saying, 'yes', I took hold of both hands of the medium, and in doing so also took hold of the right-hand of W. Cooper (who was holding the medium's left hand with his right hand.) and the left hand of Dr. J. A. Hamilton (who was holding the medium's right hand with his left hand.) The hands in the front of the photographs on top of the others' hands are mine.
"I had hold of the others' hands as above set forth from some time before the flash and at the time thereof."
1. There was nothing of a physical or material nature in the room which could be used to bring about the phenomenon.
2. None of the males in the room had anything of a physical or material nature on or about them which could be used to bring about the phenomena.
3. Mrs. Dr. Creighton and another lady had examined and searched the ladies who were admitted to the seance room (so they stated), and I have every reason to believe their statement that the ladies present took nothing into the seance room which could in any way be used to bring about or help bring about the phenomena.
4. From the two films which were developed in my presence, it is my opinion that it was absolutely impossible for the plates or films to have been faked in any way.
5. I am convinced that the phenomenon of a figure seated in the chair to the left of the medium was produced without the aid of any known physical or material means, process, or apparatus, and that there was no possibility of any "fake" being perpetrated, or trickery.
[Signed: I. Pitblado.]
[Stereo Photo - side view - LUCY FACE to left and behind the medium. Caption: "Note double control on hands of Mary M.. Those in the foreground Mr. Pitblado's.]
All prophecies fulfilled:
1. It required 24 sittings (21 predicted)
2. The form is mechanical - not a true body, but imitative of a body. "The form is mechanical (pull the string," etc.)
3. It is on a chair to left of medium.
4. It is nearly as large as medium.
5. It reveals the countenance of "Lucy" as Walter had intimated.
6. The form showed "layers."
The conditions were water tight. The materialization was scientifically established as supernormal.
[Notes on sitting]
11:03 p.m. Dawn is coming out of trance.
Ewan: "Dawn, answer me. You are well now?"
Dawn: "Yes."
Ewan: "She's all right now, friends. (In a whisper)- I think our friend (Mercedes) is all right, but you might speak to her."
T. G. H.: "Are you all right, Sister Lucy?"
Ewan: "Speak to him. Dawn is all right."
Sister Lucy: "I am just waiting to say good night. I don't like to speak when the other mediums are working."
T. G. H.: "Have you anything more to say now?"
Sister Lucy: "Nothing. God bless you all. Good night."
Ewan: "Now I can leave this boy. You can break and put on the light, very dim; but do not at any time tonight put it on too brightly. If this gentleman (Pitblado) wants to make another search it is all right; but let the others leave. Walter would like me to say that your man at the door (Dr. Creighton) can make another examination of the sitters as they go out; but this gentleman can have such light as is absolutely necessary. Break. Good night. I would like that lady (L. H.) to take this medium to his other seat."
L. H. complies with this request by conducting Ewan to his seat between herself and Ada Turner.
11:08 p.m. Lights turned on dimly.
June 20, 1930
[Letter from Winnipeg Kiwanis Club thanking for promise to speak.]
June 24, 1930
[Talk given at Winnipeg Kiwanis Club - Large attendance.]
June 27, 1930.
Faces will appear on the second "ship". The "crew". (See faces of August 3, 1930.)
July 17, 1930
[Letter from Los Angeles requesting information on a device that would shift the needle in a phonograph so that a record would play again automatically.]
July 17, 1930. Sunday
All regular members of the group present excepting Harry Green(Ewan). Mr. Hobbes; Mr. Jack MacDonald; and Margaret Hamilton at back of the room.
9:06 p.m. Sitting commences with the singing of "Unto the Hills".
9:12 p.m. E.M. writing in deep trance. Spells D-o-y-l-e and says in answer to T. G. H. "He says he'll come, needs time. Sing, Sing, Sing." Mercedes leads in singing the "Summerland", Doyle's favorite hymn. In reply E.M. says "Thanks, thanks." She sees Doyle clairvoyantly, singing.
