Feb 24 - Mar 29
The Mary M. Face-Forms
Out of the fifty odd teleplasmic masses recorded with the Winnipeg medium to date, sixteen disclose the presence of one of these amazing phenomena - the presence of face-forms within the mass. In this way twenty-six human countenances, nearly all of them much smaller than the normal adult face, have been supernormally exposed to the view of the various open cameras.
Water-Tight Conditions
In every case these have been obtained under water-tight conditions: immediately before the experiment took place the medium undressed and redressed in seance clothing provided for her; her hands were held throughout the experiment; her head, face and neck were examined a few minutes before the flash was fired; the phenomena were registered by from six to a dozen cameras operating simultaneously.
Bear Testimony of Genuineness
Even had there been no rigorous control of the medium's body and movements as I have mentioned, the phenomena would still be seen to by irrefutably genuine by virtue of the fact that they showed marked agreement in many of their inner details and aspects with like phenomena witnessed with Eva C., mentioned in article III.
In both cases, the face-bearing teleplasms appeared when the medium was in trance; in both cases the faces were of miniature size; with both they were surrounded by or embedded in formless teleplasm; with both the faces appeared to be vitally alive; and with both they disintegrated rapidly on being exposed to the brilliant light of the flash.
In other words, all these points of agreement - and there are many others which space will not allow us to detail here - furnish conclusive evidence that the same unknown laws were operating back of the Mary M. faces in Winnipeg as were operating back of the appearance of the Eva C. faces in Paris. This is a scientific fact of first importance.
Identity of Faces Known
There are, however, some very arresting and illuminating points of difference between the two sets of faces, chief among these being the matter of identity.
In the case of Eva C., so far as I have been able to learn, the identity of the faces observed and photographed appears to have been a matter of considerable uncertainty. With us, it is quite different.
Out of the 26 faces so far photographed, 14 have been definitely identified as being the faces of persons known to be deceased.
These teleplasmic miniatures being of super-normal origin, and of this fact I am as certain as I am of my own existence, we are bound to admit that we are here confronted with a fact of stupendous import.
Again Unseen Operators Work
But, the reader may say, if all these masses and their internal phenomena are the product of super-normal forces and they occur in darkness, how do you know when to prepare for their coming? On whose say-so do you fire your flash?
The answer, incredible as it may seem, is that it is the trance beings who supply the needed information - and this not through the medium Mary M. alone, but through other trance mediums present in our group. It is they who plan, and direct, often during a series of sittings extending over many weeks, all the more important procedures, including finally the giving of the signal for exploding the flash light, telling exactly where the mass is located, and outlining its main features and size, the developed plates showing in almost every case that a mass actually was present and that it occupied the position and was of the type and formation stated.
These and many other proofs of the reality and scientific acumen of our invisible collaborators have brought home to us the fact that we are here dealing with phenomena as truly astounding and far-reaching as the appearance of the teleplasm and miniatures themselves.
That we are dealing, literally with a cloud of witnesses is, for us at any rate, an indisputable fact.
[Photo at top of "Raymond" in teleplasm - three images of 'Raymond' across the bottom of this page.]
[Top caption for page reads: "Raymond's Face in Teleplasm".]
[Bottom caption reads: "The upper picture shows mass of teleplasm photographed in Winnipeg by Dr. T. Glen Hamilton. In it can be discerned two faces. Both have been identified as those of persons now dead. The upper of the two has been identified as that of Raymond, only son of Sir Oliver Lodge, who died during the war.
For purposes of closer inspection the lower photo shows three comparative views. The left is another view of the face as it appeared surrounded in teleplasm. It was less than an inch wide. On the right is a reproduction of Raymond's latest photograph taken shortly before he was killed in action in France. In the center is a reproduction of the right hand picture, that of the Raymond as he appeared before he died. It has been vignetted to show only those portions of it which are visible in the teleplasmic photo (left). Dr. Hamilton points out that the teleplasmic photo taken in 1939 appears to be the face of Raymond, although it is the face of a man some years older than that of the youth appearing in the view on the right."]
Sitting of February 24, 1933.
" ... two sojers and the Pirates and the Injuns and we can go hunting around the sofa. Ye march an army down the head and another un on the carpet and you have a battle ye ken ... I am going to try and parallel my work here with the work I did before from time to time. I am trying as I go along to follow it up as well as I can. When I finish this test I can go on with creative work. I am trying to show old and new together, a plan I have been thinking of for a time."
A new control comes: "My friends, I speak to you for the first time through this medium. You are forwarding great things. Another Scot back home from the "dark" continent to the darkroom - back home from the other side of time. The equator of life, death. We celebrate tonight the crossing of the line - Conguloa, Tanganieta, Congo, Victoria Nianza, Banguila - home, home. David Livingstone, M.D., Scotland! Physician and God's worker, minister to souls and bodies of the "dark" continent."
The voice changes: "I pray you listen to me my colleagues. Pats, both colleagues, this is not the bairn, this is the bairn's friend. I carry to my colleagues my fraternal greetings. I admire your work, my colleagues."
Robert speaking: "My Cummie; I've got my nightdress on. I'm in the bed, the day and the night too. It's a wee bit raw. I'm no' goin' out. But I didna care. I've got my friends can speak to you my name later. It is difficult. Thank you, that is better. (To T. G. H.). Good man! Your feet are on the ground, your head is in the clouds, but that is as it should be. You've got your eyes looking up; that is perfect. We must try to let this man through. He is trying hard."
A new control comes: "My friends, I speak to you for the first time through this medium. You are forewarding great things.
Control changes: "I want to speak. Please. I want to come. Give me your pencil. (Medium writes letters H.H.)"
Control changes again: "Thank you for letting him come. He was trying to get through."
Control again changes: (deep voice, very deliberate). "Pale Face (to T. G. H.). It is I who stand in your presence. Pale Face good man. Please Pale Face stand up now. Thank you."
