1931 - Apr 29 - Oct 18


Apr 29 - Oct 18

"... Since my return from New York, our work has been going very slowly through the difficulty of having meetings as often as should be held.  One of our greatest obstructions is the indifference of our most important medium.  She simply does not realize the importance of the work; and, not a few outsiders, who know somewhat of her part in the work, have caused a good deal of annoyance by attempting to secure her services for a price, and this has had an effect of producing a commercial side to the whole proposition.  We are very anxious not to vitiate the work by allowing that sort of thing to become a feature that the public might take hold of."

"Following my Toronto meeting, Dr. Harvey Agnew was pressed into giving a talk to the committees of Hart House, and in connection with that sent a number of questions to clarify somewhat the situation.  I thought perhaps you might be interested in these questions and answers and so am enclosing them herewith.  I have pleasure also in enclosing a copy of one of the last pictures we got.  It is a mass of teleplasm encasing the head of the medium.  We are also receiving a number of interesting deep trance automatic writings, and some of these I will be able to forward to you presently.  They are not yet in a condition to be available.  They explain, as told by one from the Other Side, many of the points that naturally arise; and, coming as they do in associations with so much other work that we know is true, they are particularly interesting, and, we feel also, very instructive."

[The following appears to be a copy of the Q&A's referred to above.]

In regard to your questions, I will answer as briefly as possible.

Q1.        Is teleplasm an actual material substance, and, if so, where does it come from, the medium or the group in the room?

A1.        The substance appears to take origin in the body of the medium but there is great reason to believe that others in the room are also contributors to its production.  This is probably largely a contribution of energy, although there are strong indications that body weight is lost not only from the medium but from the sitters as well, and this loss takes place in variable amounts, indicating that some lose much more freely than others.  We have weighed the various individuals before and after, and find these variable losses similar to the findings of Crawford and others.  Experiments to determine the weight of the teleplasm have been made by several experimenters and the conclusion is that the substance has actual weight.

Q2.        Have you ever tried to get moving pictures of the formation and disappearance of the teleplasmic mass?

A2.        The nearest we have had to moving pictures is disclosed in those photographs taken after a period of two minutes or so from the first photograph.  These show a residue remaining.  We have not as yet tried to get moving pictures but hope to do so by a series of rapid flashes and later by a continuous flash.

Q3.        If the voices which come through are actually from the dead, why is it necessary for them to voice their ideas in their native English or French or Hindustani?  Should they not be able to communicate in any tongue?

A3.        We must readjust our views of survival of personality to realize that the individual makes the transition without change in memory, personality, and character.  Memory naturally involves retention of the mother tongue.  While information does indicate that quite different methods of communication are made use of in the next state; nevertheless, the spoken language is theirs to use if they wish, and for communications sent to those remaining; it is the naturel thing that the Englishman speak in English and the Frenchman in French.  This is, moreover, the rational thing for them to do in view of a desire to successfully establish communication.

Q4.        Why do the teleplasmic bands have to go over the lid of the box to ring the bell - why not underneath the lid?

A4.        The teleplasmic bands do not show other than over the lid of the box.  The reason why I cannot tell.  If, what the control tells us is true, that one of these bands is positive and the other negative, and that the energy transmitted is something akin to an electric current, or a nerve current, we can perhaps use our own imagination to account for the actual ringing of the bell.  One thing is certain: about an ounce of dynamic force is required to depress the lid in order to make the bell operate.  The control distinctly insisted that the ..."                
[The paper is cut off here - not in a straight line]

... upon this teleplasmic cord.  We may theorize that it is by a push from above that the bell box lid is depressed and that the negative and positive are essential to establish an intermediary substance between the lid of the box below and a hand in another state of existence above, the intermediary being impermeable to both.  I suggest this in view of the fact that a quartz photograph taken at Crandon's did disclose a hand over, and apparently depressing the lid, of the box."

Q5.        Why is a cabinet needed in such experiments?

A5.        A cabinet appears to be suited for these experiments partly because the wood it contains seems to be a storage place for some form of energy involved in the production of these phenomena.  It is also a convenient way of guarding the medium who may be seated in it against any possibilities of interference from without.  The cabinet also is a convenient guard in table levitations and other types of phenomena of a physical nature."

Q6.        What happens to new born babies who have as yet developed no personality, when their lives are snuffed out, who have no memory of this world, no language, etc.?

A6.        It would appear that the main purpose of life on earth is to develop personality and that earth environment presents the best scheme for accomplishing this end.  Having been deprived of earth environment and experience, it would appear, from purporting information, that substitution for life experience can and is given, with the resultant development of personality and character.  This theory is not alone built upon assertions purporting to come from reliable sources, but it satisfies our idea of what might be termed an economy in creation, which takes care of life and development by substitutional experience when the ordinary channels for experience have been cut off.  The insistence of informants is to the effect that the care of infants, etc, is assigned to others who are specially adapted to develop in them that which is necessary for their progress.  This, of course, involves a theory with very many ramifications which I may leave to your own imagination to work out on the basis that everything works for the good of the individual and of all."

Q7.        How would you attempt to help a widow who has just lost her husband after a long period of illness and mental deterioration and who is inconsolable because she has no hope of finding him as he was before this devastating change took place?

A7.        In an illness which has resulted in mental deterioration we must realize not so much that the personality of the individual has gone wrong, but that pathological conditions have developed which made it impossible for that personality to function as it normally would.  The condition resultant upon illness must be considered, therefore, as a body disability and not as a disintegration of the personality; and while the natural body so damaged makes it impossible for the personality to express itself through that body normally, yet in the next state, when this defective physical machine is gotten rid of in the discard, another equipment supplied will be sufficient for function ..."

Script on April 29, 1931

"... In the spirit world, guides do not necessarily bear any relation to the mediums they controlled upon the earth.  There should be a distinction made between spirit guides and spirit guardians.  All mortals have their guardian angels, but all do not have a spirit guide helping them in the performance of a specific work.  Where there is a great love, however, between the guide and the medium, where both have suffered much, both growing mutually strong in sympathy and in faith, then the spirit guide becomes the teacher of the medium."

"And now, dear friends, see to it that you live such lives here on Earth as will bring you satisfaction in the hereafter."

