Jan 3 - Mar 9
The sitting of January 3, 1924
led to a situation where Elizabeth "sized up" her communicator, the purported R. L. Stevenson.
The night of January 3, 1924, E.M. stayed all night at the Hamilton home, following the sitting.
Lillian went into her room, where E.M. was in bed, and heard her laughing. Lillian asked what she was laughing at.
E.M. replied:
"Oh, I was laughing at that fellow! He is always the center of attraction! Always talking or lecturing or writing or doing something. I never see him idle. My! Sometimes his eyes just look through me! Tonight he was here with his hip on the table - I think it was a kitchen - talking away to the people! Such a man!"
Lillian discovered that she had been asleep for a short time. Apparently her sleep had merged into trance, and she had had this second vision of her friend, in which his personality had been vividly and evidentially re-enacted. (See biographies.)
Verification: "Imagine the most speaking of presences; a steady penetrating fire in the brown, wide-set eyes ... continual rapid shiftings and pacings to and fro as he conversed ... a master spirit and a man of genius ..." (Sir Sidney Colvin in his Introduction to Letters of R. L. Stevenson.)
"He lived to the topmost pulse, and the last thing that could happen was that he should find himself with nothing to report ... He talked profusely ... he was never inert, and did a thing, if he did it at all, with passion ..." (Henry James, in "Notes on Novelists" Dent and son, 1914)
[ Photo of Stevenson - undated ]
"He was much in my house ... approved of our great bare drawing room. As armchairs and settees struggled into existence, he handsomely consented to use them ... although never in the usual way, but with legs thrown sideways over the arms, or the head of the sofa treated as a perch ..." (Edmond Gosse, Balfour, volume 1. Page 147-8)
[ Photo of Stevenson - undated ]
R. L. Stevenson's eyes: "I was struck at once by his keen, inquiring eyes. Brown in color, they were strangely bright, and seemed to penetrate you like the eyes of a mesmerist ..."
[ Photo of Stevenson - undated ]
"I have seen him in all moods. I have seen him sitting on a table ...chatting away in the calmest manner possible, I have seen him become suddenly agitated, jump up from the table, stalk to and fro ... his eyes ... scintillating, hypnotizing you with their brilliance and burning fires within ..." (H. J. Moore's "With Stevenson in Samoa. Page 13, 36)
[ Photo of Stevenson and household - circa 1892 ]
The unlearned, unread E.M. saw the same man and sensed the same personality as is described in these biographies.
Literary fun with "oor" and "our" by script and hand-slap (a number of transmissions dealing with a brief section of the "Dedication", and "A Note on Spelling Scots" are omitted here. The visions gave general ideas relative to the background of the writing.
On January 6, 1924,
there was a note from Bessie Shand, the daughter of Mrs. Poole.
"... To whom it may concern:
"... This is to certify that to my knowledge, my mother, Mrs. J. A. Poole, has never read any of Robert Louis Stevenson's works, with perhaps the exception of "Treasure Island", of which I am doubtful.
[ Photo of wax fingertip of January 6, 1924 ]
January 13, 1924,
No results to report.
On January 24, 1924,
[Dr. Hamilton wrote another letter to Walter F. Prince - Chief director of psychic research - A. S. P. R.]
"Dear Dr. Prince:
"I recently had the pleasure of reading your letters to Mr. James Leslie regarding our experiments in Psychic Phenomena, and in accord with your request take pleasure in giving somewhat more detailed information.
"While my interest in this subject dates back for almost thirty years, it is only about five years ago that we commenced trying experiments; and during the past two years our experiments have been conducted with regularity and under conditions enabling us to be assured of the genuineness of the phenomena.
"Practically all the experiments have been conducted in a room at my own house and with equipment designed and constructed there.
"The group of those associated in the work with Mrs. Hamilton and myself is variable, but consists of individuals interested in the subject much more from a scientific standpoint than from any idle curiosity.
"Our experiments have been conducted with a variable number in the room anywhere from two to ten or twelve, but we find with from five to ten present the best results are attained. With the exception of the medium every member of the group has been absent on one or more occasion of deep trance; and it is quite evident that for the phenomena, although assisted more by certain individuals, the medium's presence is essential to success.
[ Photo of drawing of seance room and seating arrangement - undated ]
[ Photo of drawing of seance room - extreme west - undated ]
[ Photo of drawing of seance room and seating arrangement - east side - undated ]
[ Photo of drawing of seance room and seating arrangement - west side - undated ]
[ Photo of drawing of seance room - fan details - undated ]
[ Photo of drawing of plan view of cabinet - undated ]
[ Photo of sitters' list - undated ]
"The medium is a little Scotch lady born in Ayrshire, about fifty years ago, emigrated to Canada in 1904, educated to an equivalent approximately of a fourth standard grade. In no sense is she a literary woman. She confines her reading to the newspapers and has never had contact or other acquaintance with books either literary or psychic, nor is she one disposed to enquire into or discuss such affairs, except in a casual way.
"She is good-natured of strong character, possesses unusually good common sense, especially in household and nursing. The latter she has practiced for years, taking care of many of my own patients and giving me an excellent opportunity for understanding her character, attainments and limitations. Her poise is splendid. In emergencies she never becomes flurried or excited and for carrying out instructions has always been very dependable.