9:26 p.m. E.M. back to normal, moves out of cabinet into the circle. T. G. H. opens the cameras. E.M. and Mary M. remarked that they see great crowds of faces around the group, and E.M. tells that "Dole", as she calls him, she sees in her pale blue tunnel, surrounded by hundreds of heads. (For report of E.M. vision, see notes.) "Spurgeon gave me the big picture of them standing in the blue lights in the tunnel; Spurgeon and that new man. It seemed as I was looking down in the tunnel, just full of people."
9:32 p.m. All number, starting with Victor. Then "There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood", is sung for Spurgeon, followed by "Jingle Bells" for Walter. Mary M. remarks "Walter's here; he's standing beside Mercedes."
9:37 p.m. Walter (through Mercedes): "Good evening. I'm going to stay here. See back medium over there? Will someone put he table on her head? Hit her with the table. She is sitting there all screwed up and thinks she can get away from me; but I'll get her. She knows what Walter's over here beside Susan for. I'm just borrowing this medium for a minute. The captain's standing over there glowering and sharpening his sword. I just wanted to give that medium over there a piece of my mind. (To Dawn). You see, I'm going to play with you like a cat plays with a mouse. You've got to ask me."
Dawn: "Well, Walter, I'm here ready waiting for you.
Walter: "I'm going to play with her a minute and make her do something. What will it be, a sermon? Where is that other guy? (Ewan).
T. G. H.: "Oh, he's gone east to his camp."
Walter: "I hope he doesn't forget to wash his feet. Now, when I say I'm leaving, I'm going over there. Supposing I was to hit her (Dawn) on the head. I'll let you (T. G. H.) hit her instead. One! Two! Three! See? I'm away!
9:44 p.m. All sing "Solomon Levi". Mary M. begins to beat time on the table.
Mercedes: "More energy! More energy!"
All visitors help by moving their arms energetically as though pumping. After a moment or two of this Walter allows a rest, saying through Mercedes: "If you want something you've got to work for it!" Singing continues, although rather lacking in enthusiasm."
Mercedes: (in trance) "Oh! Sing! Sing! Sing! Come along! Come along!"
9:52 p.m. Walter (through Mary M.): "Good evening. He didn't quite follow my instructions. You didn't put Dawn in the cabinet soon enough. I told you it was to be as before. I told you I would work on her while the others were here. Will you understand? You'll never understand anything. It's worse than that. It's worse than that. You see what you've done. You see, I can't get her ..."
Black Hawk: "Pale face is very busy and I am sent to take charge of the medium so that no one else can interfere. I will stand by and if you want to question me you can ask me. I will stand here. I do not mean immediately."
L. H.: "We are very glad to hear your voice, Black Hawk."
Black Hawk: "Thank you, friend. I am ever present at the sittings; I watch with great interest the work that is being done. We follow a new trail that will lead to something great by and by."
T. G. H.: "Have you met Doyle yet, Black Hawk?"
Black Hawk: "I have not yet had the pleasure; but there are great numbers following him. I hope to be able to make my way to him soon. It was a great thing to see the great multitudes waiting to welcome him. Your Royalty could not have received a greater welcome. I have seen him only through a very thick veil. I hope he will come and visit you here. He has already visited many places. He has been taken too many places to encourage the work."
"There are many people waiting here. If only you could open your eyes and let the scales fall from them , you would see the choirs of angels, some working, some to give them love and sympathy. There are friends here who wish to speak; and with your permission I will stand aside with this medium."
Katie: "My father is here. I am glad he has come to view the work. He is very pleased at Walter's decision not to produce it at this sitting. It is very beautiful. There is one little piece at the back that is not covered with ectoplasm yet. He could give it to you and it would be worthy of being looked at, but he has caught the infection at my father and of me. He knows we wish the ship to be perfect in every detail. I am also very pleased."