"I have shown a glimpse of one side only.  There is another side.  I have (met) many who are dissatisfied with their surroundings, and they have to admit they are just what they have earned.  If you wish for happiness in the life to come, be honest, just, charitable and Christ-like in the earthly or rudimentary state of being."

Must be earned

Wisdom can be neither bought nor sold, but must be earned if it is to be possessed at all.  Without that requisite no spirit can pass beyond the sedimentary sphere.  All spheres, all states of being, exist in accord with God's government; otherwise the sedimentary sphere would be a hell or a curse.  Those who ascend to the sphere of knowledge carry with them a will power, and reflect it back through sympathy to the dwellers in the sedimentary sphere who have the same properties of intelligence and possibilities of progress as those who have advanced to the more exalted societies.  In this manner the sensitives of the lower become receptive to the influence of the higher; and in this manner, likewise they, inspired for the desire for knowledge (which nobler aspiring spirits have already obtained) receive, on entering the sphere of knowledge, a sensation of delight.
Here is Fruition

All below was growth and preparation.  Here is the bud, the blossom, the fruition of knowledge, with still grander prospects of golden fruit and grain upon the rising slopes that come in view.

All creation pulsates with life.  All things display an upward movement.  The birthplace of living things is as much in the spirit world as upon the physical globe."

April 29, 1931.                

9:29 p.m.        Dawn at table.  Writing under control.  Someone speaks through her: "Suppose we go to the end of the page tonight - I'm going to turn the page over.  Spurgeon wrote last time."

Dawn's control speaks of William (Crookes): "Sometime he will touch a spring and you will see a light.  Take note, for everything will be linked."

Interval of chatting on part of Dawn communicator.

9:47 p.m.        Writing starts again.  Elizabeth sees a white ball opening - a white form comes and goes.  A young woman, all in white - "It's Lucy!"

Lucy Sing softly "Angels That around Us Hover."
10:05 p.m.   Recorder (Dr. Bruce Chown) feels hand while the hand is writing.  He marked the  top of the page with initials B.C. and date in green.

10:20 p.m.   Second page marked at margin B.C.2 in green.

10:25 p.m.   Second page finished.  Control through Dawn: "Please have a sharp pencil point so I can write a little clearer.  Place the medium on her own seat (in cabinet) and take the water off the table.  Put the table in the center of the circle and let no one touch it after she gets up."

Ewan goes down on the floor.

Ewan-control: "Take watch; count about seventy.  That will do; raise him up; bring him so he can move himself.  Now (to Ewan), speak to your friends."

Voice through Ewan: "I am Walter Stinson speaking to you for the first time in my own vocabulary.  I am in complete charge of this boy's body.  I am about to begin a new phase with you, which I hope will be even more successful than the last.  How strange it is to see you all so a tentative to this wonderful gift.  Through much tribulation I have come at last to know those who are not to be trusted with work of such great importance.  I have selected each of you for personal reasons, my friends.  If there is anybody else you wish to suggest for inclusion, do not delay, for we must establish a closer correspondence with the sitters on our side.  I can manage with those here but another woman is desirable.  I'm afraid I shall now have to speak to you through Dawn - the power is failing."

Walter through Dawn: "If you have anyone you wish to introduce, do it within the next two sitting."

May 3, 1931.                

Dawn and Mercedes absent; the rest of the group present.

Usual Elizabeth trance and visions.

Walter speaks through Ewan: says it is awfully slow work, but that he is not going to leave until it is completed; it is the only way that he can succeed (referring apparently to his progression on his side.).  He says he needs all the sitters, but cannot do without the main mediums, Dawn and Mercedes.  He says Ewan has something about him that is connected with these two.  Asks how we like the drawing.

May 6, 1931.                

Dawn and Mercedes both present.  Walter makes preparations for giving another important materialization.  Lucy adds her pleading that we make every effort to be present, to carry out Walter's plan to full completion.

May 7, 1931.  

The mother of Walter and Margery joined their ancestors.  Walter, through the hand have Margery, wrote the following poem.  The time of writing was about five minutes on May 8, 1931.

                To My Mother

Her sunset's gone - it sparkled - died away
        The last sail furled for her within your view.
Your vigil done - you would not bid her stay,
        Rejoice with her for all  these things she knew.

Her quickening spirit has found release.
        The bars, that bound and held her there in pain
Have vanished as the shadows on the dunes,
        And she knows peace.

Lest ye forget - remember her brave smile
        As all her shore lights flickered one by one,
And, as dusk deepened with the ebbing tide.
        You would not call her back - she has gone on.

All this we tell you who have to stay
        Until the coming of another tide,
You'll see the passing of another day.
        Her life has just begun - the day she died.

Blinded by wisdom - query finds you dumb.
        The tide is fleeting for you all, my friends.
So live your life that when your challenge comes,
        'Twill find you smiling till the very end.

May 9, 1931

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Professor J. W. Melson - Toronto - Toronto University:]

        "... noted your comment on the "group" photograph.

"... it will require several days to prepare a full explanatory statement with the necessary photographs, I thought it advisable at this time to answer you briefly.  Misconceptions, if permitted to get abroad, are likely to become difficult matters to fight.

"... Your analysis of the light and shadow features in the group is quite in accord with the appearance of the photo in view of the usual facts one may acquire from interpretation of ordinary photographs.  But in this type of photo there are some unusual features that are confusing and have led to wrong conclusions.

"This "group" photo is without any shadow of a doubt a teleplasmic product, and not a group of pictures assembled or  "made up" to be photographed.  It is certainly a supernormal product.  This I can establish absolutely.

"It consists of a three-dimensional mass as you will clearly see when you view the stereoscopic copy.  I am convinced you will also find that the faces are also three-dimensional to the extent that they are materialized.

"The light and shadow effects are all explainable and consistent with the behavior of light when, as here, white teleplasmic masses in elevation are present at various points.

"You will perhaps recall some remarks that I made at the Academy meeting in regard to the highly actinic light emitted or reflected (which, I cannot say) by white teleplasm when it is subjected to flash light.  In the stereo views of the girl form upon the chair the effect of this light is clearly shown causing an unusual half tone to the girl's cheek at points adjacent to elevated margins of the surrounding mask, and also lighting the back part of the upper left arm of the medium where the body simulacrum of the girl from a distance of about two feet sends forward a flood of light.