"For about fifteen years she has been an intimate acquaintance and a frequent visitor at our home and this bond of friendship coupled with her kindly disposition are the outstanding factors which have enabled us to secure at all times her most hearty cooperation in the long series of experimental work we have been privileged to make with her marvelous faculties.
[ Photo of Elizbeth Poole - charging table during seance - undated ]
[ Photo of Elizabeth Poole - during seance - undated ]
[ Photo of Elizabeth Poole - in cabinet during seance - undated ]
"Up to the time of this writing our experiments cover fully seventy-five trances, together with a much larger number of experimental sessions involving various forms of telekinesis, clairvoyance, etc.
"During the period of two and three-quarters years since the discovery of her mediumship we have at all times avoided discussing affairs with her in the hope of attaining a higher quality of mediumship and results than might be, were she aware of the import of what had come through. She has also been cautiously guarded from other mediums or individuals who presume to have a large acquaintance with such affairs and dissuaded from discussing such matters with them in the hope of sparing her from an admixture of the numerous superstitions and notions which seem to prevail widely among so-called Spiritualists.
"Her mediumship has therefore been developed and carefully guarded entirely under our own control. In so far as we were enabled to realize and appreciate new forms of phenomena developing, we endeavored to encourage such by careful cooperation along lines indicated.
"At no time could it be said a line of action was definitely dictated by us; but frequently our requests or plans would seem to have been met by other intelligences, and in a reciprocal way we endeavored to anticipate their plans and to cooperate with them.
"On many occasions such cooperation has seemingly been very direct, amounting to definite question and answer by raps expressing approval or negation. On other occasions, after extensive preparation on our part looking to an experiment with a definite object in view, we have had most disappointing results, amounting, in some cases, to seeming deliberate opposition.
"Many of our earlier experiments were along the lines indicated by Dr. Crawford of Belfast with results that closely paralleled his findings. Since the onset of the trance which commenced last March we have obtained not only stronger and better controlled physical phenomena, but the trance has also introduced a mental type with which I will deal later.
"About the time of the trance onset I constructed a cabinet. Three walls - of half inch white wood glued panels thirty inches wide by six feet high, fastened together by iron angles near top and bottom. This cabinet is fastened to the floor by two iron angles on each side. The cabinet is roofed over with black sateen. The front of the cabinet is partially closed by two black sateen curtains tacked to a cross-bar above the entrance and hanging to the floor.
[ Photo of seance cabinet with Elizabeth and seance table - undated ]
"In this cabinet the medium is frequently seated for trance experiments. But we use the cabinet more for placing the table within for non-contact experiments.
"Frequently the table, placed within the cabinet, and the doorway of same entirely closed by a screen of mosquito net from top to bottom, has been suddenly thrown about and danced within the cabinet, often in time to music. The mosquito net in such case was attached to two side pieces of wood six feet long- thus securely holding all the side edges of the screen effectually and preventing absolutely any interference from without the cabinet. These side pieces were generally held by visitors who can verify the results.
[ Photo of cabinet with mosquito net over front opening - undated ]
"Many tests of non-contact movement of the table within the cabinet were made before I secured the net screen. These former tests were generally by a visitor standing within the circle in front of the cabinet guarding the foot and hand of each party adjacent to the cabinet by his feet and hands checking up theirs. Under conditions such as these the table was frequently seen to dash violently against the visitor or rise a foot or more from the floor within the cabinet.
[ Photo of Elizabeth Poole charging table - undated ]
[ Photo of cabinet with table forcing itself against screen - undated ]
"This latter experiment was tried by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who I am sure would verify the same. When I speak of the table being seen to move you must understand that it is rather the plaque of luminous paint about 8x10 inches in size which is attached to the center of the top. Also a luminous painted strip of oilcloth binding is tacked about the edge of the top and the lower parts of the legs. The table is of deal, 20x24 inches, glued and pegged together and unpainted, as specified by Crawford.
[ Photo of Mr. Withers in front of seance cabinet in much the same position as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle when he visited the Hamiltons - undated ]
[ Photo of Mr. Withers standing in front of seance cabinet with table attempting to get out of cabinet - undated ]
"I shall write again in a few days giving more details of the room, etc., and of experiments including those securing wax molds; also there is being prepared a statement as to the personnel of the main group associated in this work, and also a statement as to the mental phenomena. Although we are conversant with the many arguments in favor of explaining these by telepathy, we know of no series of messages in the annals of psychic research which so effectually withstands such explanation. Its continuity, subtlety and bulk, combined with countless examples of obscure and intricate detail, make it unique in records of this subject.
"Trusting to hear from you soon, and assuring you that any questions you may ask will be gladly answered, and that in any event I will supplement this very incomplete report."
The seance of January 27, 1924,
was again held at the Hamilton home. It ran from 9:00pm.
The sitters were Dr. Hamilton and Lillian Hamilton, Mr. James Leslie, Miss Lawrence, Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Hugh Reed.
Visitors were Dr. and Mrs. W., Mr. C. Mrs. F.
The recorders were Dr. Hamilton, Lillian. Hamilton, Miss Lawrence, and Mr. Leslie.
Sitting commenced with sitters holding hands in chain formation, the red light off, and the singing of hymns.
After singing one hymn, the medium's hands were released, the singing resumed, and in a few minutes the onset of trance was observed.
