1936 - Jan 14 - Apr 29


Jan 14 - Apr 29

January 14, 1936.

L. H.; Dawn; Lou Campbell; Mercedes; B. and H. Shand; the Chowns.

8:45 p.m.        Circle in. 

Dawn (normal) describes funeral - white and gold - marble - at the top two men standing, holding two candelabra with six in each - a covered coffin - three candles at each side - a brass cross on a stick.  Four boys with a candle - one boy had a white lace skirt - a white silk surplice with a cord around.  There was a big man with something like a cross on the back of his coat, with a shining silver star in the middle - silver trimming around the edge.  Two others with similar cloaks - lace skirts were beautiful - two small fellows with black skirts and white pleated surplices.  The images had colored lights.  A man turns over leaves in a book.  Large hall with steps (the King died on January 20, 1936)

9:15 p.m.        Dawn in trance.

Bruce Chown explains Ewan's absence, due to  extreme fatigue.

Katie/Dawn: "It is all ready, just the cords to be adjusted."
Bruce Chown: "Could you do it in two sittings?"

Dawn: "I couldn't promise.  Stead, Katie and John must be consulted.  Do you think it advisable to bring back Ewan if he is not well?  Walter says the form is almost ready.  The cords are connected with Ewan.  If he does not come back soon, the cords will evaporate.  If you could give me someone I could use in Ewan's place ..."

It is decided to try Bessie Shand.

Walter/Dawn: "Your friend, the doctor (T. G. H.) is all smiles.  He's worried because you weren't here...."

Katie/Mercedes: "My father is talking to Sir William.(Crookes).  He is still anxious to put through certain work."

Bruce Chown: "Could he work out details of that as soon as the picture is over?"

Katie/Mercedes: "After the picture is over I would like you to give Dawn the opportunity she has wanted for so long."

Bruce Chown: "How about Crookes?  Would you speak to him about that?"

Katie/Mercedes: "Yes."

Bruce Chown: "What does your father looked like?"
Katie/Mercedes: "He has a beard, deep set eyes that look through you, with devils in back.  He is tall, with top boots to his knees ... He was captain of a pirate ship ... about 56 years old.  He's hard to please ... thinks of nothing but sailing.  He could get right a ship if it were on its side.  He was the best sailor that ever sailed the seas.  He had good qualities ..."

Walter/Dawn: "Where? In his boots?"

Walter/Dawn - Katie/Mercedes?:" He is very disappointed that the boy isn't returning.  Close for tonight."

Mercedes (normal): "I want to tell Mrs. Hamilton she is going to get a long letter from the Old Country.  Don't let it go ... it will be worth more."

January 21, 1936.

Chowns miss this meeting, with Bessie tried as substitute for Ewan.

January 29, 1936.

Full group - Mr. Reed; Dawn; Mercedes; the Shands;  L. H.; the Chowns; No Ewan.

8:50 p.m.        Circle in.  Conversation with Katie through Mercedes.
Bell rings 1,  1.  Rings 1 - then 1 - 11 - 111.

Katie/Mercedes: "This may be a signal."

"Three rings, shoot at end of signal.  More about that later.  Dawn must have on as little as possible": orders from Walter.

Walter/Dawn: "I would like something black on her; I don't like the color."

Katie/Mercedes: "Try to keep as far back as possible.  The controls that come require the front of the room.  Eat sparingly ... My father is tightening the cords around this little lady.  Goodnight."

February 5, 1936.

B. and H. Shand; H. Reed; L. H.; Mercedes; Dawn; Lou Campbell; Gladys Chown.

8:55 p.m.        Circle in.  Dawn and Mercedes see lights in cabinet as though a spotlight were shining from the windows.

Mercedes: "Good evening, friends.  This is Lucy.  There is a change developing in your midst.  The old order changeth, the new taketh its place.  This is in the nature of a warning.  I would like you to give all your concentrated powers to the finishing of this work.  I have been told this by someone much higher than  Walter.  There is new work developing just as important to the eyes of the public.  You must get this work finished, and quickly."

(Dawn's control requests the use of the table.)

9:20 p.m.        Dawn: "Do not touch this medium at the table.  Wait ... I will fix you ... Be seated ... Give me your hand ... Is that better?"  (Sounds of Dawn writing and a paper falling to the floor.  H. Shand, Lou Campbell, and Gordon Chown see bright light when Dawn scribbles quickly.)

9:40 p.m.        Still writing.  Dawn: "Have more paper here next time."

H. Shand: "We understood you wanted it after the picture."

Dawn: "If doctor had been here it would have been ready.  Katie has something to say to you.  John is here, and Walter ... There is nothing on it but scribble."

Katie/Mercedes: "Good evening, my friends.  My work is practically finished.  We have been working with the little medium here.  It now rests with the group of men working with you.  John is completely lost without Ewan.  To have found an instrument to his liking and have it cut away from him ... it is a serious break ... Keep mediums and sitters as they are unless further instructions come from Walter.  Our doctor is not here ... He will be needed."

Dawn: "That is well said.  It is written on the paper.  This is Walter's deputy speaking.  There is trouble in another direction, taking up Walter's time.  It has nothing to do with the sitters here.  You will hear about it soon ... Conan Doyle has been here, and your friend, the doctor.  Crookes has been here.  He has started some new work on the Other Side. He is going to link the cords between the two places."

Mercedes: "Can I describe a picture?  I am many miles away from the city.  I have never been in this part of the world.  I think I am in the outskirts of London.  I am in a sort of cab.  There is no horse.  I am taken to this house.  I am guided upstairs to an ante-chamber.  There are many people there.  Someone takes my coat and hat from me.  I will describe the room into which I am taken: it is a little larger than the room in which you sit before you come up here.  There is a large white fireplace and many shaded lamps.  I am asked to shake hands with eight people.  The drapes are in deep rose and are drawn over the curtains.  The room is in semi-darkness.  Eight people sit in the circle, from the left, going around, there is first, a tall gentleman; he is thin and in semi-evening dress.  He has round glasses that he removes.  He has white hair.  Next, a stout lady in a black dress with arms and neck exposed.  She has a pleasant face.  Next, a younger gentleman, stoutly built.  The others are mixed.  One talks a lot.  There is an instrument in the center, like an organ, but no music.  There is a stout lady manipulating the keys.  She has black hair piled high.  They call her Mary.  They are communicating with an entity.  It means something to you.  There will be something you will hear of.  A medium there gets contact with the doctor.  You will have definite proof in a short time."