"It is a similar combination of circumstances and conditions that have caused the seeming inconsistences in the light and shadow effects of the "group" photograph.

"... In closing, let me thank you for the frank statement in your letter.  It is only by getting down to facts that we can establish truth that makes for progress.  I will be glad to have your comments upon any other seeming inconsistencies as our whole group is interested in building up a solid body of scientific evidence and facts from these amazing phenomena.

        "... You will hear from me again shortly ..."

May 13, 1931.                

Walter speaks of the tremendous difficulties of their task in "breaking through."  Says we will understand when we "make the change."  He has great difficulty in getting Ewan to where he wants him. Gina claims to see Lucy come and go in the room. 

(Gina and Herling, two secondary mediums, present at this time.)

May 14, 1931

        By the Canadian Press

In an upstairs room of a private home at Winnipeg, experiments in psychic phenomena-recording are being made which rank with the greatest in extent and value in the world.  From an accidental start slightly more than a decade ago, the "explorations along the border" by the Winnipeg group have developed until they are commanding international attention.

A spokesman for the coterie of delvers is into the psychic is Dr. T. Glenn Hamilton, practicing surgeon, whose scientific work along psychic lines is a hobby.  "Many folks in the professions spend their spare time at golf, say, or bridge" comments Dr. Hamilton, "but I find as much enjoyment in these experiments."

Men and women well-known in Winnipeg are included in Dr. Hamilton's group.  Two others beside himself are practicing physicians, and several others are prominent in professional, educational and business circles.  For personal reasons and because the experimenters seek no acclaim for their work, the personnel and the achievements of the group are not made public.

An imposing battery of cameras is set up in Dr. Hamilton's laboratory and with them he has obtained photographs which stand as possibly the most imposing record of psychic phenomena.  The doctor, who has been a member of the Manitoba Legislature and of the Winnipeg School Board, has been successful in having well-known Winnipeg citizens present during the photographic notations of achievements in his observatory.

First association of Dr. Hamilton is with psychic work developed some 12 years ago when war-time literature tended toward the psychic.  Mrs. Hamilton accidentally noted that a little Scottish woman, friend of the family, was apparently "mediumistic".  Experiments which commenced as casual observations developed until they became serious endeavors to check out the exact nature of phenomena.

Work of the Winnipeg group, according to Dr. Hamilton, is exploratory endeavor "along the border lines" to determine the nature and cause and accompanying factors of psychic phenomena.  It interlocks, he points out, with practically every branch of science, and is inseparable from physiology, psychology and physics and from various theories on energy and matter.

"The work is particularly interesting scientifically," states Dr. Hamilton, "with relation to the questions of personality and consciousness.  It ultimately carries one into the all-absorbing problem of the survival of personality.  This is where it interlocks with religion, and where, due to misunderstanding, arises the feeling of religious opposition in some quarters to psychic research.

"It is a comforting fact that any deductions we are able to reach from our experiments do not undermine the great foundation principles of religion," Dr. Hamilton remarks.  "Instead, the results of our research tremendously substantiate religious principles, offering scientific explanations for a great many of the mysteries of faith.

"No idea of attacking religion impels our investigations," contends Dr. Hamilton.  We are merely attempting to open up by scientific pioneering a new field, which apparently seemed available.  It is interesting to note that our work has not been done with commercial or ready-made mediums, many of whom have been guilty of intentional faking in order to "make good" but we have always used private persons whom we found to be psychic."

Photography has been the basis of the observations of Dr. Hamilton's group.  In the little studio, lit only by two small red lamps, flash lights are taken of interesting views of telekinesis, such as table levitation; of teleplasm or ectoplasm, which is a medium of psychic expression; and of conditions of trance.

While the results of Dr. Hamilton's experiments during the last two or three years have been withheld in the main from the public, pending their presentation in the official and fully-prepared form, it is known that the Winnipeg group stands as the first to record photographically in ectoplasm the features of actually-known deceased persons.

May 16, 1931

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. R. A. Matters - director of a Psychological Research laboratory in Reno, Nevada.]

Mentions a mislaid letter and slow response by Dr. Hamilton.
"... I am interested in your remarks and would like to know more about the matter.  I have done considerable in the magnification of the negatives and have some work along these lines at present under way in the photographic department of a well-known Canadian University.  I have pleasure in enclosing herewith two prints and will be glad of your opinion in regard to the same.

"... I may say that these photographs are positively free from any question of suspicion as it is conducted entirely under most exacting conditions and wholly under my own control, and there is no commercialism whatever associated with it.  You may find features which will require explaining, but that, of course, is to be expected.

" ... I have taken about three dozen different exposures.  Numerous cameras are used each time as a checkup on each other as well as to give various viewpoints.  The findings are particularly interesting in comparisons of the same products as recorded by several camera.  The plates used are any brand of high-speed portrait plate such as the Eastman Speedway, or films, either ordinary roll films or superspeed films.  Development is in the usual way.  Photographs are taken always by flash light and always on signal of the control.   Products recorded are always known to the control at the time of taking and in practically every case we are advised before the plates are developed as to what they will disclose when developed.  Frequently the photograph as recorded is seen by the naked eye and the dazzling whiteness of the substance is extremely impressive and interesting.

May 19, 1931

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. Harvey Agnew - Toronto:]

Cigar box of negatives sent to Dr. Agnew have been received - thanking for acknowledgment. 

        Dr. Melson is mentioned - something is not understood.

"... It is a curious thing that in psychical research we find a disposition on the part of the great many to try to locate fraud in the phenomena rather than to get down to business on the phenomena themselves.  I may say I sent these pictures and negatives to Toronto realizing fully that they would be analyzed critically, but the phenomena themselves, the actuality of the pictures, the conditions under which they are taken, are all absolutely free from any chance of deception.

"... I note in your letter that Professor Anderson is under the impression that the face of the half figure on the chair is not in three dimensions, his observations being based upon a stereoscopic photograph.  This is one of the photographs which I sent Professor Melson.  I think, in view of Professor Melson's letter and my reply, it is well that I enclose you a copy that you may understand the situation.  This photograph upon the chair has confusing highlights upon the cheeks, etc., which, to a considerable degree, damage the stereoscopic features.  This you will realize from the letter which I have addressed to professor Melson.  It is this same confusing state of primary and secondary shadows and highlights as a result of teleplasmic elevations that have led to the confusion in the mind of Professor Melson when he arrived at the opinions so emphatically expressed in his letter about the "group".

