January 23, 1943                                          Sunday

[Letter to James Hamilton from Lillian Hamilton:]

        Mentions skiing - outdoor life for Jim.

"... It has been horribly cold here, too - over a week of most ferocious weather.  But today is a little better although it is still well below zero with a strong north wind blowing.  But the old dining room is warm and sunny and, with the Nysy coming in, quite pleasant.

"... Had a letter from Cross.  He is not at all disturbed about the flatness of the faces - like me, he knows that it is just an inner phenomenon that is as yet a complete mystery - one of innumerable mysteries due to the action of our transcendental intelligences.  They cannot live IN VACUO - so we must suppose they have some kind of environment.  Is it possible that this environment somehow brings about these strange lightings?  I, for one, believe that is probably the secret of the explanation.  To suggest fraud - as does the editor of Saturday Night, is , of course, to suggest an explanation that is simply preposterous - that is, unless all of us  (for Mary M. alone cannot be the culprit) are deep-dyed fools and liars.  One might ask him - if he has examined the faces carefully - what caused the third Spurgeon and the Gladstone face to disintegrate in the interim of waiting?  Cardboard, (which would have to be what it was, if fraudulent ) is hardly that perishable.  One might also ask him who or what threw Ewan into the trance state and made of him a subjective cooperator of the ghoulish Mary M.  (If he insists that she is the culprit) or who or what threw Mercedes into the profound state of catalepsy before and during the appearance of the Katie King phenomena?   Who planned the prediction ceremonies?  What brought Walter and John and Spurgeon and Lucy and Katie King - all distinct types of personalities  - into existence and made them play their part so successfully as in-autonomous subjective entities - not once but scores of times over so long a period?  What a consummate actress Dawn would have to have been - how diabolically clever - to do all this and fool men of scientific experience and training!!!

"... It is all very foolish indeed - and one can show without any trouble, on a solid factual basis, how utterly incredible such a theory is when looked at squarely.  He must choose.

1- Either we are all deceivers and liars


2- The phenomena are genuinely supernormal

"... Because he and you and I and other investigators cannot account for this 'flatness' on an ordinary physical basis does not make it non-genuine.  Such reasoning not only is childish, but utterly futile; and it is these arm-chair critics who are the gullible ones - not we, long experienced investigators.
"... But we have what I am absolutely certain is still better evidence for the faces' supernormality.  IN SIZE  (MINIATURE), IN FLATNESS THEY AGREE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT WITH RICHET'S AND GELEY'S FINDINGS.


        "... Richet says: ( Page 469 - "Thirty Years ...)

"... Sometimes these ectoplasms can be seen in process of organization; I have seen almost rectilinear prolongations emerge from Eusapia's body, its termination acting like a living hand.  Similarly, in the formation of Bien Boa, at first the limbs appeared thin and stiff, like narrow stalks; little by little they thickened, taking the form of more or less solid limbs similar to normal limbs.

"... I have also, like Geley, Schrenck-Notzing and Madam Bisson, been able to see the first lineaments of materializations as they formed.  A kind of liquid or pasty jelly emerges from the mouth or the breast of Marthe  (Eva C) which organized itself, by degrees acquiring the shape of a face or a limb.

"These materializations are usually gradual, beginning by a rudimentary shape, complete forms and human faces only appearing later on.  At first, these formations are often very imperfect,.  Sometimes they show no relief, looking more like flat images than bodies ... But in some cases the materialization is perfect.  At the Villa Carman (On an Island off the coast of France, where Richet went with other scientists to study quietly under strict scientific conditions the Eva C. emanations in 1905) I saw a fully organized form rise from the floor.  At first it was only a white, opaque spot like a handkerchief lying on the ground before the curtain; then this handkerchief quickly assumed the form of a human head level with the floor, and a few minutes later it rose up on a straight line, and became a small man enveloped in a kind of white burnous, who took three or four halting steps in front of the curtain and then sank to the floor and disappeared as if through a trap-door.  But there was no trap-door.