The medium finally passed into deep trance sleep and fell in a relaxed condition against Dr. Hamilton, who supported her.
[ Photo of Elizabeth Poole during seance signaling by pounding seance table by hand slaps - undated ]
From this trance she at length roused and her right hand began to vigorously and very rapidly slap the table. When this phenomenon commenced, Dr. Hamilton started to call over the letters of the alphabet, the hand of the entranced medium indicating by added force to the slap that a certain letter was desired. At the session the letters were indicated to be as follows:
Following the phenomenon of hand signaling, the medium quickly regained normal consciousness, and as soon as her dazed condition passed, gave a description of her vision.
Vision: - (post-trance recollection)
"I was away in a new place tonight. I had a walk with my friend - it was a real pretty place ... the trees were large at the bottom and bare up near the top ... the leaves stuck out like ferns or something - I saw a big hill on the left ... it was a beautiful walk ... the trees were along the side of the road ... I did not see a house anywhere ... I saw a kind of rickety fence to keep people from falling over ... it was a new road,"
The table was in the center of circle, the hands of medium, Mr. Reed, and Mrs. Hamilton were placed in contact. Power soon manifested: the table levitated violently and crashed to floor.
All hands were now removed from the table, all hands placed in chain formation , Dr. Hamilton holding the medium's left and Mr. Reed her right.
The table continued to move about the floor, levitated once a short distance clear from floor, then fell, turning on its side. The red light was turned on and the group took an interval of rest.
[ Photo of Elizabeth charging table in preparation for levitation and/or inversion - undated ]
Mr. Reed placed his left hand on the left cabinet wall, the medium placed her right hand on the right cabinet wall. Lillian Hamilton moved directly in front of cabinet and formed a chain by grasping Mr. Reed's right-hand and the medium's left.
Dr. Hamilton had the wax apparatus on the table within the cabinet securely fastened in by a new door made of badminton net. The light was turned off and the wax splashed about. The cabinet trembled and vibrated - the power was so great as to be almost alarming - and the light was turned on.
The results were negative.
The light was turned off and further effort was made to secure evidence of materialization. Raps were heard - loud and emphatic.
In response to questions by Dr. Hamilton, the raps indicated that the wax apparatus should be moved back into the center of the circle. They also indicate that it was doubtful whether the group would obtain any molds at this session.
However, the group's efforts continued; but the medium presently was observed to show signs of trance onset, and this part of the experiment had to be abandoned, for a time at least.
[ Photo of hot-wax apparatus - drawing by W. D. F. - undated ]
[ Photo of hot-wax apparatus - drawing ]
[ Photo of hot-wax apparatus - drawing ]
[ Photo of hot-wax apparatus - drawing ]
[ Photo of hot-wax apparatus - drawing ]
[ Photo of hot-wax apparatus - drawing ]
In a very few minutes the medium again passed into the passive state of the deep trance. As in the former trance she partially roused and in this condition a pencil was placed in her hands, paper put before her, and she wrote, Dr. Hamilton guiding her hand.
Automatic Script: "I just ... I belong to that age."
Vision: "I was back at the same place ... I landed in a boat ... I saw my friend."
The light was now turned on and a period of relaxation followed.
The wax apparatus was removed from the cabinet into the circle. The medium, Mr. Reed, and Lillian Hamilton placed their hands in contact with the wooden framework.
The condition of control was as follows: The left hand of the medium was held by Dr. Hamilton, the right hand held by Mr. Reed, the right hand of Mr. Reed was held by Lillian Hamilton, the right hand of Lillian by a visitor, Mrs. C. The rest of the group and visitors' hands were in chain formation.
Singing resumed, the medium shortly declared that she saw a light above the apparatus. The light was turned on, and a small wax mold of a forefinger was seen floating in the water.
The session closed.
Note: The signal "//" was used to indicate that here the hand of the entranced medium signaled that a mistake had been made and that the 'repeater' was to commence the alphabet over again. The difficulty was usually found to be with adjacent letters. Other mistakes in the spelling were often due to failure on the part of the recorders, the speed being so great that accurate recording became at times very difficult. There was also a tendency, however, on the part of the communicator, to omit unnecessary letters.
Note: The vision was usually found to be complementary and supplementary to the trance letters and to the automatic script. In this case it did not appear to be so. The vision was not at the time of writing understood.
Note: The parallel between the words formed by the grouped letters and the automatic script, and that of a sentence found in the writings of Stevenson, became apparent when we found the sentence. After careful searching the following was found in a note in "Underwoods". I append a table of some common vowel sounds, which no one need consult; and just to prove that I belong to my age..."
Note: Great care was taken throughout all the experiments to keep the medium in total ignorance of what had been given during the trance. She was entirely unaware of their meaning or magnitude. The vision alone was carried into her normal consciousness.
During the sitting there was contact table levitation; non-contact table levitation; non-contact movement of the small table holding the hot wax and the dish of cold water; the net screen across cabinet opening trembled and vibrated. A small wax mold of a fore-finger was created.
Photos of three fingertips marked A, B, and C, were obtained.
[ Photo of the three fingertips ]
On January 31, 1924,
[Lillian wrote a letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. Walter F. Prince - in New York.]
Dear Dr. Prince:-
"Dr. Hamilton has asked me to write to you giving you some particulars concerning the personnel of the group who have for the past two and a half years been more or less actively engaged in the work of psychic investigation.