"... In regard to the pictures enclosed with the plates for Professor Anderson, I may say that I mailed a letter explaining certain details about the plates and instructing him that if he wished to retain the pictures among his collection of curious photographs, he was welcome to do so.  If he does not wish these, let me say that you are entirely welcome to have them for yourself; and, should they not be forthcoming, let me know and I will forward you copies of those you would like for yourself.

"... It is certainly interesting to note these various reactions.  It is an old story so often repeated, and I sometimes wonder why people who have spent a great deal of their life in study of a certain section or department of knowledge, do not realize that their own department, as a rule, gives them very little ground on which to express opinions upon other departments.  At any rate, we are not at all perturbed; but I may say in our hearts rather amused at emphatic statements which are so far from the truth and yet made, no doubt, in all sincerity and seriousness, but made as a result of a misapprehension of the situation being dealt with.

"... I am enclosing also several stereoscopic views for yourself.  These should be carefully cut, trimmed and reversed for mounting.  Have them dry mounted to preserve the gloss.  I would suggest you have this done by someone accustomed to stereoscopic work unless you are familiar with the matter.

May 20, 1931.                

[Note: Dawn is very angry with Mrs. Hamilton because she did
not attend a tea at St. Paul's Church to which Dawn had invited her.  As a result Dawn at first refuses to sit anymore, but is persuaded to come by Ms. Turner.  Lillian Hamilton goes to Victorino Beach for a holiday until the "storm" blows over.  Under these conditions the rest of the group meet on the date given above."]

Following the  E.M. phenomena and other clairvoyant descriptions, Walter speaks through Dawn: "You are all too tense - expecting something.  I can't hold my medium.  I don't think the cameras are quite right.  Only one will get my medium; the one in the corner.  I'm afraid it takes a great deal of ectoplasm.  It takes a long time to build up what I require - like a bee gathering honey - we are gathering in now.  Someone is getting very impatient on our side."

T. G. H.: "Is C. H. Spurgeon on guard now?"

Walter: "Yes; he doesn't like the picture coming through.  He thinks he has more important things he would like to give.  Be on time for the next sitting.

May 24, 1931.                

L. H. at Victoria Beach.  



"Two fingers in the hand" will appear.



"There is one hand on the medium's shoulder - the left shoulder."
(Flat hand (simulacrum) photographed on Dawn's left shoulder.)

A poor experiment  -  flat hand appears

Walter controls Ewan

8:52 p.m.        Circle begins.

E.M. trance and visions of Stevenson, Livingstone and others.

9:22 p.m.        Katie speaks through Mercedes: "Good evening.  Katie speaking.  It is some time since I have been here. What's the matter?  Conditions are all wrong.  Something the matter, an absence, (Lillian Hamilton still away) something is not quite complete.  I don't know, friends, what is Walter's intention.  I'm afraid he is not quite ready.  This piece of work may not look important, but your special work  most important.  That is why, friends, we are so particular.  I'll stand by friends.  I'm not going home."

Control speaks through Ewan: "Stand away; stand back please (speaking apparently to invisibles).  I can't manage it - I can't manage it.  Quick, quick, sing!" 

Control speaks through Dawn: "Good evening.  Go on singing."  

Control through Ewan: "Talk until I get my medium right under.  It's damnable hard work."  

Dawn control: "Who's to get the medal?"  
Ewan control: "Etheric medal.  We all deserve a medal if we get this thing through."  

Dawn control (sounds like Walter): "do you call this a thing?  A thing is something that crawls on the ground; change your vocabulary damned quick and change this medium damned quick.  What kind of a thing are you? (referring to Dawn's temperamental nature.) Too much Palaver; too much nonsense.  Do what you like; think what to say; and say what you think.  Is that right, Ham?  We've got some one called Bacon up here - Francis Bacon.  We have seen bacon - condensed bacon - smoked bacon. She (Dawn) has got a lot of funny habits."

Mercedes, Dawn and Ewan nonsense talk. 

 Walter: "One, two, three, fire!" 

Nonsense talk continues. 

Control speaks through Ewan: "We will give you the photograph when we have completed our work. Tell him (T. G. H.) that faith is a great deal.  He must have courage; and what is more, nothing can be done if you are faint-hearted.  Courage to go on; there is nothing to fear; I can go to other work that is calling me."  

Ewan, who appears to be under great Emotional stress, collapses on the floor.

Katie speaks through Mercedes.  Dawn is heard pounding her feet.  Clairvoyants see many lights.  

Katie: "Cords are communication lines between our sitters and your sitters."

Period of nonsense talk to break down tenseness. 

Lucy speaks: "I am not often angry but tonight ... I lay the fault at the door of the mediums.  They should be prepared to do as they are told."

Walter through Dawn: "When you have tightened bands we cannot remove them .  We may be able to speak, but we cannot work miracles.  When you come here you will see the difficulties.  If you do not give yourself freely and willingly we are unable to do those things which to most are impossible.  It has been many centuries that those who have made the change and have been trying to communicate - greater strides are still needed to allow us to get through to you completely.  The medium tried to prevent herself from going under control.  The millions of faces that press forward!  If you could see you would realize our difficulties.  The channel is weak and the forces disturbed.  We will have to build up again - but some day these (the difficulties) will pass away.  The work you're doing will live on and on through the centuries."

When you make the change you will find the channel of service ... lately the Dawn channel has been closed.  I have been trying very hard to produce ectoplasm from some other medium."

Ms. Turner tells T. G. H. that Dawn says she will not come again.  T. G. H. is surprised and distraught.  Lucy explains that the three mediums are necessary - Dawn, Mercedes, and Ewan.  Walter is very sad.  He says that they cannot find anyone to take her place.  Her friends are agreed.  Miss Turner suggests that "David" (Harold's control) talk to Dawn.

Walter through Dawn: "Excellent suggestion!  I will not control her.  I will hold others back."

Ewan control: "I can assure you your medium will be here.  Two fingers in the hand - that is all I can tell you - it has something to do with the work that your friends are engaged upon - it is something important.  That is what he wanted me to tell you, - those two fingers - that is what he saw.  You will get your savior - ".