"I have here my other friend. I wish to take him to the bottom of the room and place him behind Victor."
"My father is busy with that boy. He tried to come through Sun-Yan, but he's another of these stubborn people. He's another that needs a hit on the head."
Black Hawk: "Peace, friends, peace."
Katie: "I do not know him very well; you had better make me known to him. (Whispering). He's the best looking fellow I ever saw. See that feather! I'd like to give it a pull! He's put away his tomahawk."
T. G. H.: "He's buried the hatchet, eh?"
Katie: "I'm going to take one to Sun Yan! (She then arises and goes over to Victor). This is he who is known as Victor. He is quite willing that you use him. Use your own methods."
"I see my ship. My ship is beautiful. I see our ship, our ship, all right, our ship."
John: (through Norman) "Yes, our ship."
Katie: "It is almost complete. Walter has not promised that he would put me on board. He's going to put the crew on board. He may try to place me. You never know what he's going to do; he likes to surprise you. I'm not going to stay long with this medium tonight as there is nothing much I can do. Good night."
10:31 p.m. All sing "A Life on the Ocean Wave".
Walter: "Good evening, Captain; may we all come on board?"
John: "Good evening." (spoken with great difficulty as Norman is only partially developed.)
10:35 p.m. Mary M. is busy writing or drawing.
Katie: "I've got to come back again. My father says I've got to take the boy's hand and bring him into the circle. (She does so). Stand up! (To Harold). Friend's, I'm sorry I have come back again. My father says I should have taken the boy."
Walter: "Speak to him; take his hand."
Katie: "Father, control this boy. Speak! Speak, should it be just one word!"
T. G. H.: "Speak, John. This is Katie."
John (with difficulty): "I would be strong, Katie."
Katie: "Even if you only say 'hello' to these people through the boy?"
Walter: "Well, well; where is all his pride now?"
John: "Hello, Katie."
Katie: "He's using so much strength. Speak, John, before I let you go."
John: "Good evening, good evening, good evening. Not strong."
Walter: "You will have to take him for a few more trips in his old ship."
Katie: "Yes, I'll take him. We'll put him beside old one-eye at the grog barrel."
Walter: "Put him to sea in a ship. My little lad went to sea in a ship; it was just the other day the ship sailed away. So you have to put him in a ship and send them off to sea to see what he can see, and if he sees as much as I saw he won't see very much. It's not a blue sea, it's a green sea, a black sea, a rotten sea."
John: "It's a beautiful sea."
Walter: "It's not like to sea we have here. That's a crystal sea."
John: "I'm not as strong as I was."
Katie: "He's young and my father is so powerful. Now I must leave this medium because she is over hot."
Walter: "We'd better break, friends."
Katie: "You had better disperse."
Walter: "Be on time. Place this medium in the cabinet with Ellen, and when I want her to be outside I will place her there; and when I say one, two, three, four, you can take your picture. Don't talk about it as it brings disturbed conditions; I mean when you are going about your daily going. It is quite permissible in the home here, but outside forces sometimes jar and interfere. It takes little to upset a meeting. One thought will sometimes do it. Friends, I can't tell you how your thoughts help and hinder. As you think, it is. There is no thought that is lost. Evil thoughts and evil spirits work much mischief in little gatherings like these. Oh, friends, if you could only realize how good and loving thoughts help in the work, and your friends to come here. I didn't intend to lecture. I'm only a mechanic working my way as you will work. Goodnight, friends. So long."
10:50 p.m. The sitting ends.
July 18, 1930.
John: "The ship is here; is it well?"
Walter: "It looks fine."
John: "This work is that fore-runner. It will extend and amplify the powers of those assisting us. (Walter insists that he does not like building boats). These are all exercises it is essential you and I must undergo. Speak no more of it my friend. We are brothers and we must not question what is set to our hand ... This will be a memorable occasion, for Katie is preparing a new part on which to place her feet. My friend Walter will be in his accustomed place ready for the next occasion. Experiments can be attempted wholesale over here. Follow exactly what he says. The ship is prepared."
