Sept 28 - Dec 9
September 28, 1928.
Supernormal light seen for the first time. Signal by supernormally rung bell. Walter describes what the plates have recorded. "A little teleplasm on the left cheek near eye." This proves to be correct when plate developed. Plate also reveals supernormal bell cords. Walter does not mention these.
October 7, 1928.
Walter makes a prediction re the young people, and re life beyond death.
9:15 p.m. - 9:40 p.m.. E.M. sitting held.
9:40 p.m..
Old bell box rings once, while change in circle is being made.
Walter/Mary M.: "Good evening, friends. I have a request to make. You have the medium by the hand on both sides. Now I want you to pass your hand across her face. Do not let go her hands. (To T. G. H.). Now feel her face. There is nothing on it, is there?"
T. G. H.: "That's right, absolutely nothing."
Walter/Mary M.: "Will the others put their hands on her face?"
E.M. : "There is nothing there."
Walter goes on around the circle, each one in turn placing his or her hand on the medium's face, and each declaring there is nothing on it.
Walter/Mary M.: "Please keep the contact unbroken. Do not let go hands on any account. This is a very trying experiment. I wish each and every one to understand that there is nothing whatever on her face. On with the music!"
9:55 p.m.. Two rings from bell box (new one).
"Golden Slippers" is played on the Victrola. Walter, singing through the medium, joins in with the chorus. He sings along, and when the words "So it's goodbye chillun I'se got to go." He says "Goodbye." At the words "My long tail coat I'se gwine to wear", he says "Why don't you wear it now?"
Walter Mary M.: "I can't get very much tonight as I want to use the ectoplasm; I want to get some photographs. I'll ring the bell a couple of times and then you can ask any questions. It is very difficult tonight. I have not got my friends to materialize. You can give the signal whenever you are ready. I will give two rings and then you can ask questions."
T. G. H.: "What about Harry Green?"
Walter/Mary M.: "I would like to have had him a little closer, but not tonight. I use him very much. Don't be serious! It's not a funeral!"
10:02 p.m.. The new bell box gives one ring.
T. G. H.: "Are you ready for questions now?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Fire ahead!"
T. G. H.: "Did you know that Horace Leaf is coming here?"
Walter/Mary M.: "I should like to meet him here; I can use him. I will bring someone else. I can place him between the little medium and the other lady."
T. G. H.: "Is Black Hawk here?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Yes, always. There is a gentleman here who wants me to give him an evening."
T. G. H.: "Who is it?"
Walter/Mary M.: "C. H. Spurgeon. He will talk himself."
T. G. H.: "I suppose you see Raymond Lodge. Is he very busy?"
Walter/Mary M.:" Oh, yes! He is busy in another way. We are blazing the trail that you will follow; not you, but the younger members."
T. G. H.: "Do you think we shall establish it?"
Walter/Mary M.: "I do not think, I know. We work by faith in this land. Raymond is very busy. He is with his father all the time, just as I am with my sister."
T. G. H.: "Did Horace Leaf ever visit with Crandon?"
Walter/Mary M.: "No, but he's been with them ."
T. G. H.: "Our Wednesday sitting will have to be later, on account of Mr. Leaf's lecture."
Time 10:10 p.m..
Walter/Mary M.: "All right. Sing!"
We sing "Tramp, tramp, tramp", the medium keeping time with her feet. H. Green is in an acute spasm.
10:12 p.m.
Walter/Mary M.: "Is the rope on the ground? When you have counted three, I will count, and when I have said three, wait two seconds, then fire. Hold the medium's hands up a little. One, two, three!"
T. G. H. pushed the button but there was no flash. The wire was not connected. After a minute or so the socket was plugged in.
Walter. Mary M.: "I am afraid, very much afraid, but we will try. One, two, three!"
10:15 p.m..Flash is fired.
T. G. H. to Mary M.: "Are you all right?"
Mary M.: "Yes, just a moment."
Walter/Mary M.: "This has not been a success. I am sorry. We can try again, but not tonight."
T. G. H.: "Well, Walter, tell us what we will get when we develop the plates."
Walter/Mary M.: "You will get a form upside down as it fell. It is the form of a face. It is not my face. I hope our little medium will recognize it. I can't make my face at present, as I have to work. Sing! Do you see my lantern? I will show you the light when the gentleman comes."
T. G. H.: "The other night when Jackson was here, did you speak for him?"
Walter/Mary M.: "No, I did not. He can speak for himself. He is a very proud and independent man. He did not make friends with every Tom, Dick, and Harry. He came with his friend and companion, Raymond. I could not bring him; he would not come with me."
In reply to a question by one of the sitters as to whether we would know our friends in the spirit world, Walter said:
Walter/Mary M.: "You are just the same over here as in the Earth life. There are no kings or queens, dukes or duchesses in the spirit world. Remember, we are all equal. We must all progress in the same way. We are all brothers and sisters, united in one band are well. Your loved ones know you and me too when you cross the border-line. But you would not know them until you progress. There are no brothers and sisters of one family as on earth; we are all one large family. Your loved ones are waiting for you, but it will be a long time for you yet, a damned long time!"
T. G. H. asked him some questions relative to the "other side", and Walter replied:
Walter/Mary M.: "You want to be like D(devils?), getting all knowledge at once. But he didn't know very much and neither do you. The more you know the less you know. You're like the boy who would never learn to say his alphabet. There are lessons to learn beside those in books. The world is the greatest school; books the best company. But you want to be ready with the glasses of observation; you learn only what you want to learn ... There are preachers and popes here. I might have been a preacher, but there are too many already. You might be a monk. There are many here."
T. G. H.: "What do you mean? That they are still trying to work under the same conditions as when they passed over ... a sort of trance condition?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Yes, like a trance. They are still asleep ... I know about your first controls. We each have our work to do. We are never tired. We do not have to rest from our labors, because they are labors of love."