"Our main group has been, and still is, made up of six persons:- Miss Edith Lawrence, graduate of London (Ontario) Normal School and of Columbia University in Household Arts and now in charge of this department in St. Johns High School of the city; Mr. Hugh Reed, Electrical Engineer, Superintendent of Service in the Provincial Government Telephone System; Mr. James Leslie, retired grain merchant; Mr. D. B. MacDonald, a business man; Mrs. Lillian Hamilton (the writer) graduate of the Winnipeg General Hospital; Dr. Glen Hamilton, graduate in medicine of Manitoba University, at present Assistant Surgeon to the Winnipeg General Hospital, member of the Executive of the Manitoba Medical Association, also member of the Dominion Medical Executive, and Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
"Dr. Hamilton was also for seven years lecturer in Medical Jurisprudence and has been for the past seven years lecturer in Clinical Surgery. For ten years he was a member of the Winnipeg School Board and succeeding this, five years member of the Provincial Legislature. In 1922 he was President of the Manitoba Medical Society and also in the same year President of the Manitoba University Alumni Association ..."
The letter ends here. [At this point the paper has been torn off]
At the February 3, 1924
seance, By hand-slaps:
"I write o-o-r instead of o-u-r ... have lived ... pillars of universe unmoved ..."
Verification: "Thus, if I wish the diphthong "or" to have its proper value, I may write "oor" instead of "our". Many have done so and lived, and the pillars of the universe have remained unshaken." (R. L. Stevenson in "Underwoods", Note on Spelling Scots.)
The vision: R. L. Stevenson in a "sort of library" lecturing. Elizabeth M. heard big words.
"Dr. H .... been away again ... yes... I was away and saw my old friend ... in a room ... not in before ... a library ... I couldn't get what he was talking ... was a lot of books and ... big presses ... present ... face ... bald ... I came out and went down where there were a lot of trees and looked down an embankment ..."
Everything was green. There was a lady there with him. I had to stoop down under trees ... like Hawthorne trees ... a natural embankment ... looked away down and saw a big slide or slope green ... and a tull on the other side was green too.
The Non-contact table moved out of the cabinet and kept time to music.
After Mrs. Poole's vision of R. L. Stevenson had been described, the red light was turned on, and a very fine mold of a long slender finger was found floating in the water. It was the best yet and totally unexpected. It was said to be a mold of R. L. Stevenson's finger.
[ Photo of wax mold of Stevenson's finger ]
On two occasions the "controls" made the claim that the fingertip molds were those of definite personalities. One long, slender, finger form (that of February 3, 1924) secured while the medium was entranced under the alleged control of R. L. Stevenson, the leading trance personality appearing at this time, was said to be this personality's finger. Photographs show that he had this type of finger.
Note: during the next four months of March, April, May, June, 1924, records show that we received 45 more vision-motor messages, nearly all based on the "Dedication to Underwoods" and "A Note on Spelling Scots."
The visions suggested a Stevensonian background, and little else. Taking the long view, it seemed that R. L. Stevenson was merely holding the fort until he obtained a better control over the process of automatic writing through his medium's hand. Whether this is so or not, the last hand-slap message came on June 29, 1924. The hand-slap method had been used for a little more than a year, laboriously, but successfully.
At the February 10, 1924
seance there were sitters Mrs. Poole, Dr. and Lillian Hamilton, Mr. Reed, Ms. Lawrence, and Lottie.
Visitors were Dr. and Mrs. Leish; Dr. Puller; and Dr. Nicholson.
First trance: By hand-message: "I came ... my to the "doun" which the classical ... spe ... the English "down".
First trance vision:
"I was away back in the old place ... I was with my friend ... we went up a steep hill ... when we got there we found a seat and a kind of easel in front ... I had a seat beside him and his dog ... the dog lay down between us ... he was writing ... I don't think I was ever up that hill before ... on the way we passed a house that was kind of familiar ... we went through that little village place ... crossed over the Glen and then up the hill ... we passed big rocks ... there was hills as far as I could see ... it was a beautiful sight ... he had on a Norfolk coat ... a scooped cap ... a tie that was bowed on like a child's he talked to 'em"
Second trance. The Script from the second trance was indecipherable.
Second trance vision:
"I was back in the same place ... the dog got a rabbit or something and I would not let him have it ... he called the dog from the rabbit ... the dog's name was Bruce or Blake or something beginning with "B" (I can't get it)
At this experiment there were several attempts made at obtaining wax molds.
The first three attempts were negative. The fourth attempt succeeded.
[ Photo of wax fingertip of February 10, 1924 ]
On the first attempt Mrs. Poole's right hand was controlled by Dr. Nicholson, her left hand by Dr. T. G .Hamilton. Mr. Reed's right hand was controlled by Lillian, his left hand by Dr. Puller.
Results negative.
On the second attempt Dr. Nicholson sat directly in front of the cabinet within the outer circle and checked hands - Mr. Reed, Mrs. Poole, and Lillian placed their hands in contact - Dr. Puller held Mr. Reed's hands and Dr. Nicholson held Mrs. Poole's hands.
There was no finger mold when the light was turned on.
Results: negative.
At the third attempt there was considerable interference - the wax equipment was pushed and shoved by force
Whoever was doing this was asked to desist and allow a wax impression to be made.