Walter through Dawn: "I'm glad he is so confident.  The two fingers - he should have said the two hands.  There's one hand on the medium's shoulder - the left shoulder.  A little bit of ..."

[Note: At this time Dawn was emotionally very upset.  L. H.]

[A small photo of Dawn with the 'hand' on her left shoulder.]

[The photos - three views - no captions: All three of Dawn with the 'ectoplasmic hand' on her left shoulder.]

May 26, 1931.

                TRANCE VISION

W. B. Cooper - "Victor" in the Hamilton séances, reports:

"On the evening of Tuesday, May 26, having retired about 11 p.m., I became conscious of a trance vision on toward morning, of which the following record is an account.  This record was made on May 28, 1931.  While these visions appear as very vivid panoramic dreams, they generally register on my memory sufficiently strongly to remain for a long time.

"I found myself seated upon a stone bench in a garden.  Behind me a steep rising hill was terraced into approximately seven steps, all of which were set out in beautiful foliage and flowers.  In the foreground, my attention was arrested by the beauty of the garden and the lawns to the right and to the left; through which, from left to right, there flowed a stream of crystal clearness, beyond which lay rising hills; and farther in the distance, and shrouded in blue haze, were to be seen a group of mountains.

"Within this garden foliage and flowers of every hue were arranged artistically in beds distributed here and there over the lawns.  The lawn was traversed by various pathways which led here and there between the beds of flowers.  About 100 yards distant from me, through the lawn, flowed the Crystal River about fifteen to twenty yards in width, and with its water level about one foot below the level of the ground.

"I was aware that beside me on the bench there was a person; and presently, upon looking at him, I recognized one of the trance personalities well known to me as Sterge.  With him I engaged in conversation.  I do not remember the gist of our conversation, but recall that Sterge told me he was going to take me to the home of a friend of ours whom I knew.  He did not, however, reveal his name.  He also stated that his friend's home was upon the mountain side in that range visible in the distance.  We then walked along the path beside the stream; and about hundred yards down, came to a beautiful bridge entirely covered with foliage and flowers over its rustic framework.  We crossed this bridge and a pathway ascended the slightly sloping ground upward.  We had not walked very far when I felt my feet leaving the ground; and I floated through the air swiftly, all the time rising to a higher altitude.  On looking around I perceived that Sterge was still by my side; and he assured me that there was nothing to fear, and that he would look after me.

"Very shortly we arrived at an elevation over the distant hills, and a great mountain range, previously referred to, came fully into view, standing out in glorious splendor against the sky.  The mountains were now more clearly than ever, seen to be enveloped entirely in a beautiful blue haze and I noticed, slightly to my right, was one mountain, standing rather apart and seeming more prominent by reason of its being separated from the range.  Although we were still a great distance away I could make out minute details of the trees which covered this entire range, and which were interspersed here and there by beautiful palaces.  The lone mountain gradually came closer and closer.  We were at a very high altitude over the outlying hills around us.  Although there was no sense of traveling or movement through space; yet I noticed that the lone mountain was rapidly approaching, enlarging every second, as indeed was the whole mountain range.  The swiftness of our approach was not apparent, in spite of the long distance, by reason of our altitude.

"Eventually I lost sight of the contour of the mountain we were approaching, and as we came in more closely to its side, halfway up the ascent I noticed a beautiful palace or castle with a large square tower in the center.  The building itself appeared to be triangular, with a square tower placed centrally, which was surmounted by battlements.  We both approached this tower and landed upon its.  Sterge then said to me: "Well, how did you like that?"  I stated that it was very delightful.

"We then entered the door to the stairway of the tower, and proceeded to ascend, and Sterge again remarked: "I am afraid that our friend that we have come to see, is not here."  This was verified when we had inspected the beautiful palace, which was very extensive, consisting of large and beautiful rooms with luxurious furniture.  We passed along a large hallway at the end of which was a magnificent marble stairway, ascending to an open archway above.  At the foot of the stairway were to be seen two beautiful statues of adults, a male, and a female, one on either side.  We entered this archway, into another large room with windows on three sides.

"This room was filled with scientific instruments and equipment of various forms - globes, tubes, seeming to be of glass or crystalline material.  These were arranged on tables along the walls and in the center of the room.  I realized that I was in a well-equipped laboratory.  Although I did not know who the owner might be, I seemed to come to an emphatic realization as to who he was.  I asked Sterge who owned this place, and he replied that I would know in due time.  He said further that the owner had purposely absented himself from it for a specific reason.

"After viewing this room and its equipment, we then proceeded to large French doors on the opposite side of the room, to extensive lawns in terraced formation on the mountainside.  The palace appeared to be built on a plateau.  Having viewed the ground, we reentered the building by another route beneath the main tower.  We walked up the steps again to the top of the tower, and Sterge informed me that he would bring me back here at some future time, when the owner would show me the results of some experiments in his laboratory. He gave me to understand that it would be a revelation to me, far beyond the experience of coming to this place.  I then awakened to find myself in bed with the twilight of the early dawn coming in through the windows."

[ Photo of flat hand simulacrum of May 29, 1931 ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

June 1, 1931

[A handwritten letter from Dr. T. I. Brownlee of Russel, Manitoba - requesting a lecture in Russel on July 22, 1931.]        

June 3, 1931.                        

W. B. Cooper; Gordon Chown; T. G. H.; Mercedes; Ada Turner; J. A. Hamilton; W. E. Hobbes; H. Green; Mr. Ginn.

Dawn absent.

June 7, 1931.        .                

Mr. Hobbes; J. A. Hamilton; H. Green; Anna; Mr. Reed; T. G. H.; Mr. Ginn; Ada Turner; W. B. Cooper;.  Teleplasmic hand on the shoulder.

Dawn absent.

June 8, 1931.                        

Mercedes; W. B. Cooper; Mr. Hobbes; Mr. Reed; Dawn; Ada Turner; Mr. Ginn; Gordon Chown; T. G. H.; H. Green; 

Dawn present.

Walter speaks through her (Dawn) as usual.  He is very jolly and tries to cheer everybody up.  He appears to be working and "building" as usual.

June 10, 1931.                        