"There were many in this work before St. John. Our Master was the Pioneer of Pioneers, and if you follow in His footsteps you will be all right. His teaching was Peace. He said: "Blessed are the peacemakers". The world of Rome laughed Him to scorn; He only told the people of those days which we are striving for now - The Peace that Passeth all Understanding. Fifty years ago is not so long for even you to look back on; they did not fly then; they do today. Two hundred years ago people would have died of fright at the things we do today."
T. G. H.: "Yes, the work is going ahead."
Walter/Mary M.: "It is going ahead and it will never stop. It has been going ahead from the beginning of the world. It is only now that people are beginning to study it. In a generation it will be quite common.
Walter then excused himself, and wishing us all a good night, took his leave.
Time: 10:30 p.m..
States that "we will get a form of a face upside down as it fell"
(See "Stead" face of October 7, 1928. - form falling - in horizontal position in place of being upright.)
Miniature face form - the first. Likeness of W. T. Stead, said to be one of the main directors behind the Hamilton work. Stead manifestations began with E.M. in 1921 and continued at intervals into 1928:
Note: The Stead miniature is imperfect. It was caught by the cameras in the act of falling from what was supposed to be its original position over or near the medium's left eye. This partial failure was probably due to a delay in firing the flash, due to a faulty electrical connection. In describing what would be found on the plates, Walter indicated that he was aware of this failure, and he correctly described the phenomenon.
[ Photo of W. T. Stead teleplasm ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo of Stead from life ]
October 14, 1928.
Walter's need for progress.
Walter/Mary M.
The face will be well developed. (Spurgeon face of November 4, well developed)
Walter/Mary M. in cabinet, speaks: "Good evening. Where is my sidekick? ( E.M.). I can't get my hand on the throttle. Put on the gramophone."
"Golden Slippers" is played.
Walter/Mary M.: "I am very disappointed. Will have to work from another angle."
T. G. H.: "Do you want any changes?"
Walter/Mary M.: "No. Some of her friends are here." ( E.M.'s)
T. G. H.: "Which ones?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Quite a few. The gentleman - I gave you his picture - it is not what I wanted. We will get a real picture. I have not got my hand on the throttle. She ( E.M. .) is my lever.
(Walter speaks of the "other land".) "It is more beautiful than anything I can say or that you have ever seen or will see until you come over."
(Medium gulping). "I'm trying to get the ectoplasm. You can all go home."
"Quite a lot want to take my place but I won't let them . They (Stevenson and Livingstone) are very interested. C. H. Spurgeon is very anxious to control the medium and give you some of his sermons."
"It is not detrimental to children to be present."
"My brain was not well developed. I have another brain. I am growing as you, mentally and physically. I have a body that grows and grows. The better I progress, the more it grows. I always retained a body. It will grow throughout, until you reach the higher and be with the Saints. You may live in the astral body forty, fifty years and not progress. I want to tell you sometime how I became able to come here."
Walter voices disappointment at partial failure of Stead face. Says, "We will get our real picture."
Speaks of the work - "It is very hard to convince orthodox members of the old school."
T. G. H.: "Is it making progress?"
Walter/M. M.: "Oh, yes. And it will make greater progress years from now; and your pictures will be in the front row, believe it or not, in the front row of confirmation. Be ready next Sunday. Have a relay of cameras so we can take two a night."
T. G. H.: "I'll have it so I can expose two plates."
Walter/M. M.: "Expose the whole works! Let people see the way you employ fraud! Kid yourself! You can kid McCoy, but you can't kid me!"
October 21, 1928.
Walter's predictions re pictures, and public disbelief.
Balance of sitters in his circle. The first reference to Harry Houdini(?)
Walter/Mary M.
The face will be the face of one of Elizabeth's controls. (Spurgeon - formerly an Elizabeth communicator)
Psychic Light:
9:25 p.m., meeting opens.
9:30 p.m., E.M. is in deep trance. Trance writing and vision-relating.
At 9:40 p.m. Mary M. takes place in center of the cabinet. E.M. in the circle.
10:00 p.m., the bell rings.
Walter/Mary M.: "Keep hands together. Don't unclasp your hands." Mary M. stamps in time to the music. The bell rings 17 times.
Walter/Mary M.: "Damn you. Keep your hands off it." (To an invisible). Walter plays the bell in time to the gramophone music.
T. G. H.: "Walter, that was a good picture." (October 7, 1928)
Walter/Mary M.: "No picture tonight. Good one next night. No picture tonight. I'm using the front of the cabinet for the next night."
T. G. H.: "I've borrowed this camera and have to return it."
Walter/Mary M.: "You can borrow it again. Buy it."
T. G. H.: "I suppose so. It's not a quartz."
Walter/Mary M.: "Any old thing will do; you're too damn particular. The old ones wouldn't believe you, not if you had twenty cameras. Even on this plane there are many who do not believe they can come back. It's very hard to convince orthodox members of the old school."
The bell rings 14 times. The power weakens. The bell again rang 10 times.
Walter/Mary M.: "Keep your hands off! Someone interfering." (Said to invisible).
Bell rings eighteen times.
Walter/Mary M.: "I will try to give my light now. Keep your eyes on the medium. Do you see my light right up by her face?" Seen by some and not by others.
10:16 p.m.
Walter waved his light first in front of T. G. H. and then in front of J. A. Hamilton. They both declare they see it.
Walter/Mary M.: "Even those who see it are hard to convince and yet you expect those who do not see it to believe." He talks about the number of sitters and arrangement, also guests.
Walter/Mary M.: "I have a balance set up. I have members of the same caliber on my side. Don't make the circle too large."
Lillian: "There's his light."
