February 16, 1939.

L. H.; Dawn; Mr. and Mrs. Withers; Mrs. W. (Beulah) in cabinet, in trance.  

Walter says to have camera ready for next sitting, says two cameras will do.  He wants to try a little experiment.  Focus on front of the cabinet.  Both mediums will be in cabinet.  Their necks must be bare, and they are to wear loose clothing.  No one else to come into room.  We are not to speak of this experiment to any one outside the group.  Black Hawk speaks through Beulah.  Control is excellent.

March 3, 1939.        

L. H.; Dawn ,(in deep trance) Beulah, cataleptic; she has a vision of "Light" (the Christ).  He blesses her.  Mr. Wither (named Peter) clairvoyant he sees the hand blessing her before she speaks as 'Light'.  Walter tells Mr. Reed to release flash anytime he desires to do so.  In about fifteen minutes Mr. Reed fires.  Walter states that there is a little teleplasm recorded - the beginning of the cord.  He says he may try for a picture next time. (Plates failed to show any visible teleplasm)

March 17, 1939.

Same five present.

Dawn and Beulah in cabinet.  Nonsense talk.  Walter/Dawn gets up and goes to back of the room, turns and looks into cabinet.  Says he is satisfied with his work.  Presently Dawn is heard groaning.  Beulah very rigid.  Peter also manifests stress (much like Ewan) moans and twists his body.

Walter/Dawn: "Close your sitting.  We are ready.  For next sitting see that both mediums remove their shoes and wear loose clothing.  I have tried to remove my medium's tight clothing but have failed.  Remove pins from the hair.  Ask them  to take a biscuit and a glass of milk early in the evening and nothing more. If these instructions are not obeyed I will not come.  No curiosity seekers must come into this room.  Do not allow any bright light in the cabinet.  Your cameras are in good position.  That is all.  So long!"

March 30, 1939.

Usual procedure.  Reed fires flash shortly after Dawn and Beulah passed into trance. The resulting photograph shows a fine cord behind Dawn's left ear.

Voice-Box Enlarged

[Photo of Voice-Box.   Lower Caption: "The perfection of the little trumpet formation is amazing.  This excellent enlargement (thanks to the work of the Eastman Photo Company, Winnipeg, July, 1948) makes it possible to see the lower part of the "trumpet" and a strange band of black material seemingly holding it in place, or binding it together.]

During this series of experiments - February, 1939 to May, 1939, the curious muffled voice spoke to us repeatedly.  The voice was totally unlike the normal voice of any of the five present.  There was much internal evidence that it was Walter's, the main directing agency in all of these Dawn teleplasmic experiments.  This voice issued orders, teased us, joked, and in every way carried on the Walter tradition - the gay, serious, working Walter - whom we had now known for some 20 years.

                                                                 L. H.

[Photo of three mediums.  Upper Caption: "Cord Behind Ear." Lower Caption: "The first teleplasm to appear in over three months.  Flash fired by Mr. Reed at his own time, shortly after Dawn and Beulah entranced.]

Sitters (clockwise): Mr. Wither (Peter); Dawn; Beulah(Mrs. Wither, Mr. Reed,  L. H. 

[Note: Mr. and Mrs. Wither did not regard themselves as "mediums".  They came as observers and when they found their own mediumistic faculties developing, simply allowed them  to develop as an aid toward the discovery of truth.  Until we find more people of this type - people who give of their faculties without money and without price, psychic science will make little headway.  When we find them  let us treat them  with respect and honor them  for their self-sacrificing gifts of time and (unknown?) energies.]

[Photo from a different view.  Upper Caption: "First Visible mass in Reed-L. H. experiments, March 30, 1939. - (behind left ear).  Lower Caption: "Note look shown on Peter's face.  Although he never lost consciousness he continually manifested signs that he, like his wife, was unmistakably being used as a "secondary medium" in these experiments as Ewan and (Mercedes?) and others were used in the 1928 - 1934 experiments.  Their combined "power" was very great.

[ Photo of first teleplasm in three years ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

April 6, 1939.