Control changes: "Moses! Moses! (Medium breathes heavily) . Take off those handcuffs! Rose, why did you write it! ( breathes very heavily and asks for help)
Sitting closes.
February 25, 1933
[Article in the Winnipeg Free Press: February 25, 1933]
Psychic Articles Lead to Questions Being Propounded
[In the following article the facts and experiments contained in Dr. T. Glen Hamilton's articles on psychical research are summarized, and questions arising from them are suggested. Next week Dr. Hamilton will answer some of these questions, and elaborate some of the points mentioned below.]
Article VI
A Resume and Some Questions
If it were not for the belief in many minds that through the instrumentality of the medium and the seance it is possible to show evidence of human survival after death, there would probably be little enough interest in Dr. T. Glen Hamilton's articles on the results of his experiments, which have appeared this week in the Free Press.
But so far as Dr. Hamilton himself is concerned, it is evident that, for the present at any rate, he in not so much concerned with this aspect of his work as he is with driving home the fundamental fact that all the manifestations which he brings to the attention of the public are beyond doubt of a supernormal nature. His motto may be said to be "Make sure of your facts and the facts will speak for themselves."
Wants Objective Recording
He, therefor, has given his attention more exclusively to those types of phenomena which can be objectively recorded, and to this end has employed a battery of cameras which operate simultaneously, the result being that he is able to obtain six, eight, ten and even as high as twelve photographs of the same phenomenon from different viewpoints. In other words, he appears to be making very determined efforts to bring the best fruits of the seance room out of its enshrouding darkness into the light for all to examine and evaluate as they see fit.
Prepares Experiment Carefully
He has told us something of the care and caution with which he prepares his medium as a scientific precautionary measure immediately prior to the commencement of the sitting. He has also told us that her body is under strict surveillance throughout each experiment when a phenomenon is registered. He has told us that outside verifiers of high standing have frequently assisted him at these experiments. In view of all this it would be difficult to imagine an improvement in the experimental technique. This line of technique has also been experimentally tested and applied in other centers, he informs us - notably Boston and Paris - where phenomena of much the same order have also been repeatedly recorded.
Weird Results Photographed
And what, here in Winnipeg, has this procedure revealed? Photographs of mysterious levitations, tables leaping and swinging about in mid-air, without visible means of support; rappings showing human intelligence: emanations of teleplasm, that strange material substance so delicate that it shrinks and vanished before light or touch; slender cords of teleplasm which stretch out to reach and ring electric bells; and, lastly, the discovery in teleplasms of faces of human beings known to be dead.
Is Telepathy the Answer?
What does it all mean? The easy answer is to say "telepathy", by which, in these cases, is meant the combined minds of the medium and those present at the seance drawing upon some vast pool of subconscious thought in the world and made available to the lens of the camera in some fashion up to now unexplained and unexplainable.
Yet telepathy on such a scale seems almost as incredible to the doubter as does the hypothesis that the dead have by this means bridged the abyss that separated them from those who are still alive. Some intelligence appears to be the true source of all these varied manifestations.
Medium Not Responsible
Dr. Hamilton discards the suggestions that the mind of his medium is the source. He says it is impossible. He believes also that the members of his group could not collectively or individually provide the means of expressing what has been expressed and manifested. He stops short of saying what his own hypothesis is. But it is apparent that he is ready to accept the possibility that these rappings and voices and varied manifestation come to us from across the soundless waste we know as death.
The Raymond Picture
What of the picture of the famous "Raymond", Sir Oliver Lodge's son, which appeared in Winnipeg? A close examination of that picture shows marked differences, as well as likenesses, between the available photographs of the living Raymond with that of the head that appeared in ectoplasm here. Is it really the same man? Some will doubt it. His father only says that it is "quite a reasonably good one." But it would be fair to condemn the evidence on this ground alone. Other photographs have been taken here, and of some of these no doubt exists, Dr. Hamilton says, that they are of the same person as someone living, now dead.
What Is the Life Beyond?
What will be startling to some minds is the discovery that Dr. Hamilton accepts with calmness what others would find appalling - that the Raymond appearing in ectoplasm is an older, a considerably older Raymond than the buoyant youth who died in the war. Does he suggest, therefore, that in whatever existence lies beyond life, time continues to take its inexorable toll upon humanity, that there is a cycle, "beyond", of youth maturity and old age, with the corollary that there is also a renewing of what we know as death.
From Dr. Hamilton's articles, and also from other sources, it would seem that the problems encountered by psychical research are indeed very involved and difficult; that the progress is very slow. It is also apparent that in the five articles presented, Dr. Hamilton has only given a very few of the facts at his disposal and he will neither ask nor expect this readers at this stage to arrive at any definite theory in regard to these matters, much less come to any positive conclusion.
Asks Unbiased Criticism
It is plain, however, that he expects his findings to be received with open and unbiased minds as befitting men and women of the eminently scientific age in which we live. He also plainly expects that their theories will not be based on his work alone, but on the work of all reputable investigators of the past and present - Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge, Professor Richet, Dr. Geley, Baron von Schrenck-Notzing, Dr. Crandon, and others.
There are, however, some questions which natural curiosity suggests:
Is there now, after so many years of patient and honest work in so many centers throughout the world, a body of coherent knowledge available for the students interested in these things?
Why, if these things are true, does official science still ignore them?
How can the public be protected from the trickster and the charlatan?
Should the layman try his hand at experimenting?
Presuming personal survival to have been proved, why do the discarnates apparently have to put forth such enormous effort to pierce the "veil" between the two sates of existence?
What is the most conclusive evidence for survival he has so far encountered?
It would be interesting to learn Dr. Hamilton's answers to some of these queries, even although some of them would of necessity have to be of a conjectural nature.
[Photo of Dr. Hamilton's battery of cameras]
[Flash light devices are mentioned 'loaded with powder']
[The cameras are labeled with numbers and beneath the picture are descriptions.]