Walter/Mary M.: "Have you got your eyes open? It's been there all the time. Place the camera straight in front of the cabinet. If you could bring the camera a little closer. Do not be disappointed if you do not obtain a whole being. I have the cooperation of our little friend here. ( E.M.) A friend of hers will appear which will be a great proof to her critical friends."
T. G. H.: "Have you any objection to placing a camera close up?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Not closer than eight feet. (More discussion re camera position.) You can focus above her head, but you better put her face in, too. I will try and bring them as close to the ground as possible, but they linger in mid air. That is why I do not wish the top of the cabinet disturbed. Be ready by next Sunday. Have a relay of cameras; so we can take two a night."
T. G. H.: "I'll have it so you can expose two plates."
Walter/Mary M.: "Expose the whole works! Let people see the way you employ fraud. Kid yourself! You can kid McCoy but you can't kid me."
T. G. H.: "Well, I suppose you've got Houdini?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Oh, yes. He'll come here before long. We do not bear malice; all is love. Houdini did not believe 'Margery' a faker. He knew my sister was genuine; but he was like the rest -- afraid to admit it. He will just have to undo what he did. It is wonderful to be able to come over to the astral plane and redeem yourself. I do not know how to explain or express these things to you here."
Someone remarked that the light was not so bright tonight. Walter said it was a moonlight night. He tried to say, "It's a braw bright moonlight night the night." in Scots. He succeeded fairly well. He speaks of his difficulty in talking through Mary M. Says he cannot make her say words she never heard. "With my own voice it is different."
Walter/Mary M.: "I will go now. So long! I have remained with you for a long time for a purpose. I have used everyone in the circle. I have had you just exactly as I wanted."
The sitting closes at 10:48 p.m.
October 23, 1928
Letter to Dr. H. Clive McAlister from Dr. Hamilton.
" ... As to the material used for luminous effect on the table, etc. it is prepared from the bi-sulphate of zinc. This ingredient may be obtained from New York, but I cannot at the moment give you the address. If you write to the A. S. P. R. ... they would give you the information."
"We are having some time now photographing the teleplasm. I have so far taken five photos and have got results at every time. The control is Walter, of the Margery group, if we are to believe what he tells us. Curiously he tells us what and how to proceed to the photographing and it is true. Even the photo is described to us before it is developed and we find we get what we are told so we naturally put a good amount of credence in what he tells us."
"Next month ... Brandon ... this is the third they have had under the auspices of their Medical Association."
"In the summer I was at the Crandons for a period of four days and we had a very interesting time. Telepathy and the question of Secondary Personalities are now cleared from the field of the critic by the Margery/Walter work. There is great need now of some more ingenious theory to explain the phenomena."
October 23, 1928
Letter to Dr. Stuart Schultz - thanking for invitation to speak - lantern will be required.
October 24, 1928.
Walter/Mary M.
The mass will cover that medium's face. (First Spurgeon teleplasm obscures most of Mary M.'s face.)
Walter/Mary M.
The "next" teleplasm will reveal an Elizabeth control. (See Spurgeon face, November 4 - this is the "next" teleplasm after October 24.)
Mary M. entranced.
Walter converses. He gives a little bell ringing. Says he is saving his "power".
Medium in trance stands up and for some time shuffles her feet in time to the music. (Gramophone.)
We see a faint light near the middle of her body. After a considerable interval Walters says: "I suppose you want to know what I'm doing this for. Well, I'm preparing a "screen" for the next photograph." He went on to say that the ectoplasm would cover the medium's face and would give a picture of one of E. M. 's friends. He refused to say which one.
October 27, 1928.
Walter uses bell to give signal for making exposure. Conversation:
T. G. H.: "Walter, I suppose you see Raymond Lodge. Is he very busy?"
Walter/M. M.: "Oh, yes. He is busy in another way. We are blazing a trail that you will follow; not you, but the younger members."
T. G. H.: "Do you think we shall establish it?"
Walter/M. M.: "I do not think, I know. We work by faith in this land ... we are never tired; we do not have to rest from our labors, because they are labors of love. "It is going ahead and it will never stop. It has been going ahead from the beginning of the world. Only now are people beginning to study it. In a generation it will be quite common." (Stead face - first face and a long series)
October 28, 1928.
Walter/Mary M.
The next teleplasm will cover Mary M.'s face. (Teleplasm of November 4, 1928 covers the greater part of medium is face.)
We try a new record on the gramophone, one of the jolly dance tunes.
Shortly Walter began talking and ringing the bell, then he suddenly ordered the red light on as he said "they" were crowding in on him. He could not keep "them " back. "They" were silly spirits who wanted to dance. Walter seemed to be very much alarmed and afraid his work would be undone. Said the sitting must be closed at once. "Damns" things quite freely. Says he will put a guard around the next time.
More lectures - the public (medical and layman alike) becoming more open-minded.
Speaks to Scottish Masons - Stead likeness shown for first time.
November 1, 1928.
Usual E.M. trance writing and visions.
Mary M. in cabinet and Walter came through. He talked for some time on various topics.
Suddenly Walter called out, "Oh, go, go, go. Yes. You (T. G. H.) put Green here. That will do for tonight. Put the light down for a minute. Sorry! Sorry! Do not join hands. Keep them out!"
(Mary M.'s chair moves back violently).
Everything right but there are so many here we must keep them right out. I'll arrange to keep a guard right around next time. A little fellow rang the bell. He just wanted to ring it. I had to take it away from him."
T. G. H.: "Do you know that Mary M. can't come?"
Walter: "Oh, she could come if she was as much in earnest as I am; she would come. Nothing would keep her. I - I - Oh, damn!"
T. G. H.: "This machine (medium) doesn't work right."
Walter: "Damn poor material."
E.M. : "Where's your lantern?"
Walter: "My lanterns are all ready. Oh, those damn niggers! I go. So long."
November 4, 1928.