Direct voice is tried through Mercedes - very poor - "How do you do ... I make contact ... this medium best in the world ... How are you?" 
(Implied that the Japanese ,'Toki', helped.)

Walter/Dawn: "Good evening.  This is Walter.  I was busy experimenting in another circle.  You are more fortunate in your place.  There are traps being baited away from here for two of my friends.  It has been written for you.  It came through someone else.  Excuse the handwriting and spelling.

"Close now."

"Dawn's writing one inch apart.  Well formed, on four sheets of foolscap.  I am going to develop Bessie.  I don't want you to worry.  Get the paper ready, as we have wasted too much time.

"I want Bessie to sit where she is now; and Dawn can go into the box next time; and then we will start.

"Leave the table here so that the work can be started.  Where is Doctor?  He is very late.  You must make a time all can be here."
(When Dawn ceased writing, the table kept time with the singing.)

February 19, 1936.

The Chowns; the Shands; L. H.; Lou Campbell; Isabella Farquhar; Mercedes.

9:10 p.m.        Circle in.

9:17 p.m.        Stead speaks through Mercedes: "I want you to procure a curtain and draw it the full length of the cabinet.  No one in the cabinet at the next meeting.  You may find a medium later. (Dawn has resigned.)  I want it  (cabinet) protected in the meantime.  We have been told about your medium's decision.  We had this prepared before you came.  At some future time you may have a materializing medium.  If your medium is not coming back, make plans for new work.  We will make a new group on our side.  Are you balanced?"

Bruce Chown: "Three men, five women. We may need another man.  Keep the table in the center of the floor.  What work do you want to do?"

Bruce Chown: "It is difficult to say on the spur of the moment."

L. H.: "How about writing?"

Bruce Chown: "Can Sir William Crookes give us proof of the persistence of mathematical ...?"

Stead/Mercedes: "I would like to give you materialization without trance - a different kind of work.  We have had partial success at our own bureau.*  it would be luminous, and a materialization we all could see.  Myers would be behind this.  I might be able to get Arthur Conan Doyle to work, too; but at this time he is busy with his loved one ( Lady Doyle was dying), and I don't want to draw him away ... Other work can be done some other time; but I would like to try this."

Isabella (in partial trance, stammering.): "It's hard ... She's comin' fine! (This reminiscent of Mrs. Poole.)

Mercedes: "All right, friend, a good effort."

Isabella: "She's working on something new. (L. H. and H. Shand note that Isabella's reactions same as Mrs. Poole's were.)

Walter/Mercedes: "I am here to bawl you out!  What's got into her (Dawn's) head?  All this work for nothing.  Old W. T. (Stead?) is a faithful old friend.  He has all the say in the matter.  Arthur (Doyle?)  is expecting her to come over - I can't tell you when, but soon."

Bruce Chown: "What will you do when we are all there?"

Walter/Mercedes: "We'll sing "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush!"  Someone is coming soon to give you something worthwhile.  There are lights all around you.  Sun Yan (H. Reed) is Indigo Blue; Bessie - light blue, paler outer circle is smudged - a sign of progression.  Bruce Chown - the Doctor has a nice orange glow.  It means steadfastness in some purpose, material, I think.  Recorder (Gladys Chown) has three colors - deep red, merging into cherry and pale yellow.  It means to many people in your surroundings a light for guidance.  Lou Campbell - a lamp above your head - it is the shade of lamps in your home - a dim yellow.  It is the light of brightness.  Harold Shand - yours is a green light - it means business ability; you don't get ideas very quickly.

Isabella - the little girl's lights are confused, but there is the light of spiritual development.

L. H.: "You have a bright light also, but darker than your sister - a light of strong faith, with a tinge of red.  

"I'm not making this up.  These lights are so bright.  Mercedes' lights are bright - some of the orange of progression, of advanced mediumship.  Her quickness interests me.  She quick on the uptake.  She's alive and keen.  A bright light comes with that keeness."

Isabella tries to write in the darkness.  Later, three sheets show scribbles - "R. L. S." and a short sentence "not forgotten."

10:13 p.m.   Circle closes.

[*A reference to the famous Stead Bureau in London, England; for communication through trained mediums.  Founded by W. T. Stead and continued by his daughter Estelle for many years.]

February 29, 1936.

Bruce Chown; Lou Campbell; Bessie Shand; Benjamin Einarsson; Jacob Jonsson; H. C. Wells; H. Reed; L. H.; Dawn.

Dawn yawns and whistles through her teeth; says something about a contact with a new force.  The guests sing Swedish and Icelandic Songs.  Dawn speaks rapid French  (a language she does not know.)  Red light on, supposed transfigurations on her face.  Not very convincing. The Chowns openly skeptical, and rightly so.

Christ and  R. L. Stevenson visions Interwoven

Following  T. G. H.'s death, curiously enough, manifestations bearing on the Christ sprang into new life - this time through a second channel, the mediumship of Isabella, whose faculties we first discovered in February of 1936.  Two communicators appeared to be mainly responsible for her development and output - T. G. H. and our beloved friend  R. L. S..  Again and again the Stevenson touch was discernible, again and again the evidence that T. G. H. was communicating was for me conclusive.  Along with these began to infiltrate those visions that seemed  to have a bearing on the new approach of the Christ manifestation.  Some of the earlier of these events were as follows:

Vision A.        Isabella in trance sees a flower garden in a glen between hills.  Nearby is a little girl in her nightgown.  Evidently imagery designed to suggest Stevenson's "A Child's Garden of Verse."

Vision B.        In trance, sees before her a cloud ... The cloud opens and out of it emerges a sailing vessel.  The sailing ship disappears to be replaced by a vision of a Japanese Temple ... imagery symbolical of the poem "In Foreign Lands."

Vision C.        Wakes from sleep and says she has seen a river with trees on either hand.  Also that she has seen the Master.  He is tall with lovely hands.

Vision D.        A little boy in bed, pillows at his back, and on the counterpane many toys.  Imagery suggesting the poem , "The Land of Counterpane."

Vision E.        Visions of a schoolroom, children dressed in old-fashioned clothes.  A tall lanky boy of fifteen with dark hair and eyes comes forward.  On the blackboard a picture of Jesus and His sheep.  The boy evidently meant for  R. L. Stevenson.