Teleplasmic letters FLAMMARION



Walter states that he has written a name on the back of the cabinet.

(See teleplasmic letters  F-l-a-m-m-a-r-i-o-n)

8:59 p.m.        Circle begins.

9:15 p.m.        Lucy leads in singing a hymn.

9:16 p.m.        Clairvoyant sitter sees a pile of white stuff in the middle of the room.

9:17 p.m.        Control speaks through Ewan and asks if everything is ready.  clairvoyant says pile is getting bigger.  Auxiliary medium (Gina) shaking and gasping.  Auxiliary medium Ewan breathing heavily.  Black Hawk speaks to him and says all is well.

9:27 p.m.        Ewan changes places with Dawn. (This places Ewan in the cabinet and Dawn to the side.)

9:29 p.m.        Ewan gasping.  Auxiliary (Gina) in trance and making chewing noises.

9:33 p.m.        Ewan rubbing hands.

9:41 p.m.        A voice through Ewan: "I am here to give you a message of good tidings.  Where is death's sting?  We are the dead and we have come among you.  We are those who have gone.  We are here, a great company, those who have eternal life.  We have ordered all things for you.  We have planned and labored that you might know; that to you the truth may be known.  

They sing one verse of a hymn. Group sing: "Abide with Me."

Walter: "Would it be possible to fire one camera?"

T. G. H.: "No.  All are open."

Walter: "Could you close all but one?  I have written a name on the back of the cabinet and I want you to take a flash to see if it came out all right.  I think one (camera) would be sufficient; it is not at all important, but I meant it for an experiment for something else I am doing, and I want it done quickly."

T. G. H.: "I will use three cameras."

Walter: "Put the medium's heads right down."  T. G. H. does so.  Fires flash.

Walter: "There is a great deal of electricity in the air; I don't want to use a great deal up with electricity in the air.  I want a final picture sometime, and I want it complete without break or flaw, and recognized by the world without any criticism, and so we will sit again as soon as possible.  I am leaving it (the invisible structure, apparently) standing.  I would like no interference with the cabinet or the chairs that sit here.  Sit with as few clothes as possible.  I will give the signal: one, two, three, fire.  There can be no mistake.  What say you, Lucy?"

Lucy: "They cannot go wrong."

Control through Ewan: "I want you to break up quickly; the conditions are good and we want them  to remain so."

Voice through Mercedes: "There is no King but the great King.  And none of us have seen Him but He has many messengers, stewards and ambassadors.  Once you pass the borders of the City Celestial you do not return to the earth plane; you have finished your work and you are fitted to enter ..."

Voice through Dawn: "I am hungry."

Voice through Mercedes: "Is company expected?  The table is spread.  They are waiting.  The Round Table of King Arthur.  All men drink; they raise high goblets.  One is peculiarly shaped in the hands of Arthur.  It is taken from him by Pygmia; what does it mean?  Someone comes with a message on a salver.  The king is excited. "Knights, I must leave you.  Duty calls; I must go to protect my honor.  Give three cheers for me - and for the cause ..."

[Note: Two plates developed immediately after the sitting in the presence of Cooper, Reed, and Dr. Chown.  The name is that of Flammarion.]

[ Note by Dr. Chown: Mrs. Hamilton is of the opinion that "Arthur and the Cause" referred to Arthur Conan Doyle and Spiritualism.  Cooper (Victor) stated after the sitting was over that Doyle had been present and shaken hands with him. (Seen clairvoyantly.)]

[Photo of 'FLAMMARION" written in ectoplasm]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo of Flammarion from life ]

June 12, 1931.                

Gordon Chown; T. G. H.; L. H.; J. A. Hamilton; Hobbes; Ada Turner; Mercedes; Anna; Dawn; Gina; Mr. Reed; W. B. Cooper; H. Green; Bruce Chown (Secretary.).  

[Handwritten note:  "Dawn still emotionally upset. Very angry at Lillian Hamilton because Lillian failed to attend Dawn's church bazaar. -  L. H.]

The second Lucy series.

[ Photo of teleplasmic spots - measles ]

[ Photo of text ]

August, 1931 - November 27, 1931

Preliminary preparations for the second Lucy.

The second Lucy (a standing figure) is a materialization unique in the annals of psychic research.  Study the "cloud" and the "veil".

Walter calls for the flash.  Shortly after he speaks as follows: "I have dotted all her face, that is all.  She has got the measles, big ones.  It is only assurance I did not require."

Shortly before the sitting closed a control spoke through Ewan as follows: "Please come in the spirit of humility and with reverence.  Will you please come with awe in your hearts.  I do not intend that you should not be merry, or that you should fear, but come with understanding."

Walter: "Place three, perhaps two, large vessels of cold water in this room - not in the cabinet but anywhere out of danger.  We will give you the committee again - we will complete it.  Katie is a good scout.  She has been a great aid, I tell you."

[Three photos of Dawn with dabs of ectoplasm on her face - different views or enlargements.]

June, 1931


Local society for Psychical Study Formed

Dr. T. Glenn Hamilton is elected as the first president.

The Winnipeg Society for psychical research was formed Tuesday, by a group of Winnipeg citizens interested in the investigation of psychic phenomena.  Dr. T. Glenn Hamilton was elected the society's first president.

The aims of the society are to investigate scientifically all the phenomena generally termed "psychic."  This includes any influences which may be exerted on one mind by another through other than the recognized channels.  Clairvoyance, clairaudience, automatic writing, trances and many other similar phenomena will be included in the sphere of the new society's investigations.

The group has adopted a constitution similar to that of the British Society for Psychical Research, but is not affiliated with that or any other organization.

In addition to the President, the following officers were also elected: Vice-president, W. B. Cooper; Secretary-Treasurer, W.  A. Wither; members of the council, Isaac Pitblado,  K.C, LL.D; Dr. Bruce Chown, H. A. Reed, H.A.V. Green, W. Creighton, and Mrs. T. Glenn Hamilton.

July 15, 1931

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Miss Edith Day - Toronto:]

"... Your experience with automatic writing was quite in accord with similar experiences of others.  W. T. Stead's advice to you was no doubt good.  I fancy, from experience, that the great majority of people are ill-advised to attempt automatic writing alone.  Indeed, I think the conditions under which this phenomena occurs and especially the conditions of dissociation which sometimes appear to result, make it more inadvisable.                