[Photograph with top caption reading: Dr. Hamilton Uses Camera Battery]
[Caption under photograph reads: In his attempts to further psychical research, Dr. T. Glen Hamilton has elaborated a technique among which the most interesting features are the means by which he takes flash light photographs of some of the manifestations in the seances conducted by him here. Up to a dozen cameras of varying types are used by him, and the picture shows the battery which is trained upon the object it is desired to photograph. This was taken in Dr. Hamilton's home.]
February 27, 1933
Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. Crandon - Boston:
"... I am enclosing cuttings from the Manitoba Free Press which will be interesting in so far as they show the point of public tolerance things have reached in Winnipeg. About two more will be forth-coming in the latter part of this week. We propose then to leave the matter to simmer down for a time. The papers here have been stimulated to this by the Daily Sketch articles last fall.
"... The editor tells me he has had several calls over the phone and a couple of letters. The people seem in a few instances to have a horror of the teleplasmic photos. They say that the medium is in the grip of Satan and that the thing is immoral and they are fearful for their children seeing these things. On the other hand we have had very many congratulatory comments from friends, a great many of whom are cutting out the parts for their friends at a distance.
"... It would appear that the time has come when an illustrated book should be issued. This we have in mind at no distant date.
"... We have a rationalist in this city who I am told is going to make the Margery Fingerprints the subject of his address on Sunday afternoon about two weeks hence. He has been reading the Boston Society pamphlet and thinks it a great find. If you have any copy of Thorogood's report I would appreciate a copy to head off this attack.
"... As to the Doyle photos, use them in any manner you wish. If you have any trouble in getting lantern slides of them let me know and I will make one direct from the negative. It will probably give better sharpness ..."
February 28, 1933
[Talk given at Knights of Pythias - St. Vital.]
The path of Progress
Life on this earth
Evolution of life
The Quaternary Period
The World environment
Man's equipment to cope with environment
Skeletal frame
Muscular system
Digestive system
Assimilative system
Respiratory system
This equipment makes automatic living possible
What has creation given us?
A world
Life within the world
Modifications of the life principle as seen in evolution
Our senses for perception and interpretation
Mind to appreciate
Memory to record
Reason to correlate
Emotions to appreciate
Woodhaven Community Club.
Psychical Research - a belated Branch of Science
Historical Background
Man's Progress a slow one
Man's History from Geology
The endless procession of man
The Discovery of Nature
Formation of a Body to Sciences
Misunderstanding of Nature
Reasons for your presence.
Man is a being of great curiosity
Morbid curiosity. Homo Sapiens
Utilitarian curiosity
Religious curiosity
Man's setting is in an environment of the great unknown. From the first recognition of the infant to the wisdom of the greatest philosopher it is one long and continuous effort at the better getting acquainted with our environment.
Life likened to a river - we stand by its side and see it passing. Or as the sparrow flitteth through the window into the room at night and out again into the dark - we know not whence it cometh or whither it goeth.
The general rule holds that we must work out our own way (salvation?) in this world if we would succeed to make good in life . In the highest sense, work each for all and all for each. That would in the present day bring us to a stage much nearer to perfection than this present moment finds us.
It is an evident law in this world that we are to work out our own problems as far as is reasonable.
We are not led along as little children in things in which we ourselves are able to work out the solution. Laws as Gravity, combustion, etc, are no more fixed than are moral laws.
If I jump from a height it means injury or disaster.
If I transgress a moral law, I am also as surely injured as by a fall. Not a physical injury but a personality injury.
Duty to self demands that I avoid personal injury as much and even more than bodily injury.
More because my personality is enduring much more than is my body.
My personality is the one thing with which I pass out of this life into the continuation of the life that is to come.
With my deliberate transgressions and errors I am incurring guilt.
This, of course, introduces the question of free will.
To the physicist, matter started from a firmament filled with electrons and protons.
The elements were constituted of specially stabilized atoms with varying numbers of electrons and protons.
The astronomer pictures these atoms condensing into masses, forming nebulae and more solid gaseous and later liquid bodies.
Radiation and further consolidation, they tell us, resulted in myriads of star clusters, suns, millions of times larger than our own.
Further cooling resulted in the solid rocks, the water, the dry land.
These foregoing processes involved probably millions of millions of years.
For the hot earth to cool to a temperature of life-tolerance is conservatively estimated at 1,000,000.000 years.
Man's life on this earth has been from 200,000 to 1,000,000,000 years.
Antedating his appearance life existed 360 times longer than it has since his appearance. That is, from 72 millions of years up.
Certainty of survival.
It is a scientific fact.
The magnitude of the role we have to play in existence begins here to dawn upon us.
Obedience implies free will.
There is no commendation if we do things from compulsion
The merit of reward is only due to our exercise of free will.
Herein lies our responsibility
We cannot avoid this responsibility
This life a preparatory in view of the next.
All must stand upon their own foundation they have built
We may think upon the brevity of life.
We must reflect also upon the length of eternity.
Time amounts to nothing.
The purpose of Life
The cruelty of nature
The world of laws
These we must obey.
Rewards do not come without our efforts
We must learn the laws to avoid their penalties
Obedience is the first lesson of the child.
Nature cares for it otherwise.
The moral code introduced an idea of the duty to others.
This was stressed first to Cain
Later in the commandments.
Reward was attached to obedience
First material obedience.
Later personal obedience.
Then came the disclosure of the resurrection applicable to all.
Here a law that we must all also survive.
But with it came information as necessity for obedience for the next state.
March 1, 1933.
Mrs. Poole; Haywards; J. Hamilton; Dawn; L. H.; Ewan; Mercedes; T. G. H. Jack MacDonald (medium); L. Hamilton; T. G. Hamilton; Margaret Hamilton (recorder).
Sterge comes and kids T. G. that his wife does all the work.
Robert: "There's a crowd here. H., a dark chap with very bright eyes - not very tall - trying to get through to you. He tried last week. Maybe he'll come again. Not very big ... strong face, a tinge to his complexion. He has marvelous looking hands.