Vision F.        A grave stone on a high hill.  The leaves are falling and the birds fly over it.  Symbolical of the grave of  R. L. Stevenson on Mount Alua in Samoa.

The Vision Takes on a Prophetic Note:

These were some of the February manifestations.  In March the Christ visions became more frequent and took on a prophetic note in some instances.

Vision A.        In Trance in the séance room.  Sees the Master, His robes and His lovely hands.

Vision B.        In Trance  In the séance room.  As vision of angels who seem  to bow down to her.

Vision C.        In extremely deep trance in the downstairs living room following the regular sitting.  She awakes and says she has seen the Master, that the heavens opened and she saw Him holding His arms out to the world.  The world needs Him.

March 13, 1936 - Friday

[Letter from Mrs. Hamilton to Margaret:]

        Mentions training in making gloves.

"... Our little Isabella here has been taking lessons, too - I hope she makes some use of it for she has had to pay for her tuition.
Mention of Margaret's music showing real maturity - Glen trying to get a medical appointment to England - someone ready to take over the offices - Somerset and house - Glen not engaged - happy - still friends with Phyllis - Glen dancing.
"... Jim has not been so well but is better again.  He went off as he used to when he was younger - too tired - stomach upset and a bad fainting fit.  You remember how he fainted at the beach once when about twelve years old?  Well, he did the same things again - went off to University about 8:00am - got as far as the corner of Redwood - felt sick - got off the car and that is all he remembers until he came to in a drugstore with a policeman looking after him and one of the boys who knew him and happened to be nearby.  They phoned for Glen and Glen went and got him.  We put him to bed - gave him a good dose of sleeping powders and made him rest for about three days - Fatigue was at the bottom of it.  His heart is alright, Glen finds.  He had had so many meetings  (Executive), long day's work, too much social life and fairly hard studying (for him) - and a new girl!  Poor flesh and blood caved in under the load.  He has had his lesson and will be good, I think, from now on.  His girl friend is very nice - Jim likes her because she likes the same things you do - books and music.  In fact, she is taking a music option right through University.  Peggy Morrison - by name.

"... Most interesting piece of news in the psychic line is the fact that Isabella is a real medium and already R. L. Stevenson is using her to transmit his pictures precisely as he did through Mrs. Poole - little dainty miniatures that speak of the Child's Garden days and doings - clever as anything and, of course, not known to Isabella - that is their significance.  She goes to sleep - wakes up as Poole did, and tells me what she has seen - and every time one of these -  signals from the other side of death.

"... Jack is still away in Florida and seems to be having a good time.  Langtry went only as far as New York.  There they met again Dr. Titus Bull who said that our T. G. H. was the most remarkable man he had ever met.  Lovely, isn't it?

"... Today I'm going up-town to a picture show with Mable and in the evening to Ada's for a sitting with Harold.  The Allisons will also be there.  Your and my manuscript just arrived - again, many thanks, old dear.  Another off to you in a few days.  So sorry your Jim gets so tired - I so wish life was not so hard for these dear boys - if they haven't a job it is terrible and if they do they have to work so hard - a rotten system and mix-up economically.  Let's all go fishing.

March 18, 1936.

L. H.; Bessie Shand; Lou Campbell; W. R. Wood; H. Reed; Isabella; Mercedes; the Chowns.
9:05 p.m.        Circle in.

9:05 p.m.        Isabella in trance.  Mercedes has Mrs. Poole present, wants song "Ye Banks and Braes", and asked to be called "Ellen".  Isabella scribbles at the table.

Mercedes (in trance): "My name is John Alexander Buchanan.  I met Stevenson after we went over.  My home was in Glasgow ... in my younger days I lived in the Anderson District of Glasgow (?).  We moved to Kelvin Side with all the toffs. (Describes a man who knew Wood.)  "Hello, mate ... I could give you a photograph of myself in a kilt."

John/Mercedes: "Where is Ewan?"  This is John.  I was hoping he'd be here tonight.  We're trying to help W. T. Stead.  Each time the other medium comes it helps them .  He is trying to give you a materialization without trance condition.  It takes a lot of time for a photograph, and a very deep trance.  This is a new process.  He has been successful in one place across the water.  His idea is to take energy from all the sitters.  It may not amount to anything.. I don't know how long it will take."

Bruce Chown: "How about Old Country particulars? ... Something in the Stead Bureau ... a vaporish form was seen - a faint red light - the medium was in a light trance."

Walter/Isabella (terrific tramping): "I'm here!  You're back (to Wood).  She's back. (Isabella on the floor).  I've switched.  We want Ewan.  The little girl (Isabella) and Mrs. Poole's daughter to help ring the bell.  The Nightingale is back.  Sun Yan is hard-boiled ... The little girl fights against me.  My control is strong.  She'll get over that.  So long!"

Mrs. Poole controls Isabella; comes across and puts her arms around Bessie, and speaks to everyone.

March 24, 1936.

L. H.; H. Green; Bessie and Harold Shand; H. Reed; W. Wood; the Chowns.

8:50 p.m.        Circle in.

Walter/Ewan: "Your old man's here. (T. G. H.?).  This is Walter."

Mrs. Poole controls Isabella and shakes hands with all.

Bruce Chown: "How are you, Mrs. Poole?"

Mrs. Poole: "Fine."

Walter/Ewan: "How are you.  It's great to see you.  I'm not T. G. H.!  A loud snore, and all laugh. (This identifies J. A. Hamilton.)

Bruce Chown ( to J. A. Hamilton): "Have you heard any good stories?"

J. A. Hamilton/Ewan: "Yes.  I'm saving them .  I saw Mrs. Poole and T. G. and didn't want to be left out."

Discourse on Angel's wings, etc.  Then "Good night.  Love to Margaret and Jimmy."  Ewan working with Isabella.

X/Ewan: "Good evening.  It's all right ... We are going to give you instructions for Mercedes and Dawn.  She's going to come. (Bessie stands).  Let anyone come (meaning, let Bessie go into a trance.)  It gives me confidence.  This is Katie who has come to take my hands.  This is not Walter ... Let the girl take her place next to Sun Yan.  Dawn in the cabinet, Ewan next to Mercedes, in her old position.  Bruce will sit where T. G. H. used to sit."

9:25 p.m.        Mrs. Poole comes again.