"... In regard to your questions I would say that the object of our investigation was, in the first place, to determine the actuality of certain alleged physical phenomena.  This led on to a recognition of seeming personalities back of these phenomena, and this led to an insistence on the part of these unseen personalities that they were definite beings once incarnate and that they were engaged in trying to get to us, even as we were engaged, though at first unwittingly, in trying to cooperate with them.  They insist that the ultimate good of people from earth is one of the main objects for which they are striving and they have urged on numerous occasions that we should not give up as there are many things yet to be put through.  If the foregoing object is accomplished, then it emphatically establishes that the unseen is not wholly unknown as it has been considered by so many.

"... I cannot account for the appearance of the various people photographed except by giving you the explanation which they give us, to the effect that they know of this way "through" and are putting forward a number of the world's best-known characters that the world may thereby be the more emphatically impressed.  This matter will have to be dealt with at some length when our publication comes out.  In the meantime, however, let me say emphatically that we do not in any case seek those who came, but the group who purport to be cooperating with us on their side would appear to be working out their own plan in bringing forward and constructing the massive evidence which has now assumed such proportions that no reasonable person, knowing the facts, can arrive at other than the one conclusion.

"... You ask why mediums are so often illiterate.  May I say that mediums are not necessarily illiterate; and , while illiteracy is perhaps valuable in establishing the fact of ignorance to certain facts put through, we find that very highly cultured people, under careful development, may become highly valuable as mediums.  I am not in a position to disclose by the giving of names, but you would be surprised if you knew.  Nor are mediums necessarily good people.  Mediumship does not operate subject only to the influence of good but it may operate also subject to evil influences.  Indeed, that is one of the features to be feared in automatic writing.

July 27, 1931

[ Photo of script of W. T. Stead ]

August 11, 1931.                        

H. Green; Dawn; T. G. H.; L. H..  

Walter asks that sitters wash hands in cold water before entering séance room; loose clothing for all; better if feet also washed.

Some nonsense talk.  Spurgeon speaks.  Walter says there are many "Walters", intimating that many personalities operated under his name.  He states that our experimental room is held by them  to be a sacred place, as sacred as the highest church on earth.

August 18, 1931.                        

H. Green; Dawn; T. G. H.; L. H.; Walter makes further predictions as to his work. New "working controls" announced - Mark Richardson and James Hyslop.

Walter/Mary M.:  

"I will try to stand the next materialization by itself."

Controls state that there was a third face in the Raymond teleplasm.

Walter: "It was very unfortunate that the ectoplasm did not go high enough.  It is only by using the ectoplasm that we can make these things visible to you."

Walter intimates that they plan to produce drawings: "An artist will draw them  for you.  These will not be materializations, but mental pictures placed on paper."

Walter: "When you get the next materialization I will try to stand it beside itself, and not have any connection with the medium (Dawn) at all."

Walter speaks of Ewan as having to "... plunge into the torrents of a new personality", the personality purporting to be James Hyslop.

August 24, 1931.                

Dawn; Ewan; L. H.; T. G. H.

Walter instructs  T. G. H. to focus his cameras on Dawn's face, center of the cabinet.  He may have another medium in the cabinet as well.

September 9, 1931.        

Walter/Ewan:  "We are going to put through something unique."

Present: Ewan; Dawn; L. M. Hamilton; T. G. H.

Walter/Dawn: "Your good friends, Livingstone, Stevenson and Spurgeon are with you again.  They have been around all evening.  They want to use my medium but I asked them  not to at the present time.  I want her to be very quiet, no talking.  I want to get her well relaxed.  I will not use her very much.  I will work through her in another way.  She must be still and quiet.  I want you to know I'm on the job.  I expect all my friends and those appointed with a few.  I am anxious for other development.  When all have mustered here, I will not have the same opportunity for using Dawn; but others that I have used will be brought in, I promised Dawn that she should take part in other work and developments.  I think it will be a great help to you and to us.  It matters nothing to us; nothing we can do will be of great importance, but by and by people will begin to realize the great importance, and how small the span of life on Earth compared to that of spirit, just as in days gone by to cross the ocean and mountains took so long and was such a hardship, but it is today a mere joyride.  If you make only one person to see this work it is not in vain.  The simplest thing is often the most important.  Be content and you will be well rewarded when you have passed.  Goodnight.  Dawn is in a very deep trance.  Good night."

Dawn then came partly to and continued, "A lady has come, not tall; dark hair, parted in the center, quite long, not thick; eyes are dark brown; nice forehead; her hair is straight; teeth are even, not white, rather darker; she is not tall but very thin.  Her whole body is wasted away; she placed a hand on the table."

Ewan, under control, announced some person on the left impatiently: "Sit still and keep quiet.  There's nothing going to happen.  I have worked hard."

L. M. Hamilton remarked that it was cold; there was an awful force.

Ewan: "If you could believe it, you ought to know it all comes from Dawn, certainly from Dawn.  She is doing good work.  I want her to be quiet and make no movements of her body.  It is for my own purpose I am keeping her quiet and for my own reasons I am doing this, to endeavor to put through something unique.  I am almost in a position to tell you to fire, but everything is not ready.  We will continue the sittings if possible after the larger group has resumed.  I would like to see all again in the same way.  I want you to notice that this arm is all relaxed.(T. G. H. examined the arm and found it limp.)  I will then be able to use his body for production of some ectoplasm; but as long as he is in this condition of nervousness where every stimulus is responded to, it is impossible to eliminate him.  Please soothe him.  Eliminating his responses, I will be able to resume control of his mind.  All is going well; I do not complain because I'm gradually assuming control of his nerves."

September 18, 1931

Letter from the C.M.A. - via Harvey Agnew - asking whether two gentlemen might be allowed to visit Dr. Hamilton in Winnipeg - and if possible - sit in on one.

"I explained to Doctor Brink that you were not in the habit of admitting visitors to your seance because of the dampening effect upon the reception ..."

October 11, 1931.

W. B. Cooper; Ada Turner; Mr. Reed; J. A. Hamilton; T. G. H.; Ewan; Mercedes; Dawn; L. H.  

First attempt at Lucy's face.