"... It's a wee tale about the bandits - men like Dick Turpin - smugglers, that's what they were. Ha! Ha! They're smuggling on the coast - black-bearded men with little boats, going out to the rocks and to the other boats and bringing the stuff in because the tax was high. King George's men were after them, but the revenue men will not get them yet; they've got a lantern and they're swinging it for a sign. They've got pistols in their belts ...
"Virginibus ... Virginibus ... (seems to have difficulty in saying it). I wrote that! Oh, I'm sorry, I'm getting excited! (breathes heavily). I'm Stevenson! (excited). Some others are coming! ... I've got to go ... I can't hold him. Goodbye!"
Control changes: "It is necessary that I communicate with you to further my work. Your work, it is interesting to me, my compatriots ... spirit hypothesis my stumbling block. I can speak to you my name later. It is difficult. Thank you, that is better. (To T. G. H.). Good man!
Sitting closes.
After the sitting, in the living room downstairs, the medium again passes under control, asks for a pencil, and writes:" When you next sit I will talk. H. Houdini."
Medium, seated on the couch, passes into a still deeper trance and speaking with great dignity and precision, says that he is F. W. H. Myers, and that the directing controls were considering letting Harry Houdini "come through", for certain definite purposes. He also speaks of his friendship for L. H. and T. G. H.
Medium recovers consciousness and says that he has seen a man who reminded him of "Jesus Christ with a hat on." He says he did not know but that he looked a little like a poet.
March 9, 1933.
Sitting commenced at 8:30 p.m..
Present: J. MacDonald; L. H.; M. L. H.
First talked to Sterge and Walter and Arthur about intimate family matters. Then Robert came and spoke at quite a length.
Sterge (after a moment of general conversation): "It was one who was losing even himself. Even though it was brutal it had to be done but we did not expect brutality like that. As you read it, you felt her eye was like a flame cast in the face of his being. They had imperfect control of a drunken man whose nerves were on edge. It throws a great light on Biblical teachings. In the Bible the old Hebrew prophets cried out against the abuse of intemperance. That was an example which ended fortunately within our control. The instrument has not reported fully to you when I brought her astral. It could be done because control of the boy and his friend is due to her coming to a sitting. I had control of her. It was all part of a plan with this terrible digression. The only thing worth realizing is worth going to hell for, so far had they gone, that they had to go the rest of the way.
How do you like his plan of using Walter's poem "There is a Plan Far Greater Than the Plan You Know", eh? It's strange that truth should be so fantastic.
There, we will forget about that for the time being. I don't want to build up any association in your minds. Have you compared the signatures I gave you the time before last? It is an attempt to put through my own signature. Compare it and do not tell him, and then tell me next time."
Sterge stops speaking and the medium starts to hiss like a steam engine and then Walter comes: "Just the old boiler letting off steam! Hello, Queen of Sheba! Hello, little Sheba. It's all right to let that man have him, but mum's the word! It's only an infinitesimal bit of him, but it's him! It's all right, it's okay!"
"You know I have to have one hand free to talk - my personality has to have movement. Of course we all come from Adam ... (L. H. suggest tree climbing). It comes from my Hebraic tendencies! I have to use my hands. We all have Hebraic tendencies probably; whether we come from the monkey or from Adam doesn't matter a darn to me. I'm here. I don't know how I came and it seems to me a hell of a waste of time to find out where I came from. What I'm interested in is where I'm going! Some people have to work with the boot heels of history but that's okay with me, baby!
"Fortunately I can talk fine when I'm moving. Then I am a moving being with a purpose in my speech. When I sit still I'm a damn fool! When I move about I'm a being and can talk sense. That's why I've got to move his body. My thought is a thing, and I'm not a being until I move. When I sit I'm a fool, when I move I have being - you've seen me with Ewan, to come as a being I must move; with Dawn I could be a fool for hours.
"Why do ghosts walk? The answer is in the Bible, that well-known phrase "To live and move and have being." They've got to, to be! To exist for more than a minute they've got to move.
"That is stability. Energy is kinetic, stabilized for the moment. The whole system moves to endure; the planets move to endure. That explains the movements of the mediums before a picture comes.
L. H.: "The energy of being?"
Walter: "That's it! We move, everything moves - civilization moves forward; if it stands still it perishes; everything that does not move is dead. There I am! When I get going I'm worse than a two hour preacher. I know those English people think that I'm a fool, but I can't help it. There are such tremendous crosscurrents in that circle that I can't do a thing. I'm like an alchemist trying to produce the gold. I may get only a bit of silver. Oh, there are so many things wrong ..."
[Re Crookes in England - March 9, 1933 - cross-correspondence. M. L. H.]
"When's ham going to start on his book? I don't want him to go on until he gets so scientific that nobody can understand him. If it wasn't for your balance he'd get so scientific he couldn't understand himself! What's the matter with father? He's all right! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!"
Geley: "I come, my colleagues. Let us continue with our conversation regarding a controversy of my colleague, Schrenck-Notzing and the spiritist hypothesis. That is where we closed last time, so we commence where we left off. Most certainly my colleague, the Baron, would say today that he stopped at the threshold, the border of his convictions. He went that far. Beyond that, he felt that it was not correct to form a definite hypothesis that spirits could communicate. He tended to favor the theory that it was part of a supernormal faculty of the instrument.
"In various experiments with these people he felt this to be true because of his personal observations on the medium.
"The work of Madame Bisson, shows a supernormal picture of Alexander Bisson, her husband. He worked, before he passed away, with Madame Bisson. He worked not long then passed over and they took supernormal photos of Alexander Bisson with Eva C.
"It had a plane effect but when compared with an ordinary photograph it was found to be different. Pictures were made also of the President of the United States, and a photograph of the newspaper again was different. It looked like a photograph, but there was a difference.
"Don't mistake me, my colleagues. I believe that photograph genuine. It had a plane effect but was not necessarily fraudulent. Such a supposition would be unfair, and from the evidence given, absolutely unjustified. But there are features of the photograph which make it not like yours. Wherein does the difference lie?