9:30 p.m.        Ewan: "You can try Isabella now."

Bruce Chown: "She is lying with her head at my feet, on her right side.  Her feet toward the cabinet.  Rigid at the elbows, slightly at wrists.  Pulse fairly fast".

Ewan: "Get up! (She stands).  Who would you like to talk to?"

Bruce Chown: "I'd like T. G."

Isabella: "... Bruce!"

Bruce Chown: "Glad to see you, T. G.!"

Ewan (to Isabella): "You can do better than that!"

Bruce Chown: "Have you ever been through this girl before?"

T. G. H./Isabella: "Yes."

L. H.: "Katie's light has never been brighter."

Bruce Chown: "Wasn't Hamish (J. A. Hamilton) natural tonight? (Snores).  Were you at the show?"

T. G. H./Isabella: "I was there, with you again.  Think of me."

Bruce Chown: "You will be there - just be patient."

T. G. H./Isabella: "Yes.  I'll get through better and better.  I'll get her down where I want her ... that little girl should have been here long ago.  Good-bye."

Bruce Chown: "Tomorrow morning, then."

9:45 p.m.        Mrs. Poole controls Isabella, in her usual fashion.  Bessie goes to assist."

Ewan: "You realize, of course, that the old woman's power has got much greater.  She would be of great use if she didn't get so excited.  I must direct it.  She doesn't know where to go ... This girl (Isabella) is good."

Ewan works over Isabella, whose stuttering gradually subsides.  Ewan breathes heavily, finally tells her to take her chair - "I'll get her going herself; and I won't need to take it from Ewan!"

Circle closes.  Ewan seems none the worse when we go downstairs, and seems very interested in Isabella and Bessie who (after tea) go into trance on the floor in front of the fireplace.

"... March:

Isabella put in the large group.  She sits beside Lillian Hamilton.  As soon as sitting opens she at once falls into profound trance sleep, leaning against Lillian in a completely relaxed condition.  Presently she falls to the floor where she remains in deep slumber for fifteen or twenty minutes.  Walter speaks through her (or, at least, it appears to be Walter) He says a few swear words in his usual joking manner, pulls the medium's dress off with great vigor, thrashes her arms about and generally puts her through the same paces observed in his other mediums.  After this she is lifted to her seat (at his request) and seems to come out of trance.  She whispers to Lillian that she has seen a little river with trees on either hand - near by on a hill, a castle.  And also that she thinks she has seen the Master.  He was tall and had lovely hands.  He wore a loose garment.  She could not see his face.  He seemed to stand above the table in the center of the room.  She remembers nothing of this later.  Lillian did not tell her, or tell anyone. [ R. L. Stevenson poem indicated "The River"]
Impromptu sitting beside the fire-place.  Lillian and I alone present.  Returned from sleep and says she has seen a little boy in bed.  He is delicate looking, has pillows behind him and has toys scattered about the bed. [Symbolism: R. L. Stevenson poem - "The Land of Counterpane"]
Lillian and I again alone beside the fire.  Trance and a vision of a school-room.  On the black-board the medium sees a sketch of "The Good Shepherd and His Sheep." [N.B. May be interpreted as indicating  R. L. Stevenson's love for the psalm "The Lord is My Shepherd".]
Same conditions as #3.  The river again.  This time there are boats on it.  The castle beside it on the hill.  [Look  up - "The River"]
Lillian and I again.  Trance - vision of a grave-stone as high as her waist.  The leaves are falling on it. [N.B. Verification: R. L. Stevenson's. grave-stone not high.  On a lonely mountain-top.  There are great trees about it.]
Same two present.  Medium asleep.  She seems to climb a high hill.  The way grows steeper and steeper.  She feels she must not get off the path or she will be lost.  There she finds the grave-stone.  The birds are flying about it.  She is very, very tired.  From the grave she can look down on queer little huts. [Verification: True of the track up the side of Mount Vea where R. L. Stevenson buried - dense bush all about it.  It is very steep.  A very tiring climb.  From the top one can see a small village of native houses.  The birds again probably meant to symbolize its isolation.]

April 1, 1936.

The Chowns; Ewan; Mercedes; Lou Campbell; Isabella; W. Wood; B. and H. Shand; Dawn; L. H..

9:20 p.m.        Circle in.

Dawn: "There is a guard at the door."  

Bell rings 1,1  -1, 1, 1, - 111111111.

Ewan asks Mercedes to go to the center of the room.  She extends her hands above her head, then sits on a chair in center of the circle, hands over her head and feet straight out in front of her.  L. H. gives her a foot-stool.
9:50 p.m.        Dawn: "Tell us when fifteen minutes are up."

10 of 5 p.m.   Gordon Chown: "Fifteen minutes up."  Mercedes arms still overhead, were extended toward cabinet.

10:15 p.m.   Bell rings once.

10:20 p.m.   Ewan working over Mercedes: "Get down, all of you!  Mercedes, Dawn, Isabella all go down.

Later, Ewan: "Mercedes is all right, Dawn, get up! 'Bel, go back to your chair!"

Mercedes: "I want to welcome Dawn back.  All the friends in the room tonight have been satisfied.  Keep the same positions next time.  Mr. Reed can sit in his place."

Dawn: "Have Bel on Dawn's left."

Bruce Chown: "Will Lou be back in?"


Ewan: "Katie finds it difficult to come."

Dawn: "Take this little girl out and let her rest."

April 4, 1936                                         Saturday

[Letter from Mrs. Hamilton to Margaret]

"... Mrs. Brown's pressure is away up again and Glen and Gerard are both putting their medical heads together to help her - a very strict diet this time.  If only she will follow it.
"... Yes, I bought my new suit - navy blue crepe with lace blouse - pale pink - very nice - no new hat - or gloves or shoes - though.

"... Isabella is already a real medium - her trance is exceptionally deep and comes in very rapidly.  We had a wonderful sitting with Jack on Monday - a wonderful control came through who claimed to be the Great Imperator - the main control of Stainton Moses.  He is to come back.  We all felt awed by his presence.  He came, he said, under the Cross.  Isabella, who was in deep trance at the time, said when she awakened that she had seen angels and a Cross, a crown and a shield.  We are wondering what it symbolized.  Isabella is very pure in heart and may well be a chosen vessel for some special purpose.  Through Mercedes they told me that it was destined that she should come to us. Walter has already put her next to the cabinet on his left(?).  R. L. Stevenson has given her over a dozen visions.