"... We have then in our case, I am firmly convinced, imperfect, unfinished face-forms appearing before the eyes of the cameras - the Raymond face and the 2nd, third and fourth Spurgeon, at least apparently true materializations which are but not yet perfected.  If you will note closely, you will see that the Raymond face has not got a right ear, -- a fact of which T. G. was certain and often pointed out to his auditors.  Run a ruler across the mouth and you will see that the lobe is entirely lacking.  A CARDBOARD PHOTOGRAPH WOULD NOT SHOW SUCH A DEFICIENCY.

"... Also, why does Raymond appear to be much older?  Certainly he is not the Raymond of the original.

"... Geley found this same flatness - in miniatures - that is in materializations in their first stages.

"... 'Well-constituted organs with all the appearances of life are often replaced by incomplete formations.  Relief is often wanting and the forms are flat.  I have sometimes seen a hand or a face appear flat and then take the three dimensions either completely or partially AS I LOOKED.  WHEN THE FORMS ARE INCOMPLETE THEY ARE OFTEN SMALLER THAN NATURAL SIZE - MINIATURES'

        "... Ours exactly described in a nutshell.

"It would be interesting some day when you have the time to make a study of the Schrenck and Geley faces for lights and shadows.  They do not appear to have mentioned this phenomenon, but no doubt it was present and equally inexplicable from the normal standpoint.  

"... Renee Sudre (French researcher) was the one I think who later advanced the idea that ectoplasm is responsive to the directed idea - a theory which, of course, you hint at in your suggestions that these phenomena are to be classed as psychological rather than purely biological.  That indwelling idea is of course at the root of the whole mystery - both in regard to materializations and our own life-mystery.  Get at that and you would unravel many mysteries.  The very secret of life itself.  The old term which T. G. and others used cannot be beaten.  They are psycho-biological formations, ideoplastic responses to emanating psychic influence, these  apparently being supplied, in our case, by survived entities.

[ Photo of John King teleplasm ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

August 25, 1943.

The envelope marked with a cross was produced from the safe by Lillian Hamilton on this date.  The seals were unbroken.  It was handed to J. Fletcher Campbell, K.C. and in the presence of  Harold Turner and Ada Turner and Mrs. Lillian Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Wither the seals were broken.

The following is a copy of the content of the envelope: written on a single sheet of paper.
"The twenty-fourth of August is not the end of the war, but it is the beginning (of August) will see the beginning of the end of the war.  Everything will be in the hands of the British and their associates.  They will march into Germany and destroy the Gestapo and all that are in league with them and free the world for all time.

"The Mills of God grind slowly but they grind exceeding small."

                                        Raymond Lodge.

The above is a correct description of the opening of the envelope and its contents.

W. A. Wither  
J. F. Campbell,  K. C.
September, 1943.
"... I wish to tell you, Lillian, about the awakening of our dear friend Mercedes.  She awoke amid a garden of flowers.  She is happy and free from suffering.  Lucy bends over her and she arises strong and feeling perfectly well.  A misty substance which enveloped her became evolved into a fleecy robe, and her features are shining and beautiful.
"Life is the law of nature, and the going out of the individual is under the operation of this vast beneficent law and is wholly natural."

"...Hello, Lillian.  You will be interested in knowing about some of the friends I am working with.  Some of them I know and some I have just met in the course of my work.  I have met John King,  R. L. S.,  W. T. S.  I have been with Schrenck-Notzing.  He helped us with the teleplasms when I was with you.  I have met Oliver Lodge, Mary Lodge, John Buchan.  I have seen Myers and Flammarion.  I have seen J. A. Balfour,  A. Doyle, William Barrett, Kipling, William Crookes, and many others who have forgotten their names..."

"I want to tell you of a large organization of souls who call themselves the Teachers.  Most of the people I name in my last writing are in this organization.  Their special work is to take hold of those who have just come over, helping them find themselves, and adjust themselves to the new conditions.  There are many women in this organization and they do good work.