Mr. and Mrs. Wither; Mr. H. Reed; Dawn; L. H.

Mediums entranced almost immediately. Beulah (Mrs. Wither) cataleptic.  Dawn groans from time to time.  Peter(Mr. Wither) distressed.  Says he sees Walter' box. 'They' are doing something to it.  It is between the two mediums.

Beulah: "Get it.  Get it." (Evidently meant for a signal to fire the flash.)

Dawn: "Fire."

Mr. Reed releases the flashlight.

Beulah now exceedingly rigid.  Neck resting on chair back.  Body bowed, knee joints fixed, hands rigid, breathing imperceptible.

The Voice speaks: "I will come again.  All men shall know me.  Forgive my persecutors.  It is the will of my Father.  I go to my Father in Heaven."

Spurgeon (through Beulah) says we have been greatly privileged.  J. A. Hamilton speaks, followed by Walter, who closes the sitting.

So you see how wide is the sweep of the phenomena that have now appeared in this connection, and how excellent are the "signs" or cross-evidence that a manifestation of great import has begun to take place.  We cannot, nay dare not, too lightly set it aside.  Have I the faith, have you the faith, is the experimental proof sufficient to warrant us in believing that these things shall be?  Is this terrible war, now beginning, the beginning of the time prophesied by Stead and R. L. Stevenson and W. O. Hamilton 14 years ago.  Is this Being whom these five sensitives have seen in vision-form the risen and living Christ?  He who was seen apparently in like manner by John on Patmos?  Was the voice we heard akin in any degree to the Voice he heard?

"And I, John, was in the spirit and heard behind me a great voice, and being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks and in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks One like unto the Son of Man ... His head and His hair were white like wool and His eyes were as a flame of fire, and His feet like unto fine brass and His voice as the sound of many waters and His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.  I am He that liveth and was dead; and behold, I am alive forevermore."

Bereft of its beautiful imagery and language of poetry, what have we?  A statement that Christ appeared to John while he was entranced; that Christ had an appearance of exceeding great brightness, and a voice, that though loud, was an exceedingly sweet one.  The experiences are strangely parallel.

                                Lillian Hamilton
                                        Winnipeg, September 25, 1939.

[Original statement by W.A. Wither re T. G. H. teleplasm of May 22, 1939.]

Our little group, consisting of Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Wither, Mr. Hugh Reed, Mrs. Marshall and myself have been sitting together for over three months prior to the sitting at which the picture was put through to us.
At a sitting held the previous evening, Walter asked, through Mrs. Marshall, that Mr. Reed get his camera ready for the next sitting as he had been working to put something through to us that would be a great surprise.  In the evening of May 22 we sat in our usual manner.  Mrs. Hamilton held the left hand of Mrs. Marshall and I held her right hand.  Mr. Reed had a camera ready, also the button handy for the flashbulb.

Both Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Wither were in deep trance and Mrs. Marshall spoke.  Mr. Reed took for granted that it was a signal to fire the flash, and did so.  Almost immediately, Walter spoke to Mrs. Marshall and told us that he had not given any signal, and that the exposure had been made to soon.  We all felt a little bit disappointed.

Later, while sitting in the lounge after the sitting, Mrs. Wither went into trance again for a short period, and later mentioned to Mrs. Hamilton that she had had a picture of Dr. Hamilton, and that there was a young lady with him, but it was not Mrs. Hamilton.

Mrs. Hamilton asked her what else she saw in the picture, and Mrs. Wither answered that all she noticed was that the doctor looked much younger, and that the woman was quite pretty.  Mrs. Marshall then spoke up to say that she could hear the doctor speaking; but she could not see him, and that the doctor was telling her who the young woman was - a former sweetheart.

Some days later I had a call from Mr. Reed.  He had developed the film.  He told me that I would never guess who was in the picture, and informed me that it was Dr. T. G. H..  This was the surprise that Walter had promised.  We arranged to meet at Hamilton's and there I saw the picture of Dr. Hamilton.  He did look much younger.

The other face in the picture was much smaller and sometime later it was definitely recognized.  It was the same face that Mrs. Wither had seen the night of the sitting.