April 8, 1936.

Chowns; Ewan; Dawn; Lou Campbell; Isabella; W. Wood; L. H.; H. Reed.

9:10 p.m.        Circle in.

9:15 p.m.        Circle numbers and sings for Walter - "Jingle Bells", "Golden Slippers", etc..

Dawn: "I can see hundreds of them  going past to the music.  They have fixed bayonets and are walking four or six a breast.  I can't recognize one face.  They're not all in khaki.

Ewan: "Spurgeon wants to talk."

Dawn: "Good evening, I'm here."

Dawn and Ewan argue.  Then Ewan takes Mercedes to the center of the room against her wishes; she is beginning to see people build up and to get messages.  She had the impression of someone wanting to see Bruce Chown.  Ewan reprimands Mercedes for work outside (charity).  She drops into trance during hymn.

Mercedes: "Isabella, come with me.  Do you see that gentleman standing there?  Do not be afraid.  He is going to take .  Come, my brother, use her for a good purpose." (To Bessie).  Look up!  Do you see her?  This is another instrument who is willing and ready to be used.  I am trying to make these mediums see their controls ... is this your bell-box? (Examines cabinet and pronounces everything satisfactory.)  It is very gratifying to be told everything is okay."

Mrs. Poole comes through Isabella and shakes hands all around.

Ewan: "Dawn is in good condition.  Could we have the pleasure of Miss King's company tonight?"

10:15 p.m.   Katie/Mercedes "Good evening.  We are very interested in new mediums.  How about the cameras?  We'll have some spring cleaning." 

Ewan: "Soap!"

Katie/Mercedes: "Sixty minutes long enough for your mediums.  The entity with Dawn was very persistent.  Close your sitting.  My father and I have done our work for tonight."

All: "Good night, Katie."

Ewan: "Good night, my daughter."

Katie/Mercedes: "My father is coming to a change.  He is making progress.  I cannot get in touch with him unless at a meeting such as this."

10:25 p.m.   Circle closes.

[Note: after the sitting, Mercedes described the person in question as one would have had good executive ability - one who would be active in good works.]

[Note re C. case.  After the sitting of April 8, Isabella goes into trance, and under control of T. G. H. states that the lady seen by the various mediums was Mrs. C. At approximately the same time, Bessie, in her own home, also goes into trance and delivers the same message.]

April 12, 1936.

More information regarding this lady.  

Isabella (in trance): "Who is this little active lady I see?"

L. H.: "Look at her and tell me what she's like."

Isabella: "She is not tall, just a little taller than Mrs. Shand.  She is rather slender, not stout.  But she is so active, here one minute and there the next.  You will know her by that."

L. H.: "Tell me more about her appearance - what about her hair, for instance?"

Isabella (seems to be looking): "Yes, I see it.  It's brushed straight back, I think. And it is waved (or wavy - not sure which - L. H.).  She's pretty, too, has a nice face.  But she goes on about so quickly; everything is so important.  They say you will know her by that. (Isabella seems to be impressed on this point.) "You know her son."

Bessie (also in semi-trance): "It is Dr. Chown's mother that she sees."

Isabella's  stigmata  of Easter Sunday, April 12, 1936.

April 13, 1936.    The Stigmata Appear 

Although otherwise her own normal, happy, happy-go-lucky self, during the latter part of March and the first week of April Isabella now and again came to me and complained that she felt as if something were bound tightly about her brow, making it sore, and that drops of water were running down her face. Although there came to my mind the nature of the possible mental impact that might be coming to her from this unknown psycho-hypnotic source, I gave no hint of this, made light of the whole matter; and of course told her not to worry, and above all, not to imagine things.  Isabella seemed to have no idea whatever as to what the sensations might portend; the phenomena of the wounds of Christ being unknown to her so far as could be discovered, and the very word 'stigmata' not in her vocabulary.

In spite of this 'warning', so to say, I was totally unprepared for the nature of the manifestation which now took place.

On the evening of April 12, which was Sunday, and Easter, Isabella and I went to church and returned home thoroughly bored with the whole church service - dragging music, uninspired pastor, and so on.  There was therefore, no emotional disturbance of the mystical nature in Isabella's consciousness, non whatever, so far as I could afterwards remember.  Nevertheless, according to notes made at the time, the following occurrence took place.

"Isabella is beside the fire in the downstairs living room in extremely deep trance following the regular sitting.  L. H. alone is present.  R. L. Stevenson claims to have been with her.  She becomes more passive.  T. G. H. comes and gives Lillian his private sign.  Deep trance again very profound.  Medium suddenly begins to cry and calls out - 'I did not know I was such a wicked girl.  Oh, Jesus, what have I done.  Why are You so disappointed. What can I do for You?'  She sobs and falls over in her chair, profoundly entranced."

"When she awakens she has no memory of all this, but her right hand carries three small wounds, of which two are bleeding. (Lillian has held her hands throughout).  She does not seem  to know what they are and is not told.  Dr. Glen Hamilton, without knowing anything of the vision, examines them  and pronounces them  to be wounds; that is, stigmata.  Five small wounds are seen on her right shoulder.  They are older, beginning to heal over.  First noticed by the medium on the morning after the last sitting - that is, they appear to have followed the vision of the heavens opening and Jesus holding His hands out to the world."

Dr. Glen Hamilton's Report

I examined Isabella's hand and found on it three small circular wounds each about 1/16 of an inch in diameter.  Situated on the dorsem  of the right hand in the form of a little triangle.

All three were evidently very recent because they had a fresh clot of blood exuding from them .  They did not appear to be of any considerable depth.

In addition there were five on the right shoulder situated near the acronium process.  They were irregularly spaced in an area approximately an inch across.  These seem  to be of a similar formation to the ones on her hand.

[Signed: Glen F. Hamilton - April 13, 1936.]

April 13, 1936.        

In trance and complains of sore side.  Sees the Master.

April 15, 1936.        Periods of quiet sleep following  R. L. Stevenson and David Livingstone visions.  Partially awakens and says she has seen Jesus, that a cloud parted and He looked at her.  His eyes were full of sorrow.

April 15, 1936.

9:15 p.m.        Circle in.  Usual Group.