Present were: E.M. and Mary M. in cabinet; W. B. Cooper; Mrs. Alder; Dr. T. G. Hamilton; Miss Ada Turner; Mrs. T. G. H.; Dr. J. A. Hamilton.
Hands joined throughout. Outside the circle were Mrs. H. Shand, D. B. MacDonald, Margaret L. Hamilton; John D. MacDonald.
Sitting commenced at 9:06 p.m.. Usual E.M. phenomena observed. At 9:19 p.m., when E.M. is returning to normal consciousness, Mary M. is controlled by Walter, who speaks through her, conveying to the sitters the messages of E.M. 's controls. They are very angry for the order of the sitters having been changed as it has upset their work. It is decided that for the first part of the sitting, the old order will be observed, the change that Walter requested being made before his work is commenced. E.M. then moves out of the cabinet, allowing Mary M. to occupy the central position.
Walter asks us to sing. Someone suggests "Jingle Bells" but this does not meet with his approval. There is a pause, then a sharp stab of the foot, and Walter utters a hearty "Damn".
Walter: "Sing, 'Wherever By Faith I Saw the Stream.'"
We do so, and Walter tells us that the gentleman who was there with him, and whom E.M. saw clairvoyantly a few minutes previously is very pleased. We asked who he is and receive Walter's answer: "C. H. S.".
Walter: "Now sing something. I don't care what you sing for me. I'm not so fussy. Yes, everything nice and fine. There's a beautiful guard of angels from the celestial land. There will be no trouble tonight."
He ascertains that the medium's hands are being held tightly. Mr. D. B. MacDonald is asked to come into the circle. Walter tells us that the circle can now be enlarged as we please, provided the five people now sitting on to the right and left of the medium are retained.
E.M. now relates her visions, all of which takes about eight minutes. At 9:42 1/2 p.m., Walter employs his direct voice, stuttering, and speaking with considerable difficulty, but heard by all in the room, though his voice does not rise above a hoarse whisper.
"I want you to hold hands tight. I want the medium to stand up and have you pass your hands over her face. Just use one hand, so asked to keep the contact unbroken. The evidence of one or two must be sufficient. I can't ..."
At 9:44 p.m. the medium stands.
W. B. Cooper: "There is nothing whatever on her face or neck."
T. G. H.: "I can feel nothing on her face or neck."
J. A. Hamilton: "No, there is nothing on her face or neck."
At 9:47 p.m. Walter's "Psychic Lantern" glows very brightly on the table. Everyone exclaims and stretches forward to gain a better view.
Walter: "Don't look. You waste your energy. It's a light, that's all. Does the gentleman want to feel across the table?"
D. B. MacDonald: "There is nothing on the medium's face or on her neck."
We sing for a little. Walter and T. G. H. agree that the signal for taking the flash shall be one, two, three, called out by Walter with the flash fired two seconds after the third count.
We sing again, the medium still entranced, doing a fancy tap-step in time to the music. At 9:55 p.m. Walter calls out: "Ready? Have you got hold of hands?"
All: "Yes."
Walter: "Are you ready? One, two, three," Flash fired at 9:55 1/2 p.m..
He calls again for a second flash, but the cameras are not ready. He asks that next time the medium wear something to hold her hair back as it may interfere with the picture. He said that it had fallen over her face with the movements of her body."
We sing again for a few minutes, and then Walter asks for a pencil and paper in order to write a name. He is provided with writing materials and requests that the paper on which this name has been written be folded up and not looked at until the little lady ( E.M. ) has seen the picture. He says he has written the name of the person whose picture will be on the plate, and further that the little lady must tell who it is in the presence of witnesses.
[ Photo of first C. H. Spurgeon teleplasm face miniature ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo of C. H. Spurgeon from life ]
[ Photo of sample of Spurgeon automatic handwriting ]
There was some conversation about the pictures, and many jocular remarks by Walter who loves to poke fun at one and all. Dr. T. G. Hamilton remarked that all intruders had been successfully kept out, and wanted to know if the angels came from another plane.
Walter: "They come from the celestial plane."
T. G. H.: "How does Spurgeon get them here?"
Walter: "How did you know that was he? The angels follow him in great bands. He had crowds on earth and he has them here. He is only on the astral ... it is an answer to a prayer. These are they that have come through great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. They shall pass from praise to praise, from psalm to psalm, from hallelujah two hallelujah.
T. G. H.: "Who tells you that?"
Walter: "John Clemens Plowman. Then "Lo, I am with you always."
T. G. H.: "Who tells you that?"
Walter: "David Livingstone. Did you see all that light? I used a great deal of my power to produce it."
"Yes, we did; it was much brighter than usual."
T. G. H.: "Will you have your group here always?"
Walter: "I can't tell. The angels work only in the spirit world. They are only a band to keep out the others who are not wanted. C. H. Spurgeon is not always with me, and was here tonight for a purpose. He is very sentimental. He was a good man and is still; but he must work out his own salvation. He was a great man to see into the future, and he was afraid that he did not preach it. If only he were on earth now, he would. He has said that he would live on and on, and now he does a great work helping those who are passing through. He brings his own band of helpers. Some night he will speak to you in his own voice. It is a great, great truth that has come up from time immemorial. When you are on the material plane you know that your life is for a little while; but in this world you grow and grow. There is no death but continual life until you pass through the pearly gates.
This is given by an old gentleman. He asked me to convey his words to you.
He says his name is J. S. he is quite gray, medium in height, of broad build, fresh colored complexion, grey mustache cut short. He has not been here long.
T. G. H.: "When he gives you this information, where does he get it?"
Walter: "I am afraid you must ask him that. My work here is of one kind, his on another. Possibly he was a preacher on earth.
T. G. H.: "Did you know that Jack MacDonald was quite a medium, Walter?"
Walter: "You are too, we all are."