Walter: "I think we have all the material I need. I wish to get this over. I do not care for ships."
John: "It is my purpose to produce this ship."
Walter: "I would like you to sit quickly and get it produced. I think we will be able to accomplish it, no strangers."
July 23, 1930
[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Mr. John C. des Granges - Los Angeles - California.]
Mentions the possible construction of a 'psychical studio'.
"... You require an apparatus for repeating phonograph records, driven by an electric motor. I am not aware that such a device is to be had. The one I am using I built up from an electric motor out of an Edison dictaphone and a phonograph device which repeats records indefinitely.
"... This latter mechanism I think you can obtain in any good phonograph shop. It consists of a small drum or sleeve which slips onto the vertical axle projecting through the center of the phonograph record. On the outside of this drum there is a double spiral groove which elevates and lowers a device that raises the needle from the record and carries it out to the edge where it is again slowly lowered at the starting place and the record thus repeated.
"... You will have no difficulty in getting some mechanic to turn two pulleys for belt connection to the axle of the governor on a gramophone mechanism from which the main wheel and spring have been removed. In such case the motor should be figured out to give a speed of rotation to the gramophone disk slightly greater than that required, the brake regulator on the governor of the motor or the governor belonging to the phonograph motor will then be used to retard to the necessary speed."
"... The success of this apparatus depends largely upon a belt connection which runs very smoothly - a flat belt is preferable. If a round belt is used it must be very carefully jointed. In any case the belt would be well supplied with friction compound that will ensure an even drag upon the pulleys, otherwise the slightest variation in speed of the gramophone disk will result in intolerable music. For this device I am using tungsten needles. They may be repeated scores of times without apparently damaging the record.
July 24, 1930.
Mrs. Poole; T. G. H.; Mr. Reed; Dawn; J. A. H.; Mercedes; L. H.; Ewan; Mr. Hobbes.
E.M.'s trance phenomena registered as usual.
Walter comes through Dawn and asks sitters not to get tense. Moved his medium from outside cabinet to within. Here he could be heard using Dawn's hand to rub the back of the cabinet wall very briskly. He remarks that when we see a light we will know that everything is ready. This light must be visible first. He asks T. G. H. to place his hand very gently on Dawn's forehead to feel the "substance" emerging with which he covers the boat. T. G. H. does to.
T. G. H.: "I feel it ... it is cool ... it is damp; it feels like extra perspiration."
Walter: "It comes in that form. She is perfectly cool, is she not?"
T. G. H.: "A little cooler than normal."
Walter: "It comes from you and the rest and then goes through the cells in her body and is brought out; I gather it myself and place it on the ship. I have taken considerable from the table that has been stored there - taken from you all. I am placing extra upon the ship; I will place it rather thickly so that it will hold. Please allow no light in the cabinet at all. I will give the signal 1-2-3-4; on the word four, fire! - that is, if I can use this organism (Dawn). So far I've been able to use her voice - it is the easiest thing about her. The rest of her body is a little difficult. (Walter repeats the signal). I think it will be wise to bring someone in with you to try out the apparatus."
Walter advises closing the sitting.
Katie and John talk together and also to the group. They are both pleased with the ship. They say Walter has done a splendid piece of work.
Walter speaks again for a moment and warns us that if the ship is a second failure he will not repeat the procedure. He "would not" he says "like to go through the ordeal again." He thinks it will be a success. Wants to sit again quickly.
Katie hints that her father will win great reward from the making of the ship. Walter thinks that he can finish now without Ewan (who is leaving on his holidays) as he has finished his part of the trick.
July 29, 1930.
Walter/Mary M.
The second "ship" will appear at next sitting. ("Ship" appears at "next" sitting - that of August 3.)
Ectoplasm not holding. Walter delays.