Dawn sees Stevenson and Livingstone come in the door. (In trance): "14 - 1912.  You don't know what that is ... April ... my great day."

H. Reed: "Was that the date of the Titanic?"

Dawn: "Yes.  April 14, 1912."

9:45 p.m.        Ewan commands Isabella to get up.  Red light on; shows her standing on her chair with hands stretched above her head.

Isabella jumps down when told to by Ewan. He makes Dawn do the same thing.

Mercedes: "I've got to attend to the old gentleman first."

Ewan: "Get up!  Put up your hands."

Mercedes does.

10:00 p.m.   Ewan still chattering about Dawn - food - etc., old gentleman. (Spurgeon?)

Mercedes: "He says he tried to speak to all the truth; but he was hemmed in by conventions.  He had the message relayed to those who listened.  Know the mystery of the man called Jesus.  You must be prepared to be crucified for your beliefs.  Your resurrection can start here in your own hearts.  Pontius Pilate thought he got out of it easily by washing his hands in a basin."

Ewan: "You may go now."

Mercedes: "You must be courageous in spite of the crowd."

Katie/Mercedes: "What is sapping the energy?  There is deep trance control but no work is being done.  This is Katie.  You have wasted your last two sittings.  You might try your old friend doing her little bit at the first of the sitting.  Mrs. Poole and her contacts are all with the mediums."

Mrs. Poole/Isabella: "Hello, hello!"

L. H.: "What about a double circle?"

Bell rings.

Mercedes: "It goes smoother when he conducts the circle and then stands aside while we enter, but keeps in touch through Dawn.

Gordon Chown: "Sixty minutes."

Mercedes: "I am now in full possession of Mercedes."

Ewan: "A small circle - concentrated.  Mercedes and girl change places.  Put chairs in center, Sun Yan between."

Dawn: "Do it now."

Bruce Chown: "You have a circle and a crescent."

Dawn: "Correct."

H. Reed: "Shall we sit for ten minutes?"

John/Ewan: "This is excellent.  Come again quickly."

Mercedes: "Do you use this room between sittings?"

L. H.: "We did a while ago."

Mercedes: "Use another room.  John King wishes to speak to you."

Ewan: "I am disappointed with what is going on.  Keep these mediums to their own controls.  Why has Lucy been kept away?  She was crowded out.  Let Walter talk to you through Dawn.  I will speak to you, I, John King."

Bruce Chown: "How are we to know?"

John/Ewan: "When I come, I will ring the bell, if I have my medium, Dawn."

Katie/Mercedes: "You always know when I come."

L. H.: "I see the light."

Dawn: "Do you know when Lucy comes?  Or do you have to be told?"

Bruce Chown: "I want to be told."

Gordon Chown: "Time is up."

Dawn: "Crookes wants to work here."

Ewan: "I will give my permission after the work is done."

Dawn: "Crookes has some mathematical suggestion ..."

Ewan: "Is anyone interested in that?"

Bruce Chown: " I am- very much."

John/Ewan: "Good night, my daughter."

April 15, 1936.                                                 Tuesday

[Letter from Mrs. Hamilton to Margaret:]
Mentions that Margaret is alone a lot - "... I could not do it - some kind of companion, at least, or I should be very blue.

"... Many do seem to have closed minds but they will soon know - these old ones - so the waiting will not be too long.

"... Jim just phoned from "Aggie" where, as you know, he is staying while exams are on and so far has found his two exams "all right".  He is afraid of Maths, I know.  They seem to be very abstruse and perhaps he needs to be older.  I feel that he is deliberately preparing himself to be a researcher; and because he needs Maths to help him evolve the necessary theories that metapsychics is going to demand if it is ever going to be linked up with the other sciences in a way that will command the respect of the high-brows - he had gone ahead with these particular studies.  Let us hope that the way opens for still further study under some really great teacher and that his physical and bodily strength grows, too, so that he can, in the fullest sense, make good.  Mrs. Digby Wheeler is greatly interested in him, I find, and does want him to carry on his father's work.  It is remarkable that she is so interested.

"... About the work.  The big group are all back on the job with, of course, (so far as the controls go) the old objective ahead of us - something through in the nature of objectives - what it is I have not the slightest notion.  But so far as individual mediums go - Isabella is at the present time by far the most astonishing.  Things are happening with her that I simply cannot explain - some of those things I am not talking about outside of the immediate members of my own family.

"... The various steps in her development are most interesting; also to trace the  R. L. Stevenson influence."

"... February:

"... Goes (for first time) momentarily into trance at Bessie's at a table sitting.  Whimpers, falls forward on the table - recovers consciousness and say that she does not know what happened; every thing just went black and that was all she remembered.  Table moves under her contact strongly.

Sits by the fire at home and sees an "eye" looking at her.
Jim and I and Isabella hold a table sitting.  Goes into trance a second time and makes sounds like Elizabeth made when she was in trance - hissing, stuttering sounds.  Hand makes motions of writing.  Paper and pencil brought - hand writes "T. G. H. and R. L. S.".  Following this her right hand whacks the table also as Mrs. Poole's did - spelling out a few simple words and her own name. [N.B. Sitting next day with  J. M.,  R. L. S. speaks and says he is going to use Elizabeth and Isabella - a medium within a medium, as it were.]

Sitting in Lillian's bedroom - Jim and Isabella present - also Lillian.  Isabella passes into exceedingly profound trance - falls from her chair to the floor.  Remains unconscious for nearly one-half hour.  Pulse good, breathing subdued; skin anaesthetic.  Muscular relaxation complete.  Returns to normal consciousness and says she has seen a road going up a hill; at the top, a little white church.

When normal claims to see "shapes" about the house at times.  These shapes are in the form of men.

[R. L .Stevenson visions begin.] Spontaneous trance by the fire-place in living room.  Pretends to be picking flowers.  Recovers consciousness and says she has seen a lovely flower garden; in it she sees, among other flowers, roses and heather (delightful touch).  Near by a little child in its night-gown. [N.B. Intended Symbolism: Child's Garden and Bedtime Poems.]

In trance again at still another fire-side sitting (Impromptu).  The garden comes again.  Heather in it again.  This garden is in a glen between high hills.  While in trance, the medium makes deaf and dumb signs with her hands.  In describing her vision she says that the little child near the garden (a little girl) makes signs with her hands. [Interpretation: The visions are to be regarded as "sign language".]