Jack MacDonald: "Is J. S. James Smalley?"
Walter: "I cannot tell you. He gave his initials for the benefit of the gentlemen on my left. I must go now. I have other work to do. Goodbye everybody. So long.
Time: 10:24 p.m..
Immediately after the sitting we adjourned to the living room downstairs. There are in the presence of all the sitters the paper containing the name Walter had written, and which had been entrusted to Dr. J. A. Hamilton's care, was enclosed in an envelope and sealed. This was being done while T. G. H. was upstairs developing the picture.
About an hour later, T. G. H. brought down the printed picture. Before the sitters, Mrs. Poole ( E.M. ), declared in the presence of the group the photo was that of Spurgeon; envelope was opened and the paper examined. On it was found written ... "Charles Haddon Spurgeon."
[Handwritten note: Mr. D. B. MacDonald present with T. G. H. in the darkroom while plate was being developed and a print made from it. L. M. H.]
Spurgeon previously manifested through Elizabeth M. by deep trance scripts. Revealed a personality who was deeply religious along evangelical lines; that is, showed a deep devotion to Christ and His teachings. A religious atmosphere dominated the experiment of November 4. Text given of Spurgeon's last sermon.
T. G. H. greatly moved by this phenomenon. Aware of its unshakable genuineness, he saw that we had obtained interwoven objective and subjective evidence of survival.
November 6, 1928
Manitoba Medical Students - spoke on 'materializations', including those few already obtained with Mary M. - amorphous, bell-ringing cords, Spurgeon for first time.
November 7, 1928
Lecture at Winnipeg Women's Club - historical survey - levitation - slides - 'materializations'.
November 8, 1928
Talk given at Gyro Club
November 9, 1928
Hamilton talks about psychic research aims
Tells Gyro club phenomena comes under
ordinary laws on the investigation.
Psychic phenomena come under the ordinary laws of research and the subject lends itself to a definite practical line of procedure and tabulation of attending developments in the same way as the study of botany or any other science, declared Dr. T. Glen Hamilton, speaking to the Gyro Club at noon today in the Royal Alexandra Hotel under the caption "The Scientific Approach of Psychic Research."
The skeptical, and sometimes jeering, attitude of the public toward this branch of study has been a great handicap, the speaker emphasized; nevertheless, he said, research carried out on a strict scientific basis had reached the stage where it might be definitely asserted that a guiding and directing intelligence is behind the demonstration of phenomena.
Such phenomena existed no matter what skeptics said. Furniture moved under conditions which were not explainable in ordinary ways; ectoplasm could not be explained away when it registered its own form in plasticine or melted wax and could be photographed.
These were manifestations which could not be disputed. Just the fact that such phenomena exist, which do not come under the ordinary terms of knowledge, and that they follow certain laws of their own, ought to act as an incentive to mankind to explore them, rather than to scoff, the speaker held.
November 11, 1928.
Walter's story of his life.
Usual E.M. trance writing and visions. E.M. takes place forward in the center of the cabinet. T. G. H. controls Mary M.'s hand on the right and J. A. Hamilton on the left.
At 10:00 pm the bell rang. Everyone sang "Jingle Bells". The bell rang in time to the music. "Golden Slippers" sung. Bell rings in time again. Then the bell rang continually. T. G. H. explains that the bell-box was two feet above the medium's head. T. G. H. asks for three long and a short. It is given. Mrs. Forrester asks for a short and two long and it is given.
Mr. MacDonald: "Tell him (Walter) to give three cheers for Miss Lawrence." Three rings are given. "Tiger". A very long-ring pealed forth.
T. G. H.: "There seems to be plenty of power." (energy)
Mary M. stands up at 10:15 p.m.. She stamps her foot very loudly. The bell rang twice and again twice.
T. G. H.: "I had a letter from the 'chief'". (Dr. Crandon of Boston)
Walter: "He doesn't believe a word of it. I'm going to give you a picture of six people. Would you like me to tell you? I have Raymond to help me. He is interested in the mechanical side of the phenomena."
Miss Turner: "A number of our pupils are going to hear McCabe. They say there is no God. What shall we say to them?"
Walter: "Tell them there is no sun; no moon."
T. G. H. asks about a message.
Walter/M.M. "I gave that for Spurgeon, the preacher. It was wonderful. You know that when I passed to the Great Beyond religion played no part in my life, none whatsoever. You have it, value it. For without it non can enter the pearly gates. I am working and trying, but it is hard work ...your younger generation will carry on the work..."
T. G. H.: "I suppose there are those who would like to come and throw things about."
Walter/M.M.: "Yes. They are curious, but they do not understand or realize. Princes and Kings and clowns that caper in sawdust rings, they know no better than the beggars, and some not so well. It is not education of the material that counts, unless you bring in the spiritual too, and some are very hard to convince ... As you sow here, so you reap in the beyond."
T. G. H.: "Will some not enter?"
Walter: "All will, but it will take time. Do not listen to these boys. Tell them to trust in Christ, the Risen Lord."
Miss Turner: "But these boys are Jewish."
Walter: "Poor boys! It will be hard for them ."
W. B. Cooper: "Have you enough ectoplasm?"
Walter: "Yes, I have enough; but I am saving it for a picture. You cannot satisfy everyone. But if you here are satisfied, the younger generation will carry the work on; it will some day become a great ..."
Walter tells a story about a man and an ass. Mr. Cooper asks Walter if he knows that little Jimmy is in the room (Jim, 13 years old). Walter replies that he does, but warns Mr. Cooper that Jim's father was not supposed to know that he was. Lillian Hamilton asks Walter whether he has seen Jimmy's chum. (Arthur, the deceased twin brother). Walter replies that he has and that he will give a picture of him sometime.
Walter/Mary M.
A mass will appear revealing six faces. (See November 25. Five faces.)