                                        Signed:  W. A.  Wither

[Photo of 'Voice box' on Dawn's head. Lower caption: "April 6, 1939.  Walter's New Talking Machine.  

[A curious throaty voice had been heard at earlier sittings (See March 23) which Walter claimed to be his own voice speaking through a new "voice-box" which he had just made.  (See Voice box of July 10, 1929).  On April 6, Mr. Wither now developing clairvoyantly claimed to see the "box" just before Mr. Reed took the flashlight photo.]

[Lower caption: This strange formation resting on the top of Dawn's head shows a trumpet-like formation somewhat similar to that seen with the first Voice Box, photographed by T. G. H. on July 10, 1939.]

Note that Mrs. Wither (Beulah) in the wide-angle photo, is in a state of cataleptic rigidity.  Query: Is there any relationship between this state, and that found in deep hypnosis?

There is little doubt that in this record we have captured a genuinely supernormal mechanism, created and used by those living in the non-physical world, to make their voice(s) audible in out world.

[ Photo  of talking machine ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

April 15, 1939.  

Beulah cataleptic.  When she recovers she says she has seen T. G. H. and Mrs. Poole.  T. G. H. says he is going to get a picture - son of a medical man who died under tragic circumstances.  Walter says Mr. Reed is to release flash at next sitting without signal.

April 20, 1939.

Walter tells Mr. Reed to fire whenever he likes.  Mr. Reed releases flashlight shortly after the two mediums are entranced.  Dawn makes noises of distress.  Deep groans, etc..  Beulah and light catalepsy for short time. (Teleplasm from mouth.)

Mr. Wither, also an excellent clairvoyant, repeatedly stated that he too saw Walter putting up a screen.  Here the cameras supply evidence confirming their statements.

[In all these mechanistic formations, we discover proof that those living in the unseen world possess powers of creation that are akin to, but do not belong to, human beings here. Further corroboration of this theory will doubtless appear in the future.  L. H."]

[Photo. Upper caption: "May 28.  Screen. Said to be Residue of Plasm of May 22, 1939".  Lower caption: "Mrs. Marshall, in deep trance.  Mr. H. Reed in charge of cameras.]

April 25, 1939.

Walter says he is nearly ready.  Appears to be working.

May 2, 1939.

All apparently preparatory.

May 21, 1939.

Walter very angry at long delay.  Says he had five faces ready and now only two can be given.  Asks for sitting soon.

May 22, 1939.

Usual five present.  Mediums entranced.  Dawn in trance mutters something which Reed takes to be "fire."  He releases the flash.

Walter: "Too bad; too bad!  Very sorry.  I told you Beulah would give the signal.  

Mr. Reed is certain there is something on the plate.

An interesting feature of this teleplasm is the net-like "screen" which (in better prints) can be seen lying behind the substance.  Mr. Wither claimed to see this "screen" many times before the photo was taken.

The upper face said to be that of Lucy Cleland, a close friend of Dr. Hamilton's, who pre-deceased him by some years.

Strong mental evidence obtained at the same sitting tends to strengthen this claim.

Mr. Wither, also an excellent clairvoyant, repeatedly stated that he too saw Walter putting up a screen.  Here the cameras supply evidence confirming their statements.

[These face-forms are said to be "mirrored" in teleplasm.  They are "reflections" of  T. G. H. and Lucy Cleland. as they now exist in the next stage of life."]

[In all these mechanistic formations, we discover proof that those living in the unseen world possess powers of creation that are akin to, but do not belong to, human beings here. Further corroboration of this theory will doubtless appear in the future.  L. H."]

[Same two photos as on left. Upper caption: "May 22, 1939.  T. G. H. teleplasmic face.  Lower caption: "In the history of metapsychics, nothing like this ever before photographed. Deduction: The living dead retain full consciousness of objective reality, and given the necessary energies, can manifest that awareness in a truly objective manner.  Thus the phenomenon, from a study of the teleplasmic forms,  forces us to a philosophical conclusion."]