Following seven at the same sitting, the medium takes on a second  R. L. Stevenson picture.  She comes to a little pond and sees the little girl playing there.  She also sees a swing. [Symbolism: - two well-known  R. L. S. children's poems]
Big sitting going on up-stairs.  Isabella sits down beside the fire and goes to sleep.  A cloud comes before her; out of it comes a little sail-boat.  This leaves and she seems to be in a place where she comes to a Japanese house - or temple. [Probable Symbolism intended:  R. L. S. poem "In Foreign Lands".]

A school-room seen this time; many little children are present.  They are dressed in old-fashioned clothes.  One lad, the biggest one, a lad about fifteen, gets up and comes forward.  He is thin; has black hair, dark eyes; his hair is long, past his ears. [N.B.  An evidential picture of  R. L. Stevenson as a young lad.]

April 20, 1936.        

Jack MacDonald, Isabella, and L. H.  Jack in partial trance.  
Sterge comes, then Hauptmann (alleged kidnapper of the Lindbergh baby); the latter fails to speak clearly.  He seems overcome with remorse for his sins.  His mental agony is very great.  

T. G. H. speaks through Jack. 

Isabella falls to the floor in deep trance. Both mediums are quiet.  Castell (appeared in England to Vale Owen.  Claims to be one of the prophets who came before Christ. (Astreel?)) blesses the group.  

Isabella passes into a cataleptic state.  She has another vision of Jesus.  She seems to see Golgotha.  She cries out with sorrow.  Catalepsy passes.  She raises her arms and says the heavens are opening; that he will come again.  Livingstone,  R. L. Stevenson and T. G. H. follow and close the sitting.

April 21, 1936.        

Isabella passes into spontaneous trance in sitting room downstairs.  Placed on couch and becomes cataleptic.  

Vision of Christ.  Her voice whispers "I will come back.  I will not leave you alone.  They nailed me to a cross.  I will come back.  I will walk again among men."

Medium comes out of trance quickly; has no memory of vision.  Laughs and says she sees fairies in the room.  Watches their antics with great interest.  J. D. Hamilton and Glen Hamilton present throughout.

April 22, 1936.

Ewan; Dawn; W. Wood; Bruce Chown; Gordon Chown; B and H. Shand; L. H.; Lou Campbell; Isabella.

8:35 p.m.        Circle in.

Bruce Chown: "We want Walter."  Bell rings.
Dawn sings: "We're on Strike."

Mrs. Poole controls Isabella;  L. H. sees lights.

9:10 p.m.        Bruce Chown: "Isabella has her head on my knee."

Ewan: "She's a sly old girl."

Mrs. Poole/Isabella: "Walter's coming."

9:15 p.m.        Terrific din between Ewan, Dawn, and Isabella.  Singing, stamping.  Bell rings.  Noise increases.  L. H. sees lights.

9:20 p.m.        L. H. and Harold Shand see more lights.  Bruce Chown was pleased when the bell rang a second time.

Dawn: "The doctor  (T. G. H.) was beside him ( Bruce Chown) all the time."  Typical abusive talk.

9:35 p.m.        Gordon Chown calls "Time."

9:45 p.m.        Mrs. Poole/Isabella pats Bruce on the back: "We told the lady in the corner to tell us when time is up."

Bruce Chown: "We would like orders from Walter?"

Dawn (direct voice) "There are no further instructions."

Ewan: "John King stayed away.  He could do nothing without Katie."

10:05 p.m.   Circle closes.

Ewan: "Come again soon.  We have some great news.  So long."

Circle breaks.  Normal sitters go out.  Bruce brings the mediums out of trance; 

Bessie, in trance, reaches back to recorder (Gladys Chown) and whispers:"My Glad girl!"

Gordon Chown: "Why didn't you come sooner?"

"Oh, I did - but I had to stand back."

April 23, 1936.        

Following regular sitting with the medium, Dawn, Isabella again sees Him in trance.

April 23, 1936                                         Thursday

[Letter from Mrs. Hamilton to Margaret:]

"... I am very lonesome for you this morning - just can't stand it - but must - so there you are - a dead-lick, as it were.  Just waves of this kind of feeling and then it passes.  I do hope you can both get here for July as you planned - if not, I will just have to go down.

"... I am working on the MMS - and will soon have the Elizabeth part finished.  I have been working on trance, in which I find much that T. G. had written - all it needs is  reworking a bit and a slight re-arrangement.  I am also having a go at  R. L. Stevenson notes - it also having been previously pretty well done.  When I came to the teleplasms - here too the work has been covered so that - words are nearly parsed.  I found I was getting 'stale' - so took a few weeks off - so hence the slowness of the MMS coming to you.

"... The psychic work seems to be entering a new phase - What's ahead in the way of scientific proof I do not know, nor will I try to guess - but it's evident - to us - Walter's power here is very great.  The full group are back on the job in the big circle every Wednesday evening - and is Walter hard at it! - All his mediums were pounding and making a great noise (his red energy ---- method) and the bell rang twice as his sign and seal that he was really present.  Here is hoping that at last he gets it through.

"... Isabella's development is simply marvelous - never saw anything like it for speed.   She is a dear - so willing, so unselfish, and yet so well-poised and with few signs of hysteria. She is a real find.  Last night Walter had her huffing and blowing and hissing as well as any medium he has ever used.  She is placed next to Dawn so you know they find her valuable.  Her trance is very profound after she leaves the seance room as well - a new feature for me.  I put her on Daddy's bed last night - and not until 12:00pm did she come to herself.  In this part-trance deep sleep a number of  (to me) amazing things happened.

"... Again she seemed to see the man Jesus.  In a marked cataleptic state she spoke as follows:

"I saw the Master - he's tall and wears a long garment - He had something in his hand.  Then she seemed to speak for Him: "Where art thou, Peter?  Where is Paul?  Then following this came a picture from R. L. Stevenson and  D. Livingstone - the first of a Child's Garden - and the second in Africa with the beloved - I left her sleeping for about half an hour - normal sleep - Where she seemed to pass into even still another deep sleep she spoke:  'Lillian - this is Katie:  look at me - do I not look like myself?  (Isabella does look a little like Katie) Crookes is with me.  The work.  We will try again.  Let her sleep now'.
"...When Isabella finally came to normal consciousness she said she had seen a great light - the roof of the house seemed to be off and this great light streamed in.  Just beyond this light she saw a camel.
"...What does it all mean?  Is the picture of the Master conveyed by R. L. Stevenson and  D. Livingstone together?  I rather think so. I cannot think that He Himself could approach so near.  It is perhaps some strange transcendental influence directed through them.  But that it is transcendental I am certain.  The trance is too profound and the anaesthesia too marked not to be due to some outside cause of a supernormal type.  The rest of the group know nothing of this - the big group, I mean - I have told Jack and Hobbes and Dr. Allison - also the Turners - they appreciate it, but somehow for the others I know the time is not yet.