Drs. Puller and Nicholson withdrew from the circle.
On the fourth attempt to get a wax impression, the interference subsided, and it was quiet. The same hand contact was used. Mr. Reed guarded Mrs. Poole's right hand, Dr. Hamilton her left hand.
The result was a fair-sized wax impression of a forefinger with a dint or tear in the center. The finger nails of all the sitters present were examined and no fingernail found to correspond with the wax mold.
Dr. Daniel Nicholson, professor in the Department of Pathology in the University of Manitoba, assisted Dr. Hamilton.
For this experiment Dr. Nicholson and Dr. Hamilton tried out a chemical test - no one else was told about it.
In Dr. Hamilton's words: "Immediately previous to the beginning of the sitting, and without the medium's or sitters' knowledge, we placed cholesterol in the melted paraffin. Elizabeth was controlled on the right by Mr. Reed, and on the left by myself, a small finger form of wax was found floating in the pail of cold water when the experiment was over, which, Dr. Nicholson later reported, contained approximately the same amount of cholesterol as a sample of the wax taken from the paraffin in the container. The wax form of this date therefore was shown to have been produced in the experimental room during the time the experiment was in progress."
A report on the results of the experiment is found under the letterhead of University of Manitoba - faculty of medicine.
Examination of a paraffin finger mold produced at an experimental session for psychic phenomena, held in the home of Dr. T. Glen Hamilton on February 10th, 1924.
Dr. Nicholson's report covering this test reads as follows:
Outside measurements:
Length (approximately) 3 cm
Diameter (approximately) 1.5 cm
Thickness (approximately) 1 mm
It separated into an outer and inner layer, and when rolled in a round mass was 1 cm in diameter. It weighed .511 grams.
It contained .273% of cholesterol.
A sample of the paraffin in the bucket out of which it was formed contained .275% of cholesterol.
I consider the amount of cholesterol in the specimens equal. There is a difference in the third-place decimal figure but this alwaysl occurs in estimations of samples from the same piece.
(Signed) Daniel Nicholson.
There were three photos of fingertip molds - Nicholson Test. These were white finger molds showing indent and nail. Cholesterol test. (See Dr. Nicholson's report in "Experimental Research"
At the seance of February 13, 1924,
at the first trance there came the hand message:
"My nurse was with me ... she true angel ... and I young."
In the first trance vision:
"I was away back in the old place but in a different house ... in a bed-dining room all in one. A man was there I saw before ... a round faced man ... older and stouter ... dark hair ... just a working suit on ... my friend was there and he was doing all the talking ... dog there too ... the scenery was beautiful outside ... a few unframed pictures just tacked on the wall. The house was white at the foot of a hill ... I saw a toy boat ... a model was on the table. I heard a name ... my friend talked about somebody ... Thomas ... I can't describe the scenery outside ... hills and hedges and all so green."
In the second trance there came the automatic script:
"I did not know it, I was ... young ... to re ..gonize ..."
In the second trance vision:
"I was back in the same place ... the older man looked through a telescope towards the sea ... the sea was quite a ways off."
There was an attempt at a wax experiment. Coloring matter used.
The results were negative. There was no wax mold formed.
There was a return to a message by raps, the best raps in two years.
The alphabet was called by Dr. Hamilton.
Q: Is it the R. L. S. control that is making the fingers? (No.)
Q: Do you wish the four - Mr. Reed, Mrs. Poole, Lillian and Dr. Hamilton to form the inner circle? (Yes.)
Q: Is the deep trance necessary for the R. L. S. control? (Yes.)
Q: Is it true that different controls reach different strata of consciousness? (Yes.)
Q: Can you tell us who is speaking? (Yes.)
By non-contact raps came the initials: W. T. S.
[Handwritten note at top of page "Sent to Dr. W. F. Prince, President N.Y. A. S. P. R.]
[ Photo - 1924 - Feb 13 - I did not know it I was ... young ... to re.gonize ]
At the seance of Sunday, February 17, 1924,
the sitters were Mrs. Elizabeth Poole (medium), Miss Lawrence, Mr. H. A. Reed, Mrs. Forrester, Dr. T. G. and Lillian Hamilton
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brown; and Mr. Cassels.
The time of the sitting was from 9:15pm to about 11:20pm.
Preparation: The wax was melted and with cold water - iced water - placed inside the cabinet.
The initial stage of the sitting lasted 10 minutes, during the early half of which the complete circle held hands in chain formation.
During the latter half the chain was interrupted between Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Cassels and Dr. Hamilton and Mr. A. H. Brown.
Trance onset began and was complete in about five minutes.
First trance period: Deep Trance lasted about eight minutes.
By hand signals - the following letters received:
There are three versions of this writing. (They were recorded by three different recorders.)
"C a p p e n d a t a b l e n a c o m o n v o % s o u n d w h I c h n o o n e n e e d c ( or d) o n s u l t h a v e I n a e a (interruption). S t u f f t o e f o r n" - signals stopped in confusion.
The second version is recorded by T. G. H. and it is:
"c append a table naomon vowel sound which no one need consult have in lala stuff tore for nop ..."
Another version is:
cappendstablencomonvowelsoundwhichnooneneedc(or) donsulthaveinlaeastufftorl?forno?...