Walter/Mary M.
Arthur Hamilton's face will appear. (See November 25. Center face said to be that of Arthur.)
November 17, 1928
Griffins Club (Answered questions for two hours)
November 21, 1928.
9:10 p.m. meeting opens.
E.M. trance and writing and vision-story.
Walter comes through Mary M. and arranges about the place of various sitters. "Too much confusion. Just make two changes on the left-hand side. Little lady ( E.M. ) move to the second place." (The change is made).
Walter/Mary M.: "You want to get these paraphernalia up on the roof out of the road. Get a switch with a lever. It's not at all satisfactory. It may suit you but it does not suit me."
T. G. H.: "Well, we are always improving."
Walter/Mary M.: "I'll stand aside for a little. The medium disobeyed."
E.M. goes on with her story. Here the second bell rang. Walter, through Mary M. apologizes. E.M. continues Stevenson vision. At 9:39 p.m. the bell rang again.
Walter/Mary M.: "It's all right. I have to do that to keep things moving. Pardon me."
At 9:43 p.m. we sing for Walter. Mary M. pushes her chair back and stands. Her feet go with the music.
Walter/Mary M.: "What's up with the right side? (Sitters on the side not singing). I'll have to put a little pep into it." We sing vigorously and Mary M. stamps foot to pep us up, as it were.
Walter/Mary M.: "Cease! Cease! There is nothing doing now. I want to give a few instructions. See that the medium is disrobed. Be exactly on time. Anyone who is not here on time, please do not admit them . I will try to bring your friends for you at the next sitting. I have four who will be with you, maybe seven. Four are ready, others are not. I will not take any more time tonight. There are a great many people wanting to come in but I do not want any to come. Loosen hands when I leave; do not let anyone else come through. I must stand aside so that she can come back. I have used little power."
T. G. H. asks a question regarding the arrangement of the sitters.
Walter/Mary M.: "I do not want to be disturbed. Just two changes on the left. Please place a chair for the little lady in the circle and leave her own chair in the cabinet. Save confusion. I will not give a light tonight. Do not talk next time. Do not ask questions of each other. It is just to keep away inquisitive people. They do not mean any harm but I can't keep them out. I have to take from each of you. I have the cooperation of a great number of people who help me. Otherwise I would not be able to produce what I do here. It is not of myself. We have a man in our company who visited the spirit world many times when he was on earth, W. T. S; it is through his help that I am able to give these to you. There is also another quite young man who also helps."
E.M. : "What is his name?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Guess."
T. G. H.: "I know."
Walter/Mary M.: "Yes, I think you do. Well friends, so long."
November 25, 1928
Present in circle: Mary M.; Elizabeth M.; Dr. T. G. Hamilton; W. B. Cooper; Mrs. Alder; Mr. H. Reed; Miss A. Turner; Lillian Hamilton; Mr. H. Green; Dr. J. A. Hamilton.
(Medium's hands held throughout by Dr. J. A. Hamilton on right, Mr. W. B. Cooper on left.)
(1) One of the exposures "not right".
(2) Both exposures showed the same phenomenon.
(3) Two faces that will not be recognized. (First exposure blurred; both show same result; two faces were not recognized.)
9:05 p.m., sitting commenced.
In three minutes E.M. is in deep trance, and commences to write two minutes later. At 9:13 p.m. Mary M., entranced, is heard to say: "Copper face, Copper face, you be good. Copper face is learning. Copper face, copper face, stand by, stand by."
Copper face seems to be creating a little disturbance, and he is sent away. We sing "Old Hundred".
The writing commences again at 9:20 p.m.; Mary M. is also entranced. Then E.M. whispers that she sees her boys, Billy and Arthur and David.
T. G. H.: "David who?"
Mary M. (under control): "David Watt."
At 9:25 p.m., E.M. is back to normal consciousness. She then moves out of the cabinet, taking her place in the circle.
Mary M., under influence, very vigorously brushes off the table, saying, "Shoo! No, no!" She moves her chair, and begins to speak:
"Keep very passive. I do not want - All right, all is fine. I will wait till after the little medium has given her experiences. I would like you to sing a hymn, and then I will bring my friends."
T. G. H.: (to W. B. Cooper): "Barney, be sure she is in the middle of the cabinet."
Walter/Mary M.: "I have her placed in the middle of the cabinet. Do not interfere. When the little lady has finished telling her story, will you sing: "There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood.?"
E.M. then recounts her visions, and as she does so, Mary M. is laboring under great strain. At 9:35 p.m. we sing as was requested, and while we do so, Mary M. is under even greater stress than before. Retching. At 9:37 p.m. the direct voice is heard. It is better than ever before, and though not rising above a hoarse whisper, is heard by all:
"Good evening. I am sorry I could not keep them back."
At the same time the light, Walter's "Psychic Lantern", waves about in the top of the cabinet. It is not very large, but extremely clear and bright, like the dial of a luminous watch.
Walter/(through the medium's voice). "Good evening, friends; I would like to shake hands with the gentleman." He shakes hands with Mr. Reed. All the time, the light is floating about near the top of the cabinet.
Walter/Mary M.: "Go ahead with the story."
W. B. Cooper: "Oh, it's finished."
Walter/Mary M.: "No, it's not. She had Stead too; he gave you a message, not to my medium, but to the little, a message for herself. I could not tell you what it was. You are all too tense. Put on a little music. Push the button." (Apparently Walter was cognizant of the fact that a little electric phonograph had been set up, which could be started with the turning of a button, although he had not yet been told of it.
Walter/Mary M.: "Have you got the medium's hands tightly?"
W. B. Cooper and J. A. H.: "Yes, Walter."
Walter/Mary M.: "Just a minute. Are you all ready?"
9:50 p.m.