"...Then, in addition - you will love this - what do you think Isabella has seen in my house?  - Following Jack's sitting and after he had left - fairies: or rather - elves - Sterge's perhaps.  She seemed to see them quite clearly - one little fellow about as tall as a knife, she said, standing- leaning against the door-jamb of the door leading from the living room into the hall - he wore a romper, like a child's -- no coat - had a peaked hat and long spindly legs and long feet - the other little fellows were sitting on the rug in front of the door in the living room.

"...They seemed to have a little house there.  She saw them again the next night when we were all four - Glen - Jim - Isabella and myself - sitting by the fire - one on Glen's shoulder and one in Jim's packet in the edge.  She is fully normal when she sees them - and very cool and calm about it - takes it as for granted as Poole did.  The boys are tremendously interested and impressed - Glen says he absolutely believes it.  Jim, too, a reaction I would hardly have looked for.

"... I do hope they appear when you come home.  We will try to keep them.  They send their love to wee madam and her hubby.

April 24, 1936.        

In trance, has vision of Jericho and sands.  Seems to see the Master and cries out that she cannot preach; that she is too unlearned.

April 29, 1936.

Ewan; the Chowns; Mercedes; Dawn; Isabella; L. H.; B and H. Shand; W. Wood; R. Campbell; H. Reed.

8:50 p.m.        Circle in.  Bell rings three minutes after first hymn begun.  

Ewan, in trance, asks: "Why didn't Sun Yan and Mercedes come last time?"

L. H.: "He was out of town; and Mercedes' husband was not well."
Ewan: "Don't let it happen again."

H. Reed: "It likely will."

Dawn: "Lillian!"

Lillian: "Yes."

Dawn: "Look who's here!" (Apparently T. G. H. introducing someone.)

Dawn: "Don't you know me?"

L. H.: "I think I do."

Dawn: "I want my baby! ...  It's taken away from me! (Sobbing).  I'm Kitty!  Kitty Alder!  I want my baby!: (more sobbing.)"

L. H.: "We'll try.  Come again."

Ewan: "Let her come at another sitting.  We can't get on with this work."

9:15 p.m.        Mercedes: "Mrs. Poole is here and has Spurgeon with her.  He wants us to sing 'Jesus Doeth All Things Well'"

L. H. and Harold Shand see Katie's light.

9:30 p.m.        Mercedes: "Good evening, my friends.  This is Lucy.  It is quite a time since I've been speaking to you.  Although these entities are talking of matters of no importance, they keep others from using these mediums.  You must be prepared for periods of silence.  Time should not be wasted on conversation of no importance.  We have waited a long time for the work that is .... otherwise the mediumship will evaporate.  I'm speaking of my own medium.  You must not allow other characters to use her; you are wasting her energy.  I have been many years in this work.  I understand her and I'm with her most of the day.  I know my thoughts; they are not hers, they are mine.  I do hope your faith and patience will be rewarded."

Bruce Chown: "Very good of you, Lucy.  Walter?"

Walter/Dawn: "I am here.  Don't get tense."

Ewan: "When I'm talking the other entities can't come."

Dawn: "I told you I'd give you lots of time.  Don't open your cameras."

Bruce asks about the materialization and photographs.  Controls say photo is easier.  Bruce Chown comments that a photo is better for scientific papers.

Dawn: "It's up to John and Katie.  They would rather give you the materialization."

Bell rings.
Walter/Dawn: "Just a moment.  I didn't ring the bell.  It was Ham.  He wanted to be sure."

Bruce Chown speaks to John/Ewan re photo or materialization.

Ewan: "Is easier to get a photo.  We've never succeeded with a materialization.  These things are governed by laws ... you would have to have Ewan and Mercedes in complete trance."

Bruce Chown: "Our time is getting short."

Discussion re plans for couches for mediums.  Bell rings.  Katie speaks asking for two small group sittings to advance the work.  Remarks that Lucy is an excellent control, coming here as relaxation from her other work.

10:10 p.m.   Circle closes.  Sitters go out.  The mediums remain.

Walter/Dawn: "When you get this picture, remove all the cameras.  Place seats at the back.  Then Katie and John will work on this materialization ... The smaller group is better but we need the larger group from time to time.  Do not let mediums remain longer than the specified time."

L. H.: "I see Katie's light again."

Walter/Dawn: "Our friend, the doctor (T. G. H.) is taking up other work.  He is concerned over his son - the one who is taking up his work ... something concerning his personal affairs.  He's to forget it, turn his back on it."

L. H. takes Bessie out of room.  Ewan on the floor.  Dawn again "feels" "Kitty". Describes her as short, fair hair, a long face - name Kitty Alder."

Later, downstairs, after tea, Dawn puts down her cup, puts hands over her eyes.  We wonder if she is going into trance.  She shudders, looks up, says "Kitty Alder is dead."

Earlier Lou had said Katie Alder was in Vancouver and expecting a baby.

Dawn goes on: "Yes, she's dead.  The doctor just told me.  She's over there with him ... she was all right at Easter. George (Dawn's son) stayed with someone at Mather, and she was all right then.  She died, having the baby."  

Dawn was very upset and went to L. H. in her bedroom.

Bruce Chown in T. G. H.'s room with Isabella in trance, who says: "A wonderful piece of work with Dawn has been done tonight."

[Comment: on May 6, on the way to 185 Kelvin, Ewan tells the Chowns that Mr. Wood had phoned a Mr. Richmond in the Grain Growers' and inquired after his sister-in-law, who used to live in Mather.  He was told that Mrs. Richmond (nee Kitty Alder) had died two weeks previously, giving birth to a baby boy.]

[Is this the Kitty Alder who at one time sat in the Hamilton circle and then moved to Vancouver?  I think so. Why is there no mention of this here?  W.D.F.]