"It is very interesting about little children. I have not had much time to observe their little ways but one of the league workers told me that it is easier for children to adjust themselves to the change in their life.  Very old people sleep a good deal; the young come over with a good deal of energy and a great deal of curiosity.  There is no violent change - the children grow up and old ones come back gradually.

                                                (Signed)   T. G.

[Footnote 2 - 'Lucy' was the main control of Mercedes during the Hamilton teleplasmic experiments from 1928 - 1934.]

[The following T. G. H. article is comprised of further scripts which came in the form of 'letters' to Mrs. Hamilton, from her deceased husband, the pioneer Canadian psychical researcher and medical practitioner.]

October 1943

Objective realities of the new life.                        

"... Hallo, Lillian!  Here I am again with more writings.  I am pleased to have Dawn help me get this to you.  Help her all you can.

"The other day I asked my teacher to show me the archives of those who lived out here and who had recorded their observations, if such existed.  He took me to a large library.  I caught my breath in wonder at the vast amount of books - there were millions of them, and the strangest things was that they were all arranged so that you could see any volume you wanted to see.  I said that I should like to see the books in which were written the accounts of the explorations which men had made in this, to me, still strange and beautiful country.  But as I looked them over I (found) that I did no know the writers, nor did I understand anything of what they had written.  Many have been written by those who have come here in our century ..."

                                                (Signed)   T. G. 

October, 1943

A glimpse of darkness.

"... I am writing again and I have a strange story to tell you of the horrors I have seen.  I have seen far worse things than anything I saw on earth.  The decay and vice and intemperance are far worse here.  There are hopeless cases which even the missionaries often have to leave to their fate.  Whether they will ever progress I do not know.

I also want to tell you of other strange things I have seen lately.  I saw a group of people looking into the graves which contained the remains of their bodies.  With some it is an obsession which they cannot get free from while a bit of flesh remains on the bones; and that is why Walter and Spurgeon and R. L. S. and the others wish it to be known that we do not die - only in the flesh.  The soul lives on and takes a new form.        

November 1943

Laws of development.

"... I am glad to have this opportunity to write again.  It is a real pleasure for me to come back.  I had a long talk with the teacher.  After he left me I began asking myself what I was seeking.  The answer came quickly: knowledge.  I want to give it to the world.  Many persons here sink into a sort of subjective bliss which makes them indifferent to what is going on upon the earth ...

"... This is a great place in which to grow if one really wishes to grow, though few persons take advantage of its possibilities.  There are teachers here who are more than willing to help in making a real study into the mysteries of life here, and in the remote past.

        "We draw to ourselves the experiences which we are ready for and which we demand ..."
                                                        (Signed)   T. G.

November, 1943

The New Freedom and Joy

"... But the horrors are not as numerous as the lovely things which we see.  Life can be so free here!  There is no machinery here as you have on your side, driving, driving and making slaves out of people.  In this place one is held only by thoughts and, if the thoughts and desires are  (for) material pleasures then the thoughts and desires here are the same.  But I have met many good and saintly people who were held on earth by their godly and saintly ideas, and are now fee to live them.  These people are of great help to those coming over quickly.  

"And I have met so many interesting people!  I think the happiest people I have met here are perhaps painters, artists and musicians.  How they love to play and paint!  Poets are also very happy souls here ..."

November, 1943


"... I am glad to have this opportunity to write again.  It is a real pleasure for me to come back.  I had a long talk with the teacher.  After he left me I began asking myself what I was seeking.  The answer came quickly: knowledge.  I want to give it to the world.  Many persons here sink into a sort of subjective bliss which makes them indifferent to what is going on upon the earth  This is a great place in which to grow if one really wishes to grow, though few persons take advantage of its possibilities.  There are teachers here who are more than willing to help in making a real study into the mysteries of life here, and in the remote past.  We draw to ourselves the experiences which we are ready for and which we demand .  At present is seems to me that we learn more by adjusting ourselves and trying to find the truth.  Souls here belong to themselves."  

                                                                "T. G."