Walter/Mary M.: (to W. B. Cooper) "It's all right, old sport. You're too expectant now; I would like you to go through the same proceedings as before. Is there anyone who would like to pass their hands over her face?"
T. G. H.: "I have felt her face, and there is nothing on it."
Mr. Reed, J. A. H. and W. B. Cooper, and Miss Turner, also feel the medium's face and neck, and each in turn declares that there is nothing there.
While they are examining the medium, suddenly the light shows in a most brilliant manner. The medium is under great stress.
Walter/Mary M.: "All right! (9:56 p.m.). There is a moment of silence.
Walter/Mary M.: "Sing something! Don't get so tense!"
We sing "Jingle Bells."
W. B. Cooper: "The engines are going now." (Mary M. is imitating an engine.)
Harry Green is in acute spasm. The medium beats time to the music by pounding with her elbows on the table, in a violent manner.
Walter/Mary M.: "Ready? Ready? One! ... Do you know about the signals?"
T. G. H.: "Yes, I'm to fire two seconds after your 'three.'"
Walter/Mary M.: "When I say two, will those who have too duck, duck! Don't duck yet!" (The 'ducking is to avoid blocking the line of sight between cameras and medium)
We sing again, and the engine begins to go also.
At 9:57 p.m. Walter calls out: "One! two! - Oh! Damn! damn! Get back a bit!"
At 9:59 p.m., "One! two! three!" Flash is fired at 9:59 1/2 p.m..
For the first exposure, the following cameras are used: Goerz stereo; Quartz; Seneca Portrait.
At this point Dr. T. G. H. gets up and closes the shutters of the cameras which had just been used and prepares for a second flash. The following cameras are ready for a second exposure: Stereo, Quartz, Seneca Portrait, Dallmayer Camera.
Walter/Mary M.: "Are you ready? One, two, three!" (10:01 p.m.) second flash is fired.
Walter/Mary M.: "O-o-h! No more tonight. There is one of them that's not right, one of the cameras. You didn't get it the way you want it. It's not as good as I thought it would be. I've taken them both the same. I couldn't group the second lot. I gave to use them both the same, but they are not very good. There are two you won't be able to recognize; there's too much ectoplasm. The conditions are not as good as I would like them to be: there is too much attention; you are too tense."
E.M. : "Are there any of my friends on it?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Oh, you will recognize them ; they are not very clear. I will give you Spurgeon in full."
[ Photo of five-face teleplasm ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
[ Photo ]
T. G. H.: "Another time."
Walter/Mary M.: "Yes, another time. If I gave you the whole astral plane you wouldn't be satisfied.
T. G. H.: "Your light was splendid, Walter."
Walter/Mary M.: "Yes, I had to keep it going to keep the attention. You notice that I didn't use the bells; they take too much power."
T. G. H.: "Is the box too heavy?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Oh, no, make it heavier if you like. There is a new spirit form that has been hovering around for some time, a lady."
T. G. H.: "Is it the lady who wrote the other night?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Her name is Mary; and she says the medium's name is Mary. "Great things will come to you. All great things come from very small things, and although this work has been going on for many years, it is here in the new land that the greater development will take place. 'Great oaks from little acorns grow'"
We sing "In the Sweet By-and-By."
Walter/Mary M.: "I will not be with you for a few more sittings; but I will leave someone to take my place. I will come back. I have other work to do; I can't be two places at once. It will only be for two sittings but I want you all to be here."
T. G. H.: "Well, I am going up country for a couple of days."
Walter/Mary M.: "We can do without you."
E.M. : "I want to go too."
Walter/Mary M.: "I won't let you."
Ada Turner: "Walter, when I get so weary, are you using me or am I just sleepy?"
Walter/Mary M.: "I use everybody, even the little fellow." (Jimmy)
Here general laughter follows when little Jim is discovered in the corner. Up to this point he has been as quiet as a mouse.
Walter/Mary M.: "Your son is in the picture. I did not get them very good; I did not have them grouped close together. The two principal ones are crowded out. But I will have them! But we are just beginning. Tall oaks from little acorns grow. The cameras are too close and you are too closely congregated as a group. Have your group outside the cameras, and have the cameras higher. Mind you, it's all right to way you are. But you can sit on each other's knees as far as I am concerned."
T. G. H.: "Oh, that wouldn't be so comfortable, I'm afraid. But, Walter, there's a young lady here who would like to ask a question."
K. Alder: "Walter, had you anything to do with what happened in the room some time ago?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Yes, it's all right. And I'll get more yet. But don't be frightened, it's all right. It's only a little place I live in, but it is vast to you. Time and place mean nothing."
K. Alder: "Then you did do it."
Walter/Mary M.: "Yes, and there is a nice time ahead of you, my girl. All that glitters is not gold, but remember there is no pretense of gold. You know what I mean; yes, you know. You have to take the rough with the smooth, but it won't be very rough. I will help you along the hard places. I don't want you to think it will be hard: all work and no play is no good, and all play and no work is no good either."
[Is this a forecast of what is to happen with Kitty Alder years later in Vancouver?]
T. G. H.: "Did you put the guard on tonight, Walter?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Yes."
T. G. H.: "How many?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Oh, about two or three million."
T. G. H.: "I suppose there are those who would like to come and throw things about."
Walter/Mary M.: "Yes. They are curious, but they do not understand. They do not realize. Princes and kings and clowns that caper in sawdust rings, they know no better than the beggars, and some not so well. It is not education of the material that counts unless you bring the spiritual in too; and some are very hard to convince. A man may live sixty years in the astral, two hundred years in the mental before going any higher. Then, too, you might live five on the astral, two on the mental. As you sow here, so you reap in the beyond."
T. G. H.: "Well, Walter, what comes after the mental plane?"
Walter/Mary M.: "I have not seen it."