"I want to discuss and compare those and yours for I think we could discover together something by a study of the photos of Alexander Bisson in the phantasmal state and of President Wilson and your pictures and the types of screens which must be employed. And there must be a tangible difference which must be explained.
"Now, my friend, the photo of Alexander Bisson has no depth; it has the flatness of an astralization. It has a plane-ness of a photograph with the characteristics of an astralization - an astralization on a plane screen.
"Yours is not an astralization. It is a materialization on the screen with depth, height, breadth, length, with every known feature of the normal body. This Bisson looks like a picture stuck on with a net over it.
"I am afraid I have tired him, but I will come back to talk to you about meta-psychics."
Arthur: "Hello, mother! Hello, Margaret! Your atmosphere is awfully good tonight, quite calm, no noise or bustle. It's so quiet and restful that even the mice won't wake up! That's as long as I can stay; my message is more personal than vital. I hope my message will be vital someday. It is hard for me to give evidence since I've spent such little time with you - not evidence that could be used with others. It is a big question, that's why I am not trying to be a witness but simply a communicator; but I hope someday to be a control worthy of the family. Family means a lot and so does a name or what's back of it and we stand behind our names. Its our standard and it's up to us to hold it high, and so I am going to do that as much as I can. Give my love to all that are away - my brothers and my father, and good night and God bless you."
Robert: "I am here now. I thought I'd let the wee lad through; he was working for me and rubbing off the coarseness left by the other control. Not the coarseness exactly, but a different sized screw. He bores a new hole for me.
"Vailima - do ye ken the name? It's where I was. Do ye ken it now? And there were three of them. That's funny. Let's see, one-two-three from that end and one-two-three from that end, and they're mixed, too.
I'm feeling fine. I'm sitting down here beside ye and I'm talking to ye. Supposing we just have a talk about something we like. You know, I was fearfully worried about the ...There's a lot of trouble here. It's a sin and we're going to pray for it. You know it was only this morning that they got one of the boys down in the bush. I wrote a letter and sent it away telling my friend about it. Of course, I haven't got a letter about it. Pretty soon he'll answer it, in a month or so. He's a good friend of mine and these boys down there, you know, they were such clean chaps and their women were such free, frolicsome, gay, happy creatures, and now they've got the ugliness and squat stature, something you don't want to touch about them, and it comes from rubbing shoulders with us."
"'From Greenland's icy mountains to India's coral strand' ... 'Where every prospect pleases and only man is vile' ... Where every prospect pleases and now is man vile!
"It's awful when white hands leave dark stains. It's hard to believe that the gods destroy and worse still, that the gods corrupt. Corruption's what they've done here. They've sold their natural heritage, they've bartered it for a mess of worms which eat out their vitals.
"We bring the religion for their souls, whips for their backs. It's not a very pleasant thought to me as a member of the race of gods to think how we've put the mark of our foot indelibly on the open faces of those who crawled to our altar. They brought with them childish offerings - flowers, fruits, white sand, blue seas, coral reefs, sunny skies, songs of birds, and innocent lives, all wrapped in a basket of faith, and we caressed them with our white hands and left the mark not unlike the mark of Cain indelibly on their faces and on the race."
[Very evidential. R. L. Stevenson was very bitter about missionaries ...]
Don't you like the name Fanny? It's a good name. Oh, I'm doing well the night, extremely well, on account of the good atmosphere. I'll come and talk about Fanny and three and tell you their names next time. It's a pleasure to come. Good night."
Again in a few moments of general conversation in which, in answer to a question from L. H., Stevenson told us that the material he was dictating was all prepared as was his earlier work with Elizabeth M.
Sterge returned, talked a few minutes on subjects relative to
work in other groups and then said "Au revoir".
Arthur came back, talked for a while and brought the sitting to a close.
Sitting concluded at 8:40 p.m.
March 10, 1933.
Extracts from message is received through Mrs. Grace Cook.
(Partly in trance) "He (Arthur Conan Doyle) keeps saying to me "Winnipeg." There is something going now in Winnipeg which I, (A. C. Doyle) am corroborating.
He is speaking of Walter. I (A. C. Doyle) have just come from Winnipeg. Make note of the date (March 10, 1933, 10:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.). There is some demonstration in Winnipeg on this date. Tell them I am so glad we succeeded in the experiment. There is cooperation - Myers, Crookes, Walter, and somebody else. There is a big "S"; he has been speaking; then he (A. C. Doyle) says "ask them how they liked my voice."
"Victor helped a lot. No one knows anything about this yet. There was something wrong with the light; the light tubes are not quite right yet, tell them . Crookes will bear me out in this. Ask them what they thought of the group - something in the group of three."
"This all refers to an experiment and manifestations that have taken place over there tonight. There is an attempt at cross-evidence, which will be conclusive." He keeps talking about Victor, who has been such a help, and our old friend Walter.
He has a great deal to say about America; but has only just started:
"But I go from America to Sweden; there is something in Sweden I want to put across." (those are his words). That is enough now. He keeps on about Crookes and Katie King. He makes a joke - "and don't forget our friend, Houdini."
"Can you understand a thing which looks like a ruler but which comes to pieces? It has many parts, and something in it."
March 15, 1933. .
Full Group.
A teleplasm will appear in three more sittings. (Sitting March 17 and March 19. Feather on cabinet wall, March 22.)
Usual E.M. scripts and visions.
Doyle/Mercedes: "Sing for me "the Earth Hath Felt a Quickening Breath" ... I am sorry; sometimes when I look down on the material plane and see my people at war with each other; those I sacrificed and worked for when I was there. They need a leader, and if I could manifest I would take a medium and still lead them. But it is a difficult and hard proposition ... to give evidence so that survival may be manifest. Proof is coming, and those who are your enemies cannot dispute Walter."
Mercedes (later): "There is to be another writing tonight."