The first trance continued after the slapping signals ceased - then the medium recovered consciousness and gave her vision as follows:
"I was away on a rough road tonight. I saw lots of views. I got over an old wooden bridge and the thing was swinging all the time. I did not get into any house. The bridge was long and unpainted and broken boards out here and there. It swayed as I walked on it. I saw my friend and the same dog. We were talking ... I got over into a plantation and we walked there some more and over rough ground before we got on to the level. The plantation had little old trees and little bushes and stones. It was all old things on it, not producing and trees were lying on the path. I was sitting on a log a while and he was talking to me there. He was dressed with an ordinary cap on, I did not notice his style much. I did not get any names.
Another version of the first trance vision:
"I was away on a rough road the night ... I saw lots of views ... I went over a wooden bridge ... the bridge was swinging all the time ... the bridge was long and unpainted ... and broken boards out here and there ... it swayed as I walked on it ... I saw my friend and the same dog ... we were talking ... we got over into some kind of plantation and then we walked through some rough ground ... trees were lying on the path ... I were sitting on a log awhile ... he was talking to me there ... he had an ordinary cap on ... I didn't notice his style much."
Another version of the first trance vision:
"I was away on a rough road tonight ... I passed over an old wooden bridge, it was swinging all the time ... I didn't get into any house ... the bridge was wood and unpainted ... the boards were loose here and there ... I saw my friend and a dog ... I got into a kind of plantation ... there was rough land ... uncultivated ... unbroken ... there was on it small trees like bushes ... I saw trees lying on the path too ... I sat down on a log for a while ... he was talking to me ... he was dressed much the same as last time ... an ordinary cap ... I did not notice his style much"
The group took an intermission:
A low red light was turned on. The wax equipment in the cabinet was inspected and a small finger form was found in the water, floating.
This was examined and removed.
The light was turned off.
The table levitated under hand contact. Then the hands were removed from the table and a complete chain of all hands was formed, and the table continued to move freely about the circle without contact, and to dance in accord with the singing.
A violin was placed on the table. All hands were held in chain formation. Mr. A. H. Brown's (visitor) right-hand finger holding a string with a loop attached to the head of the violin.
The violin, while on the table, was lying with the hands of Mrs. Poole (Elizabeth), Mr. H. A. Reed, and one hand each of Mrs. Hamilton and Dr. Hamilton touching the violin body.
The violin was seized by forces and elevated to a vertical position near the ceiling of the room, at full arm's length of Mr. A. H. Brown, and in this elevated position was vigorously sounded as by fingers in accord with the beat of the music that was being sung.
Every hand was accounted for during this experiment and all sitters retained their chairs. It was utterly out of the question that the medium could reach the violin in its elevated position - she being so short of stature and her hands being controlled by Mr. Reed on her right, and Dr. Hamilton on her left, and her sitting position positively retained.
Direct Writing Test:
A pad was now prepared to receive direct writing and placed within the circle.
Hand contacts were the same as for the violin - all the rest of the hands in the room were in chain formation.
This experiment produced no results.
About three minutes had elapsed when the medium underwent a second trance onset - a deep trance sleep lasting about five minutes - and Dr. Hamilton placed a pencil in the medium's right hand and writing paper on the board was placed in position to receive writing. The medium was still quite limp and asleep, leaning on Dr. Hamilton during the automatic writing.
The words written were the following:
"Have no thought to defend it."
On another piece of paper she wrote:
"Good night my friends"
The medium recovered from her trance and related her post-trance memory:
"I saw my friend. I saw him where I left them. I saw no house. He had two books ... one was printed in and one he was writing on. He had some sheets of paper ... he was copying from one with a pencil"
"I saw another man, - he is behind me now - that 'unwanted' one."
Raps were then heard loudly on the cabinet wall.
Dr. Hamilton: "Rap three if you want to talk." (One rap given.)
Dr. Hamilton repeated the alphabet. No response.
Room lights were turned on. It was seen that there had been no direct writing done. The only writing was the automatic writing given above.
The wax equipment was removed from the cabinet.
Mr. A. H. Brown took a position beside the cabinet at the right hand of medium.
Mr. Leslie took a position beside the cabinet at the left hand of Mr. Reed.
The table was within the circle between the medium and Mr. Reed.
All lights were turned out. The contact of the hands with the table were the same four hands as with the violin. All other hands were in chain formation except those on guard by the cabinet wall.
Under contact, the power developed and the table moved violently about the floor and levitated. The table was now hastily placed in the cabinet well against the back wall and a screen of mosquito net attached to the boards of height equal to the door height of the cabinet and placed in position to completely close the cabinet opening. These screen boards were held firmly against the outer sides of the walls of the cabinet. Mr. Brown was guarding his side of the screen as well as the right hand of the medium. Mr. Leslie was guarding his side of the screen as well as the left hand of Mr. Reed.
The singing of a martial air was resumed by the group to the beat of which the table within the cabinet kept time with a force so marked as to throw it violently against the cabinet walls and at times forward against the screen. Then came what seemed a test of strength between the forces operating the table and the opposing strength of the guards who were holding the screen - resulting in damage to the screen by tearing where the corner of the tabletop forced its way through. It is of interest to note also that at least twice the table backed away from the screen to farther within cabinet and made a "run" forward to force the screen away.