[Photo with upper caption: "Photograph taken May 28, 1939, showing strange substance above Dawn's head, said to be the Residue of the screen back of the T. G. H. and LC teleplasm of May 22, 1939."  Lower caption: "Accidental double exposure here.]

The 'screen' belongs to the group in which Dawn is seen with a shawl over her shoulders..

[Photo.  Upper caption: "Enlargement of Screen of May 28, 1939, taken by Reed's camera, from side of room.  Lower caption: "During the 1928 - 1934 teleplasmic experiments, a number of our clairvoyants (Dawn, Mercedes, Victor) claimed to see Walter erecting a screen, always prior to the appearance of a materialization.

[Two photos.  Upper caption: "The T. G. H. teleplasmic face, May 22, 1939.  Present: L. H., Mrs. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Wither.  H. Reed in charge of cameras. No hint from Walter as to faces' identity. Lower caption: "Note the fine, meshed 'screen' on which the teleplasmic faces are mounted.  This picture is unique in psychic research.  No other investigator has reported such.]

[ Photo  of Hamilton and Lucy Cleland teleplasm ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo of residue of screen used for phenomena ]

[ Photo of notes on teleplasm ]

[ Photo ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

[ Photo  ]

May 28, 1939.

Beulah very rigid.  Levitated and laid on the floor by supernormal forces.  Returns to chair in more relaxed state.  Following this gives a signal. "Go!"

Walter says we have got the "Wreck of the Hesperus."  No survivors.  Katie and John speak and say they are helping to prepare more "work."

Sitting close as by repeating the Mizpah.

All: "May the Lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from the other."

May 28, 1939.        

Residue of "screen".                

Signal by Beulah.

(After the sitting wonderful mental evidence obtained for survival of  T. G. H.  See later page.)

[Lower caption: "A curious throaty-voice had been heard speaking at a number of preceding sittings ( see March 23, 1939).  Walter claimed it was his voice speaking through a new "voice-box", which he had just made. (See voice-box of July 10, 1929)

At this sitting, also, Mr. Wither - (Peter who had developed by this time strong clairvoyant powers) claimed to see the "box" just a few moments before Mr. Reed released the flash.

The enlargement of this "box" (next page) shows trumpet formations similar to that seen in the first "voice-box" - that of July 10, 1929.

There seems no doubt that we have here recorded a genuinely supernormal mechanism used to make audible in our world the voices - of those living in the non-physical. - L. H.]

[Caption: "July 10, 1929.  Strange formations at Mrs. Marshall's left ear.  Said to be a teleplasmic VOICE BOX, capable of speaking, and whistling.  Also known as the DIRECT VOICE mechanism."]

[Caption: "July 10, 1929.  "Front view of VOICE BOX mechanism.  Walter often spoke using this means of communications."]

[Photo.  Caption: "Showing Beulah ( Mrs. Wither) in  extreme state of cataleptic rigidity.  What relationship, if any, exists between this state and that found in deep hypnosis?"]

[Two photos.  Upper caption: "The Walter VOICE BOX, photographed at the home circle of Mrs. Barber, in 1948.  Present: Mrs. Meder, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. B."]

[Lower caption: "June 6, 1931.  A mechanical use of the living substance, teleplasm.  Here is spells FLAMMARION, the name of one of the important French investigators of the late 1800's, author of many books on Psychic Research.]

[Lower caption: T. Glen Hamilton   M.D.  F.A.C.S.  - 1873 - 1935]

[Post-mortem  letter to  L. H. from T. G. H. through Mrs. Marshall in trance.  Very characteristic of  T. G. H. to use name 'Lillian' to much, and to run together his initials.(1942).  For full story of all scripts see book  IS SURVIVAL A FACT? By Margaret L. Hamilton, pub. Psychic Press, (1959)]

"Hallo, Lillian!  I want you to instruct Dawn to take certain precautions to protect herself against those who press around us; tell her to say a little prayer before she sits down to write, and let her sit quietly.  The teacher will come and nothing can get through; they cannot annoy me and Dawn has absolutely nothing to fear.  The stiffness in her arm will soon stop.  I think that something is going to happen to her arm maybe as a cloud upon a mirror blurring the reflection.