October 17, 1931

[Letter from Dr. Hamilton to Dr. Mees - Eastman Kodak Laboratories.]

"... While in Toronto last year I met Dr. Hardwicke of Buffalo and learned from him of your research work in connection with various rays and special photographic emulsions.   In today's mail I have received from friends in Chicago and new York, clippings and halftone photogravures relative to your work with infra red.

"...For a number of years I have been engaged from a purely scientific standpoint in investigating certain psychical phenomena and have found special interest in photographing ectoplasm or teleplasm.  You are, perhaps, not unacquainted with some features of psychic photography, and, if so, the interest and possibilities of this line of research will already have appealed to you.

"... In our work to date we have been using various forms of photographic films and plates made by your own and other firms and I may say that your Speedway plates have given exceptionally good results; for the flash we have been using the highest speed Victor powder and also the new oxygen flash bulb.  To date we have taken more than three dozen flash lights and have registered the same by a varying number of cameras, as many as a dozen at a time being open for simultaneous exposure.  Many remarkable disclosures have been secured.

"... In view of your infra red light and specially sensitized plates, I have wondered whether it would be possible to secure information as to what source and quantity of light you require, what light filter you use, and what type of plate and whether such are available.

"... In so far as I am aware, the research we are doing, - photographing ectoplasm, - is unique in its results in the world today.  The substance quite evidently undergoes marvelous morphological changes in the course of a few minutes, and the possibility of registering these changes by movie camera photographs taken every few seconds or perhaps at longer intervals offers tremendous possibilities in opening up a better knowledge of the substance as well as clearing away the scientific skepticism which is so prevalent in regard to these phenomena.

"... As the research work we are carrying on is very greatly restricted and hampered through being conducted entirely at private expense, the suggestion has been made that possibly your research department might be willing to facilitate the furtherance of such work.  If this were possible perhaps you might have suggestions to make as to what your company would be willing to do.

"... It may be well to explain that the technique involved in securing teleplasmic photographs is very great.  The photographic end of the matter, in so fare as we have been doing it, is a mere detail.  The difficulties arise largely in securing the cooperation, training and development of psychics or mediums together with suitable environmental conditions.  Consequently, whatever work is done would have o be centralized in the laboratory I have set apart in my own home.  If you contemplate any idea of cooperation, arrangements could be made through your local representatives, with some of whom I am well acquainted.

"... I am well aware of the very unusual and unwarranted claims set up by individuals who have been following this line of thought from a purely sentimental and religious stand point, and therefore I do not consider that you would be warranted in taking this letter seriously were it not that sufficient credentials as to the work of our group and its scientific aims can be abundantly supplied. I would therefore refer you to Dr. Hardwicke of Buffalo, Dr. L. R. G. Crandon of Boston, Mr. Frederick Bligh Bond of New York City, Editor of the A. J. P. R. (American Journal Psychical Research, Mrs. Bigelow, Secretary of the new York Section of the A. S. P. R.
"... I have lectured several scores of times and among the audiences addressed might be mentioned the British Medical Association in its annual meeting in Winnipeg last year, the Academy of Medicine at Toronto, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., the New York Section of the A. S. P. R., a group of the Staff of Columbia University, Teachers College, New York City, and on several occasions in Winnipeg to medical societies and university scientific clubs as well as many popular audiences.

"... You will be interested in some sample photographs which I am sending herewith.  The substance is very sensitive to light in general and especially to white light and even subdued red light cannot be tolerated except for a few seconds.  The use of infra-red light, it is hoped, might make it possible to take a series of successive photographs during the building-up process of the teleplasm.  If we found it would not endure the continuous flood of infra-red it would be possible perhaps to use an intermittent flood simultaneously with each successive exposure taken.  To build up the teleplasm in large masses requires a long period of time before exposures can be taken, It would appear that the radicals or foundation material is stored over this period of time extending, in the case of the larger phenomena, into many weeks.  We do not, therefore, in view of our past experiences, look for more than an occasional photograph.  Indeed, if we could secure a dozen in a year we would feel that our success was quite up to our expectations as determined by past experience.

"... Your Mr. McElroy of the Winnipeg branch Kodak Supply House will probably write you, mentioning my name.  In the hope that we may have the privilege of your advice and possibly your cooperation also ..."

October 18, 1931.                        

Gordon Chown; T. G. H.; Ewan; L. H.; Victor; J. A. Hamilton; Ada Turner; Dawn; Mercedes; Mr. Reed; Dr. Bruce Chown(Secretary).


Walter/Mary M.        

(a)          A "form" will appear which will be partly "cloud".

(b)          The cloud "form" will appear near the center of the cabinet.

(c)          Will be as high or higher than the seated medium.
(See "Lucy" form of November 29.  "cloud" - "hairy effect".)

8:08 p.m.        Sitting commences.  Room rather warm.

8:16 p.m.        Circle number. Gramophone on.
8:28 p.m.        Control speaks through Ewan.  Direct voice is heard in the vicinity of Dawn.

Nonsense talk between various controls.  Ewan is heard rubbing hands.  Group sings songs "by request."  

Walter gives instructions through Dawn: "I do not want you to put the light on.  I will produce the power.  Instruct the medium to take a heavy meal in the middle of the day and just a light meal of milk and bread before she comes to the next sitting.  It is very necessary that she does not have too much food during the next four or five times.  If she could be persuaded not to eat anything, but just a little milk, it would be much better and much easier, as well.  The work is progressing, although we have made a little ..."

T. G. H. asks where the form is to be.

Walter: "In the center (of the Cabinet) between the two mediums.  Let me see how I can explain it to you: it will be a form, and it will be a cloud.  It will be nearer to the center.  It may be necessary for me to move the mediums to the side of the cabinet so as to leave the center free.  I may have to move in close to one side - that is, if you require your medium in the photograph."

T. G. H. says he will focus ten inches in.

Walter: "All right friend."

T. G. H. asks about the height of the form.

Walter: "High as the medium (seated) but may float up so you must be ready.  It will be very light.  Have the room as cool as possible.  It may be necessary to remove part of the medium's clothing.  Extra wraps may be necessary for the sitters.  Readjust Dawn's clothing and say nothing about it.  Bring Dawn out of trance as soon as a photo is taken.  I will say one, two, three, fire!"