The screen was now removed and further experiments were arranged to see what could be obtained in the way of non-contact phenomena. Circle all joined hands with the exception of Mr. Reed and Mrs. McKenzie, who touched the cabinet on either side. No more table phenomena was given but loud raps came on the back cabinet wall.
The intelligences were told by Dr. Hamilton to do as they might wish for further phenomena. Soon heavy raps were noted. Dr. Hamilton repeated the alphabet, raps being struck on letters indicated as follows:
Raps on back wall of cabinet: "M.N.H. (Myers not here.) Goodnight."
[Note: the first three letters were of special interest to Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton as they were a repetition of initials of special significance received about two and a half years before, and unknown to all the others at present in the group.]
(See September 2, 1921; September 28, 1921; LIGHT Magazine, June, 1922)
The séance closed shortly after this.
The lights were turned on.
Miss E. Lawrence was a teacher on staff of St. John's Secondary School.
[ Photo - 1924 - Feb 17 - Report to Dr. Prince of ASPR ]
[ Photo - 1924 - Feb 18 - certain houses demand to be haunted - 1850 - cold day ]
At the seance of February 20, 1924,
the sitters were Mrs. Poole, Dr. and Lillian Hamilton and Miss Lawrence.
Visitors were Mrs. Leggatt, Mrs. Moorehouse and Miss. Gunn.
Time: 9:30pm to 11:30pm.
Light out, hands in chain formation, singing, trance onset, then medium's hands released and she passes into deep sleep.
Medium's hand signals the following letters:
First trance vision:
"I don't know where I was - my friend was with me and an older gentleman was sitting in an old armchair ... he was very white ... there was boxes on the arm of the chair for holding books, I know he took a book out of one side ... my friend was talking to him about the English ... I knew by the way he was talking he didn't like them. The book was bluish in color. The room had peculiar furniture ... it was like walnut you get at antique places ... the chairs had an awful lot of work on them ... the chair my friend was in had like lions or dogs heads on them ... the furniture was awful old.
The ink well was a big flat bottle and a white pen beside it. My friend was young ... might have been over 20. He was talking to the old man. There was an awful lot of loose papers on the table ... it needed tidying up. I think the place belonged to the old man. He had a nice face. I remember the street as I came through ... the pebble-stones were black and the walls of the building were black too. I saw a woman with a black bonnet like a sunbonnet ... something like a nun, but she was not a nun."
After this the light was turned on and a small wax mold was found floating on the water. A very poor one; walls too thin and badly wrinkled.
[ Photo of wax fingertip of February 20, 1924 ]
[ Photo of wax fingertip of February 20, 1924 ]
Lillian took the place usually held by Mr. Reed. After the light put out, without advising anyone, Lillian Hamilton placed her left arm completely across the cabinet opening and touched the medium's arm lightly; she did not relax her vigilance until the medium was in deep sleep, fallen against Dr. Hamilton. At no time did she rise up from her chair or make the slightest attempt to reach the wax within the cabinet. Dr. Hamilton guarded her left hand.
Attempts were made to secure playing on the violin. The "forces" made several attempts but only succeeded in carrying it a short distance above the table and did not succeed in producing any sound from its strings.
Raps, however, started in the cabinet. The alphabet was called over. No response.
Second Trance:
The second trance onset was now observed; a pencil was put in the medium's hand and she attempted to write.
Second trance vision:
"I was away back in the same place ... my friend and I came out together ... I got a funny name ... "couthness" ... my friend said it ... there is something else to that name. (She Later remarked that it meant 'canny' in Scotch.)
An attempt to make a monogram.
Two photos of taken of fingertip molds.
Recorders: Miss Lawrence; Dr. Hamilton; Mrs. Hamilton.
On February 24, 1924,
the sitters were Mrs. Poole, Mr. Reed, Mr. D. B. MacDonald, Miss Lawrence and Dr. and Lillian Hamilton.
Time: 9:15pm to 11:00pm.
Mrs. Hamilton moved to a seat on the right of the medium, hands in chain formation, light out and singing of hymns.
Some non-contact and physical phenomena given: table moved; Mr. Reed's chair pulled about; Mr. Reed under partial control.
This lasted for a short time and then onset of trance observed in medium; trance complete in about 10 minutes.
When the hand-signaling commenced, a good deal of confusion in control was noticed, and there was difficulty in knowing which letter was indicated as the signals were exceedingly rapid and not very decisive. The hand seemed to stop near the letter but not always 'on' the letter, (This confusion may have been due to the fact that the medium had been unwell for several days with intense neuralgia from her teeth and also to the fact that she had taken a headache tablets at five o'clock,)
By hand signals:
"couldnotemulateimnicitydesirrfiedorringithailed grmovavh (singing to restore trance hold) laudaleurangus"
Trance vision:
"I was in a house ... there has been an awful rushing around ... some way ... I have been out on the hills again ... I could not get staying ... I was pulled in from one place to another ... the picture was kind of ragged tonight. I was in the house then out on the hills. I came down an awful rough part ... I couldn't keep my feet ... I seemed to be stumbling, it was so rough. I could see some beautiful hills beyond. It was very bright. I saw a sheet of paper on the blackboard and I read it all. My friend pointed to it for me to read. I saw the name of some places on it. My friend was with me on the hills."
No wax mold was found in the water when the light was turned on.