Doyle appears
Walter: "Sorry to disappoint you; Ewan is not here, and I must show them the ship. I am putting the ectoplasm in the material form. The ectoplasm has not held as I would like. It did hold but it is absorbed into the wood a little. Next time I shall be already. The conditions are good; I wish they were always as good. Sing a little to keep the power at a peak. Please tell Dawn to rest a little before she comes to the next sitting. Let no one enter this cabinet; and let no light fall in the cabinet.
Mercedes sings under on alleged Doyle control or influence:
"The world has felt a quickening breath
From heaven's eternal shore
And souls triumphant over death
Return to Earth once more.
For this we sing our jubilee
For this we sing
Oh death, where is thy victory?
Oh grave, where is thy sting?"
Mercedes says she has seen a man with a book - he told her something about a new religion.
[Doyle - author of "The New Revelation"]
[Left side: Drawing of seance room arrangement showing Dawn's chair and sitters' chairs - this is the layout in preparation for the first Katie materialization phenomena ( as sketched by T. G. H.)]
August 3, 1930. .
The second ship Doyle.
Walter/Mary M.
Victor will become a medium. (See Victor's supernormal work of 1931, 1932 and of June 9, 1933 and after.)
Usual E.M. trance and visions.
Walter: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to hold this. There is so little ectoplasm. You may be sadly disappointed, due to conditions which we have to penetrate." (A hot, close night.)
9:22 p.m. Walter: "Ready? Is there anyone who can see if it is safe to take it tonight?"
E.M.: "Yes! There is something out there."
Walter: "Is there anyone who can see it now?"
E.M.: "Yes."
9:23 p.m. Walter: "One, two, three, fire! ... Very little! Very little! ... Just wait until you see your picture! ... talk about shivering timbers!" (Laughs uproariously.)
Speaking of the new work, Walter said: "We will gather around on our side, and hold a consultation; and then there's going to be a lot of changes through your new control (Katie)! But I'm going to be the boss! ... I'm going to get him yet!" (Referring to Victor.)
Katie: "My coming back; that, my father controls. But Walter will give instructions. Victor sees me nearly all the time. I am after him, just the same as Walter. (To W. B. Cooper). Can you see me?"
W. B. Cooper: "No."
Controls ask sitters to encourage "Doyle" control. Mercedes sings: "The World Hath Felt a Quickening Breath."
[Two photos have the "Ship" with caption: "The controls hinted that the faces in the teleplasm were those of scientists helping from "their side."]
[ Photo of second ship ]
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August 6, 1930
[Letter to Mrs. Creighton - Malachi - Ontario.]
"... In regard to the ship, you will be interested to receive a copy enclosed. The week previous to last Sunday being very hot, was, I believe, quite detrimental to the storage of this craft and the result is that practically all of the sails have vanished and the hull has become very thin and honeycombed which will accentuates the extremely sensitive condition of this substance. Most interesting in the picture you will note the presence of two faces at the top center; and forward, about halfway to the left end, will be noticed the form of a little girl. Whether this will be the end of the ship or not we do not know; but, judging from all accounts, the controls appear to be entering upon a new line of action ..."
August 10, 1930.
Small group - T. G. H.; W. B. Cooper; L. H.; Mrs. Poole;
Mercedes; J. A. H.; Dawn.
Lucy: "I came to tell you to have no fear. Lift your heads higher than usual. It doesn't matter to me what the critics say. You have something substantial behind you. I want to give you an encouragement. This is only a beginning. There is lots to do. He (Walter) is going to make changes. Whatever they are, remember it is for the best. I don't want to take Katie's place. I am with you all. Don't think that because I have let someone else use my medium that I have forgotten your. God bless you! I am commissioned to say that."
Walter/Dawn: "We have a wonderful little group here, but I am going to make changes: some of you are only using up the power. There are a lot of beautiful people here, (on this side)"
T. G. H. asks about the "ship".
Walter: "Ask the man who built it. And his daughter. I don't know. All I know is that the sweet little angel was put there by me. She belongs to the medium; she is a Sister; she wanted to put in the boat."