The Teachers
" ...I want to tell you of a large organization of souls who call themselves the Teachers.  Most of the people I name in my last writing are in this organization.  Their special work is to take hold of those who have just come over, helping them find themselves, and adjust themselves to the new conditions.  There are many women in this organization and they do good work.

"It is very interesting about little children. I have not had much time to observe their little ways but one of the league workers told me that it is easier for children to adjust themselves to the change in their lives. Very old people sleep a great deal; the young come over with a good deal of energy and a great deal of curiosity.  There is no violent change; the children grow up and old ones come back gradually..."

December, 1943

A Vision of the Christ
"... Oh, Lillian, I must tell you of a wonderful experience I had!  I had wandered off by myself and in the distance I saw a great dazzling light like the sun, only softer;  and as I gazed at the light it slowly took form between me and the crowd who stood watching, and the lovely form of Jesus Christ stood in all His loveliness.  He smiled and stretched out His hand in blessing.

"Then the scene changed and He had in His arms a snow-white lamb.  He stood transfigured.  Then He spoke to the large company of people who stood about, and taught them.  I could hear His voice from where I stood.  After I returned to my friends I told them (of my experience) and I was told that these people would go to a higher plane now."  

                                                                " T.  G." 

(Friday, 1934)(1935?)(Probably 1943)
[1934 has to be wrong, here - Dr. Hamilton was still alive in 1934][A more likely date is sometime in 1943 - because the manuscript mentioned must be 'Intention and Survival'. W. D. F.]
[Letter from Mrs. Lillian Hamilton to Margaret:]
        "Dear Little One:..
"... Your (and my) M.S.S. to hand quite safely; although it did look a bit dilapidated it was O K.  Again, my deepest thanks for your fine help; I always get a great thrill out of seeing the nice clean, orderly pages come back after my rather demolished looking pile that goes to you.  Slowly we are piling up the words and the story.

"... Herewith I send along an outline of the chapters according to plan (slightly changed) as T. G. H. and I worked it out - it follows pretty closely along chronological lines and in classification sticks to his frames as exhibited at the B. M. A.  I do not think this can be improved on.

"... Now about the title?  I like this second one best.  How about you?  The first I find has already been used in England recently and by none too scientific a writer.  This second keeps the word "psychics" before the reader and also, in subordination, the evidence for Survival which is, I think, the way it should be.  Give them the facts here and let them do their own digesting pretty much.  I have T. G.'s own attitude written down on paper and this is pretty solid -- that can go in but need not be forced too hard on the dear reader.

"... Your letter yesterday finishing our telephone conversation was "enjoyed by all".  Yesterday had lunch with Aunt Billy.  Tonight a sitting - postponed from Wednesday - too blizzardy.  Dawn is coming to this one as a favor to the Rev. Mr. Johnson who is here from Saskatchewan and asked her to come.  A stranger has more influence now than we have ...

"... I had such a nice little note from Mrs. Stanton which I shall enclose.  She sent along a book for me to read "His Life and Ours" by Weatherhead, the noted religious writer.  So kind of her.  I shall send her your address and if she writes to ask you to call on her, do so - she is very kind - although high strung - and I think a truly spiritually minded person.  Mrs. Goulter, her friend here. (sister of Mrs. McLandress), I am going to see again for I was greatly drawn to her.

"... Isabella is really developing very rapidly.  Her trance is most profound and already Walter has purported to speak through her and R .L. Stevenson - or someone like him - is giving her pictures like the R. L. S./Elizabeth pictures.  Last time a garden in a glen between high hills - in the garden, roses, and heather, and near by a little lass in her nightgown - cute, wasn't it? - all symbols, of course, for you and I to interpret - bless his heart; he is so clever at mind-pictures.  I get a great kick out of his mental gyrations.

"... This Chapter III is a very short one - so also is the next and the next - hurrah - you say ..."

                                Signed:    Love for ever
                                                        L. M.

"P.S.   I am signing my letters to those in the USA (I have had so many enquirers about the work) Lillian Glen Hamilton - how about it?"