The group took a break:
After an interval for rest, hands again in chain formation. Mr. Reed's left hand on the left cabinet wall and Mrs. Poole and Lillian Hamilton both placed their right hands on the cabinet wall ... Mrs. Poole sitting a little to the front of Lillian.
Singing resumed, light out; in a few moments Lillian felt the medium's right hand relax and fall to her side.
The medium was now in second trance sleep. The trance was so deep that she roused with difficulty to write. Several times the pencil fell from her hand during the attempt to write. Dr. Hamilton guided her hand.
Second trance vision:
"I was away on a high steep hill ... it was very beautiful ... you should have come with me ... I saw scores and scores of white sheep ... the big stones helped me to get up ... I didn't see my friend is there, though ... I saw a shepherd or two ... but I wasn't speaking to them ... I saw the name of a place on a sign-board ... it began with 'g'. I didn't look at it very much; I was looking at the sheep."
The light was turned on - no wax molds found.
Automatic writing found to be"
Lillian now resumed the place beside Mr. Reed and immediately following the turning out of the light loud raps were heard to come from the cabinet,
These raps came from the back cabinet wall, and sometimes from the table in the center of the circle, from the wax table in the cabinet, and the last came from the floor.
Dr. Hamilton, acting as spokesman, asked a great many questions of the 'intelligences' operating the raps, which they endeavored to answer.
Often there was considerable time elapsed between the question and the answer, probably because of lack of power. At times, when we thought they were not going to answer they broke into our conversation with loud emphatic knocks.
The following are some examples of the kinds of questions asked, and although not recorded verbatim, all sitters have agreed that they contain the main idea of the questions asked;
(These raps together with some that came on February 13 are the first conversational raps that have been given during the past two years - the last being heard March 19, 1922.)
Q: Are the sitters in proper position now? Yes. (3 raps)
Q: Are there other forms of mediumistic phenomenon that we may hope to get? Yes. (3 raps)
Q: Can we get the direct voice? No (1 rap)
Q: Can we get materialization so that all may see it? No. (1 rap)
Q: Can we get bigger and better molds yet? Doubtful (2 raps)
Q: Can we get them like they obtained them in France? No. (1 rap)
Q: Is that because of that medium is particularly adapted to that work? Yes. (3 raps)
Q: Can we hope to get photographs? Yes.
Q: Do you wish us to use flash light? No.
Q: Shall we use daylight? No.
Q: Do you wish the camera to be focused and left open during a séance? Yes. (Very emphatic)
Q: Is this the "W. T. S." control rapping? Yes. (These initials were given February 13)
Q: Do you know of the Stevenson messages? Yes.
Q: Can we make any instrument along the radio line that will set up communication. No.
Q: Is the human brain, then, the only mechanism through which communication can be set up? Yes.
Q: Will you rap out to the number on your side who are helping us? Raps given seven times in succession. (This agrees with the number given in 1921 and 1922.)
Q: Is there any mechanical means that can be used? No.
After the raps ceased the tambourine hanging suspended in the cabinet was heard to jingle several times in the most unmistakable manner.
Session (séance) closed.
Parallels between the words made by the signaled letters together with the automatically written words of February 20 and 24 ... and further excerpts found in the "Note" to "Underwoods", Stevenson's book of poems:
"Could not emulate ... im .. nicity ... desirrfied ... o .. rring .. it hailed ... grmo ... lavh ... laudaleur ... angus." "m ...mearns. "Gelloway" (saw word beginning with 'G')
Excerpt from Stevenson:
"Thus I can tell myself, not without pride, that I have added a fresh stumbling-block for the English readers, and to a page of print in my native tongue, haven't a new uncouthness."
"I note again, that among our new dialecticians, the local habitat of every dialect is given to the square mile. I could not emulate this nicety if I desired; for I simply wrote to my Scots as well as I was able, not caring if it hailed from Lauderdale or Angus, from the Mearne or Galloway..."
A Note on the visions:
In the seven groups of messages received since and including that of January 27th, which deal with this little essay written by Stevenson on the spelling of Scots words, all with the exception of that of the 20th, have been accompanied by visions of hills, burns, valleys, old bridges, a dog, and lastly sheep, and if we look at them as a whole we find it clearly indicated an attempt to picture the hills near Edinburgh over which Stevenson delighted to roam in the days of his young manhood. As we find in all the communications received from this communicator, here again the pictures make a fitting illustration for the main message.
The vision of the 20th evidently refers to some home in Edinburgh, as the communicator has frequently used before the picture of the black buildings to signify the 'smoky' city.
One point emphasized in the vision of the 20th deserves special mention: that in which it is stated that he did not like the English. This impression on the part of the medium becomes exceedingly apt when she sees a 'young' Stevenson associated with this characteristic.
His dislike for the English considerably modified as he grew older. But when about 20 he strongly expressed his views along these lines. (See biography by Francis Watt and "The Foreigner At Home" by Stevenson.)
Then again on February 17, the medium in her second vision after she has accompanied him on a walk through very rough country, sees him sitting, writing-copying from a printed book. In this simple statement we have two very evidential points: Miss Watt tells us that day after day in the summer he would read in some favorite book in the Pentland Hills and his habit of 'copying' the words of some loved author as the way in which he taught himself to write, as he himself tells us.
Recorders: Miss Lawrence; Dr. Hamilton; Lillian Hamilton.