Walter/Ewan: "You people have such a habit of getting me here that I find it very difficult to stay away - that is, joking apart. I can hardly keep away because I have established such good channels; and if I give it away I will have great difficulty in coming again. You will get more writing when I can control myself better. We have some materializations nearly ready ... just a few more sittings. The writing is going to commence. Place Mercedes on Dawn's left, Ewan on Dawn's right. Hamish (Dr. J. A. Hamilton) is not to be moved. Get Jimmy to come in. Keep the group of five, including your lady, for a little while after the big circle closes. I want to get better control of Ewan."
March 17, 1933.
Notes mislaid.
Mercedes; Dawn; J. A. Hamilton; T. G. H.; L. H. Jack MacDonald; T. G. H.; L. H. M. L. H. (recorder)
Walter came at once and in answer to our questions as to how he came so soon, he said that he had been waiting around and that he heard the discussion we had had at dinnertime. He said further: "The scientific stand is the significant stand; I want you to stay scientific, for a time at least. When are you going to write your book? When you do, I'll write a review for it and they'll put it among the book "refuse".
"By the way, you're going to get an awful shock from him in a week or so; he is going to be talking to a public you do not want him to."
T. G. H.: "Over the air?"
Walter: "Yes. Can't you buy him off or something? Don't worry, I was just joking."
A few more remarks of a jocular nature and Walter goes and Arthur comes.
Arthur: "Hello, mother, hello, Margaret, hello, dad. I'm getting through better. There, that's better now! I'm becoming quite good at it. I can come fluently. You see, we put Walter through the first and then I come through to clean up. I'm a street cleaner, just a wiper. I'm not a snake-in-the-grass. I'm just a wiper. Tell Jimmy I can make better puns than he can. Sit back, Dad, you'll wear yourself out listening like that. There, that's better. Save yourself."
"I think the foremost and best thing I do is to work for you.
"I have nothing to tell you until I have served and worked. You can't be told things, you have to work and strive until you have translated things into your being. So what I'm learning to do is to get that sense of knowledge that makes the master craftsman in whatever line they choose.
"You see, I've been over here a comparatively long time but there is much I want to know. I'm going to make a study of communication. It is a field that is tremendous in its scope. There are many here that are interested, particularly a splendid group of men.
"But tonight I was with you when you were dining. I stood there thinking of communication, of the strangeness and of the miracle of it. And I thought of mediums, that is, controls to you. We have an instrument which is sometimes good, sometimes poor. We have our instrument in a coma and we work with a mental force.
"It is a tremendous feat and little wonder that the communication is so often poor with so much that is of little value; little wonder that there is so much criticism.
"Nonetheless, communication is a fact, and moreover it is becoming an increasing factor in men's lives.
"Evil exists here. It does exist; it is a power. It is often ignorance, and to say that ignorance is innocence, is wrong. Ignorance is often evil, more broadly evil perhaps because ignorance does not know good.
"Uncle John is here and says I should be a preacher. Oh yes, he's fine. He was laughing at me just then and thought I should be a preacher. Uncle Rob is behind uncle John. Now I'll go and I'll say bye-bye in case I shouldn't be back. Goodbye mother, goodbye Margaret, goodbye Dad."
Sterge comes at once, almost without any perceptible delay.
Sterge: "It is I, Sterge. Yes, they (Arthur and Walter) are my coworkers. My instrument is in much better shape tonight; and when you sharpen his wits before hand, it is better for me." "
There is a little talk about the discussion we had prior to the sitting, about the latest criticism of T. G. 's press articles, and Sterge further says: "The best things you can have are perfectly useless attacks. These prepare you to meet the attacks of the truly great."
Sterge slips away and gives place to Robert. We greet him, and T. G. H. remarks that he met a man today whose name was 'Stevenson' and who came from Ayr.
Robert: "Aye, did ye? And where did Sydney Colvin come from? I ought to know, I wrote lots of letters to him. Now, that's very silly to put that in there. Aye, I was good at letter writing. It's one thing I enjoyed doing. My friends had to read my writing, even if my public would not. Ye ken my novels are more my imagination and the letters are myself."
"Ye ken Robert Louis Stevenson? That's the name. And do ye ken the mining fields? And do ye ken the Missis? And do ye ken me well out there and with the three kiddies and we were stranded. We were flatter than the prairies. I was kind of like a sissy, I could not do a thing. Kind of like one of your patients, doctor. But she was good. I felt it keenly that we had to ask for money, but I was as stranded as a man on a desert island with his hands tied"
"Ye ken that Nevada was a great place for silver in those days. And there were such fantastic names - The Big Bear, The Lucky Strike, The Three Peaks, Frying Pan Tim's Treasure, The Two Bears, Jim's Hole, Little Lake Mine - it was a grand time.
"And then there was the gold rush, when men came with plans to shake the dust out of California. Those were grand stirring days!"
The medium sighs, mutters "Musty, musty, musty" to himself, and then says loudly "Kerstie! Kate! Oh! Oh! Oh!. His feet are heard stamping very deliberately five or six times and he says: "The stairs! The steps came -!" He pants, says: "Oh! Oh! - it was the master himself! Oh! O-h!" He is silent for a minute, then breathing changes into something like an animal breathing.
T. G. H.: "He (the medium) has relaxed now. He was very rigid before. He is taking my pulse now; he is percussing my chest. He is examining my eyes and trying my patellar and elbow reflexes. He is pinching the back of my hand. He is feeling my temples. He puts a paper on my hand - a test for coordination. He is looking into my mouth with his hand on my cheek. He examines my ears. He is twitching my fingers, trying my palmar reflex. He is patting me on the shoulder."
The medium then says loudly, forcibly: "Hair or hide of me you'll never see again!" (Then as in fear - "I won't yield to it again! I won't! I won't!"). His breathing becomes heavy and rough and quickly changes into a snarl.