J. A. H.: "What comes after the celestial?"
Walter/Mary M.: "I have not seen it. On the mental plane, you get your education you have to learn, but not with books and ABC's .... (a pause). Sing, please."
We sing, "There Is A Happy Land". The medium starts to laugh and giggle, saying, "Oh, you're singing my song." The control is that of Topsy, a young girl who is rather silly, and who laughs all the time. She is sent away, and we sing "Jingle Bells". Walter returns.
Walter/Mary M.: "Break."
T. G. H.: "Did you let Topsy in?"
Walter/Mary M.: "Yes. Break, please. Put on the light. I will go. So long!"
10:32 p.m.
The light is turned up, and the medium partially recovers consciousness. Then she sinks back, and is apparently going into trance. She stands up, with arms folded across her chest, and bows.
T. G. H.: "Is this Black Hawk?"
Black Hawk: "Good evening, friends. I am not here to talk."
T. G. H.: "Why did you come?"
The medium stands with arms folded. Then she makes passes in the air as though to ward off danger. Bowing twice, she raises her right hand in salute, and gives a weird cry of farewell. All the actions are most dignified. The whole thing takes place in almost full red light.
November 28, 1928.
Black Hawk speaks of power of thought for good and evil
December 2, 1928.
Walter/Mary M.
Those who have gone "higher" will appear. (Fulfilled (apparently) by the appearance of "Lucy" and "Katie." March 10, 1930 and November 12, 1930.)
9:18 p.m., meeting opened.
E.M. circle from 9:18 p.m. to 9:47 p.m. At 9:47 p.m. we sing. Then a voice speaks through Mary M.
W. B. Cooper: "Who is speaking?"
Mary M.: "I have many names." She sings "Glory For Me." Her voice is deep and mannish. She keeps perfectly in time and leads the singing.
E.M. claims to see L. H.'s mother present. (Mother very ill in Los Angeles). Her cheeks and eyes are much sunken.
Mary M.: "John 3:16. "God so loved the world That He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever - that means you - believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent His Son into the world, not to condemn the world but that the world through Him might have everlasting life."
Mary M. now stands and bows three times, left hand across her breast, right hand up.
W. B. Cooper: "Good evening, Black Hawk."
Black Hawk: "Good evening. Black Hawk. I am very glad to be with you tonight. Paleface is not with us tonight. He is very busy. I do not know what he is about. That is his work. By and by he will tell us. It is for you here that he works. He is working with you, through you, and for you, and for those who come after you. You have to band yourselves together with the forces upon the spirit side of life. There will be great work done by and by. I may tell you that you will see many of the good people from this side; those who have gone much higher than we; those who are guarding you. They must be shown by and by. I think in the picture - I do not know. (Question here). I am not speaking for myself. Will you please sing something?"
We sing "Draw Me Nearer."
Black Hawk: "A beautiful host of angels are listening. I will go
T. G. H.: "Who was speaking before you?"
Black Hawk: "Spurgeon."
T. G. H.: "We would be pleased to have your picture, Black Hawk."
Black Hawk: "Some time. My face is very much like many other faces, not very good to look upon. (Laughing)
T. G. H.: "Do your friends there know about our doing here?"
Black Hawk: "Yes, we do. There is not a thought that leaves your brain but what we catch and pass it on; and it travels, travels. If they are good they reach good; if they are evil, they keep those who are evil from progressing. I go. I do not want to take away power."
Black Hawk bows three times, right hand up, gives his farewell cry.
Mary M.: (normal) "There are a lot of people here. Some I can see their heads. A lot as if they were floating. Some are in white, some are in blue. There is a gentleman, rather stout, standing beside your camera. His hair is white. It's not Stead. The man - oh, he's bright . I can't look at him. It's Spurgeon. He said his name just now, there he is again examining your cameras."
T. G. H.: "Tell him about the picture." (November 4)
Mary M.: "He shakes his head as if he were pleased."
T. G. H.: "Tell him he is doing a lot of good."
Mary M.: "That's what he wants it to do. There is somebody with him."
Someone here remarks that they wish they could see him.
Mary M.: "He says, 'Don't wish, believe'. All things will come in time."
L. H.: "Our faith will help him, I suppose."
Mary M.: "Yes, sister, he says your faith is needed and your faith is great."
Mary M.: "Oh, there's Walter. He says he is only going to look me over; he's not doing anything just now."
T. G. H.: "We don't want to spoil any phenomena."
Mary M.: "He won't let you. He says he's bringing your friends. He has to go and get them . He didn't want to give me that message himself. He gave it to someone else to give to me."
December 9, 1928.
Walter speaks re size of 'faces.'
Walter/M. M. asked for the District Attorney (Pitblado) to be present at next meeting. Says he plans to give two teleplasmic phases. Wants Pitblado as a person of importance whose word would be taken in case any dispute might arise.
Walter/Mary M.
Two faces will appear at next exposure - one on first flash - another on second. (Fulfilled December 23, the next exposure.)
E.M. trance writing and visions.
Mary M. circle follows. Mary M. is not well; has a severe cough. No phenomena. Walter finally appears to her. She sees him busy. Mary M. reports that she hears him say: "You are to have some ... (she listens and tries to hear). You are to have some ... (Mary M. says she cannot get it. A little later she says that Walter tells her that we are to have someone of importance at the next sitting, someone whose word might be taken in case any dispute might arise. Mary M. thinks she hears them say something about the "District Attorney."
The control also gives instructions regarding the sitting. We are not to sing songs at the beginning of the Mary M. sitting but to start with hymns. The songs come after. He says that he himself is not so particular, any old thing will do for him. He goes on to say that Spurgeon's work is to guard, to keep back the undesirables. He, Spurgeon, is the "chucker out."
Walter informs the group that he hopes to give two photographs the next time; one on the first flash and one on the second. The photographs already obtained, are, he says, of the actual faces, but are not the actual size.