"I have learned since coming here the reason for many psychic things which formerly puzzled me and I shall, with the help of the teacher, protect Dawn from any danger of cross-current in this work. I shall come again and again till my work is finished.

"I will try and explain many things, things which we were often puzzled over when I was with you.   T. G."

[Photo.  Upper Caption: "Photograph taken May 28, 1939, showing strange substance above Dawn's head, said to be the Residue of the screen back of the T. G. H. and LC teleplasm of May 22, 1939. Lower caption: "Accidental Double Exposure here.

The 'screen' belong to the group in which Dawn is seen with a shawl over her shoulders.

The Dawn below the screen belongs to the sitting of April 20, 1939, where some amorphous teleplasm is seen issuing from her mouth.]

[ Photo of double exposure not found  ]

September 28, 1939.


(Culminating in the Appearance of the Supernormal Handkerchief and a Four-Face Teleplasm)

(Sittings of autumn 1939 - 1940)

Mr. Reed; L. H.; the Withers

Beulah entranced.  Walter speaks through her; seems pleased that the old wooden cabinet has been put up.  Intimates that Beulah has been used to produce teleplasm.  Promises good work, when Dawn comes.  Other manifestations were Red Cloud, Feda and T. G. H..  Stead speaks.  Sitting closes.

Following the closing of the sitting, Beulah becomes cataleptic, neck resting on back of chair, feet straight out, body bowed.  Hands clasped in front of her.  Very rigid.  Sees "Light".

He speaks: "My peace be upon you.  Peace is for those who love me.  I will come again."

Beulah recovers normal consciousness with difficulty.  Taken upstairs where she lies down to rest and passes into normal sleep, awakening refreshed and fully normal.  Her hands show a bright red spot about the size of a dollar in the palms.  She says they feel swollen and heavy.

October 4, 1939.

Mr. Reed; Dawn; the Withers and L. H.  

Both mediums entranced almost immediately.  The supernormal voice heard making whispering noises.  Toward close of sitting, Walter, through Dawn, and John King, through Beulah put on their old "sparring match."  Much wit and nonsense talk displayed.  Walter asks that the mediums come in loose garments.

October 22, 1939.

Bell-box rings.  Dawn normal when this occurs.  She is very thrilled.  Bell rings three times at Mr. Reed's request.  All hands under control at the time bell rings.  This is the first time it has been heard in over eight years.

November 5, 1939.

Usual five present.

Dawn, entranced, speaks to Mr. Reed: "Do you know anyone by the name of Marion who is dead?"

Mr. Reed: "Yes."

Dawn: "Was she a Catholic?"

Mr. Reed: "Yes, if she is the Marion I am thinking of."
Dawn: "I see her holding up a crucifix.  Was her husband's name John?"

Mr. Reed: "Yes."

Dawn: "Her name was Lane or Laney; something like that."

Mr. Reed: "Yes; that's right; or nearly so.  It was Delaney.  This is excellent."

Dawn: "She tells me her husband is not well; but there is no use your telling him all of this, for he wouldn't listen."

Mr. Reed: "Quite right."

[After the sitting Mr. Reed says this is the last person in the world he would expect to hear from.  Mr. John Delaney was one of the auditors in his department in the Manitoba Telephone System .  He knew him well.  Delaney, now retired and living either at the coast or in California.  Not sure where.  Did not know his wife well; met her just once about two years ago at the train, for about two minutes.  Recalled that Mr. Delaney called his wife Marion.  She was a strict Catholic and much opposed to psychical research.  He had heard of her death.  Dawn, he was certain, knew nothing of them.]

Sittings held weekly throughout November and December of 1939.  No noteworthy phenomena.  Walter appeared to be working.  Very little conversation.  Peter's mediumship growing.  His clairvoyant faculties accurate as far as could be tested. Beulah frequently cataleptic.

[ Photo  of Isabel or Isobel Farquarh ]

SITTING  NOTES  OF    February, 1939 - May 1939

(Culminating in  T. G. H. Teleplasm of May 22, 1939)