T. G. H.: "He is taking me by the throat as if to strangle me."
The medium drops back into his chair as if exhausted, and Robert speaks: "Oh, that was awful hard! It was a pantomime. It was no' very easy. It was dangerous to try, but as long as you stayed stable and did not get frightened it was alright, though it might have upset the conditions."
Arthur: "Hello, mother, I'm back. It was necessary for me to come. I thought it would be. It's so much easier for me to smooth things because I'm less earthly. My emanations are not earthy, they are more emanations of the spirit, since my emotional development on earth, and the things that go with it, has been so little. My emotions are more pure. Therefore I am more tranquil. I flow through and when I have flown through I leave nothing for another control to combat. I not only clean up but I clear up. When a new control comes they often have to talk nonsense to established themselves against the conditions left by the control that has gone before. But here we use a different system. We clean up each time just as you clean up your surgical instruments after an operation, Dad. This is not the general system. It is a new technique developed by Sterge, who applied it and developed it through the opportunity that came by me. He said it was a rare opportunity. You see, you and I are bound so closely together. Perhaps it is fortunate that I came over when I did. Not only do I wipe out the channel, but I remove the traces from his (medium's) mind, so that even in the subconscious mind of the medium, it is forgotten. Not only in the main channel but in the tributaries is my work. There, I am going. Goodbye."
Sterge: "And here I am back again! We are interested in bringing the man whose initials are H. H., but it might endanger conditions in the sitting because, oh, there are so many factors in it. It will be such a hard struggle, and your conditions are so fine. We would like to bring him except that we do not wish to bring the highly spiritual men into contact with the highly practical man. I thought perhaps you were wondering why we have not brought him before."
A new personality makes itself known: "I speak from the other side coming through your instrument in the séance room I visited. I congratulate you on your enterprise, your constant devotion, and your clear outstanding manifestation of your work in the written word. (L. H. asks if it is Myers). No, I cannot claim to be Myers. I regret, my hostess of the past, but he is beyond. I hail him as a scholar and a gentleman. I doubt you had the privilege of meeting him. I have had the privilege of meeting you. To know you is a sincere pleasure and gratification. It is gratifying to see the reward you reap as the result of genuine painstaking labor. Constant scrutiny of your work must be tiring, yet do not despair. Constant scrutiny is annoying, yet it is something we cannot dodge. Once we take an irrevocable stand we must face it. We face it with you. God bless you and keep you and aid you. May I add my small contribution? Doyle is the name."
Arthur: "I am back; but I won't take long to clear up after this man. There are others waiting, but I think Sterge will not allow them to come tonight. I can see him with that look in his eye which betokens "enough".
We must allow always for the subconscious of the medium. It is in all of these messages you get - at least 30%. It is perhaps lower in this medium, but it is there. Yes, a good percentage of the message is from the subconscious. The ideas are ours, but the deliverance is from the medium's subconscious. That is why a good vocabulary is a help. The design is ours, but the bricks are the medium's. And naturally, we have to submit to an un-shapely brick one and off-sized one. Sometimes the subconscious word-order is what we have to combat. I wanted to tell you this, for I am often closer than the rest. Now I must go. Good night."
Sterge: "I think we had better close now, so we will say 'Au revoir".
March 19, 1933.
Full group.
Last Hayward attendance.
The High Priest speaks.
March 22, 1933.
Dawn; Mercedes; Mr. Reed; J. Hamilton; L. H.; H. Green; T. G. H.; Ewan; Dawn; Mercedes; T. G. H.; H. Reed; J. A. Hamilton.
Haywards now absent.
Confusion lessens.
"Feathery Teleplasm" L. H. (Mercedes)
Dawn and Ewan greatly distressed just before the signal is given for taking the photograph.
Mercedes gives the signal.
The "Feather" teleplasm was said by the controls to be merely a "trial teleplasm" in preparation for the next important materialization (see that of April 23, 1933.)
[Photo of "Feather Teleplasm" , March 22, 1933.]
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Evolution of the Race
of the personality
of ethics
of morals
The intrusion from the beyond into the field of creation.
Psychical experiences of ancient history.
Trance - the channel of influx for man's guidance
The idea of a dual life
Illustrates establishing the argument for psychical theories
Historical Background
Mythology rich in stories that are so often looked upon as the wild imaginations of some fertile fancy.
Man has always been fond of entertaining himself with such stories; he has a natural appetite for them. He has compared them with incidents in his own life and by a certain percentage of parallel worked out they have been approved and accepted as presenting something true to life.
Thus, tradition has been enriched with things which contained a sufficient amount of truth to warrant preservation in folk-lore, in mythological story, or in the more permanent writings of the classical authors.
While the beauty in these things has been appreciated down through the ages and given permanence for that reason, in part; it was not considered that for the most part these records were anything more than metaphorical records, if indeed they did have any origin in fact.
The problem of survival
The various stages of creation
Marked by intrusions from the unknown
Moral Laws
Information from supernormal sources
Directing intelligences to life
Persian religion
Moses and survival
The Babylonian Captivity
The Christian Era and teachings.
Psychical Phenomena affected by:
Electrical Condition of the air
Behold a stranger at the door, Tune
St. David by Rhys Thomas.
Receive the Kingdom as a little child.
The teaching in various parts of the world varies. Each child receives accordingly its outlook upon life and life's environment.
The evidences are variable and by each the appropriations made are those which appeal to himself or herself. Each may become satisfied from different evidences.
It is a variable life we live, and to meet the individual case the selections are made from the available but variable evidences.
We have therefore a Kingdom without a country and without a special people, since the truth is for all. I am a part of all that I have met and my foundation in faith is built upon all that I have seen and in one way or another have experienced.
It matters not the height that is obtained but it does matter the obliquity or the uprightness. All things must be plumb and on the square in order to avoid faulty construction and instability.
Scottish Rite Masonic Lodge.
Rose Croix
Difficulty of approach by the public to any new line of thought in regard to Nature.
Masses are frequently against a seeming innovation.
When Emotion ruled it was very dangerous to venture into new things.