[Right side: Top of page: The Brochure of the Winnipeg Meeting of the British Medical Association August 26, 1932 to August 29, 1930 - Caption: "Lecture on Psychic Research by Dr. T. Glen Hamilton of Winnipeg Introductory to the Psychic Research Exhibit."]
August 17, 1930.
Usual E.M. trance and visions.
Spurgeon preaches through Dawn:
"Sing 'In the Cross of Christ I Glory'". ( he group complies). The Cross, the Power, wonderful Power! The Blood of the Lamb! (Said with deepest feeling). Ah, yes! To Thy precious living life! Thou canst give us life, Thou great White Spirit! In the love of Christ I glory, flowing through the road of time! In the blood of Christ I glory! ... Yes, yes, my friends, it is good to meet you again as you are gathered here! It is good to be allowed to come, and give the message of love to you ... joy unspeakable. It is a beautiful, everlasting Truth, going on and on until every soul will love Thee!"
August 24, 1930.
The British Medical Association met in Winnipeg in late August, 1930. T. G. H. was invited to speak on his work in psychical research.
August 27, 1930.
Dr. Hamilton addressed a luncheon meeting at the Fort Garry Hotel. More than 500 people heard his lecture and saw photographs of the teleplasmic structures.
Mr. F. Bligh Bond (at that time a noted English psychical researcher), made a special trip from New York, to be present at that lecture. He attended a sitting at 185 Kelvin St. on August 28, where the bell ringing phenomena were particularly brilliant. Mr. Bond had control of both Mrs. Marshall's hands while the bell was ringing.
[See Mr. Bond's remarkable book "The Gate of Remembrance", in which he gives an account of his archaeological discoveries of Glastonbury Abbey, through help from spiritual sources. L. H.]
[ Photo of Exhibit room for Hamilton Exhibition ]
[ Photo of Exhibit room for British Medical Association ]
[ Photo of some of the exhibits shown ]
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August 28, 1930.
Frederick Bligh Bond, of NY. A.S.P.R. - visitor.
September 7, 1930.
Full Group - Ewan; Mrs. Poole; Ada Turner; C. Herling; J. H.; John MacDonald (Secretary); L. H.; T. G. H.; Mercedes; Dawn; Mr. Hobbes. Note: Katie begins her great work. Asks that Mercedes be placed on a couch. Walter puts Hobbes in circle between Mrs. Herling and Ada Turner; Mrs. Herling to be called "Anna".
Katie will have deep control over her medium. (See cataleptic trance)
We will photograph Katie in her beauty. (Fulfilled)
Katie will stand among us in "full form". (Not yet fulfilled).
E.M. phenomena as usual.
Walter: " (through dawn): "I will build no more ships. There is a great serious work to be done ... The world is looking for what we can give them . We must not disappoint them . We must go on and on until you have come over here - then we will work together ... We have started the ball rolling and it is gathering. We have lit the torch and thrown it out. It will be caught and carried on."
John/Ewan: "I am going to help him with his instructions."
Katie/Mercedes: "Good evening. I would stand beside my father."
John: "I want you to observe her closely. If I could only get a little more power for her! All of these mediums have something."
Katie: "You must make this medium (Mercedes) take off some clothes. I must have her arms and I can't get at them . I told you to tell her to wear a dress without sleeves. And tell this medium of mine to take all the pins out of her hair. I do not wish her to wear anything that will stop circulation - loose clothing. I wish also as soon as possible to have her in a reclining position so she can relax. Do not worry over this medium - I have done it before. Why cannot I do it again? If sometimes she does not speak, see how much she is under my influence. I will draw as much as possible from Dawn and John."
Sitters promise to give Katie their time for this work.