When Reason is in control it is Safe and Research becomes both a duty and a pleasure.
Majorities do not count in Science. The whole world may be against one and yet that one right.
Bigotry however plays a large part in the minds of many people.
The Sentiment and Habit for Religious exclusiveness compels many to unreasonable action.
Psychical matters are difficult to show to people, hence hard to establish in the presence of many witnesses.
Mediums are few of the rarer types and equipment and assistance is difficult to secure.
Training of Mediums is slow and tedious and incompatibilities between them are common.
Conditions under which the phenomena occur are peculiar and require much special apparatus and preparation and technique.
The laws under which these things are produced.
March 24, 1933.
Jack MacDonald (medium); T. G. Hamilton; Lillian Hamilton; Phyllis Playford; Margaret Hamilton (recorder).
Teleplasm on cabinet wall. Exposure signaled by new control
through Mercedes.
Sterge speaks, then Walter, then Robert. Robert pretends he is an old man home from the sea - wants to pawn his watch. He gives a dramatic imitation of Treasure Island incidents. Says he will try to come back with a little bit of original work later.
Arthur: "This is Arthur. Hello! I know all of you. I'm doing the work of cleaning out again tonight. When they leave any traces of their personality I come to take them away. I am perhaps not so tangibly connected with the physical since my stay with the physical was so short. It seems strange ... Do you remember , Mr. MacLachlan? Do you remember ... oh, dear me, I can't think of his name now ... I'm staying a bit longer because I relax him (the medium)."
Sterge attempts to write his real name. (See original notes.)
Sterge: "Gentlemen, H. H. could come if it is all right. After he is gone the doctor will put his hand on the head of the boy."
H. H.(Harry Houdini): "I got out of that slick! You couldn't hold my hand. I am coming with the help of your son. I am controlling the body, he is controlling the speech for me. There! There! There! Nobody cares about me coming back but those who want satisfaction ... coming back is a combat ... to combat a proportion of the people I convinced. But too bad I convinced important people. That's an important thing. I convinced a committee but not with malevolent intent. I convinced a portion of the people, but with just intent. Important people, I feel, must be told ... important people render their thoughts permanent. I can speak better when my vocal chords are better. Nobody tells me what to do but your boys thank you for him. My friends ... in your group help me. I convince my public, then I am finished. My salvation is to render back unto those I found fault with unjustly; to give my strength to those whom I decried. I am not defending myself. My experience, as your experience, has led me to believe what I believe. I admit to a frozen attitude at the last but I believe I was open at the first. My frozen attitude came because the frosts were frauds. I am stating that to you; it is entirely personal and confidential. It is nothing to aid your cause and only in defense of mine. I do not propose to put out any defense, except to you. I want to point out some of the things I couldn't help seeing. You can't play with muck and keep your hands clean. I did not feel it injustice under the name of genuine work to thieve from the public. I took from the public but never as a genuine psychic (?). I admitted trickery, I was a professional trickster. I can explain all later. Don't take me yet for gospel. (T. G. H. puts his hands on medium's head, this seems to help)
Arthur:" Thank you, Dad, that's all right. You needn't bother anymore; he's not as rough as he was the first time. But you see that there was a lot of me at first. When he put his hand down that's when the transition occurred."
T. G. H.: "Well, he's in real earnest."
Arthur: "Gee, he's got some swell tricks! He's alright though. There's someone else coming."
Control now changes, speaks with a firm voice, and a foreign accent that is quite different from that of Sterge.
Geley: "We were discussing Alexander Bisson's photographic work and the plane quality of the photographs of Alexander Bisson and Woodrow Wilson, and the work of Madame Bisson, carried on after Alexander Bisson passed on. Now I pointed out to you the different qualities of yours compared with them. The plane quality was due to a difference in screens. One photograph of Alexander Bisson has the quality of a dried leaf; your photographs have a live quality; like the moving picture, they are vital. But you will notice the lack of soul in Alexander Bisson and Woodrow Wilson. That is, they are not living, but are phantasms of the dead. Your pictures are of the living dead!
Now, about your photographs. I say they are the actual living dead, or crystallizations of the spirit form into the flesh form of the teleplasm; they are not faces that are incrusted there; but they are as a model - they were actually there. Were you to change the photographic plates every second the expression would also change because they live!"
Control changes: "Big man coming from old country. Feda speaking. Just jumped in."
Arthur: "Hello. It's me again. It's queer, but he's not in good form, but he gets flashes. I suppose he's mentally tired. There seems to be a strain on his forehead. Perhaps if Dad would put his hand on his forehead it would help. (T. G. H. does so). There, that's a lot better. I don't know what he has in his hands but I guess you could call them the "Medical Mitts". Medical Mitts and Healing Hands seem to go together."
Sterge returned, spoke on personal matters, and brought the sitting to a close.
March 29, 1933.
Mercedes; Dawn; J. Hamilton; T. G. H.; L. H.; Ada Turner. Jack MacDonald (medium); Lillian Hamilton; Margaret Hamilton (recorder)
Before the sitting commenced, the following message was spoken through the medium and recorded by Lillian Hamilton.
"I exhort you to give my message to the world. Greater love hath no man than the man who lays aside his friends for his beliefs. I preach Christ risen. I preach life eternal. You are ambassadors of the Light; I am an ambassador of the Life. The Light and the Life are one. Only by the Life shall we see the Light; and the Light emanating from that Life is Life Eternal.
"God bless you. Pray for strength to your minds and bodies and living words to your pens and fire to your writing."
Sitting commences at 8:19 p.m. After a moment or two Sterge takes control, speaks of conditions at the sitting, and then of his own condition:
"I was not particularly happy my last two years. I had cancer. It was rather a drag, both physically and mentally and a drag on my friends. Perhaps the thing you learn when you're like that is the control of the spirit. When things go our way we live with our feelings. But when you are sick you begin to live with your spirit and you begin to find out the great self that has been hidden under your feelings. But I am very happy now. France is a very happy country ..."