John: "I have used considerable force from this boy tonight to build up Katie, so do not be surprised if he complains of it afterwards. I will see that he comes to no harm. But we will have to be very careful in this work that we are not over-zealous. You will long be aware of Katie's presence before you see her. You will photograph her in her beauty. She will stand among you."
Katie then gives instructions to have the séance table removed and a couch placed in the center of the circle - every inch of space is needed.
September 8, 1930
[Letter from A. S. P. R. - request for lecture around December 15th.]
September 19, 1930.
Victor; Mr. Hobbes; Dawn; Mrs. Poole; Mercedes; L. H.; Ada Turner; Ewan; C. Alder; J. A. H.; Margaret L. Hamilton (Secretary).
Intimation that Katie's veil will appear. (See Katie's veil in No. 32, 34)
E.M. trance and visions.
Ewan exhibits vigorous physical actions.
Walter through Ewan tells T. G. H. to raise the cameras.
He teases Dawn, who remains normal. Makes her laugh uncontrollably.
Dawn (normal): "Oh, oh! For God's sake, Walter, don't make me laugh anymore."
Walter: "I want you to laugh until your sides split."
Katie: "The next time we gather in this room I wish to make it known that my father and I will require a great deal from everyone. I will ask you to tell your medium to rest on the afternoon of the sittings. This is for a reason. We wish to take much power, and this nonsense is to keep you from being too tense. I am exceedingly grateful to Walter for his fine work. He is very averse to using what you call hypnotism. This is for your own information. He uses his own methods. He would rather obtain results without using it ... When things are being given we will see that there are no free hands. Please take this medium (Mercedes) and lay her on the couch. (A canvas stretcher with cover and pillow). There is some work I have to do."
Mercedes lies down on the couch.
John: "Tell Dawn to look at Katie."
E.M. sees a figure in front of her putting white stuff on her head.
John: "If you are quick you may touch her veil."
E.M. puts out her hand: "It is cold; it creeps through you."
John: "That's Katie's first materialization. She has drawn from me the power to stand in this room apart from her medium."
T. G. H. asks about focusing the cameras.
John: "She will give you ample warning. Can you not feel her presence, my friends?"
9:14 p.m. Dawn in trance.
John: "Dawn is a wonderful medium."
T. G. H.: "We wish for greater interest on her part."
John: "She cannot get away from here. She is inseparably connected until we cut the cord. These three mediums (Dawn, Ewan, and Mercedes) cannot withdraw. Don't be afraid, my friends. Until we give permission the work here shall continue ... It is sometimes more than flesh and blood. What are they to resist the power of God? The work must go on; that is the command. What is Walter? What am I? Under burdens of obedience. We are all bound by duty. It is not for love of you that I have come here; nor for love of my return to you in this room. But you do not see tangible evidence of this power; it is invisible to you. To us the cord is visible and by it were attracted this man, these women."
Katie: "I think, my friends, I will leave this medium now. I have done quite a little work. I wish you all could have seen what one or two saw; but it is all a matter of time."
John: "Do not make so many changes. You are interfering with the essential vibrations. You are not stopping them and the introduction of another substance is interfering ... Thank you my friend (to Walter). You have been of the utmost assistance. We will go forward and you will know ... Dawn, Dawn, do you hear me? (Dawn has come to partial consciousness. She falls off the chair to the floor.) Arise! Arise!. It is not right my friends. She received too much power too suddenly. She should arise and seat herself."
Dawn does so. Walter comes through Dawn and tries to speak with the direct voice.
Direct Voice: "This is Walter. I'm glad I am here with you. I have been very busy in Boston. You will get news. I did not wish to use this medium, but I am controlling conditions. It is all right. So long."
John: "It was at my request that Walter returned. It would not be necessary if only we could prevail upon this boy (Ewan) to give himself to us. It is something that we have got so far. Remember that Katie has appeared to you, not as a vision, but in the first form of her immortality."
10:40 p.m. Benediction.